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Show wln-i- i we months pat, and the necessary men. fairly tingle willi hoar stranger anil suburban hpirie Till work could have been doue in i on' Pace TKI.IUMi i:tllV IT.' seeker shower their compliments on i quarter the time ami with lev Farmington outlay U?jb F.iiumigii'n, where the trsvelling uikii .um. tlie beautiful location, grand natural of money, bv the employment of a jaanmcaamsema O. P. PELT A EON. Publ.thsrs and cultivated foliage, rich Held of steam shovel and other modern grail-- , FARMINGTON DEPOSITS OCT. IIT f73."t CAPITAL f:.s,ono UTAH. ct-.- , etc. Iml out with that grain, fits; ing regard for COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving DeD. P. FELT. EDITOR. We have heard mure than one per- - oral conditions, and love for local ' VERNON FELT Manafiar. partment Pay a 4 per cent interest. son sav they intend to make Davis cilieus, Mr. Bamberger gave all ( 1'H-ii- . ih- - am iiimn runs, SI HSCRirTKN PRICKS-lAlmrscter of Title Csthltr county their hoiiii! as soon as llu- - j lliix work to men at home; circulated ' ; A. I.. K. Clvks. Juski-- s. iliixn, HotSosun AdlimCr. t Ws;-Jiswnh litfan Wsnisii ibuniis J. M. ftvns, sud Conveyancer. l.agoon Hoad is completed to Ogden. i this vat um of money iu I)avi. - - $1.25 - UTAH fine YrJr - - - - - - - - -- FARNINGTON, Now let us all join iu making this county even at a loss to himself aud l.it'ciiscd Abslractor oi Davis County, j Six Mouihk .75 part of the world just as Nature in- his compauy ; just to help the people NOTARY PUBLIC. Three Mruiln .50 i tends it to he : the gardeu spot of among whom in- - lias cast his lot. Oilii-upstairs. Farmington C. 4tM. Bid ! kiiitiff 'CuviLbr 4, 19! 4 L'tah, the homo of the best people of In conversation with a prominent rtltfrrl .i at t,armiui'isnt FARMINGTON, UTAH MfO.f pf-- f Pint, under iIih Marti .1, !. Act il Utah, the otic, place where smelter man aud churrli oflicer, we ' g fumes or no other that sim-- the Lagoon were infoiim-AkUtS REPRESENTATIVES: agencies are present to disturb us, pleasure resort had been built, he LAYTON MEAT MARKET Thomaiu:ii. KaysVillf.--P- . but where Nature, assisted by man, and the dli.eu of Farmington, gen - f William J. Cowley. I.AVTOMeats of all descriptions, Gro- bliall make this the acme of perfection crallv, have become .in much closer iCarrir llie Sclimal. Uintah- - Miss ,rrivs, Vegetables, and buuiuier Drinks. The only licensed embalmer in the Countr. as a home, in everv sense of the relation with Mr. Uamherger, and Crlrry every Tuesday. Alsu sgelits for G. Paice. Hoofkb : : : : : i'.innietl's bolt ling work. word. CKSTHaviLLHMis Kvx Evan. ; can better than ever appreciate hi Tel. 16-Akthuk Ulus, Prop. Also Deelorin fiouNf i Fit Alma Hardy. local interests, if any help LAYTON UTAH love for . Wood's Chocs Miss F.lizalieth A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. j were wanted for church or fur city Furniture, Picture Frames, Wull Paper. Window O.ass, Etc. SvaACVsK Mies Rluxla Miller. uflairs, he is always ready with hl f ARMI NOTON,... - Mar. 7, SX5 In view of the near completion of purse or other convenience at hand the Lagoon ttoad to Mytuu, anil at to aid in any upbuilding measure for j W. LAYTON. Proprietor. . BEAUTIFY YOUR SURROUNDINGS. the risk of an accusation of being Farmington or Davis county t j'RA THE IMPROVIDENT MAN subsidized by a corporation, we have As is known, Farmington is a prolets each day take tERMS HEjASOSA BLE a few worth of commendation for hibition town, and iu line regard for speds as he goes This in the lime of the year when ben sickness or misa anil of care itself," this local enterprise, owned chiefly the proprieties of the wishes of the Nature begins to adorn mother earth some one else baa him overtskes fortune Hon. Simon Itambcrger, and s" the Lagoon management BYRON L. KESLER, citizens, that no by with ain-i- i embellishments to care for him. The provident man puti known as the Sait Lake & Ogden have moved the saloon from