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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. The University Cadets drilled in Bat-tali- LOCAL ITEMS. Winter is near at hand. All the children are well. We are using Utah sugar uow. The trees look quite bare now. Andrew B'al is sorting apple?, for winter use. Samuel Porter had a letter from his brother. Joseph Cameron and Albert Flake have new pants. T te weatler still contiuuus lovely and we all enjoy it. Mist) Johnson spent a day with Miss Z rbaugh last week. Mr. Dries' sister and cousin called on him the other day. X study last Wednesday eve on account of the electricity. Pettilis Ole in sehool again. He wis sick for three weeks. The girls had a masquerade party in their room last week. The boys of the carpenter shop are now making a barn for the cows. Miss StHllr was out the other some of her Kansasfriends. The latest among the boys is some thing trving to he raised on the upper even-ingvisiti- lip Mr. ng oa on the 29tb. The drill took place on toe 18th Ward square and passed off wry well considering that it was the first attempt in Battalion drill On the eve of the 28th. There was quite an excitement over a tire one Some of the block wist of the Inst. ollicers wishing to know what a large lire "weeds" could make, went to see it. Some of the little boys were of a pain the other day it was found that it came from eating stolen apples that were greeu. Tne ones that did the stealing part of it received a good reward. Ilathron Iladlock iuts in his spare uoments on an engine, which he is corn-plani- ng ing them six acres at the Chicago Exposition. Debiuark will have about one acre. Lewis Prang, the now rich and pros perous chromo manufacturer was at one time so discouraged with his lack of success that he sold out bis entire dusiness in Boston for 32r, after a bard year's work. There are six tunnels in the world which have a length exceeding 21,uoo St. Gotbard, feet: Mont Ccnfr, Hoosac, Severn, Nochistongs, and Sutis. St. Gotbard the longest is 48,840 feet ; Sutis the shortest is 21,120 feet. On October 8, Col. Amos A Parker, of Fi'z Williams, N. II., celebrated his birthday. So far as known he is the oldest college grad uatein America, having finished his course in the University of Vermont in 1813. The honey of Malta has long been noted both for its purity and for its delicious flavor. A writer in the Mediterranean Naturalist says that the flavor is largely due to the extensive crops of sulla (clover) that are annually raised throughout the islands, from which the bees derive the largest one-hundred- th making of bard wood. He seems to think that he is a genuine engine maker and we believe tint be will mate a very nice one. Charles Ssucki arrived Saturday the 24 inst. He was pleased to meet his fellow students. For the past week he has been visi ing friends in the city and now be expects to settle down for genuine business. The following pupils have arrived since we published the last list. pinion of their material. It is estiGarrield CV. Elizabeth DtLong. mated i hit t) collect cue pound of Uintah Julia Coilett. it honey from clover 62,000 heads of clovKane Mamie Young. er mtist be of nec'ar, and Utah Amelia Comer. 3 T."0,000 visits must be made by the Lyman I'robert. be(s. ,, Ellen Miner. 1J Salt Lake Lillie Swift. Buel's New Book. Charles Stuckl. Paiis, Idaho. Another sensation has been caused Beaver Co. Ada Davis. in book circles by the publication of Nearly all of tho University Cadets Heroea of Unknown Srah and Savage the famous yJ.nookW.is Buil have uniforms now and ail will have L nHs," Tae ahead of anything author. guns in a short time. The Battalion is of the kind which has been published It is another triumph for the devided into four companies of lifty yet men each. At present they are having distinguished author, and his rare iu l.ittir g the public taste is instruction and practice in compiny judgment shown in the enormous demand which drill. The students take hold of thi has greeted the announcement of Ks stones f the part of thdr work with an interest that publication. the The ble err era when the if continued will soon place the U iv BnwaMPer., N ot Black Flag Quarter was master ersity amoung the foremost mili'ary of the high seas, the discovery of Ameiica bv the Norsemen, &00 years schools of the country. ot lore th birth of 0 lumbus, pie myThe military fever seems to be c itch sterious legends upon which early ing. We hear that Lient, WrigU has history is based, the dbcoverh s, heroic been invited to go to Provo and drill exploits aii'1 thrilling adventures of traveler ird voyag rs in many lands the pupils of the B. Y. Academy. and in different ages, are alive with interest, and the Englis-upeaking world will read this wordcrful new hook witu unfeigned delight. Such a ill Mich book with ration us' The greatest depth of the i d an and at such a magnificent price cannot help .sweep is27,i:JO feet. the country hy storm ing Tne IIitorv C inpany of San The earliest coin for American use Fi:incico, tl( gnat pimeer hook was made about 1012 and bore as a house of the west want live agents to in this community.' Enter, orders of a take hog. design the picture men and women will do well to Great Britain and its dependencies prising read their advertisement in another have relieved signed contracts grant- - column. -- d-pri- 1 1 iggs is giving his pupils drill exercises the sain , as are given at the 1) -- University. The last new pupil was a little girl. The boys do not quite number ' three to one" now. George W. Love, a former pupil sends his subscription to the Eagle. Many thanks Georgp. We have now 41 pupils in attend- ence more than ever before, and quiet a number more new pupils expected Misses Iv.'es and Coanell went to hear Kite Field's lecture on the territories of Alaska and Utah the other evening. Andrew Madsen seemed to think tbat was not the thing for him. lie is now making good progress in the carpenter shop. Visitors still continue to come. Most of them who have called of late have been University students. The "Call again" is cheerfully given te all. The othar evening just as the teachers were in the midst of their supper out went the lights candles were soon brought to the rebxue and supper shoe-maki- 11 ng continued. . h NOTES. |