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Show ' Blandin Outlook Published in the Interest of VOLUME 3 B landing Stabe Conference Brans Visiting Speaker derway in Chambers pertinent agreements. Briefly the agreements provide that State Fish and Game will pay the total cost of the enl&- rgement projeot while in return the City will agree to maintain a suitable water level for keeping fish in the lake on a year-round (Mormon) in Salt 13-1- of the quarterly oonferenoe Churoh's San Juan Stake. Conducting the conference will be Stake President Inland W Redd, Blanding, Utah. general sessions, to the publlo i s invited, will be held at ,10a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Montloello Ward Chapel, Montloello., Utah. Bishop Isaacson was a teacher, Sunday's principal, coach and distriot 0 Ninos M Monday Streets ten will be : real-coati- ng traction. applied. The is divided paving program into six projeots as follows: 2nd South street between and 5th West streets. 5th West Street between street West 1st between 3rd 3rd West street between and 5th North Street. East and Eastern City Limits PAGE prominent life insur- ance and real estate figure. He has served 12 years on the Board of Trustees of Utah State Un- iversity, including seven terms as a chairman, and four years on the University of Utah Board of Regents Saturday evening, a meeting will be held priesthood leaders, and parents are invited to a session on family living and youth development. for 7) Judges will have a wide assortment of girls to choose from if early indications oount. A survey of polling places yesterday evening showed that 9 girls had already received Queen" votes. Under the voting procedure it will be impossible to tell hew many votes a candidate reoeives until ftfter the eleotion is over but the nine girls so far enter- O ed are t Shirley Palmer, "ansene Denison, Fraaoine Shussmy, Kay Harris, Dianna Johnson, Dorothy Bliokenstaff , Shumway, Cathie Nalda Kermalee Helqulst, and Blaok. explained to OUTLOOK, the reoeives the largest girl vho votes is not neoessar number of ily going to be ' Frontier Queen. The candidates object 1 n As . soliciting Votes is to obtain the thousand votes necessary for a position group. in the "olegibillty and her attendants be will ohosen from the eligibility group on the basis of Die Queen appearance, personality, formance, talent, panel of Judges. per- and poise by a contest is open to all single girls who live in Blanding, and are between the ages The of 16 and 24. Voting is being 4 oonduoted at business houses! Parley Redds, Blanding Mere, Pay Day DpUg, and Western Auto Store. Votes for eandldates oost a penny iaeh with prooeeds going to pay, expenses of the Frontier Days celebration. The oolobtation oosmlttee states that onoe a vote is oast it oarmot be ohanged refunds be mads dates who drop out. any nor will to candi- presented the plan. to 'ra. i.lvvt 3?.id ers, ccr-mission- in con- Lein." shorten road nr.ri and Rlufl' between the distance Tucson or Holbrook by 100 miles . Another spokesman Mnphr.Mzod north-sou- th that the route wo .Id hr.ve ;ret local value in serving Vohonodls. Boundary Butte rind other o;l nd -- develop- - nts. the major problems involved is ihat the project reof One Information for Prospective Blood Bocors quires a bridge cross the Jan Juan River. legates wars the .aies.sing that bridge world fourth of a milprobably cost f lion dollars. The county Commissioners Persons between the ages of 16 accompanied by hr. Adorns and and 60 will be eligible to donate blood at the drawing here Lene i oushee of bla1!- vill meet ?.t Jindow Tuesday, Nay 16, according to with Tribe officials information distributed by the itock to discuss the plan. - American Red Cross. Single men, lb -- 23 must have written consent of parents or guardian but girls without 18 or over nay donate permission. Their information advised that no person could make over 5 donations a year and that a donor must weigh over 110 pounds. Persons who have had Jandiee may donAto, but their blood will bo used for a different purpose. Matters of. allergies and immunizations will bo considered by - "Frontier to Neva Jo Route No. 1. Donald Adams, Konticello, rrr.o road 4th built on the reservation, th.t the proposal would provide a Terrace School. 4. would junction with other roads between Street Hava jo irirove-men- ts include r.n 1 ccess The 2nd streets. street. 4th Red Cross Issues became a of ...luff south miles . West and Park administrator, before he ibout 10 this summer, and the and were reported to be in lire streets in the Continent-- 1 Vista for early development by the Sub Division will save a Navajo Tribe as a tourist at- (COL. school located Poncho House Ruins arc paved 5th North ' which blocks of City 1 about County, and 5th North will be the featured speaker Saturday and Sunday, May 4, during a San Juan WEATHER Saints y and Jlandir. Ccr.r.isTionors County o 1st Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson, the First Counselor of the Presiding Bishoprio of the Church of Jesus from Commerce to discuss ,hf possibilia road frorr. iiighrsy 47 of ties near south t o lonc-.Subject to a cooperative douse Bluff, ruins. agreement being worked out with South and 1st North PRANK WRIGHT with to get Pavement basis. Curt.oy i o Monticello sluff, net Additional Streets the very near future. City man, Bud Nielson, reports. Plans and specifications for the projeot, drawn by Holder Ehave been ngineering Service, approved by the State and Utah Fish and Game officials are expected in Blanding today to sign Lake City, 19 NO. 12, 1961 Reservoir Enlargement of Latter-da- MAY Early Start Expected on the Enlargement City's upper reservoir should get un- Christ of ioe Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities UTAH , FRIDAY , BLANDING, I'.'iormon fen$ the PRICE the physician in charge. Fesr Elaycre Vie for Tropby TflKOTOO Four Mayors of Southeastern Cities will vie . for the Utah row in the highly quarter mile horse In the race will Wiley Redd was taken to the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City PresMonday morning by his son, ton. ' Noab tomor- publicized race. K.s be Mayor Morris Nelson, Peaoook, MoBougald, Moabj WILEY REDD IMPROVING Montloello lire enr iverj IN SALT LAKE HOSPITAL Blanding. J. at Lions Club Trophy Ellis R. and Wm. Hurst, In preparation for the event. Mayor Hurst has oarried on daily workouts for several weeks. He is reported to be suf- has chosen to ride a sorrel bladder horse, named Perky, belonging to fering from a gall He attaok but aooordlng to a report Edward Dutohio. Dutchie acquired the animal from the family physician, Dr. ,W. Wall on, to Mrs. UiVar Iyman yesfrom Earl Perkins, hence the terday (Thursday) Mr. Redd is name "Perty. responding to treatment and is somewhat improved. After further ttie Seminary Graduation will treatment, surgery is planned. be held May 16 at 7 30 p.m. in Mrs. Redd husaoeompanied her the LDS Chapel. Joined Hie pibllc is o invited there by a daughter, Mrs. Ida There attend. will' be a Mas Markam who is a registered and the presentation ofprogram the nurse of Provo. diploma. band to Salt Lake and was . t : aminer - driver's llosnse In Blanding until June NOTICE No V .. ex- 1 ' The four-ye- ar students will receive special certificates. . |