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Show Thursday, February I Finalized Held over from January face around Bottle Hollow familiar A has Restaurant gone, but not far. Mrs. Bonnie Murray Van recently transferred from head waitress to the Resorts bookkeeping department located in the Resort office. Mrs. Van completed the original Bottle Hollow training before the Resort opened and has been employed in the restaurant since it began operation in July of 1971. Plans for the new justice facility were at the end of January when Fred Conetah of the Business Committee; Reynold Brown, Tribal Alcoholism Director; Henry Upchego, Tribal Judge; and Dennis Mower, Bureau of Indian Affairs Program Officer, met with the architect firm of Markam and Markam in Provo. The new facility will be constructed in two phases with phase one providing men and women's dormitory space, maximum security area, conference and counseling rooms and offices for tribal police operations. The second phase will provide additional offices and a courtroom. According to the architect firm, bids for. construction of the complex will be let by the middle of this month. Ground-breakin- g is anticipated in the spring. finalized Holiday Parties The holiday season was very festive at the Utes Resort with parties booked every night of the week. Among those who entertained friends and employees at banquets were Swasco and Dressier Oil and Drilling Equipment Co., Class of '65, Shell 03 Parker Rig 116, TAD Construction Co., KVEL Radio Station, BJ. Construction, Bowen Trucking Co., Mitchell Construction Co., and Parker OD Rig safety meetings (lunch and dinner). and elderly a developing firm te construct the low-roFINAL DECISION-- Os Couuais-sionohousing was reached last week when the llto Tribe Housing. Authority far Torn met with Housing Authority Director left. Wes Appoh standing to contract the awarded and Panl Dnncaa Clifford Commissioners, Morphy, Jensen, Environmental Development Corporation, Salt Lake City, after spending many hours studying the plans submitted by that corporation and BJL Anderson Co. of Aim serving on the Housing Authority Csmudsaian are Irene Topeka, Cuch and Grant Pickup. Mr. Pickup recently was appointed to the Beard and Wes Jensen was reinstated for another term. rs Snowmobiling, a winter sport growing in popularity throughout the country, was Approximately 100 (99 to be exact) Tribal and BIA employees dined buffet style and danced to the music of Tillie Reynold's orchestra. School children, under the direction of Norma Denver, presented musical numbers, and the Alcoholism program employees starred in a comical melodrama. gram employees starred in a comical melodrama. Christmas Eve afternoon the doors of the restaurant were closed and the emd ployees had their party, a break after the rush. Conducts Seminar Jim Peltier, Bottle Hollow Resort manager, recently attended a meeting of the Utah Motel Board of Directors in Moab. From the Board meeting Peltier went on to Brigham City where he conducted a seminar on motel organization and man- -' agement at the Indian Training Center. - the setting for a near tragedy last month. Frank Arrowchis, Ute Trails and Rivers Manager, was in Jackson, Wya, competing in snowmobile races. He reportedly was advancing from fourth position to first when the first position snowmobile swung a little to one side, knicking Franks machine and spinning it to the side of the track. Frank was dislodged from the snowmobile when it hit the side bank. As he was getting up to get on his snowmobile again, Frank was hit by an oncoming machine, thrown several feet in the air and down the track. He incurred several fractures in all limbs and four ribs, and is hospitalized at St. John's Hospital, Jackson. His wife Glenda, is in Jackson with him and he is reportedly doing satisfactorily. Low-Ren- t, Elderly Housing Funds Become Realization well-earne- two-wee- k The spring thaw will bring ground The group anticipated receiving a firm development cost for breaking for another new development at figure on the total the 30 turnkey low-reFort Duchesne. housing and 10 Thomas Appah, Ute Tribe Housing Au- homes for the elderly. A recent release thority Director, and Jack Brenn, Housing from the office of Senator Frank Moss Officer for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, estimated the total development cost at $922,000. accompanied the Housing Authority Ground breaking for the housing develto Salt Lake City Tuesday to meet with Denver and Salt Lake City re- opment is anticipated in the spring when presentatives of Housing and Urban De- the