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Show THE DESLRET KaGLE THE DESERST EAGLE- SALT LAHi: CITY. PUIII.JIIKD SKUI TilK .SCHOOL YKAK. VTU. M OXTIII.Y DIMM NO TKKJM! For school yenr In advance-- - $..10 Advertising rat en mnilc known on application. it company T ie press is ot the novelty paterc. T.iei:;k is applied with a hand roller Our type is mostly the cost off dres of the N ws. Our oflije is only about six fet:t wide and about twice as iorg and wnen it rains tae roof leaks so that our comps neec1 an umbrella and trum coaT and to keep their teet off tne floor to keep diy We are rem uded of th sianz iabuutthe bu'terflyV wings being golden etc. etc. and endieg hue he gits there all the with am i Taat may be slang but it is expressive.. But never mind, theie is a bitter time coming Tae carpenters are pu ting the roof on our new home, n d w will yet th w as clean a face as loy of tDe ''little paper family." Fairy Amy Divine. Topsy Nellie 8 nit hen. B guar Luella Allred. Uncle Sam'j Wife Lizzie Wood. Chinaman Amelia Comer. Countryman Leeney Fraud sen. Nan Clara Foote. Kinak Cullett. Mary Ana Davis. Indian Squaw Sency Jenter. After promenading and dancing for an hour or more refreshments were erved and soon after all were n ady to retir- - for tht night and t) dream the dre. ms that usually accompany Thanksgiving pie. We clip the following notices from the citv papers T e thirty-eigstudents ot the Deaf Mute I istilute hd a grand time last evening. After partaking of a bounteous Julia rii object of thisp iper is t tea h th art of printing to the pupils Mute Department of the Hit University of Deseret. Address all communications n d siibarriptions to TliankjH-iviiiprTH K DKrSKIlKT RAGLE, Til DAY AT THK INSTIUTION. Utah School fou thk Dkaf. T antaglvlrg day will be long re- That kgiving dinner in the afternoon, roc m in the Institute was Salt Lakk City, Utah, membered by our pupil-- Th forenoon the large a i i Iaf - . frank"wrMETCAiir, i:iitok. Everv two weeks on Friday all pupils who are sufficiently advanced wiite a let'er home or to some friend. The object is two fold, to Uach the pupiU how to compose and write and to keep parents and friends informed of pupils progress We wish to will attention to these letteis, and ask you who receive their letter to answer them. It is little encouragement to a pupil to write letter after letter and get no ansvfsr. Hy answering you will encourage pupils in a very importa. nt school exercise. Could you vee the expecta t look on every face when the principal en tiers tbe letter are dining room, wlmro usually distributed, and the look of wrs passed by each in bis own way. At 2:0) p m ail assembled in the lecture room and were addressed by the principal and Mr. Crandal'. The meaning of the day was explained and tt e reasons why we shou'd g've thanks made p ain. At 3 cclcck the pupils marched to the dining room Ir, is nei die s to say what all did full Justice to the uukey and all the other good things. After dinner the remainder of the afternoon was spent in making the final arrangments for the masquerade party. Tais took place in the dining room, w ich was cleared for the purpose Before the party a pan'omime entertaimemt was given tor the bent fit ol visiters pn sent. The following was carried out program Divid and Giliath: ht cleared and in the evening pantomime entertaiom' nt was given. A large number of friends of the students were present and they enjoyed tr e very a musing performance Immensely. The entertainment was followed by a masquerade hall, in which all the students took part. Thty appeared is some very unique cost urns, and had a Jolly good time. Prof. Me calf bad on exhibition a number ol specimens of work done in the industrial department wf the eobool, which s owed the skill of the students in mortising, Joining and general cabinet work, while the girls wera represented by lace and crochet work ami lar.cy knitting Salt Lake Tribune. The deaf-mute- s at (lie institution eujoyed their Thanksgiving to the O son Thomson and Divid Garn. fullest extent. At 3 o'clock Ihey T e Passions: sat down to tallies loaded with Joseph Beck and Njllie Smithen. good ihinga, to which they did full D ntist and Shoemaker: justice. The evening entertainmedisappointment on your boy or J js Olorenshaw, Edward nt began wi th an exhibition of paCbas. Stucki. girls face if they are not one of the fortunate ones you would certainly ntomime, and was followed by the Comtship under Dilli ;ulties: Amelia Comer, Earl Moore and masquerade party. The costumes take the time it would require to were very striking and mostly of answer. D.nrt neglect writing Joseph Olorenshaw. The following characters wer re- the because you think your boy or girl pupils' own designing. A : in the masquerade cannot understand you. Your letUr presented large number of the parents, and J Mr. J. W. Murray, Uncle Sa- m- Willard friend of the pupils were parent, will be explained to them so they His Satanic Majesty: J Olorensh'w also several of the board of regents. will understand it perfectly. The visitors were all much interesEven if you live in the city, and Colored Athlete: Jos. Beck. Bootblock: Ed. Muason. ted in the display of work fiom the see your child frequently, write Dav. Indian Girn industrial department on exhibitijust the Fame, and thus give them Chamber Maid Henry Spieler. on. This included fancy work of encouragement. Little Gi-- Lyman Leavitt. Mun-sonan- d i 0 ur paper is printed Butcher Earl Moore. Farmer Andrew Beal. undr difficulties arc sometimes a little late, we hope our fri jnds will excuse us. Our press is one, that had Noah been anc if wa a printe r, he might have had it with him in the ark, and the type will keep rinwnaf Andrew Olosen. Uownsj Jacob ' Beck Fancy Custume Nephi L irsen. Queen Mrs. J W.Murray. various kinds by the girls, carpenter rk, specimens of printing and shoerepairing by the boys. Salt Lake Herald. Subscribe for the Eaulk |