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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Thursday, June 30, 1966 IFQDDQ THE " JBlrO OMMTt biefi dofclous fruit z. flavors SHASTA FORK d Pap Cara. Ns. 2M Con 12- -. CHARCOAL BEANS IJaMiuraafl Srasui rrarawooa nihv narco's Cara. nqwrvMi KMhBog. EXCELLENT SERVICE --CYVO Heny E. Hardee (L) Maintenance Officer, Army Aviation is shown receiving an honorary plaque in recognition of his excellent service by Mr. E. A. Bridges, Manager of Page Aircraft Maintenance. Savings Bond Campaign Message CJ Rich, creamy, or Vanilla FQUIT DANQUET Dnintto DIHHDQO A oofodod gf From Food LIBBY Duncan Hines freit Pack ,t I3U Campfire CM. plates QuaMyv 16-o- z. Hcg. Club Director A hearty welcome to Mrs. Lea N. Lane,- - who recently arrived here on Dugway Proving Ground. Mrs. Lane is from the Panama Canal Zone, Panama, there die worked as a Psychiatric Recreation Director. Shis will be working at tire Sandy Acres Service Club as Assistant Director with Director Miss Dorothy Hilt. Mrs. Lane was brought up in Richfield, Utah and her parents still reside there. She has also attended the University of Utah and the Canal Zone College. - "This nation is blessed with an outstanding group of civil lervants. They are tireless, they are able, they are dedicated, he declared. But these qualities as great as they are come to nothing if they are not accompan ied by loyalty and sacrifice. Every Government employee can show uch loyalty and sacrifice by enrolling in the payroll savings 'plan. I urge them to do so. SIAASKI Pkg. of 12 boxes No. Gold or St. Regis Pack of 100 Pkg. OR TIP TOT Dipt SPARK UBS Blutbeny, In a Memorandum to heads and Agencies, the Chief Executive said he wants the Federal' Government to be a leader in the Savings Bonds Program and for its employees to set an example for the country. jf. Departments IlMNMdl ftoni 3 fcr$l OrHfn!iburgar Bum President Johnson has called upon all civil servants to show loyalty and sacrifice" during the 25th anniversary Savings Bonds Campaign for Federal Employees by enrolling the payroll savings plan for the regular purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. Parfait Brand in flavorful Chocolate, Strawberry Half Gallon FROZEN 11-O- Z. New Assistant - Suntan Lotion Regular 89c k. Value for Q - The drive is being conducted under the direction of Postmaster General Lawrence F. O'Brien who was designated by President Johnson to be Chairman of the Federal Savings Bonds Campaign. In conjunction with the Savings Bonds Division of the U. S. Treasury Department, Mr. O'Brien month-lon- g the drive during which every man and woman employed by the Federal Government will be contacted SOLDIER OF THE MONTH -personally and given an opport- Pvt. Vincent Gutierrez received a unity to sign up for regular bond 25 dollar Savings Bond and a letter of Commendation when he purchases. was chosen Soldier of the Month The public weather service of for Headquarters and Headquarthe United States began in 1870 ters Company. as part of the Army Signal Corps, is overseeing MAHONS . Silk Brand Pa par Wrapt Pkg. of AQ. When they're from AG & Foodtown t.ieie melons are the highlight of the Holiday Frost. Buy them where they are guaranteed to be sweet, ripe, and uky... That's at AG&FOOQTOWN. A Stoker Pontiac Frodtgra oars wMi sweat, tondarhomob OOODTCOQC1639 Crisppfaeh, now, long-groa-n sBcsn CTwnDimn !&l FOUNTAIN PEOKIKS OLIVES UbbyCam, Pitted. Nsl 1 Cara. H FOR DETER6ENT TDPS-PlN- K L0T10M liquid Assorted --boxed SPICE CAKE kRlIM FRESH e)F Hamburger s&i The best way to stay ahead of high prices Besfl Buys Ever On a Stocker Pontiac, Cadilliac or GMC Truck THE LARGEST STOCK EVER Hurry! Time is Running Out - Buy a New Car From Stokers and You May Win a $250 Portable Color Television Set C0E3PADY 0T63BQ UOTOn PInm Ufilt 44 E. 1st Hb., TmsU, 192-10- 44 V |