OCR Text |
Show V shi:mv; i:xaiiim:i:, oupex. itaii. Tin: for new home buy a the bird from drawer in but. wir Bird Oige with loie (A f 1 from from. Pgrit from Jl-iot- to $1 .40 ,:C t .73 o0 t o . (to o tu $4 . . o Biwding lao extra Spring, Bracket, Feed Ctops, Bath, etc. 2 ATTEMPTED A a.--i :f Kn Xvvadx Nonr.vM! panned through Wedces ' ou R o Grande vVewni ! 2476 Washington Ave. woman amusements. the Wif of tha Former Superintendent of the Union Pacific. Wbb UTAHN A theatre ill Change. Evsry Saturday Chicago. April 11. The dead budy of Mrs. Sylvester T. Smith. w:fp of a wealthy retired railroad official waa found today in Lake Michigan at ihe foot of She la reel. believed to have committed aulcMe by jumping into the lake while temporarily inaaoe. Mr.. Smith ia aatd to have uttered from dementia since the death Mat- inee. Twe Performance, EVENINGS 7:10 and Forty-sevent- 9.19. Daily, Except Sunday, MATINEE kills herself. at :& r of her mother recently. Mr. Smith, the huaband of the woman, was formely superintendent of the Union Pacific railroad, manager of the Denver and Rio Oranda railroad and president of the Florence and Cripple Creek railroad, lie waa penetrated by the aulcide. A ooroner'a jury returned a verdiqi this afternoon of TO FORD ... c, EOCf Joe avenue. s,-.-, bring cloned foi never! laihinlMv, in Provo can. on. the branch :'f the Rio Grand Western waa opened for traffic W.Mtiri day Slides have been frequent occurrence wiinin the past few weks In the can) on, to that the force of men clearing the line would no more than get one pan of the Una open then they would be called to perform similar work at another point. Many tons of earth and rock have been removed from the aide of th mountain cloee to the railroad track, by mean of a team shovel, in order to avoid future trouble from slide ahoig tba line. Afi.-- r it liA.xtll Glaa-rtan- tie Cfhc. fil ..i, HTl-F- F Irh n .a III w.-e- The ljady Maccabees card party, whlrh wa to be given Trlday after-noohas born postponed until after the Maci-abeconvention. e John W. Bcowcroft has returned from Colorado after eighteen month in the missionary field. He will stay until May 1st and then leave fur England. HANAN 111 Uri! 1. tUil'tr.N IMSTOrFIl'E ttlil :'i' Kw.r lpi'.-J!-.- YOUNG MAN AND CHILD NARROW LV ESCAPE DEATH. Aril'll (o Ii, . Appoinin.i r.i 41 t'ougri-- r Nt: SHOE Special Scivuv Ap l! U. KI.m Assistant' Fvwrinasier Uiiueral Hiuhcvvk Geo. W. Wilson's Presence of Mind declined to diarurit the report of Saved Him From a Watery he inspeutw m rouuet-ilowi;h WilGrave. liam G. Glasataun'a appointment as master at Ogdwt Mr. Hitchcock said that Uiaamaun would retain th A branch of the Weber river, directpost mastership by recess appointment ly west of the rreu.aiar, cam,- - near uutil congress nieeia. lb as Indicating In victims Wirdueniia.i . that the report made i ef such charclaiming two ' th persona of G Wilson sud a acter that GlaMi.ann's Boniiuait-will amaU child that rode beside him In a l sent to the senate for confirmation. wagon. The outfit t:.m Wilson drove Hr Glastuun 1 now holding of waa saved only ftw strenuous efforts on recommendation of Congressby rescuers who worked from the bank man Joseph Howell, and was appointuI the turbulent stream. ed In July laat. Charges were filed Bsfore dark Wilson, who ta a brothwith the department setting forth that er to Deputy Barlow Wilson, and one he wae aa unfit person for the office. of of the proprietor Wilson Brothers' Postmaster Glasuenn, when shown groory store, forded the branch by follow tng a route used by teamsters iu the foregoing dispatch, said. That t lime of low water. Although the wat- Just what I reported a March 4th. er came well up on the wagon box it Ekery charge agaiuat me was disdid not float the vehicle, so Ha ef proved by the sworn statement made the perilous trip in safe- the leading oitixeae of Balt Lake on hi the After work ty. concluding Ogden. The statement of Mayor Conwest side of the stream, WHaou made roy that 95 per oral ef the patrons