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Show 0 I THE Mlt Ws hY the beet or anywhere tlM. Hw w dellctoua. par Mid refreshing. StfU to airtight COffSM OB pBCkagM. -bchilUngs. Obo Bur Cofloe, Good. 25c per lb. Schillings Two Bur Ooffes, "Better, SOc per lb. Schillings Throe Sur Coflee, rins. Sm pir lku Schillings Flvo 8 Ur Coflee, Flaest. 49e per lb. Hewlett's One Crown Coflee, "Good." 2&e per lb. Hewlett's Two Crows Coflee, Choice, PIOCHE California NEVADA'S GREATEST Mining Engineer Enthuai-aetl- e Over DiatncPo Future. Piocbe la thr only ramp in Nevada that produce the five mauls liver, land, gold, copper and zinc and It has the ores la aurb Immense bodies that it must bo one of the richest camps la the entire state. Its hisSOe per lb. Hewlott'o Three Crown Coflee, "Chme-eat.- 1 tory has been like that of Ely. although as It has la the past produced lie per lb. Heekint Madina Coffee, Good." tie mors, as measured la dollars, than has Ely, ao I believe it U1 do la the Hvskms Velvet Coflee, "Very Good, future. Ely is virtually a one metal district While Piocbe will develop Into lie per lb. -Heekia Kobe Coflee, Eitra Good," a great producer of copper It also haa 40c per lb. the other metals la abundance sad la HooUaa-JCln-- Hee Coflee. "Beat of all there fora .fortified to a considerable the Good." eOe per lb extent against a possible slump in Bhoraun Ce, Gone Coffee. "De- any one metal lb lightful, tie per la this I do aot mesa to J. A. ledger A Oo.. Golden Goto Oof detract saying one iota from Ely a reputation 40c lb to Soul," the fool Sunshine as a groat mining ramp. It will perDwLtdell Wright Co.. White House haps prove greater than the moat 40c lb Choice," Coffee, "Teddys yet realize. Its future la asCofBreakfast MeotrBaith, Wedding almost regardless of possibilsured. lb. I0e fee, "BuperilBb" ities, or at least probabilities la the A Cto.. Baringtna HaU Coffee, Baker -metal market. I make the comparison steel cut." 40e lb M. J. BraaJenstlne. If. A B. Coflee, simply to emphasise the fact that sot many yt realise the wonderful possiVery fine." 40e lb U. J. Braadenetlne. M. A B. Coflee, bilities of the Pioahe region. The men who are getting la early will be the can, 1.10. Very fline." Better than Champagne and coats no recipients of headeonie rewards; they more. If these coffees do not benefit will reap the harvest that was sown everybody it certainly beneflu 494 out by the pioneer. W. 8. God be, who, boof a 1,004. Bo let the ether chap am ost by a combination of adverse circumstance which no man could sucJoy his favorite cereal in plana cessfully combat, sank a million and A half of dollars proving the great T, Dm riches which ha knew were there. He STAPLE 4ND FANCY GROCERIES furnished the proefl sad those of the Both Phones per sent day, aided by more recent inWashington Avenue. ventions ta the treatment of ores anl the building of railroad I, will get the riches." Thin oeatlmeat la regard to the Bush A Gorte Planes, district waa eipreaaed yesterday Newman Brea. Organa. by James W. Abbott, a mining engineer of uoto who makes his headquarters at Los Angelas. 11a haa Just been enamlnlng propart lea la the near old district in tha interest of clients, and WARDLEIGH D. while ho had nothing to any la regard to the merlin of particular properties, ho did not equivocate whaa It came to e commanding tha district la gsnsral. He firmly believes that remarkable dePIANOS velop menu will follow tha completion of tha railroad to tha camp. ean-gui- Co. 134-SI- PI-oc- C ORUNS AND MUSICAL - RICH SILVER STRIKE. Ora Five Mila From Recognized District Find of MERCHANDISE e strike Rosebud, Nev., April 10. which bids fair to be one of the moot important In the history of the district jos, Strings. waa made last Tuesday on the Flvo of Diamonds claim, located by Frank Latest Fublleetloas of Sheet Muaio, Bpltlar amt Thomas Keans, about flvo miles south of Rosebud. The disSee the Wonderful Flpe Organ covery waa made by H. C. Parker, who purchased Kearns Interest la a large group of claims la that territory. 