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Show THE CITIZEN 14 buckel, Miss Dorothy Alle and Miss Lois Gillespie. .The couple will spend their honey moon in a tour of Yellowstone. They will be at home in Ogden after September 15. marriage of Miss Grace Rollo David Hunter took place Wednesday night at 8 oclock at the home of the brices parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rollo, 381 D street. The ceremony was performed by Bishop David R. Lyon in the presence of relatives and a few Intimate friends. A buffet wedding supper followed. The house was decorated with late summer1 flowers, Including a profusion of goldenglow and asters. Goldenglow in 'a basket formed the centerpiece for the supper table. "The bride wore a georgette crepe, beaded. Among those who assisted in receiving the guests were Mrs. H. H. Morris, Miss Melba Rollo. THE flesh-colore- d per, Mrs. Henry Culverwell, Mrs. M. M. Selby, Mrs. John Winwood, Mrs. Thomas Insurance & Investment Company Henry Oldon, Mrs. George E. Davies, Mrs. J. F. Wallace, Miss Mary Berkeley and Mrs. M. Houston. The young people of the Immanuel Baptist church, of which Mrs. Bower-man- s husband was formerly pastor, entertained at a picnic supper in her honor at Liberty park Wednesday evening. Insurance Of All Kinds Telephone Wasatch 3164 Mrs. Verne W. Earls entertained at a luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. A. J. Rothenbush and Miss Henrietta Hoffman, her sister, of Stock-toCaL Mrs. Earls was assisted by her mother, Mrs. L. J. Buckle. Garden flowers were used for decorations. The guests Included Mrs. A. J. Rothenbush, Miss Henrietta Hoffman, Mrs. Howard Corless, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Andrew Neilstrup, Mrs. R. Poul-toMiss Alene Mikelsel, Mrs. L. J. Buckle, Mrs. E. C. Taylor, Miss Helen Boyd Park Bldg., Salt Lake City n, Clean Burning Goal n, that sputters and smoulders in your stove or furnace and sends black smoke belching from your chimneys, is not only injurious to the cause of a cleaner city, but is a Burning dirty coal, June Buckle. COSTLY practice. Mrs. J. E. McCarty and daughter. Miss Ellen McCarty, have gone to Los Angeles to join Mr. McCarty, where they will make their home. Miss Teresa Morley of San Diego, who for the past five weeks has been the guest at the McCarty home, accompanied them. Castle Gate and Clear Creek Coals, and are CLEAN COALS. They burn up, leaving few ashes and causing the chimney to emit only a light, almost sootless smoke. Castle Gate and Clear Creek Nut Coals are especially suited to use in the home. The nuisance of breaking lumps to fit the range or heater has been done away with by preparation at the mine. This also saves the big waste in coal dust resulting from free-burnin- breaking in the bin. It will pay you to fill ASK YOUR DEALER Utah Fuel Co, The marriage of Miss Eleanor Schion of Salt Lake and M. H. Mc- Miss Mildred Harris, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. A. C Harris, is on her way to Detroit, Mich., to attend the Thomas Normal Training school. Miss Harris will visit friends in Denver and Chicago on her way. She is a graduate of the West high school, class of , your bins NOW with Castle Gate or Clear Creek Coal, perfectly suited for use in the range, heater or fireplace of your home or in the factory furnace. Mrs. John Dern and Mrs. James C. Dick were hostesses at a luncheon at the Country club Tuesday, in honor of Mrs. George Haslam of Fremont, Neb., who is spending the summer at the Dern home. Laughlin of Ogden took place Tuesday morning at 8 oclock, at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. heat-producin- g, g Miners and shippers exclusively of Castle Gate and Clear Creek Coals. ' - " 1 The Triumph of 1919. HENRY MILLER, WHO WILL APPEAR WITH BLANCHE BATES IN MOLIERE ' AT THE SALT LAKE THEATRE NEXT FRIDA Y AND SA TURD A Y. Miss Winifred Rollo and Miss Norma Rollo. The couple left for Burley, Idaho, where they will make their home. The brides going-awagown was of dark y blue serge. to Mrs. Louis S. Kansas City, Mrs. G. J. Badertscher and Mrs. W. H. Ben- compliment INBowerman of nett entertained at the home of Mrs. Badertscher on Westminster heights Wednesday. A yellow color scheme was carried out in the table decorations. A bowl of marigolds was the centerpiece. The place cards had marigold designs and the nut cups were in the form of marigolds. Covers were laid for Mrs. T. J. Nip Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wheelon announce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Marion, to Harold Herrick. The wedding took place Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herrick will leave the middle of September for New York to attend school. Mrs. George E. Dangerfield and children and Miss Beulah Terry have returned from Wildwood, Provo canyon, where they have spent two weeks at the Dangerfield cottage. Mrs. F. E. Marcy, who has gone to Los Angeles to make her home, was the guest of honor at a tea given by Mrs. Phil Clark at her home on First avenue Thursday afternoon. Miss Sadie Rosser, Miss Jeannette Rosser and Miss Emma Parkinson have returned from a tour of Yellowstone park. Oxy-Acetyle- Weldin- g- ne In a mill of the Carnegie Steel Company at Farrell, Pa., the cylinders of two engines that had been doing war work were badly fractured. Although one of these cylinders was 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, the other 5 feet 10 inches, three expert welders successfully repaired them in a weeks time, at a fraction of the replacement cost. The installation of new cylinders would have thrown 360 men out of work for three and a half months. The best steel plants depend upon for their repair work. Our expert welders can satisfy you and save you time by repairing the broken parts of your autos, machines and engines. Oxy-Acetyle- ne GALIGHER MACHINERY CO. 101 West 2nd South (Dooly Block.) J |