of recroas. the Ogden postofflee were against m preparations te Uwlug to tho darkness, it was with was proved to be false by securing the difficulty that he picked ut what he signatures of 95 per rent of the pat runt in favor of my appointment thought to be tho ford. By appro tha current diagonally b urged his animal to take the water so that CONDITION! ON IBTHMUB. ivcpubiioau Waihii.gon. -- u-ii- ay offers the ease of softy pliable leather and the elegance of smart styles; made permanent by the very best material and ct a skilled workmanship SHOE CO. DEE-STANFO- RD SOLE, AGENTS ud oh-lu- Steam Laundry ft as a Picture al BUSWELL e Electric Display Helps Business F03T"ASTR Paper ri.icMANN RIVER lrn It O. Preston arrived is T:.eday ovenii:;, aud .n ln.t ing Mm. George LaveuiUr of .North r. Dainty La II;,- fwvl .1.1'. The funeral of Mrs. Ellen A. Cox was held at the Wilson Ward meeting house at noon Wednesday. The sermatinees vices were presided over by Bishop Robert McFarlane and music was furnished by the ward choir. Short eulogistic addressee were given by Bishop McFarlane, John A. Hunt, John the force of tho stream might not weep It firm its feet. Wtlaea is ua aulcide. Holmes, E. A. Larkin and Elder Hunter. There waa a large attendance of able to say how he missed the only relatives and friends. Interment waa shallow place known to driver, but WOMAN COMMIT SUICIDE. when tho bore left tn bank It fioun in the Ogden City cejnetery. dred in water many feet deep aad Kills Heraelf by Jumping From a High Rabbi Charles Freund, of Salt lake, waa rapidly carried down with the Bridge. delivered an address at the high wagon. Wilson grabbed the rhild aad Jew succeeded In reaching the beak by Portland. Ore., April 11. Mrs. IgnaU school Wednesday night on "Th and! a desperate straggle. An appreciative Literature.'' in wife merof Lowvngart, prominent whoa talk ence Entangled la the harneea, the horse the lecturer, greeted chant of thle city and daughter of was about to give up th masstruggle and in was a delivered scholarly Garrison Gerst, deceased, who wee formanner. The earliest known lit- when Wilson secured a hold on the merly a San Francises capitalist, com- terly bridle and held up the animal's head mitted aulcide today by jumping from erature of the Hebrews as found In uatll the wagon broke away and went the Ford street bridge, which Is sixty the Old Testament was treated by down the river. It lodged on feet high. She had long been a suf- Rabbi Freund for its traditional, myth- bobbing ical and legendary value. Passing n pile of debris from where It wae ferer from nervous prostration. Rev. Freund taken later In the evening. from anolent literature. Get acquainted with the Ogden Wilson considers hi escape remark considered the literary efforts of hi team Laundry today. SEC. WILSON'S STATEMENT. Delay are in latter days, and tha able, ae he received nothing more er countrymen iugsrous. Many opportunity that treatment they have been accorded inus than a cold brh. when he might would prove virtually gold nuggets Washington, April 11. In an author- by modern master writers. Shylock, have been washed to bla death. to people have clipped by owing te ised statement Issued at the departShakespeare's drama, he Dont let thle ment of agriculture today Secretary as found toin be dtlsy or heelutlon. tha only honest chardeclared chases to entruat your laundering with Wilson takes Issue with certain stricSIO REWARD In tha play. WhOe the Rabbi acter fact laundry poeueualng unequaled tures recently made by A. M. Trailer, admitted that In the mala Shyiock was for turning out your work promptlmualclpal veterinary of Glasgow. Scot- a Jew, he contended that he For tha arrest and conviction of say y and aatiifactorily alip by any lon- land, upon the eyerem of meet Inspec- waspossible overdrawn and made to appear party or partial ateaUag tha Ogden ger. Begin today favoring ua with tion in the United States. In an official a a monster to the reading public. Standan: or tba Morning Examiner. your