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Show 4--H In-Scho- Program Proves Popular with Students ol New to teaching but a longtime night school and joined the Whiterocka dent of the reservation, a Whiterocka teaching staff last folL teacher haa uaed her knowledge and inia-tiv-e Elementary "Par a fans the I have thefct the to enthuse her art students. the Mrs. Lynn (Mary Ann) Hall, the mother of four, completed her college education at to da, Mrs. Hal said. "Whoa I wanted help with headwavk and a project far the beys hi my sixth grade, I retorted Art lanes with U8U Extension and he smelled my students hi 4fl and provided aa with hatructeis once a week. Joyce Murdock, Catherine Jenks and LaVerne Murdock of the Fort Duchesne USU Extension Office, assisted the girls with the construction of looms for bead-wor- k and are instructing them every Tuesday afternoon, last period of the day. g was the project selected by the boys. Mr. Jones and LaRayma Riding brought small damps to the classroom to help the boys who will try their hick in luring the big ones this spring. Flies also will be selected for exhibition at the county fair as will beadwork completed by the girls. COORDINATION AND CONCEN TRATTON - the of the pm the game la fly tying a AH activity Fly-tyin- b we - SPECIALVICES aftor schaal to participate hi dm "It's something at which they all succeed," Mrs. Hall said, juid after all, that's the name of the game! AH Streamlined Central Office, More Powerful Commissioner By Richard La Course WASHINGTON, D.C.-(AIPA- Voting Qegolations Reviewed (Continued from Page 1) ! Any member of the Ute Indian Tribe ef the Uintah and 21 years ef age er ever, Ouray Reservation twenty-on- e who has smiatatnrd a legal residence en the Uintah end Ouray Reservation for a period ef one 1 year preceding the election, dull be entitled to vote and Ml oibs- Any legal voter is eligible to serve as a member of the Tribal Bnsfaiese Committee. All elections shall be by secret ballet and shall be conducted in accordance with rales and regulations prescribed by the Tribal Business Committee, or by an election board appointed by the Tribal Business fommittee." Election date of the council members will be one month after the nominations, March 23, 1973. A swearing-i- n ceremony of the successful candidates will be conducted the first regular meeting day in April. Savings Account Endowed during Holidays Held over frees January j to have fun. lee the ocean is a goal According to Mrs. Diana Wall group shared by most landlubbers. And so it is leader and counselor trainee, the program the long-tergoal set by the Alcoholism works with the courts in referrals, howRehabilitation ladies group who plan to ever, most participants return voluntarily tour the Pacific coast this July. to the program. Most tours cost money, this also holds Sewing talents will again be put to use raise To true for the proposed coastal try). when the ladies add letters to basketball funds, the women have engaged in several suits this month. A sewing machine is beprojects. for this project and for The most recent project was utilizing ing purchased in the future. projects their creativity making Christmas center-piece- other not work, however, trips were on All is to sold These artistic models were the agenda this summer when the group the Employees Christmas Dinner Dance included a fishing outing with their child- and at the Indian Market Day. travel to Salt Lake City to surprise schedule included the i ten, g Their the ladies on her birthday and to of me the stand concession during of a operation the Days of 47" rodeo in the Utah capital sundance this summer. Custom-mad- e Exercise was also included when the wo--1 shawls and quilts are made and sold to men went horseback riding and enrolled individuals who request them. for swimming lessons: They also tried This rehabilitation program is part of their green thumbswhen they planted a the Outreach program and the purposes garden, which unfortunately was on the are many fold. Among the objectives are spot where trailers were to be parked. to help the ladies learn to spend their free This ended the planting venture. time constructively, to socialize, to help I m : fund-raisin- each other resolve problems, talk about and feelings, answer personal questions, )-A re- structuring and slimming of the central headqauarten of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and an enhancement of powers for the Indian Commissioner are highlights 'of changes in the mating t the Interior Department Major features of the new BIA changes UK --The responsibility for Indian affairs will now be entirely in the hands of the Indian Commissioner who reports directly to the Interior Secretary rether than through any intermediaries; -- Thirteen previous BIA central office divisions will be consolidated into seven; n -- A task force of Interior and BIA officials will review staffing and appointments in the new administrative structure; --About 285 central office employees will be trimmed from the central office staff over the next 90 days, leaving a permanent staff of 715; -- The positions of deputy commissioner and assistants to the commissioner will be retained; --Several BIA area directors will be with one moved, probably by or more being named to posts in Washington, D.C.; -- Richard S. Bodman, assistant Interior secretary for management and budget who was empowered with authority for Indian affairs in December, will be leaving that poet within a few weeks. A White House spokesman stated that the BIA will remain within the structure of the Interior Department until the majority of Indian people toll us they want it elsewhere. It was alto learned that Bodman told a select group of tribal chairmen that the new BIA structure had been in the making for over a year under my personal supervision, and was totally unrelated to the November BIA takeover by the Trail of Broken Treaties Caravans. The new organizational chart of the BIA includes the following offices'; OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: This office will administer contracting, personnel program evaluation, safety, procurement, property management, budget formulation, statistics, accounting and audita, data processing, and mail and files. OFFICE OF LEGISLATION: This office will handle all matters relating to pending legislation with the Congress, and supervise the office of communications. six-ma- mid-Marc- s. by the i af-- A dream to an provided auduMtheethenfmuprtiitMdwMpeDflU at grade Ueedfar tying Bee h, OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCE RIGHTS: Replacing the Indian Water Rights Office, this division will administer Indian water issues, Alaska Native affaire under the 1971 Alaska Native land o Claims Act, and monitor the of million acres two over about dispute land. uaed jointly OFFICE OF TRUST RESPONSIBILITIES: Real estate services, land operations, forestr y, irrigation, together with tribal trust funds and tribal accounting services will be the primary operations of this office. OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Essential administrative tasks will include manpower programs, Indian business enterprises, Indian technical assistance, school facilities, program development and review, and all internal services in the education division. OFFICE OF TRIBAL SERVICES: Essential services of this office will be welfare, housing, law and order, tribal operations and plant management. n A task force will select the heads of the seven newly consolidated offices within 12 weeks. Task force members are William L. Rogers, Robert Patterson, William Spillere, John McKune, Frederick Murray and John Sykes. The review got underway Jan. 24. il 285 employees will be By trimmed from the overall staff on the grounds that central office personnel are too remote from the Indian people and not able to respond quickly enough to changing conditions." According to a public Interior Department statement, the funding for the positions abolished in the headquarters will remain available to the Bureau and will be used for direct services to the Indian people. The newly enhanced policy of Indian preference in relation to hiring and promotion of BIA Indian personnel will apply in the work reductions. Negotiations with employee unions are now underway. Hopi-Navaj- six-ma- mid-Apr- OOPS! WE GOOFED! Two children were omitted from the list of new enroUees for 1972 which appeared in the January issue of the Bulletin. Our apologies to Stephenie Joyce daughter of Lloyd Carl Arrow-chi- s and Delores Katherine LaRose; and Tahnee Ridley, son of Elliot Ridley and Georgina Poowegup. is, a fir i |