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Show THE MOTtXIXO OC.PEX, FT A II. EXAMINEE, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, I90T. Prime timethy seed, 4 25 Clover, contract grade, Short ribs sides, loose, 1.418.60. Mess pork, per bbl., 16.124a28. Lard, per 100 lbs., 1624Short olesr sides, boxed, S.Tfinfi.Ou. Whisky, basu of high wines, 1.29. 15-2- - Receipts and Shipments. wall street in hands 46.60U bltls.; Flour-Rece- ipts OF 14.300 bit's. shlp-meni- s, Receipts, 23.090 hu.; Wheat TRADING CONTINUES LIGHT SALT LAKE CHANGE. ON Architects ship-men- Painter and 85, 60' bn. AdInterstate Commerce Commission visee Proceedings Against Ham-maRallread CsmSlnation.- - Cera Receipts. 281 .600 bu.; Oats Receipts. SQM'D" h:i.: do-eU- mla-gtvte- Brace Hat Taken a Decided Unde Sam Continues to Aacend. s ; ohipnit-ni- 17. Chees- e- Easy at Chicago, Salt lake, April 11. ''Light trading" u unpleasant term but it will buhineea during this morning's of the local mining stock Daly Judge has taken a derided brace and 100 shares sold for K S5 this morning. Uncle 8am continues It climb and went from 58 to Architects. 66 A 67 First Nafft Bank Bldg. Beth Phones. Chicago Produce. April 11. The leading HOPSON MRB. J. U HERRICK. Lessons In china painting. Firing a specialty. Complete line Of srhitc Studio 2766 china and material Wash, wa lot 6.74, May, 8.70, 8 8 70; September, C. July 916.02 Pork-M- ay 98.67 Lard-M- ay 182 1 AtUrasy-at-Law- 16.05a 28.70; July 8.80 8.52 May IS; July HARRY RUBEN. Wo do the artistic work of ths city, Roliof, frosce and sosolo do rating; original designing. Lotus how you our work In Ogdsn. Qaw oral work also. Offlca 24M 12 Wash, ava. Ball, IHZ, . E. T. HULANISKI N. A WILSON, Nsuaa painting, natural wood Hr ehlng, paper hanging and papo e leaning. Shop 491 83rd St. Bfc hono 449-Rss. 654 21st St Attornsy-at-La- 8.70. Rooms RyoCaah 67a 70. Barley Cash. 6370. Flax, clover and timothy, no trad- First Nat Bank Bldg. 91-9- 9 x. T. R. OCONNELLY. ing. Attornsy-at-Law- Sugar and Coffee. New- - York, April II. Sugar -- Raw, firm; fair refining 8 183 3 16; 96 teat 3 mol use refined steady; sugar S 7 81 crushed 5.46; powdered 4 80; granulated 4 70. COFFER Steady ; No. 7 Rio 7; No. I Santos, I. 644 . SL, over Richard-sonInd. phone 64k Twenty-fourt- h Qrocary. s Photographers al Wool. St., Louis, Mo.', April 11 -W- JOS. MacLAUCHLAN, Davis Dally SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS territory and western mediums 23a27; fine medium 18s20; flue 1417. Company 11. 1907. AGEE BROWN IRON A BRASS WORKS. R LI CROSBIE. Roofing, guttering and tin work of all kinds, 2248 Wash. Av CALVERT f,-- d 61 62 Receipt! 9.000; steady Heavy 96.Biia6.55; packers pig and light Lima Mfra. Fhono 600-Y- , to (HL- - ' C Sheep Receipts 3.000; strong. Muttons 95.95a6.25; lambs 9d.75a8.1u; range wethers 96.607. 00; fed wes Firs Insure noe Loane Notary. 410 96th SL Rath phonoe A M. PORRISTALU Bursty Ronde RmI Estate 'and Ball aeuranso Builder and Contractor. Shop and 8S0-- BsIL CLOSING QUOTATION. IUD . fid Atohlson ..I..-- .. HE A i . 6 do preferred ... .100 Baltimore aad Ohio .1764 Canadian Parts Chicago and Nnrtowestern . . . . .1504 .200 . do praferred . Colorado fkmftiAnn . Denver and Bio Grande . . 04 ..... . 764 do preferred v . . . . ......... . 244 Erie ........ . .145 Illinois Central .117 lAuUvUle und Nadtvllle 22 Mexican Central . 