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Show "HE DISrFJT 20 ' " FAOLF. ""! i 1 1 JJ L -- H -- OF 72 MAIN STREET WOULD LIKE TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOU. WITH A VIEW OF SELLING YOU SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. AUERBACH & BKO. Caarry full LINE of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING F. and FURNISHING GOODS THAT PRICES AT COMPETITION. DEFY urn 9 and Sons Wm, Wood Xn DostfoiB MONEY iveu, All Kintls Of wis Institution Fresh MeatsSHOP SHOE Retail Wlialemw rLArsSWOKK GUARANTEED ALL PARTS OP TEE CITY. -- FUSIL' JREE DELIVERY TO DDK EX'MI'.N'TCS STILL NOTICE US. U ih lnitution lor the I) at is a part of the Uuiversiry of Dtssret. Mr. Me'calf., fiomerly of the Kansas T large and ambitious as the papers pub-ish- td at some of our larger and oldd Institutions but it shows a very commendable degree of energy in soyuutg and small a school j start a priuli g iBceatall. Wr judge fr.mihe fiot number that brains c included in the .. said Willie. Not long after l is moiht r asked him to do an ena. d for her, bu she received the rttine reply that Aun' J ii;e did. An hour later Willie lan to AuUt J ice with a bri k u v; ip and askad t er to wtn: to, for I m us' School, Is principal of taut department. MN , Ijdnu'i want to," said mend Volume 1, No. 2, of the Deskkkt office 0Ci'l?.l :ind I Dfetded Aunt Jan? , without up from Eaglk a b; n receiv ?. It Is a m w will oe A'ldiid in n ish? va grov:ii of hi-- .ewiiiL'. When lookiag was over , supptr i uh;lsh rl i h U ah'Sc tool fo paM-ac.io J, ivinch ivi i k t.p jic.i viii W 11 nr e ' his mother to read him a V g ad! '.h 1) V ..4.011 uu rue wfiuit coium rial s l doii't "vrn .o,'1 said his tirv . v') M iihiiki- lift. our 1) ul Mute. S .eut W jik m tthfr. Wii.ii' U : like criug, but said Aff.H n t 5n a v.i u ue - k d hia to ave the Miss v We are g SLIGHTLY ABSENT MINDED. fat er to in k: .iiui a wills ! . I don't V i o ocr til a a: . We in A maniu W yuiuaiii, Mi- - . s ahead waiit o," M&id tt tut: t r Thatngut VV : It T C ved two !H v at lat accounts on 8. !U aoaeni-iniubelOM k wi rt u ed b'r Id 1' Aw i' i 'V1 riiK 1 yspenh ed business. Oae day e wan uoii g b him if i e wa not willing to do IH.si-kkfl The is it Eaglk. printed iliughaui f r a 1 ad ol hay, and iuu ud to: others he njutiiut x ct i f O vst kiy at th Institution r Ui d ti. m to obllne hi it . IL bad learu id a Wigun on the way. s of the primary oVp&rini' nr. ar his fork in une band and lead g)d 1 8 O"', a:id tin n v rHifalni-fused- ut i p uvts i?helf a valua'l aid in uci :iis horse wiih ihn d b the iio a a. rw tua k d. other, w ttrnk. tb only illu ic i olp. I' is wagon and walktd to nat u wu. He tsattd paper of h- - kind. I be- ut.ei tf aiiChed his horse ai d puke to a man The oldfnsh- made uirn w d by the Sc ol for the I uhlis Tnc ine ilhu asked itim 0. d pi it clothes pin, s 11. Dp now f r aiiii hy. in Utah. May the Eaglk soar Miit bi ?htre wag'u wa. T ie wfts n about twen cen sa busnel, bit ibe Ids:!: l TiiC Sign i g ii g to be public uttered wen ; "Forheav n hake, have idea 6 dead hht that nothing bt 'ter td weekly irsu ad of m 11 bly. The In- 1 left that wagon at horu ? ' ii stal led has beefi flaked for sfr.ee Half a d 7. n e J urnal is r- diana I)af-M- u -i Wiedbackv' j. aod way other ftbrts have b en invent d. ur old hiistemd Tne Silei t Hoositr h di.covtr- d had if ft bis 00 a, hiic ht 1, two Upsnstillht.l '6 his own and is The Wetkly New. in Hingham. on top. Another papr has been ndrind v the Dkskkk: USTSubscribe for he Eaglk.tj oik iist of rxchang tiik in oniiGiNG n y. Williea Aunt Jane asked him to Eaglk, published at the Utah Schoo lor I) af, Silt L ike City. It is not as mail a letter for her. "No, I don't Only W) cents a year. eVf-ryti'dr- - i. -- a - r 11 1 x- pi; - - i ; s-- t:t 1 m-tht-r- tht lcr t -- xta 1 1 d pa: - .fl-- s. I)-a- f 11 - -- ti |