bundle. report 31 r. Trotter ia alleged to have LAMAR NELBON,-CirculatoISOS in an! of tha number said that Lillian Russell, in "The Butterfly." mala slaughtered In the United States will not he seen In Ogden tonight. The Ogden waa 11,711,166, an average of S7.482 CIRCUS COMING occasioned by the big elide at for each working day, and that the delay tunnel makes it impossible fof 4ST UU Aepen 174 number of Inspectors wee but forty, the company to arrive here in time to which made It necessary for each In- present the performance. The detour Rlngling Brothers Will Be in Ogden Early Thle Seaeen. spector to examine the carcasses of tug of the train carrying the company not lees than 9S7 animal each day from the east, by way of Granger and "an utter Impossibility.' Secretary McCammon, means a difference la runRingllng Brother will be in Ogden Wilson aald the Inference wax that ning time ofjhrae or four hours, and this erason. Announcement cornea these figure represented the entire thus the Inability to appear. The com- from tha East that the clrcua Is to federal Inspection service of the pany, in all probability, will continue play this city in tha not distant fuUnited States. ture. to fill other datea weati Ae a matter of fact." he said, tha In all the hisiory of the circus busireport of the bureau of animal Industry Fred 13. Parkinson left yesterday ness in the past there have not been for the fiscal year 1905 shows that on Southern Pacific No. I for the Ely presented the novel ties of foreign In40,221,013 animals were Inspected at district of the Western Pacific convention, nor the elaborate conceptions slaughter In that year. The force en- struction work, where he la to accept of spectacular effret as are this season gaged In meat Inepoetlon oa July 1, a position as timekeeper for the Utah contained in the various displays of 1909, according to tha records of the Construction company. Ringllng Brothers' ehow. The street bureau, numbered 769, exclusive of 243 parade far exceeds anything these At a meeting of the board of direc- five greet showmen have presented In mlcrascopiets. The secretary declares that Mr. tors of the Glenwood Park company J. the past. It is an entirely new specTrotter's figures were evidently gar- W. Abbott was presented with the tacle and in it are to be seen nearly bled from the report of the committee mounted shin and bead of Queen, 1,300 men, women and children, 663 of the department on conditions In the mountain lion kept at the park horaea and more than half the elefor several years. Mr. Abbott ba phant In America. Chicago. Bo large has this enterprise grown Undar tha new meat Inspection law, been president of the company since ha aava, tha force at Chicago has been it closed lti doors to the public and since last seen In this part of the corn considerable lucre aaed, until it. now the gift was tendered as recognition try that twelve Seres of ground are numbers 276, of whom 71 are trained ol hia efficient services. Dr. Joyce now necessary to hold lia many tents. veterinarians, la the country at targe, made tha presentation speech. In a The main pavilion le the largest he adds, the meat Inspection force few well chosen words he congratuspread of cures ever used. It will number 2,000. lated Mr. Abbott on tho manner In comfortably neat 14,000 persons). which the park has been ui i.uaicad. Manager Abbott responded, and thankTWO PUBLIC BANQUETS. COLORED MN SENTENCED ed the direr tors for their consideraaald underan bnt in something New York, April 1L Two targe pub- tion, lic banquets Instead of the dinner tone about the white elepnant that Judge Murphy Bays Colored People so Are Making Trouble. freely plhced in hia originally planned it was announced the directors arbikeeping. national will conclude the today tration and peace coa gross which la Judge Murphy sentenced Fred Webb, By Friday night officials of the Unto meet in Carnegie ball next Sunday. he colored man who came out second Pacific to ion have at the track hope will James bs