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Show TU Local if. yuii Lu l.tipl'ii VJOOt'li which wus uiiHii::tioin,l to boll the 1'tuiorri l.y ti.c Mcetiii" airer-lit'cib.i i.thly iiiii ril.ooil iictwi-i-.'- i kaiiuiiigtoii auil hay.villc. Tin- mxi lucctiaK will hi- h.-- I Hi un Saturday. ?iiic.. will1 lam iugu-n- . The April moi-niibe h;d ai Kay .villi' tt" Tin- Huh Ilic.os1 quorum of IiaviK fake war rcu!gaii:e i. with : Thomas Stuck prchidetit. a:nl H Ciark as first inunsi lor. an I Kara F. Itlchar:ln as sci niid coun i piMiib i.ey t il.i It li.l'Ll. will finkv ijiil - :.::.k nigh in thr- uath u. yric.ci. me to say ihut we u.i- i.i Lair.r--- . far thing' of :i w !i j:i Wc lu: In 1.1 mi he t i l rp hiiill'icr.a jci. i,r .it:;.' ; ri:c,i ipiiililii a I.idrhLiy lo ' BREVITIES. C.'IOSS m:- 1 lutatl. tun out I.. S . Oi .11.! 1 f iid-ci- AigJK - rctnaiu-- .ou-iitio- s . aim'll ' - . Iiui-a:u-the vit: . hci11 lias who l.ul'i 'tailor spend! M., iug the rtiou-- r with her sister, Mrs Jcs'-tMutes u!:'!t" on D.tlii, tviarni-i- l to her Inline in buiiiiiiit' Tv.' i:i;- liv pa:- ago Ctnii fruit iu lmm ! i.i throUEl: Ir always j ui u p iniiiiii in I.,'- - ei.--i Flail, last week. . Mr. Aid'. Or t.t tac Ogden j liui lull and fair sly moved W liicih1 the iiigiii:..l prli n. ;n i !ou,iu J i:t. ; llavi.:a new I'UritiOnri manager of Ihe Stale v.;:s i:ii.;':i e;Ivil. to llouiititul troin Millville, Ctah, lait o ::s si.e at wc io!.r t .cqualcu. Journal, anil was taking a pleasant week. !i.':tJt'-miiiiii. (Jiiier drive through the country. Miss Mu Muss icturiieil frotu Kockluui! .Hi pur eii ns. idnh" lax ' ,sl:!nn i IN.Y. your husband lra. H I notice Iilkho 1 is: Saturday. Her mils bl:u.v cu e I.i i'iii.'Ji-hot lisa in in hWaia late. of of l:i nearly lU' i.nn.:i'ii.'. The looks I'pnleiiiii: all tine" l.iing pleafant run itM'it out in il.ts pan if the couuiy-Mr- Lr: the Farmington. h:! Vkoi; : for misses amd a u;1;!;.. W. II. Muir is still very sink. huyin Mrs. It. Oh. we'ie Im'Cii Inr.t ructions wci1" given on a nutn- amr.n:: i. niU'. F'.ic 1i..s nrg 'iii.-.'i.i., . Coffii'. miM at her of other aubje'-- i .f tinre o'- lev- Mrs Joseph vigyie relurne.l iroiu I.ea:s fiilden Wr !; lrn '!li:r.-- Tl.ey jvl:i lit ill klli't niid Utah. on, tc Saturday evriiing. iij'fily ihi Ovintf'. mti ,.eii. qi..i'it!ty imiNrianie I llariow Jr. went to Cache Valley i'ii'-In are Imui an.l i;i.'fnl of brea.) e hive plenty Mrr. Joae.; W rilum . a.'idlinv. pi.iinl lari Weilucalay. uf tia John F.ctisifld husl.'i.-s:- : jnisrrg lie'. Mil! r. unlily, wilt.iuil as.y THE CIVIC SOCIETY BUSY. The South lSuuii'.ihil Relief Sock-'.t '.j'.iaiiiiiy or na!"i n. i!' ;nii linuutrc will l.iuiics and Voitii j'jtu lugetherspd' i'y The wagon an I teim blunging to Committers Appointed to Pusi iha on the itj'.h ami 17 ill of Jtlnrch, will "In 1: iiianer of irrigation. iiatJ the late I oronzo Hera were brought for Water Works and 'li itiuiiti-ii- . slithe. a tair. There will he daiiL'ii.g ami a Huinliois of Necessity unin-jiiiciIs home ycter.iry . Thi tam i rju-- : Electric Lioiiti Help Offered gram in the evening. Kelreslinulnis v. uis uv thai nrit'cn Invcntc.l ' mill tiie wagon canto out with They pluyi'il with It fur cor,- J roCeeiis will g to powd-'lie 0:1 also will Read Supervisor. am! atm use it in muhiu', fin-- 1 BUI WHE READY Cfl Mil 3l but three broken IWIups. a alnglelree the lie meeting huue iuml. I J fnr (Snrp'.aiiv ro iv.