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Show Mil iS. REGARDING VENTILATION. FOR SALE No subject is of inure vita, importance to the community than the health, growth, ami full development of cnir children. Sick new ii the terror of every home, the great grief that tneuacea our happiness Oh, how the anxioui mother Watches with tenaciuua aliection the dear one of her bosuni who is striken with a disorder that cause the hand on the dial of Time to point to the hour of death, separation, desolation' No eilort on the pair of parent in this direful hour I too great, no expense too exorbitant, if only that dear one can be spared them. luy of patient toil, nights of anxious watching, hour of earnet prayer, moment of insupportable grief, nd, perhaps, years ut sorrow and lemoisc, might Ite spared many a father aud mother, if only Ut would avail ourselves of th: scientific j knowledge that Rod has beeu so kind to bestow upon ua iu this enlightened age. i This matter is one, then, of self preser- Vatlon, the lirtt and most potent law of nature. It would have beeu well if every par- rot, aud especially every trustee, could have heard the excellent, coinpreheu sire lecture given to the county teachers, some time ago, by the ' eminent physician, Doctor Realty, who is spending hi; life in une of the highest human duties, that of the cause, MOTHER GOOSE AT THE SALT LAKE THEATRE THIS WEEK. ' cure, and prevention of disease. The Tuesday night March 7, at the Salt every detail of trorgeousiissa which hss doctor explained in a very lucid uuuucr Lake Theatre the most notable theatrical made the presentment the most talked ot the way iu which diphtheria, consumptevent of years will take place, when Klaw and notable theatrical event of the past and fever aud how ion, germs originate, & Erlanger will present their coloswl two years in the UuitedStates. Never they are transmitted. Of course these of the in much so of has the of the production way greatest English quality been are microscopic organisms, invisible to the masses, hut scrutinized and carefully Urury l.ane spectacles, "Mother (loose, offered for the money. The impression studied under the microscope by the beginning an engagement of five nights produced by "Mother Goose is that of calscientists who have, after years of study with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. a beautiful dream of color, costumes, and research, discovered the character of An idea of the immensity of this product- ciums, and hosts of beautiful women, a these destroyers of huuisu life, so small ion may be gleaned from the fact that dream that never steps for a moment, that 200,000 of them could be carried in more than 400 comedians, singers, and It is a succession of startling changes, a drop of water. To induce jieople to pantomimists appear in it, and 17 scene, each one being more lieautiful than the each as elaborate as an entire ordinary preceding. Then there are the wonderfight against the unseen forces is a difficult task. If people could only see these production, and more beautiful than has ful aerialists, who do amazing ballets ever been seen nnon the American stage, suspended in the air, one of them, withanimalcules, extermination would be much more easily accom- are nsed. The costumes number 2000 out warning, astounding the audience by and cost alone f 75 ,000 to produce. darting over their heads clear to the back plished, as was illustrated by Ur. Ueatty Goose ran an entire year in wall of the theatre, all the while scatter-inin his narrative of the extermination of Mother and all last year in New York natural flowers to those below. From l,ondon the yellow fever mosquito in Cuba, and j Theatre. It a more than casual study cf Mother at Amsterdam New the City thus the saving annually of hundreds ol j is the first play of its class ever presented Goose, it deserves the great snccesa and thousands of lives. in Salt Lake and comes direct from San lavish praise that have been bestowed The diphtheria and consumption germs j Francisco by special train. It is des- upon it by playgoers of London and. New esn be fought as successfully as the urns cribed os being the mightiest exposition York. quito, by disinfectants which are known of The sale of seats began Thursday, beauty, quick, rattling fun, charming to destroy them. and spectacular magnificence March 2, the prices being 50 cents to melody, Expectoration from children sutlcriug known in theatrical history. Its pro- f 2.00. Mail orders accompanied by refrom sore throat, may contain innumerwill be with the original cast and mittances, will be promptly attended to. duction