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Show TI1E MOIJMNii JLRYMEN. UNABLE TO AGREE UPON VERDICT. ARE AGAIN LOCKED UP. J. J. BRUMMITT Real Estate Bargain Counter. (Continued From eerliing an opinion. eridem-- for the jury to walla, Good mbs four room house, with barn, aew five room house well on beach, near oar lint, olty 8ma3 payment down, water, (1,600. balance same as paying rant Twelva room house near the Southern Pacific shops, all In good shape, will pay 10 per cent net on investment. six room brick house with city wattr, large cellar, tress, out build-bunear ear line on bench. Only lUM; terms to suit Good six room frama house, with sir Ml near public school, cloaa to car Good s, 11m; (1,900. A mw six room modem with Ml basement, close Atwm, (2,(00. brick bouse, la on Adams a lot sear IIS feet (71 psr front foot buys (ho Government Building,' deep, some Improvements. Onst snap In business proparty cm 21th Street, this property mast be r. once. Will pay 10 par cant sold net on Iks InrestmcnL A nue opportunity to msko an Investment which will yield io largo a permanent income. FMr Dollars per front loot buya n tot on 24th Street, thin k surrounded by good residences and is in a choice part of the residence part of the city. Aa elegant lot In Kob Hill, SOxlSS feet to alley, very cheap at Forty Dol(holes building lars .ho above are only a few of the bsiislni 1 have to offer, If you do not Cud what you desire tn this list call ud see me and I will show a long Hat of other properties. Both Phonos 771, 2274 WASHINGTON AVENUE. J. J. BRUMMITT Lemons Oranges requests hart this far it aeemed that there could be no longer any doubt the rational or irrational conduct of Thaw the night of the homicide was p laving a leading part la the deliberation of the jurors. The jury finally asked tn have certain portions of Evelyn Thaws testimony aa to the shooting head to them. Juror Pink, wh3 evtdenily waa in very bad shajie, delayed the reading of testimony for a few minutes by asking permission to retire for a moment. He tottered from the room accompanied by an officer and aeemed near a colls pee. After an absence of five minutes he resumed hie place in the jury box. looking very pale and tired. Soon after the jury retired at 1:20 p. m., Eielyn Thaw, accompanied by Hr. ORellley of Thawa counsel, left the court hone for lunch. The crowd In the street was so anxious to get a close look at her that aha waa almost aaapt off her feet and Mr. O'Reilly was forced to fight a way through the crowd for her. When the other members of the Thaw family left the building It required several policemen to protect them from the curious ones. When Evelyn Thaw returned to the court house the streets were jammed with people and the police had to be called upon to make a passageway for her. Hundreds of peopla, many of them woman, fought to get close to her. Score rushed Into the court house, surrounded the elevators and rushed up the stairs in an effort to see her. While ha was la the court room Thaw headed n slip of paper te the reporters' table. Yesterday one of the local papers published a letter alleged to have been written by Stanford White to May MoKenste. Thaw'a note, which waa on the subject, read: rare I wish they had alxty-fon- r original letters of the deceased." Dales Washington, April GROCERIES on the Mar ket Prompt Delivery A. OLSEN E- - 2259 Washington Ave. Fromm Inb to minister American Sweden, Mr. Graves, growing out of Mr. Graves refusal to present her to the royal court at Stockholm, left for Before her deNew York tonight. parture she gave out a statement In which she uld she had no chance of redress at the hands of President Roosevelt or the state department' and that she "would pursue the Issue to the end. Her statement criticises President Roosevelt for denying her an audience asks If that was a "aquara deal," say he has been shamefully treated by the Roosevelt administration and aaya of the case by that the the state department, while a moral victory for her, is Intended to deceive She alleges that me into the state department la prottctlng the eludes: president in the matter, and con-'regard my treatment hert as a force and an outrage. 