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Show HEN LOCAL GUIDE VISITORS 0 SAN N J TOUR N U A' 0) o ty the enchanting stories the group via horse pack through and oolorful photographs of the the dark red sands and colorful natural beauty of San Juan rocks to the majestio Sepapu four businessmen from (Hopl for "Spirits' Esoape") County Provo area visited here this natural bridge. Traveling up the Lured week: Mr. Sorenson Briok manager of the Dollnose Restaurant in Salt Lake City Mr. Leo Meredith manager of Chlpman's in American Department Store manager of Fork; C. J. Harmon Harmon Motor in Spanish Fork) and Paul Harmon ok dealer in former Pontlao-B- ui American Fork. canyon the through rugged group country visited the Bear Ladder Indian ruins which had been discovered in 1882. Later in 1908 this aret was set aside as a national monument by President Theodore Roosevelt and was surveyed by Wm. B. Douglas State Land Cemmlssioner of Utah. He found two sixty-fo- ot Douglas Direeted by J. Wiley Redd retired National Park Service apparently poles there Senior Ranger and joined by Dr. having been used as a ladder Norwood Porter a dentist in leading to the ruins and he Handing this group with their nailed new rungs on the poles eight horses trucks and photo making a ladder so that he oould left early ascend to the ruins. At this Monday morning for thoir camping site there were and still are Kaehlna many klvas or eeremonlal.huts. loo at ion under the equipment Bridge. The Blanding The first day's travel took up an d with sharp" eyes of Wiley Redd and Porter spotted an "Doc" unknown down the street HILDA PERKINS .Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allen of were Cottonwood Arizona calling on friends in town WeThey were making a dnesday. business trip to Green River before returning home. Mr. and Mrs Allen have many friends in this part of the country having had Interest in oil at Mexican Hat several years ago. They a Iloqul Indian Klva in a totally lnaooessible and unexplored area. At the request of the present Superintendent of the Natural Bridges National ruin Monument Bates Mr. Wilson (relative of the former Billy the group to majestic span. At this time Wiley rode a bronco horse and had it pore on same top the 200 foot span. As the visitors traveled through this multi-color- ed Owaonomo (Hopl for early days The climax of the Natural Bridge trip came as where Wiley Redd led his party Redd dlreoted the group to Monuand all eight horses on top of ment Valley where they were idiere received the bridge span they posed cordially ty Mr. Harry Gould an for and his wife, Mike, at ing gracefully scene. Mrs. Wiley N. Redd at their trading post. the age of 17 in 1907 was the awe-inspir- ing formerly from were Glenwood Colorado. Springs Davis and her Mrs. ifyrtle daughter Mrs. Dorothy Lyman passed through town last Friday New en route to Alamogordo Mexico for the week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Dalton and family. El oise Mrs. several days morning Mexioo Mahon last was week. ill will leave Saturday for where Farmington Mr. Heyman New will oversee a job for Fish Constru- ction Co. Mrs. Trena Williams Is in Salt Lake for medical attention. Helen Bayles and lyrtle Hunt are among the new flu victims. Mr. Jim Hatch of Azteo, New Mexico was In town last week old acquaintances. He Is a cousin , of Ray Hunt and a brother-in-la- w of Morgan Niel3on. It has been 25 years since Mr. Hatch was in this area but there arc a lot of people here that know him and enjoyed seeing renewing S.E. Blanding across this to be "Rock Mound") children MACHINE SHOP to ride a horse woman for paradise photographers, probably the only this particular time man in the entire West who could sixty-fo- ot ladder give the group the background of whieh had served as an interestthe . area as one who had lived ing relic to many was pulled here and had seen the west in down by Mr. Wiley Redd' on his its early days, J. Wiley Redd a famous horse Smoky. The ladder former Lieutenant in Pancho had beoome deoayed and was a Villa's Amy, flavored the hazard to explorative tourists. with his unusual stories trip of The seeond days' travel took courage and recklessness of the idle happened Mr. Dick Butt is doing cat work at White Cary on this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Heyman and STHaVEEJS first him again. Fred Briggs was taken to the L.D.S. hospital in Salt Lake City for medical attention. He has been in the San Juan County o for the past three weeks being treated for an infection of the foot. Hospital Tirs. Elaine Jaeger is at home in the trailer next to the John Kelqulst home. Mrs. Rachel Black 3s in town visiting friends and relatives. She has spent the winter in Lake City and California her children Salt with live there. who Mrs. Marge Iynan returned Sunday evening from a two weeks visit with her Rogers sister, Luella in Manti, Uteh. Her hus- Mr. Marvin Lyman, drove to Manti to bring her home, Teek and Louisa Lyman went to Salt Lake Monday to take Aunt Mish Black. They irade arrangements to have her cared for at band, the of Ethel Smith. This the advice of Dr. home was done under Fallon have have of who felt that constant care , sha should She will companionship and the best care and is very happy with the arrangements. Page 10 BLANDING OUTLOOK o |