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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Thursday, June 30, 1966 Service Club High-Ligh- ts Challenge Chen Tournament Begins. Tournament will end 31 July. Trophy will be awarded to winner. July 9 and 30 July Roller Skating Rustic Rink Bountiful, Utah Leave 1730 hours and return 0100 hours. Bus service from Service Club. $1 charge for admission. 2000 hours. The Exentrix Combo. July July 23 Splash Party 1600 hours, Post Pool. Hostesses invited to attend. 1730 hours Hot dogs and watermelon at Service Club 2000 hours Beachcombers Dance with The Ascots. Casual dress. 27 July The Best of Broadway Live professional show featuring the 2015 hours. Admission free. Duplicate Bridge Every Wednesday night at 1845 hours. Game Night Every Tuesday night at 2000 hours. Single girls and women over 18 years old are invited to become a part of the Service Club hostess group and attend the dances and splash party in July. Contact Dorothy Hilt or Lea after 1730 hours at 2474. All post personnel ire invited to participate in and attend Service Club activities. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. 10 July MO 16-D- ance Writfe ii Right Now! V tender I know that when my Country calls I must go. For each time the aggressor stalks the weak, and goes unchallenged, the hobnailed boot of oppression treads one step closer to me and mine. Technical Sergeant Gerard R. Elder, USAF, wrote the above lines. They were included in his 500-wor- d letter, 1 Am An American, to Freedoms Foundation last year. He collected $1,000 for his winning letter. And now it's time for the 1966 Freedoms Foundation Letter Awards Program. The official kickoff is July 1, 1966. As a serviceman or woman on active duty, YOU are included in this program. YOU TOO can win a cash prize and a trip to Valley Forge, Pa. Here are the simple rules. The subject this year is: Defending Freedom Safeguards America. Write or type no more than 500 words on this subject using only one side of the paper. Be sure to print or type your name, rank, military address and home address. Mail entries to Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa., 19481. The deadline is Nov. 1, 1966. The top award is $1,000. There are 50 awards of $100, 50 will receive the George Washington more of $50. Runners-u- p Honor Medal or Honor Certificate. What is the Freedoms Foundation? Basically, it is an independent, nonprofit organization not affiliated with any sectarian religious group or political party, dedicated to creating and building ah understanding of the spirit and philosophy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. . '. )AFNB) ' and GonsistunHy fresh at AG & FOODTOWN. They're easy to fix plump and mold inside and gold en crisp on the hiilvifAipb Grind Ik Cen WHOLE n SWIFT HANDI-PA- K with all the excess fat removed. So fresh. flavorful and tender . . . you'll enjoy every tiny morsel. SMUCUV! I ARMY DIGEST, the revised and enlarged official Army magazine, is offering up to $100 for outstanding unsolicited stories or articles which are published by the magazine. In addition, the DIGEST will pay $10 for each original cartoon or cartoon idea with a caption, humorous Army anecdote, or amateur photograph which it accepts and publishes. Send contributions to "At Ease Editor (send stories to The Editor), ARMY DIGEST, Cameron Station, Alexanstamped envelope dria, Va. 22314. Enclose a if you wish to have unaccepted items returned. Horrnel Curo-- M" From freeh, lean . Boneless g H & beef - Hornets 0- 12-o- - fresh HOT DOfr V I OrH nl Bum freil An Army educational film called "The High Cost Of Negligence, prepared by The Judge Advocate General's Office and produced by the Army Pictorial Center, has been selected by the National Safety Councils Committee on Films for Safety as one of the nine outstanding safety films of eppli Coron $ . (SCTCDSK 51 l&oz. pkg. Butterscotch, Chocolate MR QUALITY AT A LOW PRICE LB.PKG. 1965. The going gets easy in BBWlfilum.t, JOIN 1HE FUN1 Mttr genuine pigskin o:bh tm This little pigskin went to market ... in style! Its a Gopher sueded genuine pig oxford, smartly styled for dress-u-p cssual comfort. rPHYSKAl PHYSICAL FITNESS PENTATHLON (frk sv evsif July 9 MUS jSKUUnS Wnfum Family, Wh0ta.Rs9.er PARKING LOT Kosher CHUNK TUNA TANG Cudahy Luncheon ..3,95C 49c GAIA TOWELS Northern Quality Jumbo Size Roll 35' NAPKINS Ifluonn Casual Package of 73- --Z o fer47T in. DIAL 9 OFF Rath lisa Aqu SCOTTISSUE 2 r.ii.99c '".J ... and relaxed! Its a Gopher This little pigskin stayed home sueded genuine pig. casual, too . . . but, it features leisurely slip-o- n styling. x Both Gopher pigskin casuals are leather guard treated for spot and water resistance ... and theyre comfort constructed with steel shanks and cushion crepe soles and heels. The get yours today! going gets easy in Gophers ... Cuitomir Parking in Rtar RELISHES Hoinz . Jar. J4hrl MUSTARD mnara Jar. 1 ASST. MINTS 7e Curt (Mi 1316-o- Pfcga 29c 4S-o- z. TISSUE lady Scott Toitat. .8nll,t GolA Pink White 3 53 fer (3 CHIFFON Liquid Dotergant aeeessuseae QQq wr W u6i ro |