Ambassador Bryro n an encounter with Mrs. Harper, to woman ran make herself when she among tha apeak ere. Theodore Har- tke Aepen tnnnel cleared and la shape a fine nf 125 or serve it a equivpay una traffic. for No. 6. of resumption Moras herself with tasteful aad band- - dee, who has had charge of arrangeIn day in jail. A complaint was alent line til is main hae the been opened, jewelry. We have all the lateat ments for the St. Loula worlds fair annulled, but the other against Webb Wednesday by hroaght regulnr trains MrS feritim In chains, broaches aad rings, and the Lewis and Clark exposition whom he le alleged to Harper, are being maintained via McCammon. M wen as an kinds of precious today waa appointed executive officer A large men are working have aassuled. of force arbitration and national of the peuea baa aet in unique designs for per-In passing sentence, .TtidgevMurphy on the slide night and day.. A steam Congress. Mr. Herded took immeiiate adornment or .wedding gifts. had stated that were it not lliai Wt-lito used man tha la shovel lift bcavr accomcharge of the registration and some provocation be would have re- Until of th rainearth. la blockade modation of the hundreds of delegate ceived the full measure of the taw. W. L. who are beginning to arrive from all ed Manager Bancroft will remain at You colored people are causing too tnnnel. the v over tha country. much trouble lately," aald hr, and I "367 Washington Avenue. Curtis Mflfoy, the yonng man who want to atopnf LORO CROMER RESIGNS. the colored club men The rae waa arrested In thle city by local ofon the rharge of having passed arrested Dr enndurting a gambling ficers London. April 11. Lord Cromer, the counterfeit coins, waa dismissed hoix-an. selling liquor without a by British agent and consul general In Marshall In the federal court license, will he heard thla afternoon. Egypt, baa resigned, and Sir Elden Wedpesday. When the coins were InGo ret has been appointed to succeed troduced In evidence It wax found that HERALD'S SCOOP him. In hie letter of resignation, Lord the American eagle waa noi on the Cromer sack: neither had Goddess the of LibTit Is with extreme regret that I coin, nor dates, nor letters, nor The Balt Lake Herald, with the e- signs, break my official connection with the erty. for which It Is an abiding place there. The suppos- curacy and After spending ed coin were common " scooped" all ita competitor famed, Write your name with elec- ; present government. ordinary slugs, however, 49 rear In the government' made by some one who had hit yesterday by posting a bulletin it tric light service. 1 am thoroughly worn out and the only way to heat the slot upon 10 oclock that Thaw had been acmauneble to support any longer the chines. The rage waa dismissed and quitted. If yon nee It In the Herald ' Against the blackness of the . really excessive strain which my work hero the defendant discharged. why ask the Standard If It is true. I night entails, I feel also that I do not pos--I iour name with incanden-wit- s eeaa the health or strength necessary FREMONT COURT MARTIAL. A horse fair will he held at Logan. i to do justice to all .the very important April 20th, and a good of signed showing interests involved." Will burn into the blooded horses Is expected. Horses New York. April 11. Major Francis public from any pari, of the state are privilegP. Fremont's own story of The raviona mind. RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION. ed to enter the fair. transaction! whlrh led to charges of 11. Governor borrowing money on false representaN. WE SUPPLY Y., April Albany. THE CURNENT. a as tn hia financial responsibility, intion OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO new taw the signed tmJght Hughes wae todav placed before the court corporating' the name of Margaret DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. martial, which is trying him here. It Olivia Sage, Robert W. De Forest, waa in the form of a statement, made C. Daniel Gilman. H. Cleveland Dodge, At