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Show down the street and up with Mildred Rascoe Celebrating the end of the The School San Juan High sohool year, Mrs. Eleanor faculty hosted a party Monday fourth grade class went to night for the elementary school Bluff Wednesday for a picnio. board members, and Sixth graders were given a faculty, personnel. Originally party last night tjy planned for outdoors, the party danoing Guy-mo- n's dis-tri- ck their mothers. enjoyed a swimming party at the Monticell o pool Monday A1 Mrs. Pritohard evening. accompanied the group. Confined to bed with hepatitis are Madeline and Butch, ohildren of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schaefer. of Beta Beta Beta chapter met Phi Tuesday night at Sigma the home of Mrs. Royce Higgs. Following the business meeting, a program of "Introductions and Invitations" was given by Mrs. room The Rascoe George and Mrs. Be-Bop- pers Wayne pledge training session was conducted by Mrs. Karr. Mrs. Karr. A Edwards will be hostess for inside to the gym A beoause of strong winds. buffet supper was served, follow- was moved ed by an Impromptu program. Aaron Harvey contributed two numbers on a bus i cal saw, accompanied by Mrs. Nena Larsen, and a clarinet duet was performed by Ken McDonald and Cathmar Ra- tcliff. Mrs. Neldon Holt and daughter, drove to Salt Lake City last weekend, accompanying Mrs. Holt's mother, Mrs. Wallace McLaws and brother Robert, of Terri Lynn Robert entered the Holbrook. Home Mission for a period of in- a going --away gift. Those attending Included Hnes. James Brown, Clave Brock, Eddie Jordan, Betty Bates, Iris Henry, Johnny Papoff, Danrgr Castor, Betty Waltersheid, LeRoy Btyrn, Lloyal Layton, Bob Roller, Roy Dale Palmer, Palmer. Mikesell, Raws on 2 and family Gamble, Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Young, Rowe. Children Polly Louisville, left last for to attend Kentucky the Southern Baptist Convention. They also planned to visit rela- tives in Ohio. Beginning next week, the high library will be open on Wednesday afternoons from two to sohool Bader. Mrs. A.O. Gerguson entertained the Brldgettes last Wednesday at her Prospeotor Lodge apartment. A bridge --dessert party was en- Uitk the also enjoyed the meeting the home to Young this last er. Riders held a Interested will leave today for Canyon. They plan to and continue tomorrow. Mrs. Porter Barton members Hammond camp out for ONE FOLICY their ride MOm, tad further details about this For ms Dad, present and future. Children, honored a baby shower Wednesday, May at E. PORTER I1YRUM Friday evening at of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon plan a pack trip for weekend. toniit . and Mrs. Bud of the guests get-togeth- The Elk Mountain FAMILY FLAN j i all-in-o- ne Porter 3arton, sses Grand Junction visitors in the Dale Bader home reoently were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. here's the hah LaVan Fern Bartley, Mrs. Ton Briley, Mrs. Ben Stevens, Mrs. Richard Mobley, Mrs. George Rascoe, Mrs. 22, 1959 May Also Mrs. D. C. Williams,' Mrs. meeting weekend BLANDING OUTLOOK LaVell .and struction before leaving for 13 at the home of Mrs. Charles at which time Cambridge, Massachusetts. He Damron. were Mrs all oommittees will present their will do mission work in the New D. C. Williams, Mrs. Harold plans for the year. England states for two years. Sohaefer, and Mrs. Eddie Jordan. Rev. and Mrs. Richard Mobley Roy the June Page 9 new remarkable plan Phone 2306 BENEFICIAL LIFE ! Insurance were played, with prizes going to Mrs. Johnry Papoff and Mrs. Floyd Bartley. After the gifts were opened, refreshments of oake, Jello, coffee and tea were served to the guests. Visiting in the Glen Block home is his mother, Mrs. Rachel Company Games SMITH PUJMW6 joyed by Mrs. Ernie Snyder, Mrs. Black & HEATM four. The grade school library Roy Edwards, Mrs. A.A. Bradberry: a few more There are will be open on Monday and Fri- Mrs. J. D. Elam, Mrs. J.D. hours in whichonly to obtain a meday afternoons from two to four. Sheridan, Mrs. Royce Higgs, and mbership in the Community Concert Ratcliff is to be librarian Mrs. Ralph Noonan. Prizes were Association. Adult memberships for the first six weeks of the won by Mrs. Higgs, Mrs. Sheridan, are $7, while students pay $3.50 after which she will and Mrs. Bradberry. summer, for the privilege of hearing A attend summer school and Mrs. oovered dish luncheon was some of the very finest artists Alene Nielson will take over the given last Friday afternoon in musioal world. All methe in honor of Mrs. Charles Damron who mberships must be in by ten o1 library work. Mrs. Lila Stone of Hiawatha, will be moving this weekend to elock tomorrow morning. A spe- Mrs. gOROS-CRU-tX HaPJOAK STMBUD KOHLER for a Williston, North Dakota. It was cial oommittee will then seleot and held at the home of Mrs. C. H, the performers for next winter's and Mrs. Ben Thomas. A pair of table lamps schedule. Membership cards here as may also be used for admission jsgreserrtedMbJrsamron to the concert series in Cortez. There will be no single admissions sold for any concert dur- arrived Saturday visit with her Kansas son-in-l- daughter, Stevens. Mr. aw Business in Standing 20 Years season, since admission is by membership card only. Interested persons should oall ing the Mrs. Johnny Johnson, Bllckenstaff, 3111; 2347, Gene or Leland COMPLETE Redd, 2551. Automotive &' barbecue supper honoring the Charles Damrons was held Wednewith Mr. and Mrs. sday evening, as Barton hosts. A farePorter well square dance was also given A for them last night by Squires Club. this Industrial RADIATOR Sales the and Squaws Square Dance The Damrons weekend for In will leave their HOMEOWNER INSURANCE YOUR HOME? . . . Fite, flood, wind storms any one of these could demolish your home. Protect your investment with adequate insurance. See us today for a program suited to your needs. LOW COST PLANI Basin Realty &Ins. Phone flsniai OR 8-2- EbS Radiator Co. Ph. 3146 that soft water and gentle soap at OF Do it HU GUSEB Location n mmm laundry COULD YOU AFFORD TO REBUILD ASK ABOUT OUR Love Service D new home it) Williston. They plan to go Park on through Yellowstone their way to North Dakota. almost EVERYONE NEEDS Shop--O- & Yourself 06 and Save Three Blobks Northwest of High School 018 ! |