337$ Washington Avenue. In prospecting a large ledgw which rung through tha Flvo of Diamonds OGDEN, UATH. claim Mr. Parker knocked off a piece from the eropplaga and was astonished to find the piece of rook covered with fleets of brittle silver. Aa assay of the ore gave vetoes of bettor than 100 ounces la silver. Whaa news of the strike spread every available rig la town waa engaged and there was a big rush to the ecene of the discovery, but the fortune huatora found that all the ground la the vicinity had been located. The ledge from which the rich ore was taken extends tha full length of the claim' and the rich silver valaea are found for several hundred feet The strike looks to bo a big one. but its full extent will not he known until development work la dona. The strike was made on ground adOotnlng the White Dyke group, located by the ame parties, and from which u abort time since ore showing gnod values that new Herneaa yon need? Dent was obtained. H. W. Griffith la also think you unnt nflnrj It tin youve Interested la tbeee claims, sad It looks ue itteu n chance. We sal no InferIf the lucky owners have drawn one ior geode, no old fnshfooed appliances. aa of the Mg pnzes. I A ViellBb Guitars, Aeeordaous, Ban- HOW ABOUT All Our Harness SILVER N made feme the beet of leather In the most workmen like manner. Bias heta, Haltare, Whips and everything n homo owner seeds. J.C. Platt Saddlery Co. DOIOTO S COMPANY 155 25th Street Mens Furnishing Goods and Notions of all kinds Fancy Cash Groceries Wines and Liquors Work, not Blow; Goode, not Show. I. T. ALVORD A SONS, Second-Han- d Goods, Uphol- stering. Real Batata, etc. etc. North of P, O. Phones 39 and 133. SECOND-HANNEVADA STORE. Wa buy and nail all kinds of nave eeeend-hanCall or phono and gead d 114 ISth t PAUL XIEGENHIRT, in Stef tvs mts anfinina to or phono ISIS to 147 ne - Ind. 17b vnii R. A. DINNERS Will pay the Wgheet prioe fer eeoenu hand femiturs and sell to the puhllo 414 Grant Ave. Ind. 42b & J. HERRICK A CO. SwcMaaon to H. L. White. Bring yaur geode hero If you want ta eall them.- - Call hers H you wont IMS Week Ave. Bed Phone fcuy. . tk-p- ib 447. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTb WANT ADS YIELD BIO RESULTb WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTb WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS KING SHARES. took holders Ratify Propoaitien to Form New Holding Company. Park City, April 10. At a meeting of the Silver King Mining company, held here thle afternoon, the stack-holderatified the proposition of President David Keith, to consolidate the various properties into a new company to be known as tha Silver King Amalgamated company. The meeting waa entirely harmonious sad the plan of consolidation agreed upon unanimously. The new company will have a capital of .S(4,noo, divided into 1,250, 00 shares, having a par value of $5. The stock is fully paid and nonassessable. Most of the stockholders reached hero this morning and left, after the meeting, the train being held half an hour for thsir convenience. Among those present ware: David Keith. I Thomns Kearns, James vers, W. K. kTcCoraick, W. 8. Ferry. W. H. Dickson, W. W. Armstrong, George Dlod and Francis H. Smith. WILLE-SCHREC- Second Hand Stores Second-Han- d UTAH. OGDEN', FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. to Floto saying that he would leave Denver today which will bring the famous Denver sporting editor to Ton-opa-h no later than Friday afternoon, allowing for the Irregular manner In which the trains have been running of CARNEGIE late. Manager Billy Hogan yesterday received a letter from James J. Corbett which contained wishes some good advice and well In a newspafrom the per article which Corbett enclosed taken from the Time at Louisville, Cor bell pronounces Scbreck by far BENDS A the best heavyweight before the pub- PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT LETTER TO BE READ. lic. Here te part of Corbett's printed Jeffries will, in my opinion, fight no more. The best of the Andrew Camegla 8 peaks. Telling of Hie Levs fer Pittsburg Dispresent day heavies le Mike Scbreck." Meanwhile John Wills dea his work tinguished Guests. and says very-- little. Whea asked to t he of the outcome the flgbi piedk-simply smiles and says that he will do Pittsburg, April 11. The first cerethe very best he can and that he will monies la connection with the be ia the pink of condition. of the magnificent Carnegie GIRL SAVES LIFE OF AGED MAN Institute of Pittsburg, which will extend over throe days, began at 9:45 American Fifth. April 10. Robert o'clock today when William N. Frew, Filers, the aged man who was nearpresident of the board of trustees, ly ran down Tuesday by the nor bound San Pedro passenger train, welcomed the invited guests from was in the tvealng of the same day England, Germany, France, Belgium, taken from the track just in time to be saved by Mlaa Amy Shelley, a Holland, South America, Canada and young lady of this place, who dragged tha United States, ta the founders him from the rails Just as a train room of the institute. The meeting passed by. waa an Informal one aad waa for tha Peters Is over 40 yeara of age aad of Introducing the guests. Imvery feeble. He was returning home purpose alter a walk when Miss 8heUey and mediately following this. Mayor Geo. other ladles who wars standing near