Housing Authority receives final apvelopment and the selected developer. proval from Housing and Urban Development and the annual contribution Environmental Development nt Com-cissione- rs ONLY AN INDIAN Series of Meetings F ocims on Game Sports Agreement By Ramona Wallen Fish and Game matters of the Ute Tribe Board, Tribal Fish and Game Board, Tribal Law and Order, BIA personnel and and the State of Utah will now be conducted out of the new Denver Regional Office, interested persons. Gordon Harmston, Sr., State Director according to officials of the Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife who met of Natural Resources, and John Bud with Tribal officials last week. Phelps, Director of State Fish and Game Hd Boeker of the newly established Board, attended meetings the following Dener office and Jack Woody of day which opened with breakfast at Bottle N. Mex., as well as Robert W. Hollow. Five State Conservation Officers Ibo isen, Salt Lake area office of BSFAW, from Vernal and Roosevelt also were in retard the change of regions and services attendance when the Fish and Game available in the Denver office. Previously, agreement was again reviewed. Local sportsman groups, the Duchesne Albuquerque served the needs of Utah and the Ute Tribe. County Sportsman Club aad Vernal Rod The focus was also on the new agree- and Gun Gub dined at the Frontier GriU ment between the State and Tribe con- Thrusday evening to discuss the agree--, cerning fish and game management and meut which was the result of a long-terjurisdiction. A series of meetings with controversy between the represented state and local officials opened Wednesday groups as to the game it on the in the Tribal Chambers with Tribal AttorUintah and Ouray Reservation! ney Steve Boyden, Ute Trails and Rivers Anchorage, Alaska. That company will provide management and financial assistance to Alaska Natives in the formation of a dozen Native corporations. Since 1970 he has been active in the (Continued from Page 1) Administration (EDA), Small Business establishment of a new National American Administration (SBA), Office of Minority Indian Bank, and has been named one of Business Enterprise (OMBE), and the five original Indian incorporators of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. bank, expected to be inaugurated some AHw-queiqu- Only an Indian they say and yet my feelings are many as any other human. My happiness Is expressed when joy Is found in my family and home. My laughter is heard when a joke Is shared with a friend. My share of loneliness I feel when a dear one has to depart away to school. My tears like crystals are shed when a loved one has left from this earth. Ye they say, Only an Indian. Only an Indian they say when my senses are true as any human. My feelings show laughter, tears and 1 e, sadness. to feel, to work, to lead. to see the beauty of a person, eyes of land and the changing of seasons. My hearing to hear beautiful words, music, and the sound of laughter from children. My taste to eat the wonderful food bestowed on us by God. Yet they look and say, Only an Indian. My My - m . 1t7S It Happened At Bottle Hollow Phase I, Justice Building Plans F. Arrowchis Hospitalized After Accident , Commissioner lamed Franklin lately has been working with time this year. Franklin received the Inthe Alyeska Investment Co., the oil con- terior Department's annual National Pubsortium involved in the development of lic Service Award in 1971, and is known to Alaskas North Slope oil fields, to create a have good relationships with the Nixon minority business investment company in administration. Richard Rodman, until He was also instrumental in starting industries in Ok-eight minority-oriente- d lahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana pod Kansas. Among these are Papago Explosives, Casa Grande, Ariz., Navajo Chemicals, Gallup, N. M. and Indian Enterprises, Inc., Kansas City, Kan., which operates training and staff employment centers to assist rural Indians to find jobs in urban areas. As the fourth Indian in history to head the BIA Franklin joins the select company of Ely Parker, Cherokee and Robert L. Bennett, Oneida Louis R. Bruce, Mohawk-Siou- x (1868-1871- hands , . Only an Indian they say when my desires are to climb further as any human. To seek fortunes of life to better living. To seek a higher level of prfiwaHon To seek the Individual's desires to be Independent. To seek proudness of ones ownself when I have accomplished all. Yet they look at me and say, Only an Indian. ), (1966-1969- ), (Taken from the Fort Apache Scout, Ariz.) White-rive- r, |