75 Missouri Pacific AND BEGGED TO BE ALLOWED TO patient by Deputy Sheriff Whalsn. He ... .1 lfvi came h, rn as the financial backer of Now Vork Central SHOW IT. ... .126", the Kan Carlos opera r.mpauy. In Pennsylvania which were Madame Nordics and Alice Beading ........ .. .... ., ... .1084 22 Bock Island But an Officer Took the Fellow Into Nielsen, and was taken to u hospital . do preferred shortly after his arrival. 514 Custody and Found a Knife Con8L Panl ,l:i5; cealed In His Cuff. Boulhrrn Pacific 644 21-Southern RnBway Union Pacific 1864 Pittsburg, April 11. Carrying a 8 do preferred penknife, which was open and partly Wabash concealed In bis cuff. Frederick IVIscouHln Ontanl 184 1 arrested In aged 33 years. Miseeflanaeus fltooks. TO DEATH IN front of tba Hotel Scbenley this nnni-ing- 044 Amalgamated Copper 8 laxel was trying to gain access American Car and Foundry t . . . 87 to the mala lobby of tbe hotel when American Loootnixlve 644 seized by a policeman. He begged the Ameri.'-a. .1324 and Refng Smelting A officer to let him enter, saying be .108 do preferred wished to speak with Andrew . Transit Brooklyn Rapid In reference to the sale of a . 85 Colorado FVel end Iron patent for milking rows, tie was hur-tie. 144 International Paper to a police stall in. wlictp bo TOURIST CARS ROLLED DOWN AN . t74 Katomal Biscuit gave EMBANKMENT. ....... . 62 ifornia.his iiioresa a lava Angeles, CalNational . 27 .. Pacific Mail The Sagel incident caused a very 4 close wretch People s Oas .a.... ,.. ...... . to he kept un some of the . 87 Proased Steel Oar notable guest who are unlay partici- Six Children Are Ameng the Miaaing .166 Pullman Palace Oar Passengers Fought Through pating In the founders day exercises .546 ths Flames. Btamlard Oil at. Ihe founders day evervi.i he Irnw .144 Tenneceee Co si sad Carnegie institute. Uniformed police. 314 United States Steel men and detectives hr rho score are ... .1904 hovering about do preferred ail the prominent in, n, Monir,':. (p-i- ; li.- - Nine adults and . 824 Weatern Uhlan ,x children are miesing aa the result Northern Pacific .1334 ROOSEVELT DECLINES. of a wreck on the Canadian Pacific Great Korthern preferred .... .1364 west of Cbaplemu, Out., ye I aL Met ..... . 264 Will Not Comment On the Speech of rsilwa;. tei'fiay. da profeflrtd . 5 John Temple Grave M adkay .. . 69 Fort William. Ont.. April 11. The do preferred ....... . 674 Wsahlneton. April 11. President worst wreck in the history of the CaRoosevelt today declined all the many nadian Pacific railway occurred yesCHICAQO FUTURES. requests to make sorr.e comment for terday near Chapleaii. Fifteen persons are missing and are believed to publication upon the declaration made Cash quotations were as follows: by John Temple GraTea of Georgia at have been burned to death In the Flour Esvy. the Bryan anniversary club banquet coaches. Whesb Jfo. 2 spring, S0s94; No. 3, at. Cha'tanooga The wreck ws caused by a broken last night, that Mr. No. 2 red, 79ia77. 74s3Vi; rail which illtehed the train, the two Bryan should at the Corn No. 2, 464; No. 2 yellow, 7. Democratic national convention nomdown an embanktourist cars Oats Not 2, 484; No. 2 white, 444; inate President Roosevelt for another ment into a rolling small lake below. PasKm 8 whits, 404144. term. sengers fouuht their way through the Bye No. 2, 66. flames and .1 number of people In the T5.irly fr ir r, rbnbp malMj.r. C.7 :n In vice telle : sit,' pullo.l ill Iiiiiwv htvili-i- i Ar iffort is mv0 7 V ox. of the p;i lit hul s'ill .i'i.e Ihe jHis'iifllce r;u t,, inP'.ax ' , ,i niiir.' ii Nj. 1, 1.12; Nr,. I .VniV Kiais on iii'tslrj run.;. ,.i .vf r lo. serious 1 1.13. i .n.cal LimriM., in; Hi, FOR ....... 