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Show I I ThST HI , Dugwuv 1rm ing Ground, Thursday, June 30, l'Xi() Schedule Of Events For the 4th of July Desert Drifts by June Cuptill In Tooele During (he busy summer mouths, many of our inenilrers have leeii vacationing and visiting. Just returned from Kansas is Mrs. William Harmon. Mrs. Curtis Vegas, Jones enjoyed a visit to and Mrs. Gerald Cerinuga has also recently returned from several weeks of travel. Off on a visit of southern Utah and points further south is Mrs. Glenn Lauhy. and Miss Pamela Fraser, daughter, of Col. and Mrs. Joseph Fraser, is taking an automobile trip, with stops enniute, to Scarsdale, New York. Tliis is an inside look at what children ages 5 through f) at the Post Nursery knmv almut the Fourth of July. Questions were repOt to them and the ensuing sists were Ivith encouraging and hilarious. L'Mien asked almut the meaning unfreedom. Val Steele said. I m nit free yet - my mother still basses me." Another child added, low could he lm free when hes slJJI two. Veins Stclling put foith a$ answer that requires deep thought when slie replied to the question, 'Yhat happened on the first Fourth of July, her answer wws, The redcoats and the Americans had a revelation. ! Michael Magann in reply to tfe proceeding question said, "Jl.e Kedsox and America made fffends. Tony Magann hit the apswer right on the head when lie Amsjid, It is the birthday of erica. Craig Snook when asked what he would do on the Fourth ci July replied, I'm going to have a picnic all by myself." Cathy Harrell just shrugged her shoulders when asked about George Washington, but an voice cleared all doubt when lie said lie was the only President to Iwconic the first President of the I nited States. Val Stclle knew that Paul Revere hung a lantern on something or other. One of the youngest children finally got brace enough to blurt out the names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence when he said. The Redcoats did it - no the blue coats did.--A- ll in all the kids really knew-the- ir stuff, as for me I think 1 11 v liack to school for another go confused. little lesson I'm a auo-nio- his-tur- YOUR GARDEN--- A GOLDMINE? The story of the girl who spun straw into gold is only a fairy tale but turning seeds into cash can be a reality if you have a "white thumb" when it comes to growing marigolds. Ten thousand dollars is being offered by the W.Atlec Burpee Co., Philadelphia, Pa., to the first person who sends them seed that will produce a pure white marigold 2z inches or more Windshield Craciied? across. WE'LL MAKE IT FACTORY NEW More than 4,000 people from all over the world have made the attempt. David Burpee, head of the 90-ye-- old seed house, bfgan the in 1955. "Weve realsearch COMPLETE STOCK ly made progress since then," FLAVOR SAVER - I v .. V'ip.Sj 'U-shS Do you savor your cooking chores? You should because you can build a reputation for blue ribbon cookery simply on the knowledge of how to preserve and enhance natural food flavors. To keep eggs fresh for a fairly long time, rub oil, butter or pure glycerin over the whole surface of the shell. A lump of rharroal in your refrigerator will absorb strong food odors and flavors, keeping foods free of all odors and flavors but their own. Stuff chicken withcoredap- pies to keep the meat moist and to add piquancy to its . 4 I sv"' , Next time you take up knife and fork, give a thought to the monk of 1480 who wrote, It is wrong to grab your food with both hands; meat should be taken with - A newcomer to Dugway is three fingers." And fingers it was, until a Nancy MacCleau, wife of Capt. gold fork for eating mulberWalter L. MacClean. Nancy atries was given to Charles VII of Detroit tended the University of France in the 15th century. and Detroit Institute of TechnolBefore then, few people had ogy, where she studied dental even heard of forks! Diners assisting. She is from Crosse Point, picked up food with the sharp Ls a suburb of Michigan, which of their knives, and at Detroit. Capt. MacClean is a point firet forks were only used to dentist at the lTS Army Hospital, steady the dish while the dinfrom and comes Cheyenne, Wyoer carved the meat. in I le graduated pretheology ming. When he traveled to Italy from the University of Wyoming, at Laramie, Wyoming, and re- in 1611, an Englishman, Cor-ya- t, saw people there using ceived a DMD degree from the forks to eat meat. Upon his MacDr. of Oregon. University Clean did his basic training at return home, he introduced Ft. Sam Houston, then served a the practice in his own coun- to saw oil bits of meat The first spoons appeared on ancient Egyptian tables 4,000 years ago. The teaspoon was introduced in 1650, for exactly that purpose. The first ones were only about d the size of those we use today. Often they had perforated bowls. After stirring tea, these strainer bowls" were used to lift stray leaves from the cup. one-thir- beef. Slice tomatoes vertically; Jones, I l'S 51539331), member of the 65lh Sp4 Truman MP (Platoon) won top honors on June 10 when he received the Soldier of the Month award for Dugway Proving Ground. from each Cinnpeting with four Soldier of the Month winners attion wiV:cr was chosen lie inspections, appearance, unit, tude and knowlediy ot job description. theyll retain more juice. WASHINGTON pointed under the recently established Warrant Officer Nurse procurement program have been named by the Army. Edward Dabkowski of Conn., and Anne B. Kessler of Troy, N. Y., received appointments as warrant officer, W'-- l, in the Army of the United Thrift