its flaunt' PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ami arliit can reproduce on canvas, hut aside enough to fall back on when it ia Railway. ing position of last year, to tne most OBSTETRICIAN : man can assist Nature iu its arrangeWhile there are Mime who are secluded corner of the resort. Of needed, and puta it where it will be safe, Office over Telephone Exchange ment of adornments and utilities, ho to tind as well as working for his interest st four fault with the present course one may say this is a measure Telephone Number 22. that life in brightened and lengthened prone SaviOONTll'CL facilities for travel, and a few who UTAH per cent in the Utah Commercial & of self protection for their owii As a rule, the hy his have II iu" for Mr. Iiambrrger, yet ings Bank. to do patrons, still it is one evidence of the farmer needs no BUY I MG IX the conservative citizen is ever ready desire on their Send for circular on Banking by Mail. have least at part to his part iu coaxing the earth to yield to allow that Mr. Iiamhcrger as an East First South street, as littie offense as possible. np her treasures as a food commodUKMAKO TUB individual and as the head of a great Salt Lake City. Tiie immense brick interests of the ity, hut when it eomes to beautifycorporation, has done more to build south end of the county, should be UTAH HAND MADE ing, many of them think this Davis and town this in up for county hy Itoad, tho credited to $ Lagoon X L. I.MUDGK or a part of the duties pecu- - j particular, than has any other single them it was started. True, aa a liar to the women folk exclusively. S.UW.C,:mao, or company, since tho settle-inp- feeder for them, it has been a big Ye would urge our friends to a of L'tah. factor, anil no doubt was established consideration of joining the ladies iu This is saying a great deal, for nevertheless, while fw thiH the noble art of beautifying every Davis county has some excellent citiTo Salt Lake or Ogden other than the 110 interests they have portion of our home, gardens, farms, zens, who stand high in the councils Tin work, Guttering, for is brick industry freight haul, tho outbuildings, hams, stables, orchards, of (he State ; but fur direct Established 1892 to ouo of our good Hooting, K pairing etc. big industries and brings and particularly onr vacant lots. this county, we owe much to the when it can be doue CAPITAL PAID IN JANUARY 1st, 1905, S480.000.00 in thousands of doilsrs that would There are so many ways that this Hoad. Lagoon BIGHT HOME. AT EXAMINER. BANK elsewhere. UNDER SUPERVISION STATE otherwise go ran lie dune with little; or uo expense Tail anyone measure the value to ml only a small portion of our spare A. H. Adkisoh, the community, in the construction II time required. Virginia creeper, of a Cashier. such as Uiis road has fa plants. hops, clematis, honey been system for to him IS YOUR Write MAN, to Davis county? No; it canBALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 49 EAST FIRST SOUTH, roses, morning not be suckle, climbing iatlmates and Terms. stuestimated. Still, every UTAH. KAYSVILLE, glories, and a host of ornamental dent of current events cau see a vast shrubbery of this class that could lie bcuefit is being derived, even iu the utilized iu the decoration Of our of tho j road alone, to aay building buildings, particularly where they nothing of the Immenso revenue to may bo guiltless of paiut, ralcotnine, our county and citizens, from the nr whitewash. resort that adorns our city Waste places should bo planted in pleasure as one of the incidentals of the contrees of some sort that rould be utilstruction of this interurban railway ized as lircwood if not for fruit pro- jluvis Count v Arus. - ' ROBINSON MOUSE Davis ersss County Rank ! . , j ROBItsISON, b Pie-M-- , b, - t I --- --- ! bin-incn- s 1 JOHN BARTON DIRECTOR c peace-destroyin- ; FUNERAL N- ! '. 