the first sign of Backache UTAH LIGHT AND to Major Parker W. West, who. Gould. Gertrude M. Helen Glenn, John or pain In the region of the assistant inspector general, had been M. Rice and Louisa D. Schuyler, t or weakness and Kidneys, duty relating to assigned to special with such persons ae they may getber Urinary trouble, the following RAILWAY CO. an Investigation nf tba chargee against associate with themselves, as the Rub-el- l simple prescription nhould be Major Fremont. Rage Foundation for the purpose used: Major Fremont declares he secured ' weU.B. General Mg ef maintaining a fund and applying the Fluid Extract Dandelion, sums refrorred tn In the - W. WADE. of a social the to Improvement Income one-hal- f ounee: Compound Kar-goin good, faith and not Agent specification and living conditions In the United one ' ounce: Compound of his position as an officer reason bv State. Syrp SaraapariHa, three ounces. of the United Btataa army. Financial diTake a teanpoonful after each entanglement brought on by theFreEXCURSION TO BASEBALL IN ST. LOUIS. meal and at bedtime. MILNER. IDA. vorce suit Instituted by Major Any good prescription pharmont' wife, the payment of alimony Dll,y April 17th ta 21a. St. Loula, Mo April 11. Lowering macy will supply these three the bringing of tba suit by the ud cold wind a threatened cloud and Ingredients at small bank forced him to the cent, Ptattsburg to the S&ort which can easily be mixed by prevent 99.05 round this forenoon opening to tha statement. trip according wall, ,00d return within baseball game between the American shaking well in a bottle. This San Francisco property fiftttn Regarding Is said to force the Kidneys to sale- - As League chibs of Chicago aad St. Loula. matter J0 which he is sllegsd to have told about filter the sour acids and poisons 90.000 arras By aooa tue conditions were more in order to secure a loan, the stateJd ubT. laIur.m,Uott Twln from the blood, overcoming the north aids promising. Only the regular players mm I Fll. ment declares MJr Fremont cleltne-- l 9 for entrv April 22nd of the Chicago team, will play in toworst cases of Rheumatism. to have only contlngeat interest, ud days game, ao new men having been that he did not claim that he owned it along. brought OOOOOOOOjOOOOOOOO outright PRICES Sat 5 ..ir.q V. H-- ber Co. ICCEH I sj, Will He'd l Wheelwright Bros. Mer. kiiuv. aiuii. i Ju-la- e ( ; $ltH i WHY BE Washington, April 11. dtslnuan Tawney of the house committee on appropriations ud Representative Ol cott, who have raoentiy returned from a visit to tha Isthmus of Panama, today dlacuaeed wlh tha president aa they found them. Mr. Tawney ta favorably imp tamed with the progress being made tn the canal wont and told th president ho thought at th present rate tits waterway should be completed In five years. He said he regarded It a unfortunate that the engineering work had been representing to the people an almost impossible engineering problem confronting it. The principal conditions now to be met, he said, ware (boa of aufficlent railroad capacity to taka rare of the dirt excavated and annlutlon with Hie view to keeping the place lu a good, healthful condition. Mr. Tawney also discussed with the president questions affecting eongre-aUma- l appropriations for canal work, and it la likely autne liurialation hear lug on the subject will be recommended to congress as the result of tbe visit to tbe isthmus. w eoa-diiio- (Shut dflfSOU CONSULTATION FREE We Guarantee Speedy end Abrno lute Cures In Cases Wo Aooept Dnt. KUiott, her dm tlie street from 2350 Washington Avenue. old stand now at PARISIAN STRIKE OVER. Paris, April 11. Every tiling Indl rates that, the strike of the bakers Is practically over. The city toulght wears lie usual aspect. No aoldlera are to lie seen. The bunkers held a second meeting tonight, but there were fewer present than at the morning meeting. This would em to Indicate general resumption of work, which fa confirmed by a statement. Issued from th prefecture of police at 11 