Shop has moved, many States on May 16 and May people are still confused as to its 18 respectively. location. For newcomers, and Both will attend the basic confused Dugwayites, here are directions! Go to the end of Doonurse course at Brooke Arlittle, which Ls Reservoir St. my Medical Center, Fort Continue straight across Reservoir Sam Houston, Tex., before St., and the Thrift Shop is the reporting to their first asthird building on the right. WO Dabkowski signments to Madigan General HospiThe Coast Guard's Internaand WO tional Ice Patrol is 52 years old tal, Tacoma, Wash., Ar- Kessler to Reed Walter now this year, lt operates 10 New Britain, , Karon drippings used for and searing meat impart a delicate flavor. But be sure to use a little less salt. frying - Lets All Go To The Rodeo ' Western Style From Brown's (ANF) draft call of physicians to b e g i n in July. DoD officials said the 31 ' reduction is due to a drop in the Vietnam casualty estimates and an increase in the number of physicians who are volunteering: for active duty. Of the 1,713 physicians who will be drafted by the Selective Service System in the reduced call, 1)58 will be assisted to the Army. 2,4t)6-nia- n A Levi . 601-1- 5, April 12, 1966, ) r. rrv Lee Riders Collar Tips MhI my Medical Center, Washington, D. C. The new W'arrant Officer Nurse program, announced and outlined in DA Circular 6 A Karman and H bar C Shirts SrJ pro- vides opportunity for individuals who are graduates of two-yeprograms in nursing education to apply for appointment as warrant officer in the Army of the United States. Applicants may be married or single, however women applicants may not have dependents under 18 years of age. Those applying must lie actively engaged In the practice of nursing, or give evidence of having had a minimum of six months nursing experience within the three-yea- r period preceding submission of application. A Strauss First Nurse WOs Named WASHINGTON (ANF) The first nurses to be ap- I- I The Department of Defense has cut 783 men from its primitive man may have used a crude knife of shell or flint W. MacClean would like everyone to note that during the summer months the Thrift Shop will lie open only on Thursday nights, 1000 to 211X1 hours. It will Ire closed for the entire month of August, so lie certain to get your articles in soon if you have just finished your housecleaning and collected' items for the Thrift Shop. Re certain that all clothing is cleaned and mended before lieing brought in. Those people who work in the Thrift Shop are requested to arrive alxnit fifteen minutes early, for it takes time to get everything ready.- Arrive early and dont miss a sale! Since the T MD Draft Cut forks were tour in Korea, after which he was try. At first, scorned as ' effeminate, and assigned to the Presidio, San Francisco. Nancy is already an active men went on eating with their meinlier of the club, for she is fingers. While no one knows for serving as the Thrift Shop booksure when knives were introlive MacCleans at The keeper. duced, historians believe that 500 B Peak St. Mrs. William Biltou and Mrs. Low oven lenierature is a must for tasty, tender roast 'fcp'0' A ar Tony Lama Boots (World's) Childrens Acme Boots and up Mens M595 and up (Finest) Bailey l-lt Hats Resistol Hats Fancy Belts And Buckles BROWNS 24 North Main St ar : At Your Convenience BRADSHAW Everyone trees, it may be grow on AUTO PARTS 50 Bonus Buick he said. "People are coming closer every year and I wouldnt be at all surprised to find myself signing that $10,000 check pretty soon. So, while money doesnt INSTALLED possible to grow $10,000 on a marigold plant in your own N. Main, Tooele Ton Pickup Will Start On Sale at 8 ajn. Bradshaw Says: iEnjoy That Vacation change is as as a rest. good So why take your worries on your Vacation. ;J)o you need a IXnotor or just a Plymouth Congratulates Club and Urges SUPPORT the Rodeo 1949 Dodge V garden. Saturday Morning at $199 and drop $5 FACTORY REBUILT MOTORS Every Vfc Hour Until SOLD! tUV Cl J Wagon Tim 129 . 1965 0p3 Wagon 1962 Ford Wagon ... 129 1962 Rambler Wag. 1959 Plymouth Wag. 1958 Pontiac Wag.. 1958 Ford Wag. 1955 Chov Wag. 1954 Ford Wag. Let us make your vacation trouble frel CRANKSHAFT & BEARING KITS Free Refreshments where Bradshaw Aute Ports , 50 Is!, "io-- - .. t the covered wagon is parked . At vi food. Mrs. Walter Luther reminds us that the next coffee will be on Tuesday, July 5, at 1000 hours. Hostesses for this coffee are Mis. John McBride and Mrs. Kenneth Brauner. KMs SpeaJ Tlicir Pence 1 Steam foods instead of boiling them; you wont drain away valuable nutrients and flavor agents. Place the food in a container ubove the boiling water, so that only the steam is able to reach the WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SILVERWARE? eo-ii- i flavor. Wedding liclls rang cm Saturday, June 25, for Martha Anderson, daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. C. W. Anderson, and Capt. John Stahlman. They were married at the post chapel and will be living in Salt Lake City. Capt. Stahlman is stationed at the University of Utah. Children lit the Post Nursery celebrated the coming Fourth of Jo's by Inning a parade. Here you see them waving flags the children 'bemselv'. in tic. From left to right: 1st row Tony Magann. Ya S'lri Ic. Dennis Clift, and Pixie Davis; 2nd row - Dale Cli1: and IUr.se I Anderson; 3rd row - Cathy Harrell and Verna !. riling: ilh row Pat Stclling, Donald Clift, Felly Magann and Cra?:r Snook and on the' very top Mike Magann luild 1111 HOW TO BE A . 83 North Main, Tooele Friday J 9S |