24 Contractor and Builder. Phona 617Z. P. O. Box MEW 95-24- 14 WM. A. HICKENLOOPEA Real estate, Insurance and inveeL mpnte 909 Eccloa Building, su cesser te N. H. Ives. " Contractor and Bulldor. 82d aL Boll Phono 89AZ. KELLY A HERRICK. and Lean Insurance Renta le Real Estate Investment General JOHN T. NEWTON Contractor and Bulldar. Office at wsidcnco, 889 27th. Phono 175 Ind. Shop roar of Wright A 8000 Col . FIFTEEN 386a P. A. ISAKSON . . H. H. GODDAROk insurance Real Estate Laane Commercial Btocke HO Eeiles Bldg. FRED HOWARD, PATENT A C. NYA Estate, Loans and Ineni anee Notary Public, 9411 Washing tan Avenue Real . W. E. NEWMAN CHAUNCY PARRY Real Estate, Firs Insuranoe and loane Corosr 83d and Wash, Ease Tin Work, Golvoniaod Iron Cor nlees, Heating and Ventilating. 2630 Waohington ave. Both phonos. BURNED mont W. N. PEIQCL Notary, Flro and Ufa Insurance 419 84th SL Both Sla-ge- l, Real GEO OLMBTEADl . Contractor and builder. Office and shop at rooideneo, 600481--84th St, Waal Cgden. Boll phono . 'pheoae A A nm. CALVIN STEWART. d Contractor and hulldor. Neat late model rooidanee; pantry and closet; $9253)0 complete. Including paint and paper, 2120 Royal Ave. Bell Phone 973 X. ........ ......... 'kee General ............... ......... .......... ........ forth-comin- . m-- : g W. A WEDELL .. Real Estate, Loane and Rente le 9466 Washington Boyte block,. Rothphome CARL SAMUELSON, 637 99th ' Builder and SL boll Contractor. phOM Eatoto A A SMITH Note Min and Realty Public. Room 61, Flrol Nat Bank InA phono 667,' - ........... ROLAPP. ,Flra Insuranoe 404 Ecclso Notary Pubile Rontale hMl BE Wdg, Rail phono 86; (m-nn- ...I.... ......... Estate, x. WRECK s 819 Eocloa Bldg. A H. GODDARD, Real Estate, Firs and LHa Insurance Notary Pubile 418 Eaclsa Bldg. Rail Phono S64Z, J. HUMPHRIES Office. 902 21st. Phono Either E. P. BRATZ. A LEEK 216 Eooloo Bldg. Estate Estate Real Contractors and Builders, Brick nw 4.50. strong. A A RRUMMITT Loon Insurance Real 2374 Washington Ave Phone, 771. 60. Kanaaa City Cattlt. Kansas City, Mo.. April 11. Cattle Receipts 8.0U0; market strong. Native stcwn 4t!0sG.4Q; stocken and feeders f3.6dmfl.S6; bulls 93.il(ia4.25; calves f3.76a7.Q0; western steers 94 255.06; western fed cows 93.50a Hogs JAB. E. BALLANTYNE. Real Estate, Insurance and I footmonto Oflteo 119 Ecclss Rid - Iron fencing, aldewaiK dear Saloon. counur railing, ate. 8866 W00I1. Av. Sail phono 961-y- . 1-- 96.506. Real Estate Agents Builders Sheep Receipt 16.000; steady. Natives and westerns 24.60a6.H: yearlings 96.76a7.6U; lambs 96.5Oa8.40; weat-era- s QAIIknk L. WEBER, Contractors and p- C. 673-- Photographer, photo art work Every variety of Both 1439 Wash. avo. phona -- - postoffloo. Bell phono . and 65 Phonos, 53, 54 First National Bank Bldg. Boll 809, Ind, SOL FINISHING. Photographer Ontdoor views made promptly, 276 IStfe aL Both phoosa MXRACKEN, Counsoloro-at-La- 9l.80a6.00. Hog Receipts 1I.H00; alow. light t8.66a6.IO; mixed 96.55a6.80; heavy 66.40al.77 rough 96.40a6.55: pig 96.06a6.T0; good to prime heavy 96.65 B6.77 asar April Chicago Cattle. Cattle Recsipts 4, B0U. Steady to strong. Beeves sows 91.80a4.9ti; belfere 82. 