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Show GIFT. UNIVERSITY Lr"' .J'.1:. ; OF UTAH - 's PERIOKCiS L'?T. I J ZLIugway KQDC3 16 . Vol. No. 9 No. 24 Thursday, June 30, Published fair Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Company, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no way connected with the Department of the fzfluGWAY Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writ- herein are their own and are not to be con- sidered an official expression by the Depart- - ' ment of the Army. The appearance of adver-er- s tisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. Twenty One Promoted in June Twenty-on- e Dugway enlisted personnel received promotions during the June promotion cycle with Post Sergeant Major Dois Childress being promoted to the E-- 9 grade. The other promotions were five to E-four to Staff Sergeant and one to Sp6; four to Sp5, six Personnel To Participate In Tooele July 4 Parade More than 125 Dugway per-- , sonnel will participate in the July 4th parade in Tooele. LT COLONEL Richard O. Gordon, who will be acting commander during the absence of Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., will officially represent the installation. Others who will participate in the parade will be approximately 25 members of the Skull Valley Riders and a troop detachment of at least 100 men. The Skull Valley riders will GRADUATION DAY The Protestant Vacation Bible School was held through June 0 to leave Dugway Saturday, July 2 June 17 at the Dugway Elementary School. One hundred and ten children were enrolled on horseback and travel to Clovin the two week class. The theme for the clan was God lives Today. er Creek where they will have U.S. Army Photo supper and remain overnight. ON SUNDAY, July 3, theid-er- s will travel to Tooele Army Depot where .they will remain Sunai' day night before proceeding into Tooele to participate in the parade the morning of the fourth. On July 1 enlisted clothing Headquarters and Headquarmaintenance allowances go up ters Company will provide the The Protestant Vacation Bible Long. Junior Superintendent - Mrs. an average of 16.7 percent. DeSchool held June 6 through June 16 at the Dugway Elementary Ethelyn Lauby, Junior Teachers -- fense officials announced. ActualMrs. Jane Luther and Mrs. Jo ly, the standard allowance will School was successfully completed on Thursday night, June 16, Matros, Junior High Superintendgo up 20 per cent and die basic allowance 15 percent. when children attending tht ent - Mrs. Normi Shearer, ReDefense officials say the earlischool presented a program for freshments - Mrs. Jean Carlson, - Mrs. Helga Refreshment Workers er 200 the at reported 30 percent hike was Three days, of tournaments Approximately persons Ziemba and Miss Donna Heebner, never considered by Defense, but over the Post Chapel. July 4 weekend have Theme for the program as and the Pianists were Mrs. Billie was a single service proposal. been scheduled for golf 'enthusiBeal and Mrs. Anita Dobson. a asts on The new rates are $4-6well as the theme for the k Dugway Proving Ground. school was God Lives To. month for the basic allowance, CHUCK BYRD, golf club compared to the present day. The Mission Project was manager announced that there and $7.20 standard allowance will be tournaments for both men Viet Nam Orphans. The enrollment for the school was approxicompared to the present $6 in and women and inaddition there the Air Force and the Navy and will be mately 110 children ages three and putting and nearest to for Army enlisted women. Army the hole contests. one-hathe 9th through grade. enlisted men will go up from Teachers and staff included: The first tournament will get officers received Five Di$5.40 moodily to $6.60. The Army underway Dugway Glenn D. Chaplain Lauby, Saturday morning at 8 rector - Mrs. Marie Schrier, Gen- promotions during the month of men get a lower rate because a.m. with a 18 hole full handicap eral Secretary - Mrs. Pearl Pucek, June with one being promoted to there is no overcoat in their bag three club tournament for men The increase was made necesChaplains Assistant - Sp5 Ralph Captain and the other four pingolfers. Each contestant will be R. Ruth, Nursery Superintendent ning cm new First Lieutenants sary because of increases in the restricted to three clubs of his Mrs. Nella Lloyd, Nursery bars. clothing bag prices. choice. There is an entry fee of The net 16.7 per cent increase $1 Teachers - Mrs. Merlyn Whitaker per person and prizes will be The new Captain on the inwas arrived at by a comparison awarded for one and Mrs. Ollie Barrow. stallation is Robert H. Kraus, comper each three of the 1967 clothing costs and entries. Kindergarten Superintendent mander of the 65th Military Police those of 1953. Between 1953 and Mrs. Florence Fuller, KindergarSaturday afternoon starting at Platoon.