W. Guthrie of Pittsburg ' and Mrs. the crossing notlcad tha fat ap- Guthrie held n municipal reception la proaching train closing upon the aged the foyer. They were assisted by Mr. man. With n scream Mies Shelley and Mrs. Carnegie, whlls President made a ran and tugged away at tha and Mrs. Frew presented tha guests. old man, finally dragging him from At the oloae of the reoeptloa the mustha tracks as the train bruahad rapid- eum aad gallerias of fine aria. Inly by them. Mize Shelley became hycluding the Intrrnatlcmal annual exsterical after her brave act aad today hibition of pel. Inga, were Inspected. ia reported to be confined to ber bed The tour of Inspection gave the visiby nervous prostration. tors the first oomplete view .of the institute buildings. KILLS J. B. ORONIN. The following persons who had accepted invitations were compelled to Eureka, April 10. J. B. Oouin, one Bead thsir regrets: Mr. sad Mrs. Grover Cleveland, Mr. of the oldezi residents of Eureka and n man universally well liked here, died and Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, H. M. tonight In the Holy Cross hospital In Barry, president of Carnegie Hall New Balt Laks City from the effects of an York; Dr, John F. Billings, director Injury to bla foot sustained about a of New York public library; Dr. Hermonth ago, which resulted in gan- bert L. Blrdsman, Brooklyn; Dr. Nichgrene. Mr. Cronin la survived by bla olas Murray Butler, president of Cowidow and six children, all living in lumbia university; Wallace Buttrick, Eureka. secretary general of the educational A and phase of the familys bereaveboard; Albert C. Case, member of ment is the fact that the families of Carnegie Veterans association; Dr. J. two of Mr. Cronin's children. Dsn B. MoKas Cnttcll, Columbia university; Cronin and Mrs. Patrick Shea. are E. H. Garry, chairman of executive quarantined with diphtheria, which committee U. 8. Steel Corporation; Dr. of will prevent their attendance at the Daniel C. Gilman, Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore; funeral. Frank Cronin, a son of tbs deceased, John Hays Hammondjnlnlng engineer, will go to Balt Lake tonight to attend New York: Count Hatsfeld, German to tha arrangements for the funeral, embassy, Washington ; Dr. Alexander the date of which haa not been de- C. Humphries, president Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken: Melville cided upon. E. Stone, general manager tha Associated Press; John Weaver,' former FAKE STEAMSHIP RATES. mayor of Philadelphia. This afternoon the formal e zeroises Smooth Scheme of Grafters te Mulct were held. All the guest assembled Paeecngcrs Nipped by Foetal In the foyer of the Hotel Soheaely, Department. where they were formed into ranks Balt Lake, April 11. About ton days and proceeded fe tha Inetltnte under ttcnlty and students of ago thara appeared In the papers the escort of the Technical schools. Information that for the occasion of the Carnegie The procession passed through a the Irish International exhibition, to be held at Dublin this year, apaeial doable line of students, dressed In first class round trip ocean tickets white, Which extended along tha route would be sold for MS from New York of the parade. Iks foreign aad American guests te Liverpool Naturally great inter- who entitled to wear academic est waa aroused among those whe con- drees were did so, and this tended to make the abroad coming going templated procession one of dignity. season, and while the rate looked theThe formation of the parade foltourist some prospective tempting, lows: L. Hr. J. were doubtful, and requested diArthur Arton Hammerschlag, the various rector. Kyea, who represents seasteamship line on the Atlantic Faculty of the Carnegie technical board in this city, to investigate. rhonla In columns of three. The result of Mr. Ryes' investigaVT. J. director of mution shows tha whole affair to In a seum. Holland, men the that and advertising hoax, M. A., director of John W. the rates were frauds of the first fine arte. Beatty, s secure depoe-Itto was water. Their plan A. H. Hopkins, B. A., librarian Carof 2B to eecure bertha on steam-erlibraries. negie aad when n sufficient amount of El Milpauer, director of Pittsburg the orchestra. boodle had been deposited, "agents" would skip with the pile. Charles Heinroth, organist. Wm. N. Frew, president board of CRUELTY AND DESERTION. trustees. Andrew Carnegie, founder. Balt Lake, April 11. Two divorce corps. Diplomatic suits were filed In the district court Distinguished foreign guests In coltoday, one on the ground of cruelty umns of two. and the other on the grounds of deDistinguished American guests in sert inn and failure to support. Mary columns of two, preceded