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Show THE DESERET DAILY PltOGRAM. Rise 6:00 a. ,M 6:30 8:00 8:15 1 10:30 ,, 10:45 lf 1:15 pm. 2:00 4:30 ,, 0:00 7:00 8:30 9:00 lf 7:30 a m 1:00 p.m 3:00 Breakfast Chapel Sch-o- l 1 Interm hsion School Dinner Manual Labor Relation Supper Study Ritin (vouner pupil;) l) Breaklart(Suuday) Dluner Chapel fl "Firt cass sleighing. Jingle, jingle, jingle. n ine lerriroriaj tva v . ieiMflia?ure is in session. Clara Foote bought a new hood Inst Svurdsy. For some das it has kept the boys shoveling path. a nice niith George Lve n day present from home. Andrew Deal .s carylng papes for Haui) Spielar this w ek. There hart not been as much snow in t his ci! y ac w ba vt no w (or many years. Mr. White is under the weather and 1 a been obliged to stay i t home this week. d Checkers ami domiiioes ate occupying much of the attoiitou of the oys thct-- e dayp. The followiig from the Kansas Sta is to the poiut. Authority in & School, Governor Humphrey in his address before tbt State; teachers association very clearly i mgn.Zird theutcvssity of authority io schools by repeating ar. arecdote "It is related that an English c:juu1 maserSonce said to Cuarles 1 1 then intbe plentitidelot nis power Sir pull i ffjthy Uat in my school: for if my fccnolars ditcover that the Kii g is above me in authority here, they Will oou cease to respect me. No better illustration could have been selt c ed to d jw the necessity of aso- lu e it not autocatic authority being vested in one that ha controi of a large uurabei of you h if it is xpected that proper discipline and respect be main laintd. Impl citand unquestioned obt dienct as well as prouipi an cheerful compliance with ruler and regulatii n are of the lirt impo. tauce an i must be in: is edupou. Withiutht family c rcl parenta.aut o ty can of n be tempted counce- and exbau-tiwi.h lling rtbtuth'. wlfedom of a rule or a command is quea'ioned by a child bu to attempt huch a plau in the govern me.:t ol an army of soldiers oraay ;arge :iod) of persous wou d soou n suit dfoaatrouly by diS'roying all authority tllc . G veroor aud respect fo; Humphrey has not only b.:en a Idier bat an office in command aud not l1 a i onice in command oui a scqoo ut v. a-- . teacher. he indications are next ii miner will deun much too wet a the last one was to dry 21 soon to open a pop corn tand. lie la very enthusiastic over it and bopas to be able to make a good liviujr. 1 bU5y i EAGLE. t 1NDUV11UAL DEPARTMENT SCHOOL REPORT. I' HINTING OKFICK. hhows and 100 good. Between 60 and o$ fair. Between 40 and 60 poor. Between 20 and 40 very poor. Below 20 slight improvement. In health column tetween 80 and 100 shows slight ailment; detweeii 60 and 80 serious; detwten 40 and 60 more serious; between 20 and 40 quite serious; below 20 dangerous. B Namk. 14 19 Lan.Npli I- hrorni to mVv trad'. e-- 1 unrtrri out own way in the world scd m.-:kiM-f M has bad tbeva jir.g lly befall a t lind beenveiy -r f tuDM' lor-nut- II - that usua- Hr; hs pon. her acd hope? rhristensv'-n- , Ez a Ljavitt,Lvm n Madscn, Andrew Olstn ,Au'1rw Andrew Beck, Joseph 38 Beck, Jacob 4B.ck,John 26 27 31 4 Birnard, Joseph Cameron, Joseph Ry 25 I) nrlHou, 21 18 Ecc!es7 William F ote, Clara 5 F.andsrn, Leuney 6 Girn, David 9 Hmsen.iWillard 37 H gsted, Jacob 3f Jensen, Stency 50 100 100 100 17 18 60 100 l 100 100 85 U0 75 100 32 20 32 80 80 1C0 !5 100 100 100 shop. 109 jo Z S 57 77 100 100 100 100 100 90 80 100 109 100 100 99 90 Barnard, James Collett, Julia 2 Comer, Amelia 29 Covington, T im 16 'Obristenseit, Ezra 10 Davis, Mary Ann 22 Devlne, Amy cia.-sjoh- di-pa- r a Allred.Luella 30 Beal, - , aO s (It-)- Did 73 f order of the Name of Pupil. Improve 24 . ment. Neatly vei)oi't: has betu more ality. 3 less officted. 100 100 B ck. Joseph 2 I: work to the MiuiMon 95 100 your Jvcob B Bring ck, 24 . 80 shoe hop aud get a ri st 100 O oreusnaw. J is. ph 3 100 100 n Trices as lo v a& tne lo w st. II y Spieler, 23 75 100 h n fourth S ucki.Charlert Read ctr ad vert isn,en 13 1 1 z to an It wi ay you CARFKXTKIt SHOP. patron page. I vt 'U! adv rtiMi. Taey will do well Bial, Andrew by you. Gin , a V Wi 'aid Fred Cooper, farmer pupil o' Hans-fment f tue Calif oi n'a the blind Inst, is now s op pin if in Salt L ke More, Earl He we: t fr in alstond to tte Munson, Ed war I "he O gon rch ol wnnre. he 8UOK a mark of 100 erfect work. Between 80 35 Laren, Nepbi 5 L avitt, L man I'uncMi- - 8 Lovr, George B id ( 0 ls bav been the (- rort In ihU Mad-e- Andrew n, Marl r, S't-phe- n Moore, Ei'l Munson, Edward Olorenshaw, Jos. 0'!en, Andrew R l!o. Ezri Spieler, Henry Smithen, ie Stucki, (harlrs T mmpson, Orson Thompson, Willie Wood, Lizzie Wet, Emma N-il- - - 85 89 85 95 95 100 90 75 100 80 100 100 85 90 65 75 W) 100 100 100 75 90 95 100 100 90 66 90 100 75 100 75 100 ttt 80 100 100 75 100 100 100 95 95 100 80 9 80 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 80 90 95 80 IK) 75 100 90 100 100 75 100 90 90 90 80 100 90 75 70 75 85 85 100 95 95 100 100 100 100 wih t' thank for tbn pn's promptnnsH with wnich,in most ess. We pudils were returned to school after the holiday vacation. |