- 1966 there was a net bine percent ten Teachers - Mrs. Sue Antry, 1 p.m. a putting contest will get Mrs. Barbara Hawkins, Mrs. Joyce The four new ILTs all of decrease but the maintenance al- underway for men. With an entry McMrs. whom Brownie and received their promotions lowance didnt go down. There fee of twenty-fiv- e cents per Castagno Intyre, Primary Superintendent -- during a three day period include was a near 26 percent increase round prizes will be awarded for Mrs. Virginia Murray, Primary David A Vanoncini, assigned to in clothing bag prices between each six entries with a special Teachers - Miss Shirley Eastland, the Safety Office, Roy Y. Sugawa, 1966 and 1967. bonus prize for golfers making The basic allowance entitle- the round with 16 Mrs. Pauline Clayton, Miss TD&A and Robert G. McVicker putts or less. ment accrues with the seventh Eastland, Mrs. Carol Fon-vill- e, and Wallace T. Gray both assignSUNDAY the women golfMrs. Faye Bales, Mrs. ed to the Test Division in Ditto month of service and goes through ers will get their first chance to the 36th month. The standard Mrs. and Mary Taylor, Joyce area. participate as a Scotch Doubles allowance starts with the 37th with one i and one woman month. Summer Bible School Holds Graduation Rates Rise For U&re Ol Clothing more than 100 men comprising two platoons and a color guard with 1LT Gordon Roselle and 2LT Paul B. Basan as platoon command 5 Post Officers $4-2- 0 Promoted in June lf Ly-net- te New Directive Changes Many Rank Abbreviations to the grade of Sp4 and one to PFC. THE FIVE receiving the promotion to E-- 6 are Leon Peterson, Senior Movement Specialist with Commercial Traffic; William C. Roy, Chief Clerk in the Post Adjutant section; Leon T. Miller, 1SG, CBR Detachment; Donald L. Ballanger, 1SG, USA Hospital and Balvino Guerrero, Assistant Secretary, Officers Open Mess. The new Staff Sergeants on the installation .are Chesley O. Pickel, Hq and Hq Company and Maurice L. Adams and Robert Essex both of the USA Hospital. Fred M. Kuddes, Jr. HHC was promoted to Sp6. All the promotions to the grades of Sp5 and Sp4 were made by members of the Hq and Headquarters Company. The four promoted to Sp5 are Ralph R. Ruth, Dennis Dolan ski, Fred D. Vender Werff and Elmer E. Wheeler, ere. USAII Commander Promoted to LTC USA Hospital Commander Victor H. Lidner received- - his promotion to Lt. Colonel during parade ceremonies last Friday af- ternoon. The new Lt. Colonel commander of the USA since early April of this has been stationed at since February 1965. has been Hospital year and Dugway A native of California, COL Lidner is a veteran of ten years service including a tour in Viet Nam. Many Golfing Activities Set For Holiday Weekend two-wee- 7, per team will get underway starting at 2 p.m. Immediately following the 9 hole tournament, a scotch doubles putting contest will be held. Prizes for the putting contest include a ladies skirt or a dozen golf balls for shooting a round of 34 or less. On Monday the fourth, a Callaway System Handicap tournament for both men and women will feature the days activities. The men who will play 18 holes will tee off at 8 a.m. or 1 p.m. while the ladies will tee off starting at nine Monday morning. MONDAY afternoon starting at 1 p.m. a closest to the flag contest for men, women and children over the age of 12 will be held on the chiving range with a special special bonus prize to be given for all holes in one. Byrd said that the deadline for entering any of the tournaments. is 6 p.m. Friday, July 1 and there is no prior registration needed for any of the putting or other contests. . A SURPRISED LOOK Dois Childress, Dugway Proving Ground Sergeant Major had a surprise look on his face