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Show 12, 1961 May Page 7 BUNDING Streets. Little League Plans Shaping Rates Want-- Ad b line 10c per 50e miniBum Boundary. Administrators have begin making plans for the forthcoming little league season. This year the little league will be divided into two divi. first fop insertion 8 per line with 40c minimum for subsequent Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perkins are the proud parents of a little boy bom early Monday morn- ing at the 8th May San 6 Juan He lbs 2 ox weighed and makes the second boy for the Perkins. tyiey also have two Hospital. sions, Major and Minor. Boys and 9 will be in fclnor league, boys 10,11,12 will be in major 6 league. In the year 1957 Blanding City entered into a long range Street Program Improvement gravelling grading, the Corporate ill streets within a width .of minimum limits to twenty feet, lighting each inw tersection, naming and numbering each street and providing each place of business with home and meeting of all last year sponsors will be held in the City Hall at 8 p.m. Wednesday, an address. Following congregational song, "Hope of Israel" a prayer by Kaye Black f mercury vapor lamp. A t aimed, a and paving is the status . of runs of that' program to aate: 10. 3 miles of city streets same copy with every girls to welcome the little one. May 17th. have been paved and are in good 5th run free 8 BABIES IN 8 DAYS AT condition. Leaving approximateDisplay advertising MONUMENT VALLEY HOSP. SEMINARY GRADUATES GET ly 2.07 miles nill to be done. in Want-A- d columns 80c May 1, a boy born to Henry and PINS AT PROGRAM FRIDAY Of the balance uncompleted, .95 mile is proposed for the calenIhe seminary Pin Presentation per column inch Mary Lou Parrish, Kayenta. of isftl. Card of Thanks 10c a May 5, a boy born to Allen and was held May 5, at 7: 30 p.m. in dar09year of 7 3 intersections have LDS Chapel. Anna Bedoni, Kayenta. the minimum 81 been lighted with a 750 watt line with The program consisted of a May Key and Jane Tom consecutive 5, of received a boy. Dennehotso, . Dr B A OPTOMETRIST to Jackson and May 6, a Broughton, Optometrist, is in Etta Rock of girl Oljato fo Blanding every Thursday. For appointments call Mrs Sue May Ausmus 2491 Graves FX)R RENT- -- Modern Apartments $1500 per week in Bluff All of utilities W. W, girl. 7, a boy was born to Lawrence and Carol Big of Mexican Chevron Simpson, -- TOMATOES & PEPPERS Contact Neldon Holt RENT. apartment. Nicely furnished and conveniently See or call Hurst bed-roo- m lo-oat- ed. BICYCLE REPAIRS. . . also and small- wagons. and Used Bikes for Sale. - Tricyeles Conoco Lyman Service Station Blanding For SEE QS Furniture and Applianoe , Store. Phone ARE YOU an brick home. at Graves approved. Box 2491 ap- 25 & over per doz. California Wonder Bell 50c CABBAGE per doz. Danish Ballhead years old. FHA Contaot Dan Pendl358, Blanding, Utah. Bronson, Pins were presented by Bishop Grant L. 13ayle3, Seminary High Council Representative. The students were congratulat-- Sar. Juan W. Teacher Seminary Redd, Parrel Lazenby. A musical solo was given by Hazel Grover, "Say Not Love is A and the Dream" 8-3- 211. let e this program. A Master Street plan adopted by the City streets have been named bered in accordance rlan, some hes been Council, or num- th street si, ns e - plaoe and materials are on to complete xhis rrorjr. hand d ch residence and place of ':u iuess !ias Just now been assigned a n address. congregation wet in the Relief Society room for refreshments of Ice Cream Roll served by the class. The Hat. , Joey and Mattha Lee of Chichimbeto received a girl. May 8, Lee and Paulino Toda-che- ne May 7 While You Watch EGG PLANT per doz. Bl&ok Beauty 50c on the newest, PETUNIA 50C fastest end most accurate wheel BEDDING per doz.40C Super Majestio Mixed ASTER per doz. HO & SUPPLY o)IUI 50c Mixed DEVON HUBST Between 3rd & 4th So. on 3rd Vest Pkom23J51 A-- 1 DiuLLmo company SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION WATER WELLS DIAL OR Give Books to tho BOX balancing machino in town AAliljj' BLANDING Giant Grego Wilt Resistant Plain Colore the in closing prayer 8-2- 317. OR to hand on Laterials was by Johnny Conway. Copenhagen Market SNAPDRAGON Bedroom Home, musi- of shonto reoeived a boy. Mardi Gras 3 3 PEPPER older, Contaot or 2436 4u eaoh Fire Chief FOR SALE. . . TWo narrow beds with inners pring mattresses. May be used as couches. Prloed reasonably. Cliff Palace Motel Phone 7 this p.m. less than OR make an in FOR SALE- -- Fh. 8-2- 422. today to see after 530 eton. OR If go, bargain 4 bedroom o bar- to your expanding due pointment Sue Used! bursting at the family? real . Western Auto Associate gains seams perdoz. favorite varieties Phone 2016 Agency. New pimi TOMATO Psalm." President of the Stake, President Leland VEGETABLES Modem Stanley by Twenty-thi- rd and PLANTS FOR SALE one cal solo Kay Black ed by HOT BED Bluff, Utah Station FOR Clarence and Allene of Blanding received a May paid. Inquire . 7, a talk by Wilma are com. 504 AGENT FOR EflffELRO OGOOTEiaS "come in and take a ride11 14261 .crib 7 BUHDUtG, 01X9 (Mphb AMERICAN o faltofcsf SEE OUR COMPLETE SUPPLY OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AT THE 3TY mm LM ... (FORMERLY UTCO) me RIDGE CAFE L3C Imp - brake mpis |