- S;or. ( wlticlt Pack The ipirit i.f "Du and soive minor damages, Imlirliug h ami Waiter R M johiison gii-.i- i in ui.i. gnus by r wl.ici' siie 1. broken reach. Walter Hampton Id to pervade I the meeting of the Civic So-- laying olf the gnaindi lor a new li'jv l.iiidb Its hivc..iiii:i in ' pJ n v.i: l lrrig.-iiiiiii. 8 siiliinirsi: !:. g cioty last Friday night was nntly ysnl. pairing it. . improve-nicul.iV.iriou-- : town (.,t.'.i.wi' ii.Hu' faib"l to make tin- hig.i-- j The ciccfioii ifintcht cate between .'ratifying. Cniijuiui meeting wui hel.. Ml virv ' ,l h,s us1 of Ihe ill' etui in 'Vianuigs. tluni electric light.!, wauls liete Suuiiay n ciiiiie anil a ar- - lout ill in play wiili it in liitl- -; "v re still giving 3 P;ackages rf "Friends" Judge KSlapp and Judgu llowe'.l or of "Scotch Cats" for 35 cent v.c: each at kit. n it'll rr pair, etc.. j iiitereslliig progmui was remiercil r;( p'OHooi: brought nut the fact that Clerk Stable water- c.i (.Jf,a (;i.i;,.sii i;;r a!1 yetw'r.n siMy years ugu S'v P-1 iurci lvo.i the and Deputy Pack hail curried iu the br!"Hy di'cu.inol. wi'h a view of reoer.tlv iiba T turuing tho wrier fnnn iis individof the intent n rt the nut matlienjauim llatl of ting law to the very letter in rlrvUoit j D&k natural hc.l into .iriiflci.H tren-'lu'l!lshoi ,1. 1. Ficri.d. in movL-- here toiakecbaige ol the i.Lm-tera. Tho port of the investigation uni t!io i'1'inh'st and Mtiul wasteful way of; r tne Mr. I.unberg i it. Sr icnt.iicaliy v. are nui I' appealed i't Tuesdnys Tillnine 'a very eii'oiir.iging talk. iiiiuoum'c.l (J. V VW- - moved to Sait handling t of it.1 (.'ulii'ornia l:m a r'y.d:':n n bin- thR binisclf nr lii'iuTil.v in favor of n ay-- seeiiou ln.tiiuii liuving was itlileiU wry flaftr-riii,- ; He thought Lake City, handing the water and d: :trih..i iug it. of lily walirwerks. gi nUcMCii. but no mnr I. tan thev lens A.: :i C. Howard was thrown frimiiwlth the lea- -t v..'i"t.'. Nimuel li." living of wiili r alone tun'. n usitej Ks. reir in.-'-.-y fiuil her a as reiroaull ami ."'i.te hia Sunday iiip evening bicycle ar.1; 111! ihun in liiini'-.'- 1 anticci isjcrunrai lo fa- tint bin'.; if ihe iir'jt inialde ben ault ia biuined quite Ah the i.iOuker eniiiipui-i- i in tide MEETS DEATH IN RUNAWAY. We have juft rect-ivri-l Ir.andMrS.1i.eilleyeileriaiue.laUw,str!lil. from the Rraml Junction seed house tint aU(lu.1I(,. logl U;it (lf u I'f.tn lhai :"icli a i jr.t'ill vvillld b" lo H. lluiierta, tin? ami a.I- iln- - bud. ling up u! t ami ,,;" finest assLifment of Seeds in the Slate. Lorcrto Hoas Thrown From Run Call anil see us about mired l.iru r.: u u'iiu of luuiiii'iut. a. i' s on.- )irc.-'!- i approve-LIST CF HOME MISSIONARIES wc i ivirli the .'ifiy-du:- . Ending. .ifei'ij. away Todnt-Sa- ct it. It pays to plant Seeds that Grow. ' FOR MARCH 12 1909. facta of life, and tin- mute:::!' imper !? altornonn thl city vm ih-- ur,;in:t of Die city isjuneilV dniny j late Fri-lait of ns Ihe the j installation of fed as with their petipl fine-yhaiurilcd in lnar that I.n- i.fr.ieinlng towaida Klbert K. Raudull. Jiitin I. Smith spirit 'ml fihiirlrr.mlngs. an-.