last month when Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., DPG Commander pulled out a set of SMG stripes and said These will look much better on that sleeve. Childress was one of 25 Dugway personnel receiving promotions during the June promotion cycle. Holiday Driving Safety From the Commander Jr- . THE SIX new Sp4s all mem-bers of HHC are Clarence A. Bockleslaugh, Viktors Jansons, Carl R. Samuel, Frederick P. Sauve, Jr., Joe W. Sebastian and Elond W. Walden. David L. Blair, HHC received a promotion to the grade of E-3. - Broome Receives Appointment to West Point Branding motor vehicle accidents the No. 1 killer of U. S. Army and civilian personnel Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., DPG Commander, calls on all personnel to join vigorously in the attack on motor vehicle accidents, emphasizing die mandatory alertness and vigilance of all drivers, especially during the approaching Fourth of July holiday period. Richard E. Broome, son of Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Earl B. Broome, 513 B Peak Ave. Dugway has received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. A 1968 graduate of Dugway High School, Richard also receiv- - During the calendar year 1965, motor vehicle accidents resulted in the death of approximately 50,000 people on the highways of the U.S. Of this total more than 7,000 were servicemen which is more than the total number of military killed in the Basic Training weekend, Article in Digest holiday u cndedmust highways will University which he declined to cept academy appomtmmt. tH He fou,r extreme exercise "dP?nt personnel Reserve readiness is empha- - cautioni JOTC scholarship to tile reducing vehicle speed KB ot his choice, in the newly expanded July issue of Army Digest to be dis- tnd applying principle, of A New Look at soon in ao techniques fvVdriving the Reserve Components is pro- - cordancc with road conditions and vided by the Editor of Army Re- vehicular and pedestrian traffic flaptflil1 serve Magazine, Lt. Col. William encountered. H. Zierdt, Jr. (Ret), while Lt. Gen. J. L. Throckmorton, Chief, All personnel are urged, no Office of Resene Components. t the matler how R. Charles Bush, ReCaptain reports how The Selected to travel IaJjng (h Headquarters commandant and serve Force is getting set to g-o- the three-da- y to obey period, was commander needed. In Banc Facts Hq. Company u and t0 ed peed awarded the Dugway Proving on Gen. Creighrest at periodic intervals in order Ground Certificate of Achieveton W. Abrams, Army Vice Chief reduce fatigue. ment at parade ceremonies held of Staff tells why professional to soldiers are needed to train men Friday afternoon. The posted speed limit is Colonel Joseph J. Fraser Jr., in the art of land warfare. speed perm DPG commander presented the Even the best trained soldiers ideal road, weather, and traffic award to Captain Bush in recogmust have adequate and reliable conditions. It is rare when all of nition of the Captain's outstandThe Army Materiel these conditions exist at the same equipment. the period Command ing service during Manager for the Project August 12 to the present as HeadUII-- 1 Col. Michael J. Iroquois, time, however, drivers must be Comand quarters Commandant Krisman, descrilies the many fea- aware that they bear the responand Officer, Hq. Hq tures of the Can - Do manding Helicopter" sibility to reduce their speed to Company. which is proving its versatility conform with driving conditions. The certificate read in part as the workhorse of the Vietnamese Vehicles MUST be kept under His initiative, leadership abiliRichard, who received a preconflict. The history of the whirly- - control at all tm sidential category appointment to ties, exemplary dedication to duty from DaVincis concept to the Military Academy, was class and administrative and logistical bird, ALL MILITARY and civilian salutatorian hardware, is recounted in todays at Dugway where he contributed significompetence "Build a Better Helicopter. personnel are asked to use a little attended his senior year following effective to the accomplishcantly A pictorial feature shows the Mat- common sense over the coming two years at Wurtzburg High ment of the Company's mission. erial of War in Vietnam availholiday weekend. Everyone should