1th . ckaracter"of "the transfer V. OTPPly our patrons, b,e ,nd low coat, haT.We11 Cn yw,r 7 FOR SALE ROOMS. tor the MARKET WANTED A guud one who ihulereUii Wash. re W If yoa want te cut down living expense call and see ss and be convinced Washington. April 11. R. R. Brown. Commander-in-chie-f of the Grand Army of the Republic, Corporal Tanner, past commander-ln-cblef-. and various local officials of the organization called on President Roosevelt today In reference to the alleged dismissal from the government department! of many veterans of the civil war. or their widows, for no other cause than old age. Some time ago the president took up this question at a cabinet meeting and gave discrimination that Instructions against veterans or their widows should cease. During the call today of Commander Brown and his friends the president informed them of the instructions he had given and assured them that the old aoldlera should be cared for. ANTKD-Expei- i rluuit Cor. 24th and Grant 25 Phones Bsll; 511 Independent. iv mi aid ai lire 4 RENT-Nic- LARGE rooms, school. Griffin Paint well-- f mulshed cneap. FOR RENT ROYAL ARCANUM. bve-rou- light BRICK FIVE-ROO- RES., -- CHAUNCEY PARRY, Cor. 23 and Wish. Phone 359-X-. Meets every Saturday afternoon at 2:10 la Pythian hall, Utah National Baak building. Sojourning atetwa cordially Invited to attend. MRS. EYELYN G LAS MANN, M. B. C. MlSg LOUISE RITTER. M. of R. A C. FOR SALE Corner lot, Twaaty-sae-osstreet end Maulson avenue, 8x8 Tods, huuse, pantry aud cellar. Address Mr. A. U. Smith, rooms 25 and 26, Wuudmanseu Ulk ORDIR OP RAILWAY CONDUCTORS eight-roome- d d front lll-t- f Mrs. FCR SALE Ranch, le acres, from city limits. Address ter Ave, Ogdea. 2 miles (040 Por- a Waaatch Divisloa No. 114. R. C, meets aoooad and fourtk Fridays at 2:10 1. m. in K. of P. hall, soratr Washlngtoa avaaua and 24th sneeL brothers are cordially Invited to attend. AU TO TRADE GEO. ia D. AI.IJN, L. DOYLE, We-del- U ron Tested, sound, reliable. Frateraal Order, inaurea men ut reasonable rate fur oca, two. or threa thousand dollar. Accumulated gency fund nearly three million dollars Investigate. Rocky Mountain Council, No. Ill, meets second sal fourtk Fridays at A. O. U. W. hall. Beneficiary with bam, n railroaj district; close F. W. Stone, Regent; in; SI. 900. j. W. Wothe spoon. CoUector; Q B. Rabarts, gec y. An elrgam in qrsldcaue railroad district, (1AU0. MASONIC. A with bath, lot 50x132: also good biru. withla block of Qneen Esther Chapter No. 4, O E. street car, (1,9011.- meetings held at Maaeaie Oue brick with hath and Hall Rrgular an Washlngtoa avanua. batwaea mw rr connection, (3,000. Twenty-fift- h and Tweniy-eixtatreeta Alsu one frame and ona tha first and third Fridays of each frame, all located on bench, ia month. Sojourning mambtra cordial-- 1 first class rekldeace district, (1,690 Invited to attend. each. ANNA LEWIS, W. M. A 5 room and LILY V. HALS TED, Secretary. bath, new residence, with hot aud cold water connection. Tu lalliued district, (1.909. PYTHIAN BISTERS. fist. for light :h3 Wash. A GOOD furnished roosts, LARGE productive fruit farm for Imwith bath, tiirreughly renovated; proved Ogden property. W. B. also light honaekeepiog rooms. Tha 318-lColonial, 6 24th BL Mrs. a. U Chian, Managar. I ll-WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. RENT IMrnishad CARL C. RASMUSSEN Block. sure use. Room 42. board and room. BOARD and room; nice, clean rooms. 21U6 Wash. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of mu; 2546 Adam city. 10-t- f Newly furnished looms with bath, also light houaehaaping 361 31IML rooms, :2nd. WANTED Female help, at Slats Industrial school. Apply to superintendent. You jihhI Puritan Taint, Japalac, WallpajwT Oleaner, Now is the Urutilieg, etc. to tlmr paint your home. We guarantee our paints. Our spring stock of Wallpaper has just arrived and the patterns and quality are equal, if not superior, to any in the llHf FOR RENT nett Cleaning furnished ely Andrew. Vir- Blau-- 4 cook, 5:6 25th. FOR RENT Three rooms housekeeping. 137 fGih. WANTED Two girls Ut taka course ru uuriiag. Ogaen General Uusplul. House ROOM if luduurial For Fl'RNISHEn sleep-ii-.- f WANTED An txpeiieucod girl for housework; good w ,.; permanent place. Call at hi! 4ih i. 4 Firai-cla- 11-l- 4 634 Gram. 4iulwk WANTED 4 FOR KENT A !a;e furniehad room, Jt'.Ju Adanrt. Ave. FOR 2431 AriTUIl. A chum 477 house-ktfupiu- WANTED Good reliable girl for general huunewulk. Nils. LI. 11. Perry. WANTED ginia. housekeeflir. FOR RENT- - R wuf fur light IVery Annex, 2436 Wa.'i. leue., tU disi 4 ligh; u ti 11-l- furnished r.ire o CHANGED HANDS Witoduianeeo block. Fmr.lehi d or lmfurutabed rooms, reskouab'.e prices. 3tk 24ih. stenographer. by RKXT-Ts- I'Jnd street. woman. iioti. REAL ESTATE. FUR BALE Furniture or house. House for rent if you buy. Mudaru hvuHes fur sale froin to (a.OOrt. O. A White, SS: 25th St - ivin for g in cooking wnc Addie WANTED writes fire InFirst Nall. Beak Bldg. S 29-l- Pork, veal, and chickens at RuiaelhJamaa Go., lbl Ittk BL . p. C. C. B. and T. a ELKS, R P. O. Klkn Ogdea Uvdge No. 716. Lodge and dub rooms, aeoond floor, Waxblugtoa avonue. Regular meetings every Tuesday evening. A. T. HBSTMARK. Exalted Ruler. J, H. K.NAUSS, Secretory.. 2414 ORDER OF WASHINGTON, Union. No, 172, Order of Ogden meets every Tuesday Washlngtoa. liJ-U- . Ava at S eclock la . O. U. W. WANTED To buy working boras evening kalL comradaa Invited to FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED ROOMS weighing from 1,290 to 1,490 pounds. attead.(Visiting WANTED Good reliable girl for genMust be perfeotly sound. Apply at Yg-l- f eral housework, 2752 Weak. WILUAM DOTLB, Preaidaat FOR RENT Two unfarnlihed rooms. once to L. K. Farley, at Wilcox WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. 549 22nd street. 1 f 4 f Grocery Company. SITUATION WANTED, FEMALE. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. FOR RENT Two office or sleeping WANTED. . WANTED Position as ladys nurse. rooms over Clark's ilxet. SECONDHAND goods and upholsterUtah Camp. No. 1990. Modern WoodApply 34 23rd. Bell phone 414-Z- . ing. City property for nice fruit men of America, meets every Tuesday 411-le- k TOR RENT HOUSES. farm. I. T. Alvord, by P, O. Photre night at Eagle HaU, 6 p. m. Vlaltlag members lnvl,ed. 59 and 2SS. WANTED Aa experienced lady FOR RENT House with six rooms. M. A. GOULD, V. C. wants poalBua aa houerkenper; out Call 663 27th, morning. first-clas-s J. li. SHAFER, Clerk. WANTED Two jersey of town preferred. Address "Z rows, inquire office Consolidated w (Standard. FOR RENT-iTO- RE. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS. 2 f Wagon and Machine Co. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM 441 26lk alreat TO BUY. 13-t- MALI HELP WANTEQ. FOR RENT Store room and basement of Emmett Block. 330 34th PROFESSIONAL to learn plumb St. For Information call at law lag, plastering, bricklaying, elec trio offices of Joseph Ches. tf 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. trades; fret catalogue; positions secured; tuition fifty dollars. Ccyae FOR RENT STORAGE BUILDING Trade School Nw York and Sea A. 0. HORN. . Offices oyer Badeons Fraadao, i yt UT FOR RENT Large storage building. Alternoy-at-Law- Store. I seek tho buiaoa of Drug RednU. .im ell ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may parties; am atturaay agalast all am (75 to (100 monthly aorraapond-Irprecorporations sad auinopolloK FOR RENT PIANO. for newspapers; anre, steady pared to transact any and all xta.t of legal business. work; no oenvaasiag; nxparianoe FOR RENT Good upright piano. 