4 I Dut-rden- . , KAYSVILLE .... KAYSVILLE, UTAH. HOTEL VbP HOUSE COLLATES 22-2- 4 iiime-ecssar- J - !ldW ut :6.Western Dont Send off pAID ONSAVINCS DEPOSITS J i: ii Loan & Savings Co. : F.PATTILLO. "SK I -f duction. When Utah was first settled, it as one line of fsr eeeing policy that ftrighwin Young followed, which has remained to bis credit ever since, and ever will : in that he insisted on the planting of trees and other beautifyw agcucieH, thus desert blossom as a making the roe. In those days he hail wHling ru operation, and the result is, wherever this policy prevailed the must generally, there we see the min-favored localities, wealthiest people, and most favored properties. Davis county was evidently peopled hy strict dkiolc of Brigham Young si thi line of empire building, fur as a whole, thore is not another tract of that country iu Uie compares with that lying between Salt Lake fitv aud Ogden. Now, his U so in general. Mil in detail, there arr many places that require siiniething more than Nature's wild . It needs the of the inrn, such as we have indicated above. Plant roses, flowers, srsiling viues, and other beautifying xgencies such as arr seen ill many of nur larger 'ilies. Item ember, this whole stretch of I'vuutiy comprising Davis county, is to some day liecoum one city ; perhaps under ditfrreut titles, but yet, in effect, one euiiliimoiis line of homesand prosperous little pleasant ing and life-givin- t intrr-uiouuta- iu rmljelli-Oitnoiit- - business circles. lty the aid of a few well kept areas if lawn, fancy shrubbery, trailing moruiug glories, or other ornamental a home will often "mbelliidiineuts, . sell for several times more than is the place that ie allowed to faU into so much neglectful decay as many of our home today show.May we not urge our loamy mid ease loving friend to rouse to tho necessity of nsing more of Nature's frills in the hcaiitifyiug of our home, mir hark yards, and particularly our to the metropolis. The road is now in a fair way to being completed to Layton. Indeed we arc promised that traltic will he open by the fin--t of April, and indications point very strongly to s realization of this promise. 'The grade is practically finished, with but a few trestles and repairs (o make on the grade work of last year. Then the track will lie laid, uml ballasting is; the only remaining work to be done. The. county will then be in much closer relation with its various towns thau ever before. See tho vast ainuuutof uiuucy this will throw into circulation, besides (he added con- vrnience to the public ! Iu addition to all this abstract benefit to Davis county aud as the most direct, beneficiary, there are a few poiuts of concrete or j direct benefit that may not be gcucr-ally known. Among them is the j fact that in the construction of Hie j grade from here to Ka.vsville, two very deep cuts and equivalent tills were made, requiring the employment of about 4 to .10 teams for over two With the beat. Spring Toll made profitable by using our Implements. NOTHING 17.50 NONE w county and rejoice te a piare that i well kept, lit NS You not only get GOODI the worlds beat and latest In all manner of implements, but you get them at satisfac- Farm-ingto- u j tory prices. Avoid Imitations and light weight poorly constructed goods. 1 GENERAL Yftll II JTl UUIlU DllUu I ALT UUl 23 w Fr8t 8outh ggg CITY UTAH Field-Fenc- Stoves, Vehicles, e, 444444e4444444444V4e44e44444444e4fT44t44 What to Wear When to boear it9 Hobv to tvear it. Where to get it. AGENTS For Panct Jr. Garde.i Tools, Samson A. Aremotor Windmills, Deere, oiivor A P. O. Plows and Harrows. Havana A Deere A, Mansurs, Drills, PH DQnQ Eto. 9 Consolidated Waeon & Machine These four vital questions are answered in the most satisfactory manner by the new clothing houae. riving daily. Go- - Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan, Idaho Falls, Mena', Boys', and Childrens, Spring Snita Top Coata and Cravenette Rain Coats. ar Montpelier. GEO. T. ODELL, JOS. F. SMITH, Genl Mgr. Prest. a - waste place?. We love lavi BETTER! whrn in town call ox POULTON, MADSEN, OWEN tll-1- 13 & GO. Main St., Balt Lake City. WHKBB THK CLOTHKS FIT." 1 V |