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Show Liquor Commission Says Blanding Problem Would Stipp Solomon to What a do about establishing in Blanding liquor outlet an extremely difficult poses problem, according to the views of Stato Liquor Commissi oner, Allan D Johnson "Probably a difficulty in coming up with the right answer," Mr Johnson reoently wrote in a Solomon would have letter to Governor Clyde liquor store issue arose The again as a result of a letter by Karl Representative Lyman, written in behalf of the Ute Agenoy requesting that something be- done about liquor traffic - the Indians among tive Representathat "he feels says Lyman the aloohollo buy people beverages in Colorado they also their shirts, overalls, oline, eto there" buy reality gas- is ample evldenoe May Three Applications in' for Job Post Office Department has Issued an order establishing a Post Office to be named Aneth, The is question of the of the problem which Mr no post office 22, 1959 is not pinpointed in Congressman Dixon's communication but its location is expected to be near the Montezuma Creek Trading Post where A BSmlV Cortez Real Estate Broke ri . reasonable result of its survey which be served by the new Post Office reveals that the new office Veterans preference Mil be a expects would serve a minimum of 500 factor in the final selection accessibility also valid substance." The Liquor Commission has to take another look at the people who live in situation in the late spring or 225 house trailers 46 houses and far there are three So I and W L Larry Puller, new of the Geographic location Henderson, and Mrs Anna Brown summer that G that tribal sure am appli- cants, drinking of lntoxioatlng liquors by some of our Indlen tribes poses a serious eoonomlo problem for them, as well as health and Excess industry implications in the use of liquor by Indians has long been reeognlzed as a fact, y constructing quarters Lyman points out, but it The P.O.D. is now Utah, to become effective July to us that since there is an 1st, Congressman H. A Dixon has applications for thereoeivlng acting Influx of industrial workers in advised Bill Cline, County R- Postmaster' position, which is the San Juan County area who are epublican Chairman The action expeoted to pay $2078 00 per claiming their right to have is warranted, according to the annum To be eligible appliwithin Post Offioe Department, as a cants must live in the area to aloohollo beverages seems sentiments of the Liquor Commission is turned in favor of putting a store at Blanding "There BLANDING OUTLOOK OFFICE JULY FIRST these "There Page 6 ANETH GETS POST oounolls, teachers and others who are in contact with the situation have tried earnestly to encourage an educational proaimed at establishing gram but with only temperance, mediocre sucoess," Johnson wrote Clyde went on to say, "We have had numerous requests from people in He and around Blanding to establish in that area a liquor agenoy These people feel that we, in not establishing an agenoy there have denied them the right to purehase aloohollo beverages in an attempt to favor the Indian segment of the population in the area They point out to us that the Indians secure their liquor not only from our own agenoy at Montlcello but from Dove Creek in Colorado from investigation we firmly believe that some of the little Cortez and our roads not used as main highways, by which the Indians oan reaoh Dove Creek and Cortez, known 111 A BIG pdinf are used extensively by them for the securing of liquor These people also point out that we are. not helping the situation sol falling to recognize their right to an agency in their area, and that we are denying our own state revenues any by which are being diverted to Colorado, and further, that when DOINGS DOWNTOWN by Sue Graves Winner oontest Pay Day of the Super Plenamins held each year by the Drug Store was Mr s Dorothy Crossan whose gift was a RCA Victor Clock Radio Visiting this of heme John Eggers of and Mrs Mr at the week Blanding Cabinet Shop is their son and wife, Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Larry Eggers Eggers have Just recently reThe from a 27 months stay in Germany where they were stationHe is ed with the armed forces now disoharged from the service turned and they plan in this area Mr J for the moved Ms D to Elam, Camay their make Tool Drilling home Fr Buy 2 Buy 2 Gallons -Quarts - dal Prices m Irushes-Mers-Paand ns ota IPaint Accssris Pusher has Co rig to a at Blcknell, new location Elam Utah Mrs will remain here for the present Colorado visitors 'oh and Mrs Jim Saturday were Mr Texas-NeDurango, Poster of the Pipeline Co w Mexico o NORTH SIDE OF TOWN Or |