24(4 unnecessary. Bead for particulars. Grant. T. E. Fra Syndicate, Luckport, N. Y. HULAN1BKI, Attareay-abUw- . Room Si and 22, First National FOR BALE MISCELLANKOUG Bank building. General Practte. AGENTS WANTED. FOR SALE Good fls nw bast cultiHAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES. vator, cheap, also an orchard W ANTES) A good huatler in every half at IV. B. price. Wedeli. HAIR SWITCHES for sale at reduced town to sell our perfect water filters, retelling from (1.S0 to (1.00; 100 per prlroa. Hair chains a specialty. cent profit to agents; exclusive terMasquerade costuaias to rout for BALE FOR One balla and theaters. All mail order good second Laud ritory. Benroa niter Co., Beneca, also nurry, runabout; two good Mo. promptly attended to. Mrs C, hives, one pantry cabinet, oae Lm, 111 24th. P, 0. Bax 415. washing machine, inquire 644 28th MEN AND WOMEN are making (10 INS17 RANGE, L, or Ind. phone , ,o. 302 to 125 n day selling our embrulde'y goods; no capital or experience re- FOR SALE Horse, hsrnese aud bug- W. N PIERCER Notary Public, Real quired. Why not your Write for Batata; Fire, Life sad Accident Inf 4 ample and exclusive agency. U. gy, cheap. 3261 Jefferson. surance, 497 24th BL B. Embrolde works, Omaha, Nab. FOR SALE Piano, 756 25th cheap. JUNK. WE PAT agsniA ladies or gentlemen, 8AIJE FOR tood driving horse, THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. buys from 50 cents to 11.00 an hoar to all kinds of jnsk. Beil phone 42CZ. cheap. 2726 Waab, Ind. Phone 661. Introduce and advertise our remelad. phoae 1493a Grata A Jacobdies, city or country. Car-ub- s Med. son, 8141 Pacific. Co., 2351 Washington nve. FOR BALE Horae. Apply Ogden IF TOU have say kind of Junk, pkoas Phanutoal company, 281 24th, WANTED MONEY. to Ogdea Junk House; we wUl call 41-t- f for 1L Bsll phone, 326K; lad. 721 To borrow niuney on improved reel Sli-lBIestate. Address "A, Standard FOR BA1JS -- Elegant window or dooi drapery aud carpeL 2S6 2Srd. MEN and hoys wanted 3 Lreotah Council, No. I, D. of P the first and third Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, Eagla HalL Dues can be paid to Busla A Idea, C. of W, 112 2Gth 8L Visiting members inmeets vited. , MARTHA A. MORRIS. Pocahontas AUCE COLLINS, K. of R. ODD FELLMWS. g Co. 2261 Washington Ave. ulU-vot- Garden and Flower S&eei te 10-l- Our splendid ltock aids you to select just what you want Corns and sec us. Stork remedies will be specialty with us. a POULTRY SUPPLIES. T. B. . Heller Son Of-fle- MONEY HAY AND GRAIN. LACE CURTAINS, TO LOAN. r Ogdea Lodge Ha i, Independent of Odd Frilows. Meeta la L Oi O. F. hall ovary Tuesday avamtag. Vlaltlag bretban eordlaUF Invited te be praMut J. W. BAILXT, Noble Grand. Or-de- HENRY KigdEL, Beeretary. QUEEN CITY, REBEJCAH LOPGx! d No. 4, I. O. O. F. hallr Meeu and fouith Friday evenings t Odd FbHows hall, Twenty fourth street 1rillng members invited. IDA BAKER, Keble Oread. GERTRUDE KOONS, Becreixry. eeo-oo- -- FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAOLEt Fraternal Order of Bagtea, Ogdea Aerie, No. Ill, F. 0. K., assets every Monday eveniag la Eagles kaH. Mat sf Reed betel, at l:0L Vlaitlng Brother Eagles ere lavlted to attend the Aerie meeting. T. C. MORRIS, W. President , D. T. TRACT, BcereUir. DR. H. B. FORBES, Aerie Physielia . FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD Ogdea Lodge, No. 171, T. F. B. meats second and fourth Tuesday at p. la A. O. U. W. tan. VMMag a, msmbera oordialiy livitad. D. H. ADAMS, President IDA BECKER. Secretary. E. F. MISCH, Treasurer. FOR BAL- E- (1.09 per letting, 8. C. MCE CURTAINS a specialty. Phone 3656-Rhode Island Reds. Poulter Bros, OGDEN LODGE NO. 1, Dl Off corner 22nd and Wasn. WANTED Lace curtolas to laundry OGDEN f ODOR NO 1, D. Of M at 117 2Mh BL Ind. phoat I695A. FOR BALE Furniture for 10 rooms; maate ia k. of P. HaU the Brat sad good. Apply 2325 Lincoln. third Wednesday afternoons of sack month at 1:19 n. ax MUSIC. FOR