able diaease organisms. These seeds of death are set afloat by sweeping floors on a "pmt hole too small for a modern can- the outbuildings, and found there a conwhich thefc excretions are allowed to non ball to enter? I know a school house dition that fairly shocked him. He pro dry, a single particle of dust being cap- in this county with fewer rooms to ven- nounced them abominable pestilence able of carrying thousands of them. The tilate aud about s the number breeders. A menace and a disgrace particles of dust are inhaled, and if they of children, that has about ten time the they surely are. Should we not as parlodge in a system that is run down, the pace open lor the inlet of air, and yet ents stop to consider the effect of such seeds take root and a disease is seated. there is not too much for the need of the cesspools, not only upon the physical The iloprs should be scrubbed ofien health of our children, but upon their pupils. with water disinfected with chloride of moral nature? One only has to read the ita cut and fall accident If a child by in such "handwriting on the walla lime. Instead of the dust being daily face or hand, and blood oozes out, all places to discern the baneful influence of stirred up with brooms which only eyes are turned in sympathy upon the ihese dives, on the minds of boys just cause it to lodge elsewhere, it should be unfortunate one, not because of the pain budiliug into manhood. But mothers, wiped up with cloths. To do this suc- it suffers, but because ot the waste of life your boys of from 8 to 12 years of age, to frequent such buildings. cessfully, a first class quality of linnelum giving fluid of the body. And yet, hun- are compelled are just learning to read; the obThey floor. should cover every dreds of children are compelled to sit for scene words and immoral pictures, writThere is perhaps no more fruitful hours by older ones, attract their inhaling poisonous air and diseaae ten or drawn for at that age, they are anxious source of disease than improper ventilthat weaken and .disable body and attention; germs ation and heating. The poisonous air in- brain far more than the loss of blood from to read everything. Who can measure the noxious results? Their minds are haled, while it may not ol itself contain ao ordinary wound. Children come poisoned and tiieir sense of decency, any specific disease germs, debilitates the home night after night pale and emaci- which you have striven so assiduously to whole system and makes it susceptible to ated with headache and tired feeling; develop in them, is soiled and, perhaps, finally depraved. Do you wonder any various diseases. Ur. Realty says, "It not from overstudy. for a great part of they love evil rather than good? Filth should be unlawful as well as inhuman the time, they have been too listless to is the father of vice. on the part of any school board, to mainHow can we remedy it? Why, easily their minds, but because they apply and at no heavy expense. We tain a school in building not properly have been compelled to drink from the enough, have fortunately or ventilated- - The minimum requirements while the which? a crystal stream unfortunately, stagnant ppols of vitiated air of water flowfloor feet of for each child are, 15 square inexliaualible fountain of life is shut out ing from the' foundation of the school apace, 200 cubic feet of air space, and from them. building. Toilets could be installed iuside or by the outside annex, either 1500 cubic feet of fresh air every hour. our The State demands that we send anil a perfect sanitary system of flashing With these facta, almost anyone could children to school. We have the right and sewerage connection supplied. Comtest our school rooms, at least with re- to demand that they be returned to ua fort, cleanliness, and health would be the result. Is this not worth while? gard to the first two requirements. Let unimpaired. G. W. PALMER. Before leaving, Dr. Beatty inspected us measure a room or two, say Miss Louise Clarks primary department. The dimensions are 21 feet wide, 21 feet long, and 14 feet high. The enrollmeut ia 50, thus giving a floor space of 8 5 square feet, an air space 0(125 feet, which ia the minimum. In Miss about one-hal- f Minervas room, of the same dimensions, I have just tteceived a Large Assortment the enrollment is 62, giving to etch child of Wall Paper. The Latest Designs of about 7 square feet of floor space, the Season forl905. They Gome iu and a little lew than loo feet of air space. esAs to the inlet of air, it ia difficult to timate. The "leetle hole on the west is about 20 inches in diameter. On cold days