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Show t May 12, 1961 mxm Awards were ns hat Page 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK By ANITA MONTICELLO NEWS GRAMES presented to Boy Jato Sunday. Bbth the minister? Scouts and Cub Scouts at a Court and his wife are Suffering from of Honor Monday night. Scouts broken backs and bther Injuries. R. ROffLEY MARILYN came from Salt by Mrs. Eva Black fashion receiving tenderfoot badges were They were taken tb Monument Vaspending several weeks there to Irvine Lupe, Frank Mecham, and lley Mission Hospital. Lawrence Their be near her husband, Raymond Maloney. Mr. Alvin children are being cared for by Blaok, who is undergoing treat- Gaudio spoke about summer camp Mr. and Mr3. Bob Maurice. ment in ths Veterans' Hospital, which the 3oy Scouts will attend Guests at the home of Buck Mr. Blaok is reported to be mafrom Une 5th to 10th. Bradshaw This is Mrs. over the weekend were king better grogress now. an Buok's Black return to the Salt to certainly brother and family, Mr. experience experts boys and Mrs. Dwain Bradshaw from Wlake City this weekend. will long remember. Cub Scouts Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anerson are receiving awards yoming. Frank Pinch is in Monurhent Visiting in Monti cello with Mrs. were Ken Pehrson, Wolf, one silver and one gold arrow point; Valley Mission Hdspitkl. Frank Andersen's mother, Mrs. May o ' j j dresses were the Women show Modeling who have o u r s e completed the sewing o which was sponsored by the San : Juan County Extension Service. Dave Christensen and Phil RoMonti-cell- o llins, shop teachers from and San Juan High Schools, fere in Logan o er the weekend. Ihey attended t h e Industrial Arts Concent ion at Utah State University. A shower Bailey. ltidy camft from their Tuesday personal Archie Leinigaf was home Over home in S&li Bake City to spend ow point; Miss honored Shirley evening ThS two year service pins; bride-to-b- e. Hostess- -' Eugene the weekend. family pliuis Mother'd Day here; Harrison, The fowitieelld rinrd Relief So Quintana, Bear, one gold arrow to return home frori Salt Lake es were Miss Ann Halliday. and Mike Warren, "olf, one gold arrBobby Apiand, Bear, is freling much better nowi ( point; Eugene Pehrson, Lion, one next month sometime. gold arrow point; and Mike Lion, one gold arrow point. Birthday congratulations Clyde Wick Par-ti- n, go arrived heri engineer to teke to place. Bill a s' Thompson a An Cornelia Squires, who celebrated overnight guest at the hfime were Gl anna's May 9th by having a party for of Bruoe Stevens brother all her friends. Sylvan Johnson who was Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kolisch and on bUsinesd for the Western Auto arnily went to Creed, Colorado Store. Anna Pehrson and Ruth Partin their long change. Mrs. Bill Kolish returned with them for a attended a Den Mothers learning time. Program in Montlcello this week. Glenna Stevens Part of our square dance club Beverly atHarrison went to Stake Primify Journeyed to Fry Canyon to tend a Square Dance Session over Preparation Meeting in Monticel-l- o Or and there with very nioe people. Everyone had a lovely time. GMr. and. Mrs. oing from here were Saturday. Seminary Convention The annual Youth Seminary San Juan Stake LDS Convention of the held in Monti oello Saturday, May 6. Seminary students from Blanding as well as Montlcello and Mo ib attended. The principal speaker at the was program Was Southeastern oordinator. owed by Utah Uespain, Seminary. C- The program was foll- a movie and a banquet. Guests at our Leather draft in,-s- . Ovel Wilhite is the manClub Tuesday evening Were Ruby ager for the team this year. Bill Roberts, Mr. and Mrs Char- Bronson arid Ruth Palmer. Mrs; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jacobsen and Gift Bronson Mr. has Mrs. Allan the and in les Squires, Shop family have moved from Everett Grames, and Jan Treat. Blanding and they were interestNeff's trailer court to Koab, rte ed cerwere what James Harold Black