BALE. BU81B SI MB, C. of H. JEANETTE MILL, Finaaotor. Modal Fruit Firm for City Property, L JENNIE FKOUT, Recorder. , Boarding Hoiins, near shops, 4 stories. I BELL MUSICAL merchandise. TypeMONEY to salaried people without Blacksmith shop, 10 writers, etc.; also do all kinds Roller Fermi or WOODMEN OF THE WORLfo endorsement; payments I. T. Alvord by P. O. Phone 59 and 233 security aovalty work. W. P. to suit, cither weekly or monthly; ter, 527 list sf. r 3 confidential. Call and get Business Weber Camp Na 74, meets la K. of P. hall la Utah National Baak my terms. D. D. Drake, 410-1- 1 Bo- FOR BALE -l- furaes. Inquire of J. OSTEOPATHY. des bldg. building every Thursday eveniag at Toponce, Harrlsvlilc, P. O. Bos No. VI altlng Woodmen cordially o'clock. O GORDON IVES, CORA Q. IVES, 171. mo . MONET TO LOAN, on farms and city lavlted to attend. from Osteopaths, graduates parent T. C. MORRIS, C. C. real estate. HUNTER 6k KENNEDY, school, Kirk villa, Mo. Lawis-SUy-aGood second-han- d stove E. A UTH, Clerk, Flret NMtenal Room (, First National Bank build- FOR SALE block, suite 54.. Treatment by Chesp. 6C7K. Bank Building. ing. appointment. Hours 9 a. m. to I m. Bell phene 191IK. Is4. INI p. SALE S. C. Thoroughbred FOR Bm KNIGHTS OF PYTM4AA. MONET TO LOAN J. J. BRUMMITT 551 Leghorn Eggs. 75c setting. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. Twentieth street bell phono SSO-JLodge No. 2, KalgMe Ogdea Pythias, meeta at Castle Hall, Utah W. A. Malan. 8. E. Milan. DR. A. FERNLUND. Pbysletea and National Bank buUdiag. every Mw-da- y FOR SALE -S- econd band Natioaxl Surgeon. Office houra, 19 aud 12 a. evealas. AU K. of P.'a requasUl m.. 12 to 4 p. m. 340 21th SL Office te meat with us. cash register. Great Bargain. F. O. Bell WE CAN MOVE ANYTHING, e box 9(2. Salt Lake City, Utah. I16K; lad. ill. phoned, W. J. UNDERWOOD. G. (X 545 Wash. lad. ehoas 103. E. R. GEIGER, M. of F. L N. MEAD K sf B. tad B FOR SALE Horae and buggy, also SANITARY WORK. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. furniture, 543 21th BL - DONE of all kinds Bell pksuo 509Z. No. bmU tv LUf Clrcli, Bm 3721 Nets. McCarty, Grant torh ory saoond and fourth Frtday slghts at 7:10, in K. of P- - halL VlstOag SCAVENGER WORK. LOST Red enamel open tec watch tsighbora cordially lavlted. and chain, between cr. 24t.h aud O-N, 127 DAISY CASHMOKE, Wash, and milk depot on 24th at. ALL KINDS of scavenger work. avenue. Trarv Prompt atteatloa. John Van Zw Return to Iiorrocks Bros. Reward. KAli HETMAN, Clerk. 231 dea, 507 2nd 8L Bell 747T. tf 33rd Street TAILORS. Bunch of LOST keys containing tag Women of Wood croft. Ogdea Circle at f C. D. Ives. Return to this office. Vans, Dreys and Baggage Wagons. 581. meets every Tuesday night cleaned Clothe and preeaed (I Reward. Vlaltlag 7 30 o'clock. K. of P. halL meath, 117 Uth BL VaB heas I86Z. Neighbors lavlted. OUR SPECIALTIES Manat FaroX LOST Either taken by mistake or Dues caa be paid at tha offica sf VETERINARY BUROEON. stolen, a Rambler Bicycle, from tho Auth, tha sfteraeoa of tho 21th of sack kirn (Me Bering and Btaraga. hall of the Colonial rooming house. D. P. mouth First National Bank BMg. MILXJKEN, graduate vaterlaary Mh4. ALiCE COLLINS, G. N, 2912 Black frama, red head, left haadla CaUa answered night or urgeen. Finer e Ave. tip cranked. No. 25.101, 1905 model. OFFICE day. Office, Ogden Feed sad Sale MARIE CR1TES, Clerk, 2711 MonStandard office. Notify 2219 Wash. Twenty-fiftAva. Both Stable, 49S toe Ave. phenes; night phase 4ISK. LOST Between 23ri 8L and Utah PHONES LADIES OF JHE MACCABEES. Drug store, on Wash. Ave, an WINDOW CLEANING. watch Inscribed with gold l4Beil, Ind, initials from F. S. to D. T. Return UTAH window and house Silver Hive No. 1. meets the seoond cleaning to 221 23rd. o and fourth Tuesdays at 3:39 p. m.. at janitor and porter work. Fam Co. Boll. 1031 K. Offlee 414 K. of C. hall. No. 2748 Wash, avenue. PERSONAL. 