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Show THE CITIZEN 12 iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHnimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiii AETNA Service Supreme Rescuing Angel, Friday and Satui day, will be the leading features. AMERICAN I WTH Ed D. 38 W. 2nd So. St. . I iHiBiaiiirmiiHHiNiiiMtiainiiNiiiiiitttiaMNiaiMMiNHMiaiiHiittnHiiMiiiiiMiiiuiiii? At the e Henkel and Ollie Smith as associate director. arrangements . between Through Managing Director W. H. .Swanson and Mr. Henkel an aggregation of artistes, famed throughout' the coun- try for their musical talent, have been' gathered for the new orchestra, which will be the largest ever placed in any house in the intermountain district for a permanent engagement. On Tuesday, comes Olive Thomas The Spite latest feature picture, This photoplay has been a Bride. long time in the preparation and release dates have been frequently changed because of the time taken in making it a finished dramatic production. Jack Pickford, ever popular in Salt Lake, appears at the American next Friday and Saturday in his second picture, starring in his own company. Burglar by Proxy is the title of his latest photoplay and prerelease exhibitions have shown it to be the best that this versatile star has ever made. It is said to be even . better than Mile a Minute Kendali, which won him the unqualified commendation of motion picture critics throughout the United States. Old Clock Corner "Banking Perfection Under U. S. Inspection" Service is The Guardian Fire Insurance complete thirty-one-piec- General Agents Was. 4000 plans practically the installation of the new grand American theatre philaharmonic orchestra, Salt critics are looking formusical Lake ward with a great deal of interest to the innovation which takes place on August 31 under the leadership of Ted Smith and Sons ' Every Dollar Paid For Insurance in . Our Highest Aim Utah State National Bank Mini lisirn Ink Mat. Wed., Aug. 27 Selwyn & Co. Serve REFRESHING COMEDY By Roi Cooper Megrue With ARTHUR BYRON, FREDERICK PERRY, ELSA PERRY $1.50, $2.00. 50c, 75c, Mat., 50c, 75c, and Mutual Creamery Stays In Utah Co. mMlMllllllimllUIUrUUaUttJUMIMIIIIlIKtlUIUHIIIWIIUIIIKlIltUnHIIIUIUMjB . The Agency Company Managers 334 South Main Street SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ! MARMON 34 .4 Forty-on- lubrication e points have been elimi- Tel. Was. 6516 Apen All Night UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS nated. On the Marmon are only four grease cups. S. D. EVANS These are on the steering connection where they are readily accessible. 48 Modem Establishment New Building Salt Lake City State St. . siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji . Aug. 25, 26, 27, 28 PricesEves., O every day. . MOLIERE A MAID of Utah A Few Very Desirable 1 Offices Now Available I . Miakir purity and goodness of CLOVER BUTTER Is Its acknowledged. generally is insured by pasteurisapurity tion its goodness unquestioned. Ask your grocer for it; fresh The Company $1.00, $1.00 $1.50. COMING and Blanch' Bates, HENRY MILLER a distinguished company, will appear at the Salt Lake theatre August 29 and 30 in Moliere, a powerful play by Philip Moeller, one of the most promising of the younger American dramatists. It is unlikely that the season will witness another such distinctly noteworthy event in Moliere was the drathe theatre. matic success of the year at the Liberty theatre in New York where it recently completed a long engage- ment. Of course costume plays are not thrown together like so many modern comedies and farces. They require long preparation and the greatest attention to detail, and this is especially the case where histQrical characters are introduced. Mr. Millers high artistic standard in presenting plays is well known. That the scenic emMobellishment and costuming of liere, reflecting the magnificence of the period of Louis XIV of France, will be a delight to the eye can be readily assumed. It is not overstating it to say that a company of such eminence has not been assembled in many a season. Mr. Miller will appear as Moliere, toward the close of the career and Miss Bates as the beautiful and brilliant favorite of the actor-dramatis- a $912 ts s miR NESS I BLDG, i I s 3 Saturday V. H. RICHEY Room 431 Rental Agent r f.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3 king, Madame de Montespan. Among the familiar characters of the period introduced into the long cast are Louis XIV; La Forest, the aged cook to I 29-3- 0 1 Ar-mand- Henry Hiller Blanche Bates I And a distinguished company, in Mere whom Moliere habitually read his plays; La Fontaine, the fabulist; the young wife of Moliere; e, the faithful old actor; Lull!, the court musician and de Lauzun, the courtier. The notable supporting company includes David Glassford, Catharine Calhoun Doucet, Forrest Robinson, Alice Gale, Sidney Herbert, Paul Doucet, Frederick! Roland, James P. Hagen, Wallace Roberts, Elsie Frederic, Florence Busby, Vincent Chambers, Frank Longacre, William Robins and Paul Gaston. The music for the play has been especially composed. Moliere is in three acts. The scenes of the first and third acts show the green room in the Palais Royal and the second act the apartment in the Louvre of Madame de Montespan. .The period is the latter part of the seventeenth century. AUGUST Matinee Saturday 5 Colinge, MVTN $15 28 W. 2nd So. I mWKLOVERINGffli MIC A miTII 1 1 With the original superb pro- duction from the Liberty The- ater, New York. N. Y. World said: A 1 real oasis in a month of theatre- going. N. Y. Sun said: I Most im-- portant contribution to the American theatre that our stage has witnessed this . 1 year. ( Post said: Dis- tinctive literary, Imaginative and dramatic qualities. N. Y. Eve. Mail said: I Arouses audiences to enthu- siastic outbursts. N. Y. Eve. 1 1 . I 1 I I 1 Prices Eves.: 50c to $2.50. Mat.: 50c to $2.00. Plus tax. Sale Wednesday. jj 1 1 |