School, Wurtzburg, Germany and will Bush Dugdepart Captain able to our jungle fighters.. apply the three C s of safety one year at Edge wood High way in early July for reassignment while driving over the holiday School to Viet Nam. With the eyes of the world Edgewood, Maryland. He These are CONTROL, had a combined academic average focused on the Far East, the newly period. CAUTION, AND COURTESY. Also honored at the parade of 3.82 for the four years. enlarged Digest includes articles ceremonies was SSG Chesley O. on Free Chinas Armed Forces While in high school Richard Accidents can be eliminated was a member of the National Pickel, Operations Sergeant in by Maj. Gen. D. B. Johnson; and we must eradicate this prob- Honor the Headquarters and HeadquarSociety, United Nations chief, MAAG, China; Bangkok lem. In addition, all ters Company who also received operations Club president, a delegate to both Road and Fort Benning Bypass and safety go hand in hand - there- the Model United Nations Asthe DPG Certificate of Achieveof Vietnam. dont take unnecessary fore, ment for his work during the and Intermountain Junior Be a defensive driver -- sembly chances. Bt time he has been stationed Science and Humanities SymposiLively new Digest departments ve yourself as well as the other um and include Army Around the World a member of the drama, Dugway. ellow a break. Faces of Comlrat, At Ease, math and lettermans club earnPickel, who received a promoHumor in Army Creen, "Pertion to his present rank in June ing varsity letters in football, bas- Let SAFETY guide you all ketball .and trade. He was also is due to leave the latter purt of sonnel Briefs" and Legal Eagle, this mouth having received orders way along your highway holi- - dent council president at featuring information of interest for Viet Nam. to all Army memlrers. V burg High School. col-siz- ed ed Blisll Receives Award er The official abbreviations for many 'of the grades and ranks has been changed with die publication of Change 3 to AFR 32(450. Under the change most abbreviations are three letters or less and all letters used in the abbreviations wffi be capital letters. PSC, Master Sergeant MSG and Staff Sergeant SSG. Basic-Trainin- The abbreviations for the ranks from sergeant through private have not been changed except that now all capital letters will be used. Some of the more pronounced rhngM in the abbreviations of grades include the General officer grades where die new abbreviations include GEN for General LTG for Lieutenant General MG for Major General and BG for Brigadier General. Other changes in the officer Cologrades include Lieutenant nel from the former Lt Col to LTC, Captain from Capt. to CPT and both Lieutenant grades changed respectively from 1st Lt. to 1LT and 2nd Lt. to 2LT. officer The four Warrant Officer grade abbreviations were also changed as the directive shows CW4, CW3 and CW2 for the Chief Warrant Officers and W1 has replaced the former W0 Wl. Among the new abbreviations for the enlisted ranks are SGM for Sergeant Major and ISC for the First Sergeant rank. In several of the other ranks, the "t has been dropped making the new abbreviation for Platoon Sergeant DPG Personnel Give Over $2000 In NHA Campaign The final tabulation of the 1966 Federal Service Campaign for National Health Agencies and the International Service Agencies showed that Dugway ciProving Ground military and vilian personnel contributed a total of $2,302.16 to the campaign which was conducted on the stallation during January and February of this year. A total of 931 employees on the installation contributed to the campaign which replaced the United Fund Drive which is not conducted in Tooele County. Though the 1966 total was below that donated during the 1965 campaign the percentage of per-th- e drive increased over last year. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT-Capta- in Charles R. Bush, Headquarters Commandant and SSG Chesley O. Pickel, HHC, received the DPG Certificate of Achievement from Dugway Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., at parade ceremonies last Friday afternoon in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments while stationed here. Both men are due to leave for Viet Nam later this month. Shown at right is SMG Dois Childress. rtd |