26th SL Visiting slater rordiallv Invited. BESSIE BEHRING, 1 C MITCHELL WANTED Parties te bur some snaps NELSON. R. K- LUCT In real estate. Carl C. Rasmussea. a STREET CAR MEN, RAILWAY, CLERKB, BOOKKEEPERS, tad all others employed, find our office reliable for auma of (10 to gl00. if paid before dun. Payments suspended la sickness. No charge for applications. Tho Loss Co Suita I, first Natl. Bank Bldg. 2310 Washington Avenus. Both Phonoo. Dla-coun-ts at re-an- d h-- p Ogden Turf 31-t- f Exchange 326 Twenty-fift- h St a California and Eastern races. Direct wire 'for all sporting events. Resl-deac- MALAN LEGAL WEBER COUNTY MIXING AND Milling Company. Principal place of business, Ogden, Utah. Notice ia hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on Friday, 22d of March, 1607, an assessment of one mill per share was levied cn the capital stock of the corpora tion, payable immediately to A. G Maw, secretary, Ogden. Utah. Any stock upon which this nsseis-men- t may remain unpaid on Tuesday April 30, 1907, will ha delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before will be sol.l on Tuesday, the 21st day iT May, 1907. at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the eosts of advertising and expense (of sale. A. O. MAW', Secretary, Ogden, Utah. 1-- 2-- 4 ' h tf Po-Iib- I OPIUM TRAFFIC. upon the conditions that certain other t expeditiously si London, April 11. Replying to a powers were willing, and that the inA question M the house of commons quiries be extended to production of w.EN transfeh c- hone 22 for yours. Foreign Secretary Grey reiter- opiom in China ns well as to the imated that the British government had portation of foreign opium. The secrebeen notified that the American gov- tary added that the replies of the ernment wee willing to participate in other powers consulted had not yet RESULTS. j an annual conference upon the opium been committed to the government nor had the program of the conference I trade in Eat Asia, or on 'a commisADg YIELD BIG RESULTS. sion to Investigate the opium trade yet been submitted te them. xmmi TRANSFER COMPANY NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 1. CONFER WITH PRESIDENT. ma id fur TliD-Cha- mi-: GRANT AVE Furnished front r.um for ore or two geu'.enieli. vs it U h FOR pa and pm ur wi, ling nuiker. AJatvw K., hubiiuiil 4 ifi,cv. Mrs. Ida Von has been here several lays endeavoring to sea President Roosevelt regarding her controversy Fine Red Apples The Best WAN Causaen, who Figs srr 11. FURNISHED 11 Iluum1, good - t 11. District New York. April and the lawAttorney Jerome yers for the defease were summoned to the room at 11:20 a. m. A few minutes later the Jury asked for some of the exhibits sad the district attorney's messenger delivered to the office In charge of the Jury all the exhibits In the district attorneys possession, Including the large phote-graph- s of Evelyn Nesblt which she Identified he having been taken the day she said 'White outraged her. At 10:M the judge took the bench and tho Jury wag called to tho oourt-im- . A minute later aa officer waa sent to tbs Tombs te bring Thaw to tho court room. The Jury naked the Judge to give them eix of the exhibits In the case, Including the plan of the roof garden. After rending the newspapers and before coming over te the court, Harry Thaw sent a note to newspaper men, saying there were ao many In the papers that he would like te gjve oat a statement that would be official. It was aa follows: I am told that It la Impossible to tell what any Jury will do, ao I am attending to my ordinary affairs, but preparing for the best, as It Is simpler to unpack my things If necessary than It would he to return here for them if the verdict Is favorable. I had A vary good, cold bath. The bathroom always la filled with fresh air in the early morning, with the same temperature as outdoors. Next I had weak coffee and rolls as usual These details must hsve .Interest ss they are often mimed. Harry K. Thaw." - HELP WANTED. FEMALE JURY ASKED FOR TESTIMONY. CRITCISED THE PRESIDENT. Bananas advertisements on this MEAT young girls. When the jurorp - iw7. 