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Show THE E) ES E fET E. L EjfkQ Printed by the Pupils in the Deaf Mvite Department of the University of Deaeret. NUMBER 7 dis ;m;ulititd at the Uni- - record of di.coverl s of Stanley in versity for tin ir pro wens in aloieiic (ihe dark contiLeut." t' Hulls ththe utb are judicative of the way the 'p:t b Inthis couutry mop-- i of inui thoughts of mm arc teudii.g. Time crl.igeg and schools are troducing m ranastic training as a is no more wst; il is but a natural of ins! rue- - thing fcfor the oiuwu piig flood at gulailna t of their.. course . I human hf.i turu . Im ibunt . ... is hum.a t. w.auv uumvo m ion. a n u neraiiy wun me oeoi i to c ti South Europe has not mulif. Arncni: adult; deaf mut s wt- turu f can aim always recognize a gradu- - much, outHdt, i the geueral luutfiie ,Jve been aJauim .tc the National College by hiHlortcoro- - AD well knit frame and errect, alert uvcr pruitxwve wa.s, i.ui ine nave 'M.ere was a roal uar na-- tbe repnlt of the ahmlrahb a'l been quiwi-rtiti- m.ii m,. iv.mi .1 b cb U r.oni.uVor pbiMCHJ IralmiiK auw tii u u AMii.t ti upon the ttudei:l8 o! that institut ui . irinan ib-. Oiea li it.tin one m Suuitt lit t ie Western . , . . I i nuw adopting a similar coins- of P'uwueuwviNi uu in kimi Mima. aioui.o ti, traiiuiJir. At which wil!. 10 ruhi, na lIilJ olUl r 10 Medileiraman, but np.an.ii ly mi le Lroducekdnjilar reMil-. ments Tbe o J ci f inanul t.rain urt which was D0 siKmncance 111 the who were My Lear; for very joy doth leap, My lips i o more can silent kr-e- ri I too, lima? sing with joyful toil uo, The sweetest, of auciout cradle aoiig. "41ory to iiwX In highea- heavm " - Who m.to man his'aoti L tb givt-n- . Wbila angles Ring with pioifc mirth A glad Xew Ye tr to all tbe earth. Martiu IjUtber. - PHYSIOALTRAmiNG. Our 190. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JANUARY 15, VOLUME I. i- Colleges Introducing! Gymnastics Into Their Regular courses. . uK.iuun I One dirtcliou in vWi'.ci tbe tduca s I r-- 1 - .......... ...... i insti-utiou- tioual theories and pacticeuf the pres nt day differ very width troin tho.ewhica were in vuiue a m uem- tionor two ao is the va:ue attucbui 1 tbe health, vigoi and l Uppkmssol the body. Formeily it was the fa?bIon to speak of the body as a mere clog upon tbe Mrit, a gross dull lump of clay, which was to be despis ed and ntglecteJ, as uuwoithi of a share of the atteutiou bestowed upon the miud. The lamuu R mmu Euipe- rorand ulr.losonher Marm AnrdiUM iXDressed this vIhw vnrv mat It in the fcayiuK, "I am a soul drawing about With me a corLsr." This m ntimeul of tbe lpan philosopher BRrets veiy - . . a, . 1 a - c-ui- c s I I . .m im-v- 01 jo muuu talktd abo'it Jn-- t now, wi ake to Ue very iml ar ti that fought is by eymna-t- x i nctic-- . While h tiym-- - a imiii-- I'orlujj! w r pa. eii leu th.; ovr hpai;i Kuprur oi ui u mxii was u poeo. - -- uin)er- tiurt no r.ai it.e asium makes the bo.ly 8Tiig aud Dlance- - rrt4Utti x u ac ive, the ;imaual. training cm i"u&B rrad PUMHODi ami l V?e 4ii,ele to nh,H th 1 JC Wih1 ed l t0 m.ake s:tls and pliaLf and to i x cute quickly ami . xactly the orders of the will. It uuwumn.iuuBi.Biui rrei.cn. yia uc t zir .nmpiimi ani.l rind thut. this ih w ks- - uaB Illuc lu " a ,IltJ UAr tliiuush a tn.vH anrt virl tn mould nas utu u'n u t.m a Slbena jo Im Mil K a clay, to draw and to fashion ol cts in wuutmm lainoan; a leaijui wnnd or m tul.' wher. i erl.hDS not oit I . ...- - I II. 4,..rl out of the whole clastviwili: earu htii liUUU m vcatt:u """i.1.1.!is W,U ut!nauei lub r to keep hi r closelv wilh hif.it hnnrl a kr.nlntrir.j druiiLrhtsmaii (JtiriMiau muLKs. who ' pe pie a!iv, bauneie is no r 11 in at a later period, were for many cen- - or woikTiu woxl.iWe ssy tbe turies the guardians oi litrature and Miction is not wt-- taken. V.' wis .,t their toil, and tne ressu e has will a.pj)xia. lu tbe principal Uachers cf youth. In educate tl.e bodies as well as the initio nigh leached iii,.;ii l lit re has been tbe urual those;day8 tbe tcnolar was .conceived 0f onr pupiif. N;t ,half Cof whaVa upper Kgyut dghfiui;, but the ii.ie.tst in Aliica as Chaucer describes bim amoug the child le rrs in &ch ol is of at y din-ccenteis ar uml .Stanley and hir pilgrims to Crnterbury. "II s borse help to him in after life in hitfdai'y av- ries. tie has n ude it reus tu'.y was as lean as a rake, and hei was not ocation, but ii hss not therefore been clear that almos u d r tin i (uator in rigat fat, I undertake." A man of thrown away on him. Hix mind l ap Afiica, there is a mighty area witna books, it was thought, must, of course, been trained to regulated sctivity in be pale and thin, with narrow chest, the ptrfoimance of a d finite taH, evj n Climate and witu reon.c s Uiat will pi l mil toe wtiite rt ces ti make a stooping shoulders and ruined ee- - if that wo k adds nothing to his Meek staud aLd lay fa t the lountta r u of the sight. At !he present time, Juser of marketable knowledge civilized States F nn Sou hr n for his brains to views prevail; we no locger look on task which U cc-Afr ca js rum r of gnar. old the mind and body as being "Distinct, work out throush bis rr.uscb s traiu? but ihey need CMnfiriuu f movement, diseoveris, as is the swimmer from the flood;" his body to pnei-ioi in- vn g to con oii aud fd, in a ion. Australia we recogniz i the truth of the old say- - accuracy and alartne-s- , in: i Biuto, uiMitT one eat any position ing that a sound mind must be lodged broad senc1, fls him A m gh y , t is Xl,an Sjh i;t guveriinm betwaV in a sound body. Acco dingly, we he may fill in titer l'fe. ui Southern (Thinm. ding there find in our modern university lists, W orker. Smith America is ugnning to Mir names of mighty t arsmen, cricktters trreat con ede:at.ion in the south is n hiuh in the order of Record of the Year. or base ball players taking n the attributes of a fat "Tom Browu," eventof Hughes scholarship. The two mot important powerlul na on; as we said above a devoted S Selwin the missionary Bishop the past year hipped m the nthnvoiulion chan-- d Brflyfi Dio0dles . or wew a"!i!iiu, iiuu viiixuivi ttic nicub i crn iiemispnere; t'l niooni . "vrmj .'! e 1 M-fvey- ti-nr.- h. I te - r "a suui w t n-c- ov Sf-.- t-- n - fr u-ic- c lu-u- l ; V i ... occur at oLce of notea Kngnsnmen rontineni, lae n appearance au . i !... M 'klllll.HA rn,nt. w luiiaat rKi! t . and |