o'clock tonight that only COO defections had been recorded In Paris and the district This number la luoonslderable, aa there are 2.500 bakers In Paris alnna. Never a measure of precaution theiesa, tha bakeries will be guarded tonight, for fear that attempt may be mado to molest the workers. The bakers of Toulon have voted to go on a general strike tomorrow unless their demands are granted. Rl r i i Ely. April 0. About April 15 new freight and pseeenger rates are to go into effect on the Nevada Northern railroad, between Cob re and Ely. of prepThey are now In the corn aration, nd K le understood that they will be far lower on a number of commodities titan those now existing, aa well aa passenger rates being materially reduced. Freight tariff! on building materials This promwin be greet ly reduced. isee to be an Inducement to those who are eager to put their money Into real estate, hilt who have been holding off because of the com of building mate rial. Thy particularly la pleased with the announcement, ite people declaring that with tha new rates will be ushered in the greatest era of place has ever development th known. 6 5-- 4 m boil ho, well located. In any pari of the city, at prices that will indnoe quick KaleH. Whether yoti want a lot to build on nr merely want to buy aa an investment, it will pay you to Investigate wliat I have 0 offer. GEORGE A. HORN tendon. April II. -- Th Unionists, in the House of Commons, made a further attempt to obtain Information from the colonial office relative to Mr Alexander Rweltenbam'a resignation the ronnectfon of tbe Incident ing Rear Admiral Dvl with the governor's resignation. The tinder secretary for the (Y Ionian. Mr. Churrhill, however, said he thought no advantage would be gained by entering Into details at prenent, and, ax to tha publication of the correspondent on the Mibject. part of It waa not suitable for publication. . -- OR- fliDO for a. new brick house in K. IL district; will rent forlo. acre of land; suit fur (iroom frame and able for 11. It. men. fit, 000 for three housea and one sore ground on 22nd ' atrect. fl!,50U for one six mom houae and one four-roo- TION. and of the governorship of Jamaica Involv- 10 Per Cent 4 Per Cent ? m REBIGNA- - SWETTENHAM-- I' PCTNF" Wlm'b do you prefer to leave your money where It drawn only I jer rent or to Invent In good real eatate and draw from 8 per cent to 10 per cent? 1 am HubinittinK a few propoaitlona that will net 8 per cent to 10 jxr rent on tb investment, from you i have others and will take pletuturein showing them to you if you will call at my office. cottages; lota 50x150; f2,000 for two new four-roorent at preaent for 27 per month. FREIGHT RATES TO ELY. GOV. 'M'l REAL ESTATE riRST NVTL BANK. BELL it IS JESSE J. 'PHONE 1316 Mf. DRIVER ! s r? rtl REACHING THE SPOT. It Can Ba Dene, So Cltlxene Score ay. of Ogden To cure an acblng back. The palna of rheumatism, Th tired out feeling. You must reach he spot get at the -- cane. In must canes 'Us the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for tbe kid neyn. Mrs. H. Pigndn, of 220 Went Patterson Street, Ogden, Utah, nays: "I have been a great sufferer from kidney disease, .and at one time tbe doctors pronounced it Bright's disease It bad all the symptoms of that, and more, too, for I had attacks of rheumatism. A friend urged me to try Doen'e Kidney Pills, aad I procured a snpply at B. W. Badcoa'a drug store, and began taking them. Relief came from the first aad there haa been a gradual, steady improvement ever Inca. I am absolutely confident that Doan's Kidney Pills are the greatest remedy in the world for kidney complaint la any form.'' For oalo by all dealers. Price 60c. Foeter-Mllbur- n Co., Buffalo, 2275 Washington Avc. You are especially invited to call and see him at his new ocation. STANDARD-EXAMINE- R New agents for the United States. Remember the asms- - Doan's aad taka no other. York. Wiehea His Many 1'riends to. know that he is still in buBinesB. and nicely located at Want Ads Bring Big Results |