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Show ' 10 THE DBSERET EAGLE. SALT LAuil CITY. I TAIL ,ovt:?im:it 1 I, IV.H. riTULISUKI) SKMI MON II K SCHOOL YKAK. I I1LY IHIKING THE DESERET EAGLE- - The Utah Monthly Magazine has sire was MK iinnre" the world's been added to our exchange list. champior. Tee M ss n;er from the Alabama A few days ago one of our pupils, o? our School is o le nei e who has been in school for several xehauges. years, received h'u first letter. It The LouiMana 1'elican reached our would have paid the writer of tint ejrie las', week. The EAulk welcomes letter many tim s.could they have seen the look of satisfaction on the bo's its S JuMiern frieud. What is he m itter with the I'plicat.? face when he received it. For th Where is tne bird? Slick to your past two years that bay has been writ first f oi m, Ui'o. Tracy the second is ing letters in school on the regular letteday. As he had no incentive to not an improvement. did it because he hid to he The bound vjlumems of tbe Daily write, only he wanted to. WHh-oand not because Paper fdr the Lilt le People from the doubt he will look forward with K Chester, New York School alwajs pleasure to tbe next letter day, for look bright and attiactive. he now has a letter to auswer. We The Ileber Herald is our la'ts:. Ter wish every parent, who has a child ritorial exchange It is printed by here in school, and every friend to A Hate1) Jr. sou of oue of cur Hoard whom our pupils write, would alof Jiegents. It is a very credi'able ways answer the le ters, they receive little sheet. from them. It not only gives the Th first nuin )er of the Optic for child pleasure to receive the letter this year has just reached us. It has but it is an incentive to tbe child to dropped the 'Diaf Mute" part of its make as rapid improvement as possible name and conies out with a new head- so as to be able to write a good letter ing which is very neat. liy the way, in reply. In writing to the children, did any one uotice that the Eagle has language which they cm understand a new heading? should be used. The words that From ( ur xehauges we see ibat the they know can be very nearly ascerDKSKKh Eaglk has ag iin soared forth tained from their letters. We pe; from its perch in tbe mountainous sume It is often the cise that parents haunts, but we fear tbe prairies of the think there is nothing to say that will Dakotas were too low for a resting interest them. Tell them about the cows and horses, the pigs and sheep, plac. Dakota Advocate. . Copies of the Eaglk have been mailed Mention the dog if they have on-regularly to the Dako'a school but Tell what their brothers and sisters Vol. V. No. G of the Advocate is the are doing and about their friends and first number we have seen for a year. they will think the letter very interThis altitude is evidently too much for esting. it. HE HAD'NT THE NERVE The above reminds us tlat several of A gentleman in the orchestra was unthe Institution papers never reach us, able to see the stage on account of a although we always aim to send the tall bat. S ) he leaned over and whis Eaglk o every Institution Tae Silent pered to the lady's escort, World and Advance have never shown "I wish you would tell the lady who their smiling countenances on cur lable is with you to take oh! her hat. I can't The Tablet and It 'gister, in the long see the stage at all." ago wtre welcome visi ors, but hay; "My dear sir, I would rather you been gone these miny moons. Tne would tell her that yourself, if you Eaglk stands with outspread wings to please. She is my wife," was the welcome them. whispering reply of the husband. Mr. Grady's birthday gif in the shape Texas Slfilngs of an Irish Setter calls to mind his loss Willie (who has eaten bis appl) of a flue Irish letter bitch and her puppies (stolen) last spring. Word "Mable, let's play Adam and Eve. You was Just received that one of his pupe, be Eve and I'll be Adam. Mable "All which was given Mrs. F. W. Metcalf right, Will." Willie "Now you tempt of the Utah Institution, carried off the me to eat your appl and I'll second prize at the Utah Fair, tbe first succumb." Peoria Herald. prizs dog oeiug a direct importation from Ireland. The Weekly News. The above is correct as to the priz ITVISVBUT$.50VAVYEAR given our dog but that as to the winner of of the first priz . It was woi by a dog whose ire was imported. The V -- tki-.ms- I'or iscliool Alvrliiii , : car In iliitn ralo '- -- K.."0 made known on application. The object of thismjer is t teach the art of printing to the pupil in the Deaf Mute Department of the University of Deseret. Address all conmimiiciitiuiis and Mibsciiptions to THK DKSKHICT EAGLK, Utah School for thk Dkak, Salt Lakk City, Utah, I'KAXK W. MKICAM', i:iitok. We have oeeu sending the Eagle the all parents and friends of our pupils as well as others whom we thought in'eres'ed in the cause of whether they have i duration, sent in their subscription or not We cannot continue to do so longer. It costs money to piiut a paper, be it ever so small. The Eagle's only income is from suband advertisements. scriptions If these do not pay expenses, the editor must foot the bills or the paper must ttop publication To parents, relatives and friends of child ten here in school the Eagle should come as a welcome visitor. It is a paper telling you of the progress and welfare of the one in whom you aie interested. semi-monthl- y Not only this but it is enabeling a class of our boys thoe fitted for it, to learn a useful trade, so that when they leave school they will be enabled to make an honest living. Can you not then, send the priceof a subscription and continue to receive its visits? We are in receipt of the 20t report of the Georgia Institution. Vol. 18. N). 5 of The Deaf Mute Mirror oas been received. ut ! t i vvv |