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Show THE CITIZEN 15 Repairing Neatly Done Irate Customer I bought a car of you several feefes fent and you said if anything wrong youd supply the broken a&o, parts." Dealer Customer Id like to get a shoulder blade, and a big toe. Manitoba Free Press. the House The bills in for building the young "putting Up come home. George, said the bride couple8 months, Beginning Now! Yes. Irate DOge, a had CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE. of a few they are twice what we ex- With each new subscription to The Citizen, each renewal or payment of subscription account, an order will be given YOU, entitling you to one picture, 11x7 inches, Ivory Finish; a photo of superior quality, made by But, George, twice husb- she replied, theyre as much as that! I ; ! v . j : , MONROE STUDIOS 267 South Main Street. pected!" Dont worry, said the young and. "I expected they would be. (Continued from page 13.) is liberally advertising sign that all over United the States. sprinkled Part of the legend of that sign is this Eventually why not now? That is the question which Christ- ian Science is asking. Eventually you will turn, they why not now? I want to say that nothing that was ever good in all of our life, nothing that we ever found good in any of our own experi- ences, theories, or beliefs, but that we shall find when we come to grow to a knowledge of God and our Lord and Master, wherein there is no limitation in our thought about His ability or His You present the order and get your Picture Taken to you without any charge or further obligation. and delivered Argonaut. Do You Want Expenses Slashed i and Economy Practiced? r The Republican Party presents a record of 8 months of public economy. During that time the United States has made a more drastic reduction in public expenditures than any other nation has made since the armistice. The outstanding features of this Republican program of public 1 economy are: Reduction of the public debt in the sum of $1,014,068,844. Reduction of public expenditures in the sum of $1,743,319,789 during the year ended June 30, 922, as compared with the previous fiscal year, and over as compared with the fiscal year ended June 30, 920 a year during which the Democratic party had control of all the spending agencies of the Government. 1 $3,-000,000,0- 00 1 Reduction of 79,3 2 public employees between March 4, 1921, and June 30, 922. 1 1 Reduction of $300,000,000 in public appropriations for routine expenses of government during present year as compared with appropriations for last year. This is over $1,000,000,000 less than was appropriated to run the Government during the last year of Democratic administration. between the Republican executive departments and the Republican Congress made possible this slashing of public expenses. If this program of public economy, so well begun, is to be carried on it is necessary to elect a Republican Congress in order to continue the cooperation between the executive and legislative branches of the Government. willingness to help. We are no longer to think that the Word of God is given just to heal from sin, but we shall know that it is giv- en to heal from every one of the ills to which the flesh is heir. We shall find coming to us more and more a knowledge of the almightiness of God, and the more we know He is almighty the less shall we be concerned with the human theories, and we shall learn that there is no power apart from God that can thwart those who have the wish and desire to make the measure of the children of men unto eternal, everlasting Life. We shall find that the more we turn to know God as Christian Science' teaches God to be, the more loving we shall be, the more consciousness of Life we shall have, the more Truth we shall discern, and as every step presents itself unto us, the more we shall become conscious of the Principle of right thinking, so that we can make no mistake, but shall go on .with the light which never lost a case which came to it for healing; and the more we cling to that, the more shall we which enables have that Christ-minus to do for ourselves and for our brethren in this world the healing from every discord that seems to afflict us. d Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as It is in heaven. Newsboy (on railroad car, to Edgar gentleman occupant) Buy Foiled Guest's latest work, sir? Gentleman No! I am Edgar Guest himself. Newsboy Well, buy Man in Lower Ten. You aint Mary Roberts Rhino-harare you? t, NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Black Metal Mines. Inc. Location of principal office, 220 Felt Build-inSat Lak- - City, Utah. l ocation of mine, .Tackrabbit Minins District, Lincoln County. evada. Notice is hereby siven that at a meeting ol le board of directors, held October 14th, 1922. i assessment to be known as assessment No of one cent (lc) per share, was levied on the itstanding capital stock of the corporation, ivabe immediately to E. H. Snyder, secretary 0 Felt Build inn:. Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment unpaid on the 11th day of Novmbr 122, will be delinquent and advertised fni lie at public auction, and unless payment h lade before, so much of each parcel of stool o: i shall be necessary to raise the amount of cost advr lid assessment, together with sing and expense of sale, will 2be sold on th oclock p. m. Lth day of Decenibor, 1922, at t the companys office, 220 Felt Building, Sal akek City, Utah, to pay the delinquent as s, re-min- s wmcnt, together with the cost of advertisini nd expense of sale. 220 Secretary. E. II. SNYDER Felt Building, Salt Lake City. Utah. ' Co-operati- on This Advertisement Contributed by A. W. It. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP N0TICE8. Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further Information X OTIC H TO CREDITORS. Estate of Israel Siegel, deeeasec Creditors will present claims, wit7 vouchers, to the undersigned at ; i . J . . ' |