75a5.45; calves 6.00a7.00; good to prime steers IS.40a6.70; poor to medium $4.256.81; Stockers and feeders Chicago, April 11. KODAK Engagements made for ras!d and view work. 2438 Grant av Auditor and Aooountant, Notary and Conveyancer. Office Room 42, First National Bank building. Ind. Phona 470. 18.874 14.25 Interstate Breksrags ool-Steady; " 94. Ball 'phono . Office 9974 Washington Avc. 2. Rib Controetor, gsnsrai nauao palnv big and paparhangiag. 100 2iw & BURNELL VOLNEV 39 July IS. $16.07 9Waan. ava, 914 and S15 Eccloa Building. 5-- 5-- Oonsral Perionab opposite Library, N. E. OBERG Attornsy-at-Law- 43 ISAKSON. ,nd R. S. FARNSWORTH 8.80. Mi a A. MULLER A SON, In ofKco. Chicago Produce, Chicago, April 11. Close: Wheat May 77 July 79 Corn May 46 July 47. Oat phona. No-tar- y July. 1874. 8.90, 8.824; 8.974, 8.94, 6.934-hurt Ribs-M- ay, I 60. 8A24. 8.524: July, 1.824 . 8.70, 8.70; September, IJ0, A CO, Plate ana decorative painting and paparhanging. Ng charo ter oatiawtaa ISO 2nd SL Sell' pnans. JOSEPH CHEZ, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 40 and 41 First National Bank Bldg. Ogdsn, Utah. Both phonon. 16.024; 674, Rath Attorneys - Land 943a fcw. Writers! Painter, PaMi Hangers; Estimates given on cn. era! contracting. 2246 Wan. t;6l, fu- 474. 464. 4644; 474. 46Tka47; September. 474. 474. 474. Oats May. 44aV 44- 434: July. 394. 394, 394; September, 37433. 844. 84. Pork May. 16.20, 16.0, July. 16.16, 16.05, 16.07 4. R. ORANE. Sign 4744. July, 8.85, i. Painting and papar hanging. Waah. Rail phone 6fc; lnk Art 12,al 5. 884- May, Corn House CO. F. C. WOODS tures ranged as follows : Wheat May. 74. 774, 774; July. 794a4, 794; September, 604a, 81 80, 8144: December, 834. 824i4. PETER ANDERSON. painter, artistie paae banging. Eatimataa on contract work. 459 JSU. SL Roll phone Mi . Bsil Phone 686K. is Paper-hange- rs Directory GRAVE, Aichlteei. 98 First Nafl Bank Bldg. . A. bu. Barley Receipts. 57.1 op bu.; shipments, 18,400 Du. On the produce exchange tudar ihe butler market wae Arm: creameries. 22a29; dairies; 20a27. inKggs Firm, at mark. ca-- e cluded, 154; Arils, 16; prime firsts. at spe-etfl- o o.'lOu bu. Receipt. 10,000 1 e bn. 269,700 Rys f Daly-Judg- 866.900. n Sew Turk. April II Tbe stock mar-was still largely In professional bands tedav, but operation were conducted In a inucs aggrsaslve aiauuer and were ex tended to greater lengths. OnnsuBt shifting of position still Indicated a vary uncertain frama of witeI on tk part of the professlosnll hfttok of the da yo aession wa glvaa , np to what looked like testing opera-tionawithout success In developing (he prevailing teadency of the market. The trading tank into extreme dullness at times under the discouraging Influence of these fall ire and then yielded deoldediy. Such strength ass the market showed was most la ia the early part of ihn day. Part of this was in response to n rise In London markets an a result of the reduction in the official discount rat-othe bank of England from S to 4 pec cent The earlv results were furthered (he bull party In the trading subhr manipulative devices The bank stantial effect ef the flkiglUb nut reduotioa waa, In fart small. The course of The money market previous I gave ample warning of the action andit. gave opportunity fur discounting in the securities markets, in some guarters an expectation had been expressed that the reduction would be a full aae per oent lasteady id half per cent. Tbe weekly statement of the Sank of IbiglMd fully explahied the action of the governors, the bullion