- l a aide U It was aani'd. Imw r.n,;u Iirts. n im r Hf lU iiehi .icctrliEast Bountiful, ! iiminict in tempc.ral us well :.s in re I .ee W. Child. wil .I1.I111 r. Hu rm 'I I. thesu are mutlers lout Jehn Hosii of (his elly. had been ll.ei'.'.us affairs. Weber. South consid kill" I by bcr.iR draggeil at tbs lierls j renulri: careful at mly and due : Wm d. Angus Btnedley and 'd.oulil he tbnn. uglily in Henry ' of hh; runaway team, at Sixth Vf:l Bountiful. Wcat vi litigate I In lore any definite action Wir.iani II. Wilcox. Fred Abbott L.CSt and Nnri'i Tempi! n.ioeta. Fafi I.al-.Centerville. is taken. 'Ty. In l?u id'kI crsifiibli for Frank Kdmunda j f iuiiroving iuf If y rum Stewart. Tin: The first Kdrlen was telcpirmeil to mhjrrl ft UviUtf. Iw im r.tiHw and 't v Farmington. MlTH.dl'r hi lKAI. lo the was Ik sidewiilkr. i brother :tro"la. espocinllv Mr. Jonathsin Wind, who , Jami-r- t ill. Whileside. hav Alena irwait ihitt - man' ei.do Marfan F. Adums. in hi w of f h? (IfciAued. He found mi. I'.- - id-- 1 upon Mr imniedia'e ae j lnt than Strain., try tin West Layton, Mr. (Purge Itr-ir- i an.l notlDed him m Mon. A roeolutiMi to the offeri that j Siimiu l S. liuwsrd. WHITE BRONZE Ihe j thi' '.( ui ivc commillee of the Civic flu- - calamity 'hat littil liefalb-James 1. Atkiiis. Jr. N fnr tiiivp Artl-ti- c, K to the city Feclety rhiiiihl cxproHS .'imily. I ruHliftil unii i Kaysville. ti. readim-KT. tiie inFlanders. of Fred. inrtr.ril the society David J. Iaici pthi'VK ilian f n Best The r.id ultsir occurril ub TRUSTEES: Vermont Marblo Clinton. t n-- t viduiitiem a for call in a from home bm II watt irhiI .d way pend yonng nan Jenklnsoa M. Stark. ' Edmund Georg-MtMiUter.bts Wm. MNikwrN, K. R.T. Brnrng. n. p. v. ml. umler the r.iipervisfcn i f ihe ci.y Pkkstos, F'l't I ake City, whi.hcr he IihiI bin-If ! or Hiatii-itr(rivf Mon's Mr.iilNTe. Layton. ur'it fur f iHI a lad of hay. Ah hla team road siiiiri visor. The following com j Arnold L). Miller. Samuel Cook. F. S. Miller, Richarts, or ctM on Josephs. South Hooper. ALMA HARDY, frot fad ihff Oreficn Short I.lu ' tracks p.iiUccs were ajipidnieil: . !? Richards. P.i H. 0. j linrlow. Bountiful, tiyrum To look up the facts and figures per- - Iambus at Tnnplc bfnei. liv ileiteasad Utah. X South Bountiful. jeemM I? be nulcep i.u I ho aeut nl taiaint: to the etibllHhiuont of me John T. (kirbriilgc. KranU Sheill 1 Chalfin K. the wagua. A lyttander tdioulrl it. trie lights; J. II. Wilcox, G. Syracuso H. a. Tinner s. H. Tonne waa Jos. S. Clark. bint to lKk tint for a train (hat John Wells, Secretary and Treasurer. ' ATTRACTION! LAKE SALT Inrcsilguie the matter of waterapproaching, and the horses became and 6 Streets Mi Eighth Theatre Salt Lake City, Utah? Lake Suit At the ATTuKMkYS-AT-LAand bolted before ihe works; J. M. Sccrisl. John S. White. friahleneJ : ? i -- i h-; i w-K' Goo." 