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Show Page 4 as BLANDING OUTLOOK able to dispose of Up & Down the Street c 1:0 cai Mrs. Aaron and hr. Harvey had iheir Christensen in house guest last week and Mrs. Hugh Robinson Louise end, hr. and son Alien of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Britta Bradford accompanied The ' . Spending a wonderful weekend in Phoenix, Arixona were Kiss Oak i making dnesday were n Seeley, and their leader, Leamington. and last trip old Hurst, Brent Helquist, City, and Krs Park Terrace School mothers were guests Whitoar Scouts menaces. Danny Shumway, Calvin Black, Gary Palmer, Har- John Norman Lundell the Primaries of Blanding Wards held their All Three last Conference Sunday this year The theme their is taujrt Thurs- Kay Haying with mother's Mis high heels proved to be unfortunate for little tvro year old Fatty Fatter-- on, daughter of the J. T. j Pattersons. Trying to go down the cellar steps the little Kiss fell and had to be taken to the doctor, to have stitches taken in . a bad cut the above eye 'last Sunday. Mr. and Irs. Charles lioraedew and three children were visitors to the central part of the State for the past weekend. They visited Krs. honeaews' sisters hrs, Betty Christensen and Mrs. FREE! Lda AID HEARING CLINIC MONTHLY are cordially invited to attend a special one day consultation Clinic on hearing aids conducted by day, the ! served' by .the past presidency of the p.T.A,, Krs. Audrey Halliday ind Mrs. adine Bayles. Beet Palmer accompanied b y Joe Tree was in Denver. Colorado business for the E'apmer Gas Company for a few days this week Mrs. Leslie H. Harris is confined to, the hospital' in Monti-ce- ll o with the flu. Mrs. Emily Redd is caring for her small baby while her other children are stayin, with friends. Babies blessed in the Bland ing on were three of Gordon son Rjy, boys, Max Mr. and Mrs. Falser) Kirk J. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mormon Nielson j and Richard Allen, sort of Mr. and lira. Jimmy Winters. Little Jim Hurst, toy year old 3 on of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hurst excaped serious injury 'ihird Ward Sunday little i J supper at their home. After the delicious meal they enjoyed playing "Bunko", with the prizes for high and low score going to Guests Joe and Marilyn Lyman. were Bruce and Carol Black, Nel-d- on Joline Holt, Ellis and Palmer, Parrel and Marba and Mab&l opportunity makes will have an to take a free to examine the improvements, i n bligation, and hearing aids displayed in our wide range of attractive new models. See the new Jubilee' for people who do not wear glasses. This is a free monthly service conducted by the 23 BELTQNE UTAH CO., East Salt Lake Broadway, by a Supplies for all available. w MV Hi ONE for POLICY Dad, Mom, and present and future. For further details about this Children, remarkable new plan Phone 2306 BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company A deer caused an acFriday night. J. .T. herd of cident last Fatter son was coming home in his pickup from Konticello when he ran on to the deer, and in order not to hit them, he wrecked his and Harold Mfcsley equipment to Mt, pickup. Kr. Patterson suffered bruises and a sprained ankle. Don Smith ommrnm q CHUB OS rnssmsm nave roved some and Moroni, Utah where they have plumbing contracts on Plr-asan- t schools being nc--v built in the two towns. , makes City are two-wee- ebraska. - She had been ks visiting - Mr. ana Mrs. Bob (Gen) Newberry, and small daughter Kathleen. It has been a year since Mrs. Palmer had seen her daughter. The cast was taken off the arm of Mark hershi, small son of Hr. and Krs. Clark Hershi or. Kgnday, About four weeks ago vihile playing he fell, breaking a bone in his wrist. Word came to Mrs. Charles Har- ' arion Black. Mrs. blessed in. the Second Sunday were Donalyn, daug- Babies Ward hter of Mr. and Mrs. Ployd aleakj snd