when the windows and doors must O kept closed, this must furnish air for all the pupils, approximately ifio. In order for a pupil in Miw Clark room to get his 1500 cubic feet of fresh air, the at. mosphere in the room must be entirely four minutes. Anyone changed every knows that it is utterly impossible with the present inlet, making all allowances for benevolent cracks and swinging doors, to change the air once in 30 minutes. These are startling facts and ought to arouse the patrons of our school to unity of eflTdrt in bettering, if not per feeling, these conditions. And a host of others too numerous to mention ami There are a few people in our at Prices ranging from 15 cents 79 cents per Double Holl. muuity who, iu the midst of suffocation out for cried have ic a public lmilding, fresh air, and they have been termed "cranks. If there! .were more such "fresh air cranks, there would he fewer Term me a crank if "foul air invalida. you will, but give me plenty of fresh air in church, in school, and at home, and I j will take the appellation good natnrcdly, j This little digression may not inaptly be j Called a ventilation of one's feelings. But why cant we have in our schools 1500 feet of fresh air per hour for each mini-- ; pupil, or, for that matter, pass the mum and let in 1000 feet plus? It is cheap. We surely cannot plead lack of Opposite Hotel funds on this score. Can anyone explain ot to inlet restrict air. skonld the we why i : ! I : j CHEAP. Two hundred acres grazing land. Northeast quurti-- r and the multicast Quarter of the non Ii west quarter, aw-t!oIT. tnwimbip 2 north, range 1 east. 20H acres, in t'entervllle precinct, adjoining A I wood Drown farm on the 8 cast. Apply u, 11. s. Tanner. !i1u 10 Templeton building. Salt Imke City. n ! WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. 4 Incorporated) WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE , SHEEP AND HOGS. Ship your Urrskeil Calves to ns, cate ol 17 F,. 3rd South. Salt Lake tily, aud get Spot Cash returns at highest Maiket Price. Telephone 2047k FOR SALli CHEAP One ten horse power mill etigiue und lioiler combined SALT LAKE CITY, One set of chain Mock of 2 2 tons caps- All in WWCWWWMi condition. good city. Kuquiie at 4 bis office. John if. White, Manager 2(i6 Nrrth Socond Went JHEBE'S Prehate and Guardianship Notices. Consult County Clerk ot Davis county, Utah, or the Ueniect:ve Signers for, further information. "1 I'quahuj; White CtullHP IMur m. tatarfei AihniUati H mUi at rntwTlilr. life- - Uw Onl ilajrxf I)., mu., John I'ui imii. nl CLiirlt-- . Inim-an- . of tlir A. iniMuMlmn. tVb. VI. ' rrery t Fann hraiid. good ell wajs. llu- - rial, lh ell l inimiS Snnitr just m good Why bother experi- menting when White Fawn hill rverv wliHi wiv"? !, 1I1HV nsnni. J. InrKMaiM. T In vaiu-ha- l jvt , Jam-- NO FLOUR one way or anotcer, but non) jnst m OTICE TO CREDITORS Ur Won will pnMWiI OtAH fills 111 !i. ; LEX UNDER Me MASTER, SALT LAKE & JORDAN MILL & ELEVATOR UTOMlEi-AT.LA- ern 'nr t Himt SALT Malhnaihah Thom-- cICI T Y IT A I L ' V . THOMAS AND nm DEALER IN MAYCOCKl FRESH AND CURED MEATS LAWYERS Suite 201-3-- Ueaeret News Building 5 TRI.I.rHoNK In all Kialn t'clrral Court-- . OMiaral attorn? fur American burnt? Co. nf New York. M'MIWR 3 KAYSVILLE, OtAH. death-dealin- g i . two-third- ,,, LAGOOM" Time Table in effect Sept. 6, had ours and note the toay our spring goods are comtng in and going out one tvould tht 1904. Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. 111., 3 30 and 5,30 p. ni. and Leave Farmington and Lagoon 10 a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. in. Extra trains at 1 1 a. m. and 1:30 p.ui. oa Sundays and Holidays. A.I). PIERSON, Genl that toe toe re HOUSE CLEANING. SPRING have the choicest line of New floods. Wi; HATS, CLOTHING or UKOCF.UIKS. just Come in and sen 1A)V iKICKS (iivcu at . J. 13. HOOD'S. Pass. Agt. BEAN, Excursion Agt. Office ifir Main Street TALK IS CHEAP $ I9To.AU Of 3he Compaq to 10 only THS-TeLSPHON- S Cents FROM ANY PART OF DAVIS COUNTY tO ALL 4-- SPRING WEATHER TALK. is thii Spring house Cleaning order of the day, XV e hanie Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. SALT LAKE OR OGDEN. j Dainty Silks, Hieh Gilts, TAPESTRIES Beautiful Florals, Stripes, Scrolls, Varnished Tiles CALL, SEE THEM. , I I Plant, the Paperhanger and Painter, FAHMIJYCTOY, HOME EVERV HAVE IN A PHONE TOUCH N SALT SHOULD WITH BELL TO BE LAKE ARE B.OtX) TELEPHONES; OGOEN, 2, OOO-AN- D THE IN GROW- ING LARGER DAILY. WOULD. Service to county subscribe s. fcocKV V USE HlfPHOND beuu teuepHoNe WAlTfAltlon TILtfll ANSWER jwoUHtaiH COMPANY, 1THD EHONE |