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Show lii-- .:' C M r U" ill. i L. . I u vl"1 citim l' ' I" uii : 1 I 1" M:lMii:ii ri.iiti.ri- - -- 1. l:'"' in ti r Siipj-i i)iiii;:ir ( :(,,) M vvel'jiniie ii T : t li i ):, mi dim iuteudeaL oi the,I i'aiiforuia ut ta i.)e, ua beeii rartMr. WMkins id leave oi ahseuceand will spent a u K T iDiit4. ya Deal lu r.u IMicau. ui ' Upl! IMiiviih I ' 'x.. i'. - T:"-- ' li-t- irt we t 7:"" A.M 'eel, well a pi itably K(ilJ-- tl.aMhediy spi Lt : tr.cl we t:u tt tfa. wins at our do pleaaM.y div, w.; will have the m t vn ollice. at no tiis'.-npltssue i i n rtaininiiour tr'u iid-- i from across the river. The Deaf Mute ... D.lSl.li I'.M ' V IlapV1"1.-- ion. Our teacheis ;:'!'! a was o vvifi the !vanas Star :' 11 Vs-'d S-J'- Ve!eiday the s:"" ,. : t ale, speak will for the superintendent aud every et;e ill coioee'ion i Sr;. u! iiti rn. s. i:r-i- ment- - ii HEKli AND THERE. :M Crrr..-- ' i Haw key e. i j 'air Th" Woild's affrd will an p ortu ity for an exhibit!' methods and wo;kof our (?eaf schools w: ieh n of ! l Mr.d .m s Fearoi), fruni t:ie Kuyal wil: prohibl not come u.ijiin in our li'etime. It should not be missed : sti: utH'ii, ai Hinnii u' i. in, m iroimj to d.i? What is the profession the position ot piiucipai cepte-- Mr. Wil! it be desirable for the different of i he N n a Sjotia I ustitnlion. F. amn va tiaiued in tin- w.iK by tlie institutions to make an ind 'pendent Sj-ifiatv Mr. Jjim-'lluttun, wL,.,m exhibit in their respective state build- ":."'.' i (T!;.ip. i. H in a ir ne-rings or to atti myt !),. way It would rem the only practi. Sc A d at iini'.e, win wa walkinu ua cable way wou'd o 10 nuKe imlepend ;!:1:' i i:,e track of the Klinl & lVie MaiAU-- tte dent exhibits. Tne mihIRt schools will :' o !' S raiiioa wa killed by a cemotive. thus have a better chance and will not I'wo e i: belore lie was stukk, tut be so put to disadvantage by the biir tr il llrsi. ir m I'i'ir pai;e ii jt seriously inj ired, iy t.iij Mi'iu- fellows. ThLs is about the way it looks h'lv-h i pr-ired to your plan li d it.cnij-ivi'diiven !y Hie tvnuM niin- - to up. We w!i? bl like to hear 1 1, a yon user he mind, a with younger .Iou-j;h- '. from other.. N ,u. D u and nearly at the sjtue place I Dr. a li'ithne Ni.w Voi k Sup. and h mote l t eye. one-) up in Scotland, an i sul: n New Hook; I am old because i ihink not 'You nee is ir i ii Tn k Volta Uureau to .lilrt p'il.ii'-ln'.l!i Mil h:is l;e ni tin- pllliiie I so wa never is youn;: h:iir white; my pu disiiaiid d:sti ihut.e the address of 5,i-- !l ail others it! !i!r i!i!.irit I look back to in? I am now." as ;il tli 'l Dr. K. M. ( i alia inlet uceiit'y made, in iiitci' S?, iiiara:i sT;e viiei! er ; remem '! S ehildhool days, :ini tii'' ;i a Si.;!;l .;l.t. 