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Show THE CITIZEN More than eyer before, ueeessful business requires Banking Service of the. broad, perma-- ' nent character we give. NEW BOOKS MNIIIIIHINHIMMMnMHNMnHMMMMMIIIIMIIIIINIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIll HU THE CUP OF FURY. By Rupert Hughes. Book by courtesy of D. A. Callahan. In this romance of popular appeal the author has not attempted to touch the heights and depths of human passion. Rather he has tried to present to us characters of civilian life mov- ing in the atmosphere of war. While never much above the level of melodrama the story, with all its studied striving after thrills, is enthralling, albeit the climax casts its shadow far before and we are familiar with its outlies much too soon. We feei that the author is not quite .reconciled to his heroine. She is a brilliant creature , taken from the vaudeville stage and adopted by a rich English nobleman and his wife because she looks so much like their daughter who has passed away. Marie Louise moves in the best British society and has acquired' the proper social accent both as to language and character. We fancy that the author is copying her from someone he observed in real life and whom he found quite charming, essentially good and kind and temperamental, but who smoked cigarettes and . was occasionally vulgar and cattish. She does not come up to our puritanical preconceptions of a heroine and so the author is often at much pains to explain when her conduct does not quite con. vince. Her patron gives her a hundred thousand pounds or some such amount for her acting as a messenger in certain transactions which she, in her inShe nocence, does not understand. knows that her patron is of German extraction and she wonders a little at the folk who sometimes come to see him and cannot altogether submerge the Teutonic intonation. Marie Louise almost ends her career in the Tower of London and on the scaffold, for her patron and his wife are spies and she has unwittingly helpe'd to sink the Lusitania by carNicky rying letters to a certain meets and in whom she parks All the time the places. British secret service has had an eye on her and her group. Finally Sir Joseph her adoptive father and his wife are caught red. handed, but slip through the leash of the law by committing suicide. Instead of hanging Marie Louise according to the law and the evidence the secret service allows her to return to her native America. She takes an oath not to reveal the real story of her past and goes to the United States with her money and with no thought of ever being involved with spies again. But the secret service is aware that the plot extends to the. United States and Is anxious to follow all the threads of it and trap all the Hun agents mixed up in it. On this side of the water Marie Louise meets a captain of industry . . . ' CdSCKtClLfiANKnnD bubusheo isrs uSSmmmmw HHIIHHHHHMHinaHNItiaHHNHIIIIHIIIiaaNIHillHHIlHIIIIHtllllMIIHIHIIIMH Eat Well and be Happy. , . To eat well, be sure, your meal includes m m , - ROYAL BREAD 1353 The bread that mother stop baking IhSI Everthing that goes into Royal Bread is body-buildin- g, nourishing and good for you and yours. Buy it at your Neighborhood Grocer; It's fresh. Royal Baking Co. SALT LAKE iHNaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaiaaaaiaaiaaaaHaaiaaaaaiiaiaaaai uHiiiiiuiHiHHunnniHiiiiiiiiiHiHmihHHHmraiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiin 3 Wkit 1! Yoi Should Die What is the condition of your estate? Is your will made out in a way that insures perfect execution? We invite you to come in and talk with our ex perts along this line. No obligations on your part, You rather owe it to your people to have these things done right. 1 i i i i I i- s Tiniht? - Anthon H. Lund... 1st Vic Pres, George A. Smith.. 2nd Vice Pres. Cashier P. M. Mlchelsen D. E. Judd. .Asst. Cashier rillUIUMIHUI ....... MUUUIIIIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII? I out-of-the-w- usual type who falls in love with her. He is engaged in building ships for the government and how the plot begins to revolve about him and his ships. Marie Louise is taken up by Washington society on account of Polly, her aristocratic English friend who happens to be there with her husband, a major in the British service. A dramatic scene occurs when Marie Louise is denounced before her friend and entire drawing room of fashionable guests by a certain Lady Clifton-Wyawith whom she had had spats in England. Lady Clifton-Wyagets cruelly sweet revenge by branding Marie Louise as a spy and by inventing the most extraordinary details to fill in the gaps of the story with which she is acquainted only in its broad outlines. Marie Louise, shamed before her sweetheart, and unable to .make an effective reply on account of her oath, feigns to be taken ill and departs. Then Nicky reappears. Supposed to have been shot as a spy he lives to tell Marie Louise that he got away by confessing the part Sir Joseph and his lady had had in theplot. He is still for- the Fatherland, however, and is trying to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of his own people by some grand stroke of violence against the United States. Marie Louise works first as a stenographer for her captain of industry, then as an apprentice lad in the shipyards to foil a plot. In the thrilling climax her sweetheart loses his arm in a battle with Nicky who wields a bomb, the spies are killed herself before and she a world which presumably is waiting to see her suffer the fate of the spy and a traitress. The book is remarkable for its faithful portraiture of war times in Washington and we fancy that the characters are borrowed, with variations, from real life. LADIES! Get the habit of lunching and dining at ROTISSERIE INN We serve Fine Salads, Cold Chicken Consomme Jelly, Sea Foods and all kinds of Hot Weather specials. i Special attention accorded our guests by C. Rinettl and F. Cap-- , itolo. tt tt - 323 SOUTH HAIR STREET - Young Wife. Oh, Jack, you don't mean to say that you've found a flat? Husband. Not exactly, dear; but were pretty fortunate. We are first in after a couple who have taken it for three years. Edinburgh More than 15,000 individuals, firms and corporations representing every western industry, have accounts Brothers Walker Bankers. with For the reason ask our customers. Walker. Brothers Bankers Founded 1859 Resources Over $1 1,000,000 When Buying or Selling Stocks See H. B. COLE, Broker Salt Lake Room 1, Stock Exchange Bldg, WE PRINT THE CITIZEN He. My dear, I cant afford to buy you that hat. She. Still you'd save money if you did. He. How do you make that out? She. Because I shall fret myself ill if I dont get it, and you know what doctors bills are. Tit-Bit- s. My hair is coming out dreadfully. Do you know of any way to prevent it? No; you ought to have thought of that before you got married. Baltimore American. OUR CRAFTSMANSHIP SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Century printing Company J. Q. RYAN W. G ROMNEY CENTURY BUILDING EDISON STREET 231 Phone Wasatch 1801 Printers. Binders, Designers, Linetypers |