holdings shewing a large aocrstioa and the loans a considerable contra Not only thin hut a haavy in government deposits and a corresponding Increase In other deposits shewed (he transfer by government expenditures of large sums to the money market. The private rate of discount continued to decline also it did Is Parts, the bank of France , a I ah owing a substantial eoutraotlou of loans, although the Increases In gold homing arm but small. Notwithstanding thte general and continued yielding of money rates all over the world, the stork maillot begin to reflect over its sufficiency to meet the large waiting demands. TTieet Inolade burgs velnmea of authorised hut unissued asonritlaa, for the sain of these la tapraoCtosMe, probable will require further sots lasuss. Mens of a movo-meof eurreocy bank te the Interior also live warning of tbe large requirements of the continued activity la tradSL The effect of this demand, alternately, la a slackening In the demands of trade. Thte te a possibility looked upon with tew equanimity than at a time when its possible relaxing effect la the money market was given Drat consideration la Wall street. The dilemma te thus pcssented of tight money markets swing to continued demands of tbs etrealatton from active trade or sustained ease la money by reason of sou reaction la trade and the eooseqaent reduction la earning power on share capital. Another Influence in the day's market was the report from Washington of the decision of tbe Internals commerce commission to advise proceedings against the Harrlman railroad system as a eomblnaUun In restraint of trade within the moaning of the law. The Load on copper market showed a disposition to break again aad thte served to reawaken some uneasiness over too mailet position of that metal, notwithstanding the asseverations af the great producers as hi the soundness of tbe position. Iron trade authorities also Testified to the undlmlntsbcd strength of that trade. V. 8. Steel was comparatively Arm, hut this did nut sustain the general market. The closing tone was steady aad at acme recovery from the lowest. Bunds were dull and Irregular. Total sales, par vahie, $1,4M),0)0. U. 8. bonds were unchanged on call. ship-meats- Ute. ave PETER UNANDER. General Contractor and bulldor. $69 9th SL bell phono STSa. WSSSJUI UWIWJSMW HEARST EXONERATED. Grand Jury in San Francisco Ignores Charges Made , Kan Fmnrirro. April 11. The grand jury bun ib-- le.l tn pay no attenii.in bl111 'illK'lliP'i'li'il S'OH'll CIII. illblil in b iv.- b,,n tiui'i- by " t:iu;i'. . in k .ni;li un.l flakier 1.1 t iii LiT.Ti :tiu. ji,nu'-'.iiu;i!(p- ' - - : El-lie- efi-ro uid of William K. In Mr. 31111s had been 111 nf the grippe for two week, and that he simply de1904. sires to be relieved of some of his directorships. It was stated that he is nut a large stockholder In either comMILLS LEAVES UNION PACIFIC. pany. Ogden Mills, his son. retain! New York. April 11. The resign- - hi directorship In the Southern Pa-- . f H. li. Mills as ll''r:-ucf :he rnmpany. W. Ibijiird Cmiinerf New Ynrl; war t!i i SoiiTluni . cempnuy rr-I'lb'PiHil a a ili",r:,ir uf ib Sn.uhe n. Krii hi ;ii u.i.j rr,ni;iuiiy I'ucir.c cu:u;h2j to iu'jft.u Mr. Ml '.J. rly Hear-- by agenta at the primary election 1 - J n The directors reelected H. Harrlman and all the other of the company. MILLION-COLLA- R otn FIRE- - Oklahoma City. April 11to the TlmeoJournal from I. T.. aay, the eotfu ornipri rf - of |