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Show THE D"SSRET 28 GO TO EAGLE. a c U & 55 o . 72 DRY. GOODS A ii e v b a c h &11 ro. A, u e lr b PEMBROKE HERBERT 72 MAIN-SFOR voun I 1 t JLogrOJrS Co. fe THE LEADING GROCERS No. 45 E. FISST SOUTH 1. O. T. T'I'IIiiic 301. !' BOOKS & S TATIONERY fine Clothing Wm.WOOD&SONS tTt Jill Stove & DEALER IX ALL KINDS OK II avdAvai'c Co. -- Meats Fresh RETAIL WHOLESALE GENT'S. FURNISHING GOODS & AT J. P. GARDNER'S Vukk Dii.iykky To All 1i:is Oh v ;ts J?. W. Mads en- MONEY KhTAli.DEALbR WHILES Saved at the jriieiiifciire , Institution Up hoist op SHOE SHOP Wall Paper, -- IN LL .S KRS IT CLASS WO UK IS lT AH AX rKKI) :. Sillei a Deer at Thirty Yards with a Knife One of the most cariou fleer stories of early times occured about 1854 a White Sulphur Springs, Napa county. A larg4 party ol people were tbere, some of them the best known citizens of San Francisco. Some c f the guests went on a hunting expedition, ami among these was Dr. Josselin, now of Madrone, Santa Clara count. His gun was "load, d for quail" and he saw a flue bnck within Uirty yards, lie dropped his pock it knife down bis aimed at the siolder and fired. The deer leaped high in the air and disappeared ov r abu.h and returned to the hotel, the up r sm-ithlnkirg his shot a failure. He told the story at t he hotel, and, he says, "had to set up the campapne all the ev nirg," besides universal hkepMcism. Tn' n xt day however, the deer was brought, in and it was f 'und th'U the had pencil a'.ed to the heart. San Fiancisco Chronicle. gun-barr- el, n rn-iu-in- Mke.-kBi- fe thirty) ears ago as .a place of refuse TheK K. Fii-- t s . Only Hali Harried v G VY.F atheist- ntell.-U-ii : - I was ptzzVd by a Ten res see layabout her marnag' . Sitting b her In i iardor nni wishing to introtace conversation I &sk-- b r 'Are you a married or a single !ad'?. She it plied, 'I am oi'ly half marri d,1 and remiin'ri -- ill nt as i efore. Thi- - s'umped me, as 0P.' Box 1025. I bad never hi ard of such a case bt-f- n . 51 & 53 First South rii. She saw she bad excit d my curiosity rora the soldiers and citizens sur and no doubt enjoyed it. A', length I rcuudimri.them, is to be demolished, ventu ed ak : Will you pie '.se r.-- . and will yet disappear for v unless 1 tin that libit n ani d? 1 doi.'i und 'a the, as vet unsubstantiated rumo", 'hat d it , She n pliec': 'If yu must an associa sed has been by it purely know the truth about i I have gained n removal t tion of astera gentlerm for try own coi s nt to marry, and when b true. Th the couj le t make the other half of toPhiladelihia should Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company tbe n a' cl tivi bis crn iit we will has! determinedLupon a very decided have a w- d- jiis.-Louisville West of line in its the location main, change er at this place, ;the servey mnniug diDwakfs in Afhica Probably the rectly throubthe old engine house on nt race tbe globe are the Tens of thousands have gazed with most, auen interest upon the "fort" from car 8 rant dwarfs who it is now certain windows aud platforms since the war, inhabit a cot sul. rable poiii .p o' centand the demolition of toe. old building ra' Africa Th- re are two tr bes of will be r gret.Ud by many all over the thra ti e Afcka, or Wara'iutti people, n rth of Sanlej's Aruvrhimi riv-r- , country, II rperV Ferry Special. and be Batwa, mii ti of tie Congo. The Growing FiKT. There two t. ibes appear to be a kindA California paptr mentions some red people Th ir tufts of kinky hair of the peculiarity s i.f the tig. In has nb lossoms, aid videnly n quires are often paintt'd !ed, aDd stand out. breathing places, for fion the I'Wa like rays over their heads, ari'l thej ar ' utton at thaud there ure minute fi rocious cannibals. The two tribes du t or air spa es whic run irrmgh are lighter in color than the full sizd th frui an c- ar in oth sun. If, in negroes about them They are wandei-u- g drying, the tiir is not placed s it trrew in their habits hd are skilful as d molds on tin- m en ih fruit The fruit, does not haigfr in h tvi e, ers. It was the Wamhut.ii people who but inclnes upwards, hM by the s'em, fJred poisoned arrows at the last and this hnttor, or mouth, opens toxnedition. Stanley sa)s thec ward tt e Fun. If not so plaC'-- when Stanley dried the button is shaded, und tiuy folk are thievish, cowardly, and venomous. the fruit, then spoils. ifeCarijets. - i t r-s- - - - ! - - John Browns Fort in Dang er John Brown, s "fort," theo1d engim house used as a cet del by the greal a t i slavery leader aud his follwers Retail Dealer'e In GRATES STONE MANTLES & BUILDERS HARD WARD 1 UK i 1TY Stilt Lake City Miu St. 141 Whol e sale & ht-ii-- g |