'M " i i i i m. ; ractice in State and Federal Courts. Jottu; man Hcented tn realise the dan- Ncphl Palmer, Arthur , Welling, Jos. -Corson Clarkij Grand At the 11S6-Ilarry Telephone ger Of hia pnalfion. Just as he starfed W. Crl tori'll. Salt Lake Cityvarious comedies. Temtilenm Bld II was voted us tiie rrnso of the fit it: lighten up. the horue plungml forward. The alim-1- : Ihrewr hint front meeting that every member uf the Addresa By B. H. Roberts. D. O. Willey, It , I. K. wilier, E. IV. Dili towama Rliall do Ms lent. Hi:, foot cattgbl In Ihn Mg aomethlng fi Those who lintciied to L10 spirited 11. some Ho WILLEY WHEY. H. Ilouerts & DDLr address of Hon. fttrvPi whenlgtiafd of the raik. heautifylng his home surroundings. on the Several tiniues fur ui'diemhip were time ago were eouvlncwl bung h'nd downward, right agalnaf , GENERAL ATTORNEYS. outset that there Is a great deal of haudeil iu lo the secretary. BEAUTIFUL REVEKSABLE HAND MADE NUQB fhe left fnnl which The team w'u in Courts. all Practice wont I. E. Davis are wnat in Willey l ade irom your old Thr next meeting of Ihe, society tohragga.ioelu" at hre.iknci'k hiwI westward. Said he: County Attorney. Ltah patriotism. Carpets. Ingrains, Brussels, Tapestry 1K1 M.iln t.. R.ilt Ikc tuir Carpets, Wiltons, Moquets. Old There. a Fourth West, it colliihid will he held in the veslry at 7:3u p "f love my lncuuiHln henna. Tho moun- Tlplion WKI Bull. (IffifO Smyrna Rugs Pctt Ifulirtinf, rpHain City. beau-tifu- ! Chenille CurUina Converted into Rugs. I claim to lib a vragiitt of thr lVnhalfer I in.. Fiiilay. M.ircii 1". All tarntera are tains. kikes ami meadows of its me. to ere bin dear very valleys .take the best Rug that can be made from Old and worn-oThe matter or Worbr cumpany that wit stand- especialy iinlivl. I ciinuoi make my patriotism extend cn-iRUlhcient iu re. uniform In a of fioni sti arpets. Send me a trial order and be convinced. tdautiiu; s ing to those s! iipid, exiiavagnnt exprea-siouA for hliippinu v. ill lie din Filth Wi-a- i mrer'. the wtignn ipiautiiii that we so often U.ar by our ( I'nii'iviik ebiiTs who so blatantly decollided wit't a pole and the body CUHSl-1 w i e I not wi.uid . dal give my whh tlrewu forward. Htiiklng a lele-p,Pay lhe ExPre Charges From Davla Co. farm In Ctah fur any part of the PLANT GOOD SEEDS. TO sna'woiiK's; one.ixilc and Ills skull rrmdud boworld tiint. I have seen. Such afllrma-ilum-; Prof. Miller Lectures Hera. rides a number f his ribs brokcu. are grosu exaggerations. Many .. L. v. ll is much to lie regretted trut our of tiie Matos in this nation have rat giSg--'??..- , BEllJELEPHOHE lie was lenderly carrd for by Mr. 110I was we its Incise lo hare than meeting iniekej rvigh-hitradvantages greater of itumhrr a Tail usd Riurgo men and fathers here. If thin were the choicest part who the accident. The lit most with yei-ncuuiiiry. I believe God would to last hear the excel- i.f thiscMnhliHiiod Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Friday l night Lugs for Ssie. polhc a ere notlfle-- and the patrol bis center stake of hate 4 So101 Mnniiou.l talk lent :iul ,Tr:i',' u Jack-mi4 was Ou recent to a Ziiui heic. visit ragcii. with several poiiemirn 4 county. Misrnurl. it was my good sent to the feette. The bleed lm; man cial Purity." ly Irufei'siir Juhti T. 4 4 over 10 ride considerable a foritinc V. S of ll. Miller the I,, vb'i tnkr:t lo the (roves L. D. S. pm Hen of th.' muiitry. which indeed x