'I'iie It r. (iit-uow- , beiore Iai second SotlaiiJ, ii winter niirhts, in the sittini: ro )in Congress of the liritish Deaf and Du.nb the children, played, the blithest and Associati'in, upon tiie 'Corn .irn d of all the company were the srayt-s0? system of Ii.Mi uclioii" of he I) at. reach-in- ir AKhotiu'1! nnMi'T. and T lis father paper is diid to tie oi e ot V'V i never a.ir-o! Li i w foil rscore years they AO crm i. audi "ir in i ir an i s:e. u;d c;iie thv u'ot old. T ity woe always at !u iv. b (UTy Ms ii! rs?rd iii Ml'e of life. L idieV Home he d'.'i'ii' ion (jf the Deal. iiE AN! s r i 1 l'.M. :' - a- S'.itctvilaj. l'iie Silent .! ! ;rier. 11 al "r ( t -- ! . i ! ; 1 1 1 1 - : i 1 a'-M- i ut' s l!i'!s 1 I 4 l - . i nu-- i i ! I I i ! !.i-ii;i- l i t I v: ' i i HEROES t i 'j-- iU . oil ! i , ' i u:. 1 ) HOW TO LOCATE A YEIA. itkis idson i '. l i! "!!!. .Jy liit i I1waj:i, (f Du'irn, ( al fie afic-hma- 1) af Mt'. Minji ("ol ot-i"- ;it vi 1! , n ; feel :u; hid a line water. It is said to hi the twenty-fou- s. '!'e- - tl;.- ' 1' In I'f.ji;i i;, ' ;f Ba p t - - V'.vi ! lh ! i . . ,)o n-- eni ii 5 iu ; . t!:c t p t f a k ol Coiii-- I s,- th- i - : - i i -- i - ' t - TiV - e BM-:i!i!- E'l l:"tc "t k i - li-- eur - i;:is falh'ii h ir lo a for'nne rjio; iid t; ii El.lll r'8'.tl'l:ila', 'I'll- - V" ;jr I'f Viisr-w I'n'i j'irsj u to one undied l:i'i!H 'I'in' IS i) :i n t ttfnrv b.j all ti e way from Mi ri in(Ineiiiiips wjjli tin- S.i ii. d wenty live mil i ns. Well, Minn' iiii'l eiliilal IS:ices utth) Sutl) i:irili' esota has ahvas niana-- d to do tin of tlxetial Ship, ele., Ic. '"lit th'- C')ll.-y- wi'ch'd the oits, obscivsnii the. sj ihii'irat s:oed the neatest iiids'ure. extraordinary selec ed a spot and sank a the way of !rai:s, and now her iepi l'!! ly i ill- ! 'I'M!!1 lie- rxe'iJjHu''' tells ot :i fanner w In) v, anted to diir a well. T ie ::ii: u he di w:is To plow n lot, of land ;):! I ,! PI. It tO O ils. Kv TV day he K A I takes the cake r in Hie - S-- t i e OVKIt s-- he matter lit'il'i nl m-i- itiys ot "a 300 inc lelniu: imic lieauty. li'c antli in or Smith and it" ,.:et.ch"-eiitiii histi'i cii :il jiri are a ii u to be proud of, and it Other farmers ip vd in Hie allM fs:il piclnri' ndormiieiil failed reiotts he :rne youru Howard, a ide ions in t he s;i!ii .neighborhood lia :mi ,,ii,"r,,i,ii,y t"1- Jin'"' feet. The liusv from the advantages conferred hy his i)0N i o r,i wafer av e UKlV. m' cai!lit he h:nlti''r irreat we it', bids fair to follow in '.heir iti a li etiiiii.1 liee. o what oi jnay l,av.- "j I vl x. Colorado steps. h i.k. h;ili M'lll' Mil mucim'.Ti for ties o s'!'. Cos'-Tov- ofs-iekels- ike Ha.n-so- u e, fa- - iinili - e i f : i I j -- i vir - - - : ii ;SuBSCRl3h::::::-'-:- : THE ... AG Eh. ; as every Alis.'iliitely iin exjerieii-reipiif.-v otln iiniu w:in ts tliiMiM. i'j, uiul inn j, insures siii'i'e-I5"'int;l;i I i iiasj!'- - oiijilt- - . c I'lincipa! Wjcknf? irave six of our leave of absent; las Friday ijch for the purpose of visiting tlieNebras-t-- a a zvtn in iKiO!' si. on. Tin-- ; an win treil Mieei-intitmii)n at Omaha, and th( y In okh is a lmimii iir.h-Ir.r (Hitilt. l' .idly availed thenisi Ivvs of the H k, with ( r.s-- , - s w re- - oi:,!,i tut ihii( s r THK HISTORY COMPANY :::::: opportunity.s j me i in: iiisiokv Tl:iiy siw very ii t jrestin work isrujiix; in every iepartment and the improve 723 Mario: Street San Francisco.Ca!. |