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Show THE DESERET EAGLE 26 He neard u coming along and hunt "Horn He could not get us. We THE DESERET EAGL E . to accomplish your object-shor- ten lion tried to a . - climb dip tall tree The tne piaythe school abridge hours, WALT I.AKKCITY, UTAH, tree M bf()ther flQOt A u ovucr some or 10 1H90. resori JAMAUY, 15, ime, t UitJ Iljn in the w WD him ftId .. o n IT A nd iuc-euni imscaK-vuuiranie ana We went home and told our father l'UULlUKl SKMt MONTHLY DURING Industrial education nays in the and moiher all abtut it. TIIK SCHOOL YKAK. turning out of skillful mechanics A. C. a be men who would otherwise TKKMS: Continue :rom firit page. For ncIiooI year In advance $.50 public charge, especially when deaf, out their AdvertlNing rute made known for he labors under an additional Venezuela are lindrance. The case of a bearing boy, stwh tor swifter and better communi on application. to contend canon with the world; the west coast having the Trades-Union- s of this p iper is t teach wPb, is bad; that of a deaf one is States are aeking for closer relations The tibj wl'h our country, and the meetiiigof the art of printing to the pupil ill vtorse. preflt is the object, the Paw Au;ericau Congrets in Wash the IVaf Mute Department of the When financial the wrk Is rushed tiirotght; mach- - n g un is having a good effect even if Deserft. of University Inery Is called in to aid, and the boys no ferious business snail be contain- AddreHH all coramuuieations and do not get that special Instruction matt d ty its sittings. During the Mib.siniptioiiM to which Is so necessary to the full and y r the PAama caaal collapsed, the THhi DE8KUET EAGLE, profitable understanding of a trade. Nicaragua canal was bi gun. Mexico Utah School kok tiik Dkak, T te master, like the teacher in bis Is l wiy advaLCiug and the trade be- ncnool-rooshould be able to givehween tnan c.uutry and ours is in- Salt Lakk ('my, Utau, ndurial instruction in order to attain creating. Iu our own couutry tha year a Lake I iitvred t tb taSiK City Piti(ttci permanent null. ' his he cannot do if nas witnessed a mig i?y expansion of rcond cUni matt r. we be has his stent" assigned him, to trad , but with small profits; he doue in a tiven time. Let him ge cbang. d 1 sidents in March but it rBAXK W. MKTAI.r, EPITOtt. low; let the boys understand as they maM-- uo especial cuaugu of policy. Hickness among our priuter hoys go along, without rgard to the liie crops nave been fairly good; the has caused this number of the paper amount of work done. Let quality and ouiidi? g ci'is mervelous; a great to come out late. We shall try to not quantity be he standard, and the fl od d olated part of Pennsylvania ith p, if i does not "pan out" dollars, it d Maryland; forest lire Inflicted he out mi time hereafter. will develop whatis of more value tremenous daunges in tae North- were ushered Hon Tjomes M. Ilussell. member work men able to take care of them- - West; f urnewS'a?t-ii to tne Union. Tne call of States of iheTtrritiralLpgislalure from Mill selves. mm if extended to forty-twCreek made us a cail this week. He cars e and to It ok ovi r our work and tnase him-se- lf There weather has every appearance 'hree nr four m re T nitorles are familiar with what we are doing, of eing settled forasmuch forty-eig- ht knocking for admission. Our neigh lie male at rough Inspect on of the bours ah a The sun last night act- - burs f trie Dominion still coutinu to school room work, seeing what we had uiliy went down in a blazs of glory, complaiii that the flying privileges been able to accomplish in that line. and the wind gave up its old scold that wbich are theirs are chtnlt d them. He thtn visited the flop and printing it ha k p up withouMntermlssion for I They pi.ridxilly protest that they cfflci . with the work we were able to ifo u' forty Ave dayp. Atidju t now the will n vt r conseut to a union with hhow Irom these departments he an!scape here i somi thing very love- - ur H uuolic and miutimR th v are as well placed. v. All t he Wasatch range, all the valley, v ry prosperous The world does expressed bim-ei- f Considering our limited facilities the :ir he Oquirrr. range beyond are white or m kn a onlliant record for the 1 showlnu 1 i not a nad one. He recogn zed s ne v- il of a vestal lud. Under the sr Jut closed only a few of Its our netd of larger and better quarters s'.t ng suu last evrnlng a glow came kveuis will IIvh long In history. wo at than present o cupy. ov rail and turned the pinnacles of the Tribune. We wish other members of the hgMa h U Into ruby silver. The frost snaps ture could make inconvenient to visit und r one's feet aabe walks; the warm A RaillI, P AUlr!i uamrd K!iza')tth us and see for themselves what is being r. a h t.f an'mals gives them a white yKa, woo m jusr arnveu i. London, done for the deaf of the territery. mustache; a little dose of real old l A,,rH''',U!i ,umn "eiwn Afthough wiuter is upon us and he never was 1,1 welv. y. ar of rge.she is s'x fu t call to We the following m ireweic me. attention Igir. inches high, weii:h3(K) pounds, Tribune. ixtract f rom an sr icle on Industrial m mm m i d is still tr wing at the rate of an Wm ChamProf. Martin summer Last Education by my sister, biother and ii c l every two months. Hr parents berlain Instructor in the Central New I got ready to go to ti e c ai.on. My poor pea an s, not taller or York Institution and published In the oroth: r bitched the horses to the wag- - roader tbanotf er ptasat.ts, S e grew 8 lent Edr.cit r. o:. We went. My brotter got the s other childrer grow until she was Bu , asks some one, how are you wood and mat'e a fle near ti e river, toi-rars of ag , and the n he higan We sat down and made us a up of o hi a little gian-esKgoi ng o make a bop pay where, the In her fifth year woik b :n,' dine entirely by hand, tea and ate u lunch. Then we went sh- gained u n inches in height. From the amount accomplished nnst of t j ca'ch soni- - tights, ify broihir fell r M!h to her Lin h birshbay shegrew b- small? necessity lfep Wefeit afraid to stay with ouly an inch or tw IMwei nher ntneh When you set up an industrial him ala p We awoke him ami went at dttnthbirthdaysshe gained one foot; braucn in an ins itution with the idea .!p:ji. h ui u i.t din to bunt for il wrs and between her tenth and eleventh, a of direct financial profit, you will i.uuug the trees. Wt sawa b g lion. loot and four inches. T mas. imnrt.nt k ..... - A . M ft A. . m K Z M w s work 1 ; I I . d m, a . - s n-- o - I 'ft .n - wc 1 . - |