by Bishop Powell alleges that her husband, John Whitehead of the Protestant Episcopal Powell, hna for some time past abused diocese. her by calling her vile aamea and Mayor George Guthrie. wrongfully accusing her of being unMembers of Carnegie hero fund comtrue to him. Not only haa he treated mission. her cruelly but the alleges that he has Board of trustee in columns of foiled to support her. They were mar- three abreast ried on April 5, 1889, and have five Btadents of the Carnegie Technical children. They have some property schools la columns of four abreast. which she thlnke should he divided The route of the parade was to the between them and she le particularly east antraice of the laetltute and the anxious that she should be awarded gueata assembled In the music bull the sewing machine. She also azka where the exercises took place. President Frew of the board of trusthat she be awarded the custody of the youngest child, and that the other tees, praised, and in a brief address, lauded the benevolence of Mr. four be given to ber husband. Ada Kiebl alleges that Frank J. A letter from President Roosevelt, Kiehl deserted her on January 28. who was unable to attend, wan read. 1902, and since then haa failed to supThe White House, Wash.. April 11. port her. They were married la NeMy Dear Sir: 1 am not able to be braska on November 81, 1889, and have two children, of whom she asks present myself with you, therefore let me, through you, express my approrl-atlothe custody. of the great work done by the NEW ICE PLANT, founding of the Carnegie Institute. Wealth is put. to a noble use when apBalt lAke. April 11. Salt Lake is io plied to purpose such as those the have an addition pi artificial ice plant, Carnegie Institute ia ao well designso that when it la in operation, the ed to serve. Every such 'institute, local supply will be so large that the every foundation .designed to nerve absence of the natural article will nit the educational uplifting of our people, ba felt. Tha Alaska Ice and Cold represents just so much gain for Ammuch credit for Storage company la about to be Incor- erican life, juzt porated with a capital stock of ue collectively as a nation. The suc9100,000 In 10.000 shares of flO each, cess of our republic is predicated upon and these ocera: President. 8. W. the high individual efficiency of the Wolley; vies president. F. O. McFSn; average citizen; and the Carnegie Insecretary and treasurer. M. 8. Wolley: stitute is one of those Institutions other directors. F. M. laragford and A. which tends io bring about this high G. Beirut. The capacity of the plant individual efficiency. Many things go There will be 15 tone per day. and operations to make up such, efficiency. are expected to begin July 1. As the must be a sound body; there must be site of the company la at present un- phyalcal hardihood and address in the der an option, the projectors are not use of trained nerve and muscle. giving it out for publication until the There must alro be n high degree of deeds are signed, so aa to avoid all trained Intellectual development, a high, degree of that Intelligence which possible trouble. can only fee obtained when there la both power to act on Individual InTO QUASH INDICTMENTS. itiative and power to act In disciplined OF THE GOBI BBd Wackor A Haynse, Prep Phonb IndL 421. EXAMINER, DEDICATION FACTS Evana MOUSING FIGHT. I Special Correspondence) Tonopah, Nev., April 11. John Wllle and Mike Brhreck started on their last week's work yesterday. Bach did road work in the forenoon and a hard afternoons gymnasium work In the afternoon. Wllle continues to do his gym work at the Turf gymnasium and Brhreck at the Big Casino Dance Hall whore a gymnasium of some pretension has been established for him. Large crowd watched each mans work aad the consensus of opinion Is that it will be the best and hardest fought prize fight ever staged In the west. Betting started la earnest yesterday. At the Big Casino, Jack Flesh men started betting on the mutual plan and last evening accepted n bet of $1,0)0 on mile at even money. Jack "Walkabout aa be le best known, himself llkee Wills's chances the beet but accepted the vrager Just to start the ball rolling. Abe Brown, who usually lays n good bet on prise fights, does not k feel like betting on the fight Thle on amount of hie association with W. 8. Johnson in managing the affair. But Brown can rest assured that if be feels so disposed to place a little moaer oa either man thdt no objection or 6ad feeling will result on the fighters' part, nor their managers. They all have explicit confidence in both of the managers and besides Otto FTolo will referee the battle and Lucre la no question but that the winner will get the long end of the purse. Yesterday a telegram came from ot Wllle-Bchrec- a, Car-engl- n n Ios Angeles. Cal.. April 11. Mo- tions to quash the Indictments for rebating returned against the Santa Fe railroad hr the federal grand Jnry Feb. 9 were denied today by Judge Olin Wlllborn in the federal court. The motions to quash the Indictments gain John L. Snhrim and the Gran.1 Canon IJnie and Coal company of Arizona to whom, it Is alleged, the rebates were given, were also denied. This la a distinct victory for the government. the attorneys for the railroad haring made the most, extended pleas In support of their motion. