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Show 19 DAILY PROGRAM 6:00a.,m 6:30 8:00 8:15 Chapel School Intorra'hsion School 10:30 lf 10:45 Doner We are indebted to the D, C, Dun SCHOOL REPORT. bar Co. of Omaha for the use of the cut of our Institution on the first ppgn They make a specialty of fine work. In (his result a mark of Iu0 Any of our readers wishing cuts should shows work between 80 write thm. and The following visitors were present fair. creation Supper R Study ood. 1:15 pm. at our en ertainment, M- an-- Mr . A 2:00 W. Carleson, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 'JO slight iinpioveiiiHirt. 4:30 M Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood, Mr. In health column t etwien 80 and 0:00 Dd Mrs Smithn, Mrs. O orenshaw, 100 shows 7:00 M Mr-- . R i we, Mr. and Mrs J hn B ck Jslight ailment; !etven , 8:30 Miss Beck, Mrs. PmTip , Miss Y iui g, 60 and 80 heriou; dtUien 40 and 9:00 Mrs. J ihnson, and a number of other GO more serious; between 20 and 40 7;30 a m whose names we do not ieah. serious; below 20 -. Manual Labor .Between 00 and ()S W tween 40 and 00 poor. Between 0 and 40 verj- poor. Below 100 i - - tin (vonnser pupils) R tire(ill) R B;Vtikfatt(Sunriay) Dinner quite i:oo p.M 3:00 ,. Th people of this city are likely to be drummed to dta h durlug the im two One political party has a months. Name. drum corps of 200 members a: d the other one. of 50, while every ward club Examinations next week. has i's own band ot of both A sig i is being nnde for the shoe thop drummeis, and besides every boy 14 Allred, Luella a ha one. Roy Doxklsox has a new suit of large enough to carry drum 30 Real, Andrew One music store alone sold 2000 19 clothes. Beck, Joseph drums last mon h 38 The girls have a new stove in their Beck, Jacob 2G Barnard, James fritting room. Christmas will soon be here Q ii'e 27 B irnard, Joseph The chimin ys are going up on our a number of the pupils wil' g bme to 31 Cameron, Joseph new building. spend the olidays. F r thos who 4 Collett, Julia Amelia Com had a pleasant call remain we. vi h to raaketh" Christ 2 Comer, Amelia The from her mother. mas time as pleasant ts pos.-iblf-. 29 Covington, Tom Joseph Common's Uacle calhd to custom of giving presents a C.ir'st 16 Chri8tensen, Ezra mis is a very leasing ore, epcially 10 Davis, Mary Ann see "him last week. Most of the boys and airls 22 The boys made a quick Job of the o childrea. Devine, Amy M3ch prestnt. receive will probably 25 D welson, Roy w od pile last week. We hope all will be rememb- red. It 21 William Joseph B ck was sick last wee k but to nm mer that some uiefu 18 Eccies, Clara Foote, Is ab'e to be out again present it) better tha- - a toj. A wa m 5 Frandsen, Leeney Amy Dtvine was surprised by a visit pair of gloves or mlttei.s for a t oy, a C David from her brother a short time ago. hood or some ar icle of wearing app 9 Girn, Hansen, iWlllard be would a for arel appropriate, girl all eol at ycd themssves Tap pupils 37 Hegs'ted Jacob intended ChrMraas for AU the social las' Siturday evening thug 36 sc ou d bed reed t F, 35 Jensen, Stency distribution The circular window in the front of Sch ol for 15 Larsen, Nepal our new bu 1 ting is over ten feet in W, Me calf, Prieipa . Leavitt, Lyman af , Utal-D Lik Salt the it) diameter. 3 Love, George 31 Madsen, Andrew Yi editor has inivested in a bicycle DEPARTMENT RIAL 1NDU 4 33 Marler, Stephen lantern toli-jh- t up the path for his PRINTING OFF1CK. 7 Moore, Earl silent steed. Name of Pupil. Improve- - Punc u- - 24 Munson, Edward T:io. Coving oh was visited by his id( nt. ality. 8 Olorenshaw, Jos. brother in ia on Tuankj'giving. He 23 Olsen, Andrew Chapel pa-tie- dangerous. a a o Pi r7 d-iy- 100 85 85 95 8!) 95 75 ft 75 80 KK) 85 90 80 90 95 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 KK) 80 KK) 100 no 100 100 100 100 100 100 00 100 100 75 100 9 00 100 100 80 100 80 80 100 100 !H) 00 90 75 75 . lno 90 05 75 it-w- ell 75 100 00 100 IK) 100 100 100 100 Hollo, Ezra 8 75 90 1 Spieler,Henry 100 100 KK) 17 28 Smithen, Nellie Stucki, Charles Tnompson, Orson Thompson, Willie Wood, Lizzie West, Emma IK) W JK) 75 o5 75 85 70 100 100 100 100 100 3 IK) 100 100 100 11 100 100 100 100 12 20 32 London was first lighted in 1414 with priv ite lanterns. In 1730 the lanterns were increased to 1,000,000 in number, in 1744 theflrtlightingact was passed. . Nellie Sm'then is making turell a dress. Her mother sent her the. mater lal It is ber lirst attempt atdrtss making. 100 100 100 100 100 100 t 90 90 100 09 100 100 90 80 77 1 95 !Bck. Joseph lives at Oden. 95 Th ' pupils thank Mr. A. W. Carle Bjck, J cob 100 son f r the supply of fin c ndy they Spieler, Hen y CARl'KNTKK SHOP had for T lanksgiving. 95 Mr. and Mrs.Cracdall have returned Gam, Divid 100 to their home in O iklan'1.; We hav- Lars n, N"pM 80 Moore, Ear 1 en) yed their visit very much. 75 Edward Tit? work ou exhibition from the Munson, 6 Stucki, Charles acted atti industrial department SIIOK SHOP. much attention Ttriuksgiviug ao a s - O 0 T3 Christensen, Ez a SO 100 Lo.avitt.Lyro n Marisco, Andrew Olson .Andrw 80 100 9.1 ion 100 100 In 1820 for oil. iras was 85 100 generally substituted |