Jan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Leo Black. Baptized were Allyn Asa B. Laws, and Boyd Harvey, Laws . ohn J o f The notice of the death Sophis Patton was received in landing this week. She was the late Charlie Patton, wife of the grand son, Kline Carrol, formerly of Blanding, was at a Track Meet in 'Poison, well Montana (where they now reside ) and had the misfortune of break- nine childrpn, Her burial took place in the Pays on cemetery ing his arm. yesterday. . Two little May 11th. fellows, GElD SPECIAL LOW PRICE on famous Pittsburgh Jense Mrs. Scott Hurst, and Bruce James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clisbee Ly- hr. J. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! in the First Harris and twe daughters, Lucy Harris and Josephine Bayles, went to Henefer, Utah to attend the funeral of Fir. Harris's brother David s oar :ivv v:?:;: Harris, B, who passed away in poor health for the past six year 8 and was a worker in the St. George Temple until the time of his .death. He has enjoyed painting when he felt like it in his . last years and has done some , 2676 Rea. PRO. 2907 beautiful work. Mrsi Doris Karr is (availobl in White, including mildew and fumeresistant White, and fourteen ready mixed body colors) MV BMLBSBS improving nicely. at the St. harks Hospital in Salt Lake City after her recent operation Mr. Karr's sis- ter PER GALLON at. the age of 78, in St. George, Utah this week. Mr. Harris has been Area's Largest Stock of Residential and Connercial Wiring Supplies 035 Neilson, son of Bishop and man were blessed Ward Sunday. PRO. mmn known around this country. She was a trained nurse from Norway and the couple raised vey that her Explorers of the Third Ward went on a porcupine hunt on Elk Ridge recently. They were from Kansas has been oaring for the .children while their mMr. Karr and his other is 'away. i f. it w, The Bus. j Lazenby and the Lymans. with her daughter and husband, , you problem, all suffer a hearing you hit v:i x-r- ays E without charge on of hearing aids. If Mon Jay when 7- v.' multi-purpo- se amazing DELTONE-SEOVK- . 4th, Kay electronic test, without o- - FAMILY PLAN HYRUM . PORTER In a ti the parents what in Primary in keeping Mr. and Krs. Floyd Nielson and car backing and Mrs. Joe Neilson attendout of the driveway. Luckily Mr. Fair-viehe wheels missed him. He was ed a funeral last week in Utah for the father of taken to the physician in Monti -and Jr. Val Sundwallj Mrs. Sundw&ll cello where he had (lla) is a sister of the Neilson was kept in the hospital 2. brothers, hours for observation before behr. and Mrs. Loren Black were ing released. from their Mrs. Guy Palmer returned home here last weekend New home Mexico to in Fruitland, Tuesday night from about a home at Mr. the and Mrs. of .is it Black stay in Flattsmouth, NMand Mr. and Zenos You HERE'S THE MAN with thQ all-in-o- ne night. the thought Hot One Child a held in with at tea Be Lost ." oandra Stevens . The girls stayroom at the Mr. and Krs. .Bumard Black ed at the Remada Inn and spent A School. Elementary Blanding the were business callers at their time shopping, sightseeing talk was School Nurse, by 'given Hat on Saturday. Mexican and visiting. Mrs. Jill Bayles, and a film, mill at Butt enCalvin and Krs. Kr. Sylvan Johnson and son ftyan "How Wonderful a is it being couples spent a few days in the Capitol Girl", was shown. Refreshments tertained five other ham on buffet business this week. Sity of root beer and oookies were Saturday night at a Kiss Hellene Perry f left to visit the patient. "The brief way was Gospel Path." it was shown the Blending ..Elementary and the . Jtand the children stayed with their Aunts while ; the Home dews went to Mantl, taking in two Sessions at the Temple on Saturday. The Sixth Grade girls of both the Robinsons, on their return tc Salt Lake City. Lea nanneran. Kiss Lovell little the family of 35 May 12 9 1961 for Salt Lake We- SfflrvLV PHONE ORchard 8-2- 081 TYTT |