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RE9ULJ& with others. And final- ly he that training oa the moral side which means the production la the average citlzm of a high type of character the character which sturdily insists upon rights, and no less wholeheartedly and In the fullest fashion recognises the fact that the performance of duty to others stand even ahead of the insistence upon ones own rights. Through you, I extend my heartiest congratulations to Mr. Carnegie, and my wishes that he may have many happy return of thla day, together with the acknowledgement which all of us mnat mike to the public ser- - The Great South American Blood and Nerve Tonic Purifies aud enrichea the blood, feeds and vitalizes the nerve,nputralizes the acids, and eliminates all effete matter fruiu the system, cleanses and regulates the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BOWELS. It Cures Disease by Removing the Cause It makes the weak strongand the sick well adds years to life and puts life into the years. Per Bottle SOc and $1.00 For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Proprietary Medicines. Our new size buttle contains a full months treatment. Get the New Booklet. vice he ao signally renders whea he founds institutions of this type. Sincerely yours, (Signed) "THEO. ROOSEVELT. "Mr. 8. H. Church, secretary, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, Pa." Mr. Carnegts waa then presented by Mr. FTew. He was received with much applause. He said: ' "Eleven yeara ago, standing here, I inded over the laetltute to Pittsburg, then n hold experiment, a combination of library, art gallery, museum and ball of music, never aa far aa I know, having been attempted before. "The city waa to maintain the library, and, let me say In passing, most generously has aha dona ao, Including seven branches erected to met the wanta of her swelling population. I congratulate bar upon being among the foremost cities of the world In public literary development certainly thara la none superior." The speaker then took up the history of the establishment of the library system, and the development of the Institute idea, adding: "Hero It wee that fortune came to me, and It ia as a Plttaborger I have labored for Plttaborg. Thla institute le built by a Plttaburger, with Pittsburg money for Pittsburg. Yon all know the beneficent results which have followed." Mr. Carnegie then directed hie remarks to each of the department and complimented the directors for their work and success. Continuing, he aid: Our aeramony of today embraces tha technical schools, whiett are also la sense to be formally opened. These are part of tha Institute, and no mean part. "I am told there are today 1340 young men and young women and several thousand waiting admin m. In every department there exist obvious proofs of Intense earnestness, great esprit de corps, and a determination to profit by tha advantages offered. Already then haa baen developed strong feelings of pride end love of the schools. Thus, ladles nd gentlemen, wherever we look around us. In eve branch of the l&etltate, we find success written in large and unmistakable letters. The tree haa bone good fruit abundantly year after year In the pest and promleos to continue doing so Increasingly year after year, generation after generation to oome, the end of which no man can foretell "There le room for many things of the spirit la our city. Things material are abundant. Owr mills and factorise, numerous, large aad prosperous, but things material, Including money lb self, should only be the foundation upon which la reared things spiritual. "There is surely to arise from the wealth created here a body of mea who will find In the distribution of their gains, where they were made, the genuine reward which surplus wealth can give, tha knowledge that It la certain In after yeara to elevate, refine and purify the Uvea of those who succeed us, and that we have left oie spot of earth at leant a little better than we found it." Mr. Carnegie then expressed hle thanks to the board of trustees