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Show Glass Company Will MQNTICELLO Conduct Canning News Items Dy Mrs. H. L and preaehing service Health through Better "Better Nutrition is possible - and on a food budget", says Miss at limited Hattie Kilgore, staff member of Glass Manufacturing Mr. and lira. Gordon Wood came the Kerr hone from Grand Junction Friday. Corporation. Mis3 Kilgore will be in Bland-ln- g They report Herbert Newell as at the L.D.S. Churoh, June serious Improving after his 11:00. Out Demonstration Disks Sunday School at 10 a.m. each Sunday at the San Juan Community Churoh ad 2W Sa 1st at 2:00 p.m. and in operation. Christensen returned to her hurses training at Holy Cross Hpspital Sunday after a months vaoation at hone. . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Christensen have moved back to the ir home in Montlcello after a few weeks in June Karen where demons will give she Monti-cell- o, at 2:00 p.m. 2nd SPECIALS FDR FRI. & SAT. OlEN SUNDAY 10 AM - 7 IM canning t rat ion3 All methods of canning will be demonstrated or discussed and information on freezing will be given. Homemakers who plan to Blending for Mrs. Christensen's can or freeze tha surplus from garden and orohards should not health. Elmer Bailey is a hospital miss this opportunity to gain patient since Wed. of last week. pointers that will be helpful Mrs. Robert Christensen took the year around. "All ladies of the oounty her daughter Barbara and .Lenore interested in Gonzales to Grand Junction shopcanning are welcome and encouraged to attend " ping Saturday. She visited her oousinf Herbert Newell, at the I Steak hospital. USDA CHOICE ROUND USDA CHOICE fashion show at the High Friday drew a big crowd and was a really worth while The School T-B- ONE affair. 90 year old Navajo Indian Hastien Hash Kaan who had been a OTie hospital patient Saturday night passed By away FRESH Anna Broun and Mrs. Bert Warren and Carolyn were shopping in Grand Mr. Mr. and left Junction Saturday. Mrs. George Slavin end Mrs. tion. Fri. on their 3 Ripe City. They in hall. Since returned horns The Page 12 BLANDING May OUTLOOK 22, 1959 new store in IPetatoes Russetts or Reds PINT Dog Food GAINES Montezuma Post is nearing completion and should be opened In Trading June I . NEW BANKING HOURS 3 FOR 12 Oz. effective MAY Lb 49c I Celo 1 Lb. Bag .we have had a broken water line and a broken well, home Sunday. water beeome a precious item has Mr. Mrs. and The reception for El Paso. We all hope everyMax Black held at the Ace Holden at home Saturday evening was a very thing will be fixed very soon. nioe affair. There were many At the present time water is hauled in tank trucks. lovely gifts to help furnish the being The new sohoolhouse is coming new home. realong rapidly, now ttet it is Mrs. H. E. Blake has Just ceived the announcement of the started. It is a lovely buildarrival of her 44ih great grand- ing, and the children are all to see it go up, since it child, John Paul Blake, son of glad foean the end of the long Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blake' of will and from sehool. bus to rides Durango, Colorado. Salt 19c Firm - to a nursing Lb week vaca- nd Lake 45cl Mrs. David Shoemaker They are planning to go Iowa Fark and Tyler Texas. to out were east Ralph Miller from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Me Alpine shopping in town Friday. in rhoenlx, Mrs. Fern Wood is one of the spent the week-elatest victims of flu. Her m- Arizona. Bridge Club was held last Friother, Mrs. Noel Sltton, of Saf-for- d, Arizona arrived Saturday day jn the home of Bell Newberry with Mrs. Lilly Snyder as coand is earing for her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edwards made hostess. Nathan Brown had a birthday a trip the last of the week to see Mr. Edward's mother who is party Monday at the recreation oonfined Lb 22 and 23 CARNATION BANK WILL BE OPEN TILL 6PM EVERY FRIDAY 3 FOR 45c! O 29c 45cl ' I i i BANK WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAYS Doeskin issue 4 Roll Pack PURITY . 'a For u. 19cl BLANDING OFFIPE Hirst Seruritu IBank NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BLANDING Utah UTAH i. Glades 15 Oz Salt Bag Water 39cl |