Intense the Tho ntlention given where he died before an exan'.l civiii.atlon has eourerted into a ver- 4444444444444444444444 44 4A Mini the audience was it i.iia an to the extent of his injuries speaker showed itable park. Its forest clad hills, v6 charmed by iho rU'liwnj of hD voice, crowned with maasiona, IU vast could be completed. JtffojvpTublik AndJfy Siu&l Of CariferJFw YoyJCFffTtlHOtt of plain under high cultivation, Tho remaina were idupped home. lhrllled by the oaiiustnoRR of his fruitful orchards, its and thriving of and Ihe rniirlnred by legle spirit ltd funetaf services were held at tue $fazh in. HS, a.-- n dVfiirlZ.XtJechd QNZY by deceived towns enjeying all the modern con his 2 arpiniem. nt.. at on I11 p. a piclnfe of Sunday, leniences nil .'nmhino meeting hi.use Fricy.ds. Cettificedld 1rulessoi- - Miller Is cne of the young ' in when Filler R. H. Roberta and K. T. prospi ritv and ihrift, timt will ever L cdxt Ci y . In m in In men can whom Utah of Here SlreeltStdl this ofShptk&Kdjwi, memory. justlv :i"ger Selecting Porter dnllveted addresses or eonsola-fioi Plateau rlr.te we can cultivate a small iiuhle He nr.ihas rliosen his preiiil. relA SAFE GUIDE fer the bereaved mother and !po( only here. an. I there, while in I To follow in all oases is atives. There were also present the fession early in life, add ; thruwlug Jack.-f--ii mint-it Is only a spot here to have your eyes fitted Mr all into ll efforts. and then' that ' not cultiv,'ireti.-oureoffleer. W. l A. Pninct. who was of by otic killed in tb" wisdom Ills t!ii' of Hod in) ly purpose, is Rlnglcness nutnlftst flrar on the scene, and Mr. Gist. Toll, Si'ii'tioe of Optios. the teris-Mct titer of Zuin, Jn tbe 5 'Mlldishing are and chara. courage Mr. the gcuf Ionian near whoso home 1 f the large.-iti center ilchc3t most and Our kttoA'Iedge and which inspire the youth who are ffeRR nict bis deplorable death, both vromleiful valley that the sun bines to to him year' ixperienee in look upon everywhere learning of whom made shert talks on the umiii in all his course. this line is a guarantee as because he their truest w friend, In this fair have slate, however, accident as they witnessed it. of and reliability. , Ij safety to of in the fay of complain A long cortege followed the reitta'.CS tells them of their faults and the evil nothing 1 . and John Bona, Daynes tiunirnl advuniag'-sNature been' ha; results of the vicious habits into r.i the cemetery. 26 Main St. Salt Lake City on her part In the beak wal ot I prolific nrc liable to fall in those resniirce.-- i The dervaaeJ was a sun of the late whifh which. If we he make '.W.V.V..VV.V.V.,,YA'VkV. ,f n'a! Pirlt ' h,,w htm John W. Hess and hi? wire. Mary Ann Jutr ii!.M you want. Is lua-.I.ai.t Jay In. i.V Juba Mciter uuil 1! lia- - Oviati i. l '- 1 . - -y k'.-u- tu-i- . t.-- i - l. - - v.-- V . i Ii ! , - - BUFFALO, . 1 s et : si.-lo- : a - It-- d n.t ' n.i-lhc- J Lh-ml- - t childrens ladies: s ! : i ' , jl r.-- i - : ; "i' j. X ' ' (li-org- c OF LAUNDRY K'-up- U I , ! . SOAP V - : ccmmERcmu- cniNSTON J - j u . AAv hei-tio- Seeds That Grobu j : - 1 - . ! - Ilv-i-r- : j - - r i jL. H.OVIA TT, Farmington W 0 FOYgct 1 1 11 DR. W. H. GROVES j . u i I - LATTER DAY SAINTS HOSPITAL. 