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Show TJHE DESEFET EcQLE. Printed ty the Pupils in toe Deaf VOLUME I. Xlvite Department of trie Univerity of Deaaret, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. DLUMBLH i2 lfcBB iUiVibhh 5 THE HOME OF THE UTAH SCHOOL FOB THE DEAF moms ie si A few weeks ago we print- d a t o" ti.e It now verity hui nig wln-r- our given us p'eisne to p e u it our reid's vii h :i it of our hti'i" iiliii. Hie hiiHding uv lonverljt tin I ad to from time to li residence of Cap'. W. H. Ilioper. It w- - !o:iinieiii'e'i ti t.i- - s x'ie.s until it from this territory iiMJunjjri'H r"ir m nie reached its present propoiiions Ca t. H per wih yar. ut ing it. Hire plant Mini simile adorn-e- d He took gre.it pride in hi home asd e i money freel.i in the grounds. The orchard ami vineyMid ni taine'l I he rhoi. i st aieh of fruh, 'I he lawns w. rr large and a'ways well kept. We are inform d ly a gentleman who livi-- with ('apt Hooper m n yeaih that not Two large reservoir supplied the on the huue and gnminU les than 9J 0;)0. d Hers had leen house and grouuds with wafer. 0 "it the hill east and the othes inide the ground. While the place has Hot receive.! its former care of hie ear, ii Mill retain much of i!s fo: nier heautj. Considering the fact that Ihe plate was Duilt fora private s?deiu c it trei ves urpiirpore veiy well, although in wme re.pects it is inconvenient. Had we a coal mine to upply th thirteen fire pla es we would like them better. All in all it makes a us very good home. The view represented sh ws the ':ith He ami west front of of the building. The Eagle is printed in the conservatory shown at the extrem rhhr. J tut in front is the pupils dining room. The large bay window niakefi it light and pieaenf The second story shown in the cut, isoccupi K ly the girls, for sleeping rooms, an l sitting roam. The boys quarter are on the north side, and not in view. U-- - -r- -- d -hool I 11 i- - Ik-.- -i exp.-ude- d n -- -- h-- d uh-im- I |