and son in Utah. doing in we another have have been spending their Vacaamics, project Speed and Jerry rice are goon Tuesday night. tion in Milford, Utah. ing to Caliente over the week Mrs; Rose Nugent and son Allen end to visit Guests at the home bf the mother, Mrs. o n Irene Christen?: er. and Speed's falph Van Arsdales were Virgin- were visiting Myrtl Hunt Tcm Dula. Mrs. ia's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rcy Thursday; sister, The dedication of the Hospital The 7th Day Adventist Church Myers from Rioo, Colorado. VirMonument Valley was held lists the following men as hav- Thursday and people from many ing generously donated labor in been visfiting here turned home with her parents. parts of the country were there. the construction of their new Marie Wilhite is visiting Mrs. The hospital has all the modem hospital: Wilson Tso, a friend who conveniences and is certainly Rith Rei chard, Bruce Stevens, -. welcomed by he people of MexiMelvin Tso, Ralph Van Arsdale lives in Gilman, Colorado, Jack Hhsrson. . Rev. Gordon and his family oan Hat. Jr., Morris Brown, The girls Soft Ball Team Frac- - Bill Goforth, were involved in an Clarence (Rusty) accident ooming here for church from 01- - tices Monday and Thursday even- - Johnson, and Ralph Cross. who had i oooooooooooodooooooooooooooooooooooooo your home with A PORTED WALTON O Summers. Mr. ana Mrs. Marion Hazleton, , Cooper Jones, and Firs, la3t week where they at- Jones spent' a day of in Junction Cranci to business. tended A trip was camping her3. K. and Mrs. Mr. parents, i in ginia's sister, Helen Leavell, re- even-in- i' here with' visit weekend day was report- very lajoyable ed by those in attendance. A that birthday celebration at the Doyle Rowley home. Present. were Mr. and Mrs. Redd, Mrs. Rowley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfred Frost, and Mr. and Mrs F. Bennion Redd. Mrs. Arthur Redd and two little girls came from Moab for a Ward C. Miss Elizabeth Larsen. L. Frank Redd celebrated his 70th birthday Friday, May 5 Ills children honored him with a ' Jlen to. the by a enjoyed group of Montlcello people his past weekend. In the group were Nr. and Mrs. LaV--- Abrams, Mr and Mrs. I orris elson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ellertson, Mrs. Dawn Boyle and children, and Mrs Beta Adams and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nielson came Canyon Daw r to attend from Los Alamos, N. M. the funeral Christensen. f, Mrs. Ftyrtle Ihey were Joined here by their daughter, faauine, who is attending business colThe lege in Balt Lake City. Nielsons were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ld. ards 'nd l'ir and Mrs. Lloyd Barton. The Monument Valley Hospital dedication o attracted a 'lhur-da- y local people. g Frs. ana Mrs. O Hamilton, Marian Mrs. son, o ton, Mrs. larks, and Mrs. o Jean Gresko. After the the o tion they toured inspected its o building facilities. o are inandSalt F. Bennion City this o for business purposes. o Frost o invited a group of Alfred friends to their o hear Saturday evening to Shirley Harrison o sent Miss an evening vocal music. o accompanied at the plane the o sionMrs.of Frost. a pleasant evening number of them we e Among Mr. and Mr. Mr. and Vera Lloyd Ron NielHazle- dedica- ceremony ana mo- dern Mr. Redd week Mrs Lake Mr. and Mrs. C. home pre- ov She was conclu- At by o delicious light refreshments o served. Carter o here the o with theirspentfamilies. retur o to Minersville are constructing a o they will school. o elementary o Joined is out.their families are most were and Fudge Cal and Jack : weekend They Pehrson ned Monday new They o o o sohool by be when Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fox, parents of a baby boy, cond child, born May Thomas Dee Memorial Qgden. Mrs. Fox Kathleen Jffi oooooooooooooooooopoopppoooooodOOOoo where Her W. Redd parents, two wfeekjj . Hospital in is the former f. Montlcello. and Mrs. John been , visiting in Mr Rodd, have Qgdeh wi'wh o their se4, at the the Foxes the paet . |