12. 1. Fill, RENT Furnished room housek(epli:s if Jo Lincoln. PAGE COST ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION. LESS NO FIRST INSERTION THAN 25 CENTS. ALL ADVER TISEMENT8 MUST BE PAID IN BUSI EXCEPTING ADVANCE. NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPEN BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH UB. GROCERY tion the night of Thaw's arrew and who gave te.tlinony aa to the defendant claiming io hear the voice, of rents for close in on Adams Ave.; Fourteen Dollars per month. A good buy for a home or an Investment, only (tfBrand - j;: a locality. SCO . g If you nead for or n hrm near the city where you can mite truck, sugar beets or fruit, use this lands. A new frama housa well located on a principal street, nice lot, a good Investment. or will make a modest home. only (400; terms. Nina Hundred Dollars buys four lots with s three room frame house, well located in the railroad district in good This ia a great bar-galneighborhood. for ona who wants a houas In this 1 ) afr toSeren Dollars buya a good building within lot 25x112 feet, well located, oni .nd a half miles of the router of the city. This le a nice level sightly be seen to ha jpt, and needs hut to kTwlv Do Hart buya a nice lot well Seven located a little better than tha Dollar lot. Dollars still buya one TMBiy-rtv- e --Hr leadara. Three loU are 25alll teat to allev; they are of the very beat toll. He mice and nightly; Jbere ara Mien building! going up In this Ve sell these lots . One Dollar . down and ona dollar par week until take-n-a kt or as paid for; you may had bsv a as deeuo. you many nbenomenal sale of these lots, but wes atlll continue to sell them for Twenty-firDolls psr lot. I Live Five Hundred and Twenty-ligh- t feet frontage by 10 feet deep, clots In asar car line, close to school, alluvial noil, good neighborhood, rich passed bv city watar mains, nice and Itrel, all' in good shape. Only Five Dollars per front foot, make your own term. Dollars per acre buya Seventy-Fiv- e a nice tea eere tract of land naar the artesian iviiiidi-r- mgs ,NiON j h-- km ugar factory, One Meyer Cohen'. teeti?i:oii Lad largely a personal demoneirutim by h'e himself of Thaw's at'ltuiie shooting and hie manner of aii'roaih-lnWhite. .f J.nn The testimony Clinch Srniih was relative to the convert rion lie had with Thai prior to the shooting. Finally the jury asked to hoar again the testimony of the doormt-- un duty at the Tenderloin pteclnct x!ue sta- , hM.li b submit a few of my m.a.v In doing bargain! In rent estate. understood bat 1 rould not h.T. ti but merely a e give a complete list, tew If von do not find anjthingln me r ihc list please call and and 1 will Blye me sp over the phone, rou other properties to iuipV on the outr iatcb string always bangs and call to welcome You are side. 1 'ertalk it will we and me see property, show you to be will pleased quit payheld you get you a home andown lnm. and become your ing Fae A PI! FOR RENT ! CARL E. PETERSON FKI1.. I TAIL OGDEN, EXAMINER, BROS. FOR MONUMENTS. arrived 2 carloads of marble and iraillts to select , Just jo-da- y. from. Don't buy from agent, n they p-- t large commii-slunand you have to pay them. Order at once for Decoration Day. YARD OPPOSITE CITY s 1 IFWIFTlPT FRATERNAL CURTAINS DONE UP. Curtains done up. Bel KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Phone 675T 1 lm WANT AOS YIELD BIG RESULTS. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. No. 777. Meets e err Wsdneedsy evening at K. of C hall. No. 2473 Wash. At., at Sk o'clock Visiting member welcome. J. H. DeVIXE. O. K. Ogden Council KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEEA TenL Na 14. meeta the and fourth Friday evening. at I o'clock sharp, tn L O. O. F. haU. te Vititlng Knights eardlally Invited Ogdea eee-on- d |