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Show THE CITIZEN was held between 8' and 11 oclock. Pink and white roses were used for The ; the. decorations of the rooms. bride, who was unattended, wore a frock of yellow, satin with gold lace , and- carried brides roses. Assisting in receiving were Mr. and .Mrs. T. A. Hoggan, Mr., and Mrs. George Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Charles , Hansen and Mr. Woodford. In the dining room Misses Eva Rice Grace Hoggan and Leone Woodford aided the hostess. , After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hadley will be at home at 2172 . . ' . . Eighth East street. J A MUSICAL tea was given Tues- day afternoon by Mrs. Wellington E. Lake at her home on East South Temple street, in honor of Mrs. Roy Schuyler, who expects to leaye this week to Join her; husband, .. Captain at t.Coblenz, ; Germany; Schuyler, for-- - ' of Mrs. Rudolph .Wolmutb, merly Miss Mercia Butler, whose marriage in September was recently announced, and of Miss Alice Spiller and Miss Elsa Spiller, who will leave soon for San Francisco to study : music and dancing. Pink carnations decorated the re- ception rooms and Christmas ideas were used in the decorations in tML.v ballroom, where tea was served an'd the musical program given. : The program was furnished Hazel Franks and' Miss Becky Almond, pianists; Miss Elsa Spiller, vocalist; Miss .Marion Nottage, dancer, accompanied by Miss Eleanor Wool-ley- ; Mrs. Mae Hawley Stevens, Mrs. .Helen Spencer . Williams and Mrs. Marion Whitney Feilt, ukulele players; Miss Wiora Rogers, vocalist; Miss Alice Spiller, dancer. Wetzells orchestra furnished music during the afternoon. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Orvin Morris, Mrs. L. M. Nottage, Miss Afton McDonald and Miss Susan Raybould. Two hundred invitations were issued. a I . - . by-Mis- s club MEMBERS of the Entre Nous Cou-laof Mrs. W. E. at her home on East Second South street Monday afternoon at Christmas cards, followed by tea. ideas prevailed in the decorations. Oregon holly in a basket with red ma- line on the handle formed the center-piec- e for the table. Tally cards had Christmas designs. The guests in- eluded Mrs. Max Beaver, Mrs. T. A. Bailey, Mrs. T. E. Coffman, Mrs. E. Chapman, Mrs. M. Z. Forscutt, Mr. Bert Fox, Mrs. George W. Morgan, Mrs. O. R. Meredith, Jr., Mrs. V. R. Stephenson, Mrs. A. 0. Amundsen, Mrs. Henry Johnson and Mrs. x.. Helen. m . HE marriage of Miss Velma daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Arrowsmith to Roy H.,Fergusoi! took place Monday night at the home of the brides parents, 943 McClelland avenue. The ceremony was. perform-..- . T , ' . . fairy-bubbl- es Our New Winter Fashion Display are creations of surpassing beauty that emphasize the new lines, new fabrics and the very spirit of the new winter season . Ar-rowsmi- ed by Bishop E. M. Ashton and was followed by a reception. ' .i YOU who dream of enchanting evening gowns, smart morning frocks, dressy suits and walking frocks you, who weave that picture all that is chic, lovely yet refined in womens apparel you can realize all these sweet imaginings by a visit to HAMILTONS. . i The bride wore a gown' of white 2I6S0UTH71AIN ST. |