to the heads of department the press aad lastly the guests, especially the visitors from foreign lands, and oa conclusion aald: "It will not be considered Invidious if special mention ha mads of tha Interest displayed In our institute by that remarkable man. the German emperor. We owe him much for sending General Vou Loeweufeld as hie representative, Secretary of State Moller, aud other eminent men. We ask them to convey to the emperor the profound acknowledgments of all interested In fl.QQ Best. Drug Store Ogdens o u 0 55 ao 0 i 9 00 (0 3 u Q H ft j o pa 2 0 ft C o to V 0 Q0 o Ogdens Best Drug 1 ft Store it appliss will not violate the psrals siad will deposit to his on uocoun at least 3 each month. Tha amount deposited may not be wlthdnn until the end of the year. The plan la Intended to encourage man bloodshed In International war. thrift aad economy and te check the Let ns also remember that our tech- neglect of families fey the mca usuanical schools have Charlotte nberg to lly brought before tha courts oa the follow as models We cannot forget charge of drunkenness. It. Is a develowhat we owe to Germany ea teacher pment out of Judge Cleveland's prewat of the nations in industrial education. plan of paroling the men to respoa-stbl- s We cannot omit recognition of tha persona in the valued eongratulatloai brought to us reports are mads te the by the friends from our sister repub- Judge- lic of France, to whom our country The principal condition imposed ea owes an unpayable debt. One cannot tha paroled person to that he will atay imagine the two republics at variance away from drink for the period of a upon nay subject whatever, and, aa we year aad to aot sent to the Bridewell have had Germany as teacher In indus- In that time. trial development, we have had for our art department the guidance of Franca, the leader In all things ar--. o tlatic. "One of my oldest and dearest o friends, Mr. Joseph Wharton, of Phil- o Bene-toCanton,- - O., April 11. adelphia, was praaant whan tha orig- o Poraker gave out a stateinal Institute waa handed over to tha o Gencity and to with ue today. He recently o ment lu reply to Attorney reminded me that I then dosed with o eral Ellis opinion thzt tbs procertain words which he recited with o posed state primary, to settle each oratorical effect aa I oaa only at- o the questions of Ohio Rspoiu-eanpreference 1 President tempt to Imitate. I shall repeat mam o wnaior Btotes today: Taka, then, people of Pitts o and United n burg, this institute from one who loves o could not bo held this yszr Pittsburg deeply and who would serva o public expense. general her wall." o "What tha attorney Interfere o has said does aot have mrt-ed,- " o with anything I Fbrakvr. He SAVINGS BANK ANNEX. o says Mr. state-meread my not has probably 9 with care. It was to the Chicago, April 11. A savings bank o effect font It to now premature annex" to tha branch of the municipal o determincourt presided over by Judge Cleland, o to be discussing orbelong was announced yesterday by tha Judge o ing questions that uMaa aa additional means of reform held o next year and that I the out to anfortunatee who coma before o the proper time, ask call o central committee to of him. Arrangement have been completed o martoe tor tha selection whereby any person paroled by the o gate to a state court will have started for him a sav- o nominate state officers sexn.er wi lor ings acount la n Chicago bank, with n O express preference gift of $5 from the bank to start tha O and President." 0 account. The gift csrries with it the condition that tha person to whom the Institute. We earnestly wltii for him a long oonUnuance of the reign of peso and prosperity which haa so far hleeeed hla away, for ba It remembered to his credit, that long ns he baa reign sd, hla hands era guiltless of hu- etu-den- aslgbberlioed-Bend-monthl- . 0000000000000004 ! r s' d; d" 000000000000400 1MT. Bjracune, Utah, March 33, ProFrancis G. Luke, General Mgr., MeKhanU Ctfik tective Aukodation, Balt Lake Cfcy, Dear Wr: I take pleasure in AcknnwUdgiag receipt of M12.3ft collected by you railroad company for the death of my o The large amount the company would this cae me before you took charge of I desire to exprem my sincere for your efforts in this matter and will gldJ recommend your institution to all Gerj FBEW. of rack --nice. MBB. MAMT ASX 12,000. ta"' We attend te the edjoetment el We accounts. and of actions caB,cfecr-money for you if you turn in your claim. or see mi. In very important matters our per representative will call on yon. U1 e Merchants Protective Associate Scientific Collector of Hone Debt, Commercial National Bank Bldg., Gen City, Utah. Francis G. Luke. P8 1 aa MJT- - |