111 t J ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. wh ANNER& TANNER -- - ,15-51- 6 y n mn h-hK- "W mmm fluff rug works. Eatvard Gaby Proprietor gal-fnpo- d n n; ut AIvPJET CLP2ANING DONE, riw 1 lea-acr- 236 W South Temple : 1 SALT LAKb CITY. iwwvwv t lies-pils- i d2ut .- I l;civs l)ai)6ci I tGlat?se if -' I Shoes perr.p-veranc- . did you say? We have '''F iii I better W0II m WE TBEHT I Irli'oin.iid met ting uf tlic D:tis ftiiic it as held al Farmington Sattir day. February 25. 15W5. at i. m.. the stake pri'sldritiy. the high I o'l-lor- eontii Uurs and a very large rr pre-ie- All rurmhip Chii'iuc Kftrn. Nanm. KlrtmF, laiwor, U'..nfhr unii Ikmof. llmrf ,0. Kllli, ClMinN. IamI lihiHiHimiMu, tMkM. Knpi IhnnI. VHcorol,(unorrb4ii lrns- Iimyrnvf id Dm Liinvrv idnmarh. Childrvu. theij-'hand'- ovi-nlng- : r - Writ llotuo TrNtBiaiif. :, db. a. j. Carp. ra HyiMptam llt If fr frpp cIL CunoallMlion frw. jmhi not :nnrs Weak Men nior-p.vw- jf y m m s.e V "f IT tulip TioiiMt. and nil rhnmu Ncrvnu mhJ Hrivnu UnMmiita of Ron. Wourni nwi I Tut-fda- f i Mimi nf tiie prleathootl und of quornma being in attendance fiii.ho)K were nrg-- d by the stake hiy tn Jo all they could to re fr.r the uoie ot tka Mutual Improvemeiil boys. Siirpoor-Millions." ;.aid he, "go down in disi'j Xicialloiis. uud especially w pie lit. if itfisrlhle. the holding of grace ami ruin. In consequence of the yiithoitTiya on that night In each liquor habit, hut tiie slimy serpent of secret vice hus Its held on the souls nek. MeAs.O'-fnr mor victims than either liquor of of i:ic doings iiuporfkut or l iL't A iLt lubshxo,1 t '1 presl-MMi- CUBE CATARRH and ! Priesthood Moating. There are' hundreds of pairs of Shoes from Broken liines that cue are Selling at from life. lu hia lecture he warned them against obscenity, ns being tne begin ning of secret vice, of the awfulncsa of of tue j the ahiHsc of bodily functions, tcirible danger in keeping bud com of the to- pany. of the baneful effo-tban o ami liquor habits. H ml vised that fathers instnn-- t their h.ya ill the scienri' of life, that JgiMid honks upon the duties and pow- its of manhood lu- - plaeed in that pure thvuglus and noble ideals may purge the mind of the hid and vicious thoughts that so often take Me.ie.::(fon of the minds of our shoes to horn! or nn- Wli jl We imivfnonr Pilli in mr.iitf CKKOMC by iIigmm puhiiwiiiUtf niUM) Tuliiwtary ies'noHitm froNi hfitoe cop:f. u rnig umnos umm umi eldrriieH. !j Kl )si WAN r Miflpr fit'w hi inii'm! Ynr bv f lur of fhp , ctiermti.-r- AliK TUK TO TALK V . m.pmi ir KUY I'KUmX When Cured Pay flrt REAXWrnirp ninl hnv n(' 'll1 ; i Gitii Yhn 2' rMind. von IKE Hiirn v Alll.K ! m:i iru uW vni'i nrjy.J'ui a lit.hMM O'lUfh ii Tb i'm Niid K 11 - VovinipiM-i.Mh- thei r rare . WKAKXKKdK. T uFFIl liol li ! to. HandajR end Spscialisfs. hare lost rereicsd opr 5FRIS6 LIVE KE p of Men, TVooitn'. and Cbiidrtnt Shoe. iihi. Weah- bupV ei'rnnNtnrrhnca (o vcrrU?o. enthrese, iiwUMe(if 'ViiiAGlapd W'wfpw. iiinhrtrd ihwooiera. Htrir-u- er We of MiiMiiii WANT TO uhu Come, Choose Shoes for the Summer. Hud Ho:hob( and a.l men. m tn s9p.ra., tveniDjft utidw. tu m. to 2AS ?M!h w- twniwj Yours Shoely, 1 Bountiful Co-o- p |