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Show WALKER -- -:- :: The Largest and the Leading :: Dry Goods House in the West. - See their new building. Boots, Shoes and Notions. T A RAILWAY! THROUGH THE hry EAD wfar&xi 7'? 7fl a riuslunJ Good. O - 4- - -f- :""-? AND THE ""5 E (0 SCENERY . Til 25 W()RID. IN Two Fast Express Trains Daily to b l, 3 D q: each v.'ay ei:tv.;:ex OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. CJJI - Free of Charge I, THE MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY IN THE WEST. SEAL A.E.WELBY, J. H. BENNETT, Geol. Mgr. G. F. Snpt. k P. A. t. 5 u O - V . 2 2 2 "3 S 3 Direct Connections made in Union Depots. S ero ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR GARS! D. 0, DODGE, f- c- 73 s:;n t Routes. RAILROAD t 1 .1 MOST MAGNiFIGENT - IN nnnn.Q a tin I nniFR' ROCKY MOUNTAINS! D 7 JI RAILWAY Cluice of Three d PS K F. AUEEBAOH & BRO. Standard Gauge Western c, Go to them for Carpets, Clothing, Dress Goods, THE Grande - Tis the best lighted and most magnificently fitted build- ing in the Territory of Utah. Rid -:- ii s5 . til I Ml 2 Si IHS AND ALL KINDS OF hare hf en mudeai Austin, wink for iih, liy Anna li sn, Ami Jno. Iionn, loleao, imio. Jsi'c cut. (ilicr.iiro doing: m well. Wliy limt vim? Some urn over f aUU.UU a Vim. Hi. Ymi ciiii do the work and live .it ln'iiif. MlifivviT you are. Even be- pitnu-nri' fiisily caniinp from If 5 to U a tin v .All open. Wc ihow you how and stm t you. Cnn work in tpiire lime or nil til- - nine, l.ijr money lor IViliin unknown nmonftr the ni. X nml wouilei ftil. I'articulnr fit'i--. Snuff little fortune Fino Fane j 03 Q G. S LJ co DC ;: FURSi"-,5-k:-J O AND MADE TO ORDER r Fur (:leuiiiii, lUiitiii huji Divimj rp. "S.."l:il1tl.lr. Co.,i;ox bO I"oillanlf Sluiiie undrrtiike to ni " toMtii nr.v lairly inlelligrentpmonofti'l. vilu'i read .and write, and h . Hfs. . . . . 1 1 u U a Iter nitruriion,wiu worni umu.inwuji xP Imw tn i iiru Three Thounind Hollar In r vrr they hve.I willalpo furni: Vcnrir. tlirtrown lo' nliiif lii h yoin an ciirn that anioiu. the xiiiintioii or nil No inoiH-- lor nir niiii ih iiiti'W1i:I s? nlmvo. Knkilynnd quirt .' i iii in d. i il- Hirc nt Lin; nrUi r Irom rm h district or county, i tiiutilit iave pruviiieil with employment a " I'm lire ninki.ifr ovorSi'Wl n rarench. It c X KV. V.. AdihvM at omc t mil r w A in I A f'7 ! I TJ PRICES 3D - I 1 y thi: Exclusive Practical Furrier in Uta.?, IN MIND vnn-nt.n- t y aln-ml- n-- ''.. iST i y.IJ''0S'eS O P 30T'i) S ND SlTISfACTIOf GUWWTEED. I ! ffEASOBLE . MEheY 20 SAXlTAlli ' rLUAllvlXa. Teli-pliont- ? 2(7. H Wain and: Mli'ain 1;!" K. Second Smith 0) j! f l 1 |