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Show If ypy WISH TO REACH THE PEOPLE I fit DAVIS COVfifty, ADVERTISE THE 2 fit A'RGVS-EVE'Ry?iODy- PIPEK. 'S CI1CULATI0H DA VI h Tar jimiijl a bud, thscttcnlstlnn at lbs Aura li iurprsiair tttti Kowdars. Tbs half thmamiil w jmIiI Ion VOLUME 1. an k ago. NUMBElt 20 I'AKMINliTOX. UTAH, TUESDAY. fife tvs From An Injustice George W. COUNTY Claimed. Kjays-Oill- e nupra ranee of being covered with heavy fror.t. ko thorough haa the work of hern done. The fciii-ia- l Kcrvii'ca over the re-inttiiiH of the late David Lewi. hold March 1. were vet largely attended. H'eal-c0i",!l upon the occasion paid , Ir,,J,llp ,J Hie nohle character of deceased. The singing waa fur-i ,k, children of Iho Fast Ikiun- i Sabbath school, conducted by !tilu! Sliws Hiiiicau. . was found m have taken a falal at- 1iicuoirtula. from which he Ned Sunday evening at Farmington. remain wore conveyed to Kay- v 111,1 fcnrt ken charge cf by Under Barton, and etill remain j lbou John i unidentified and his body will be inSaturday at Kayaville in the j imnetV Held. Every effort was made aamtaQ some ; ' ,,linK regarding the atrangor. Lot to ' i CENTREVILLE BRIEFS, ! FO'R THIS STTUJVG 'BEGIFJVIJSIG MA'RCH 6 : r, Upton's Store Burglarized. r l.ast Tuesday morning the , .1 H. Ramp-'C. Mr. owne here stoic liy ton. was visited by burglars. When the ttojv wus opened it was found that a hack window had been taken out, ami further investigation developed the fact that some razors and as well as a quantity pocket (iith-rv- , of shirt studs, cuff buttons, etc., had been taken, tl was a singular inch deflt. that the burglar took all of the off from the cards, and loft , Jewelry I the cards piled up in the show case. j Just all that believed by some i lhat it was done by local thieves, and Mr. Hampton ia quietly waiting for something to develop. CO-o- i i j ' ! ! j i Parley P. Christensen, Salt lake's prosecuting attorney, was a visitor to Kaysville Friday. ! I The little baby of Mr. and y Hl r' Swange. section foreman of the R- W.. la still very low, but hope for the beat. The religion class gave a childrens party in the music hall Friday afternoon, and the little folks had a merry time of it. in the evening a ball was given for the older folks. . BRIEFS, COMPLETE i. SIGN, r. a A LINE. FOR BEAUTY OF OF J n DE- CLOTHING WILL STARTED. AND BODY SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE ITY, THFY ARE THE GREAT BEST IN PRICES. BE BE EVERY- GENERAL SUPERIOR TO SALE ON MEN AND BOYS EXCELLENCY MAKE UP, CUT PRICE HAD. OF THIS REDUCTION ( t ; v Mild Smallpox Here. Smallpox has again made its appearance in town. This time at the homes, and Perklna N. of Jasper are cases The Croft. William no and apprehenof a very mild type, sion ia felt as to fatal roaulta. On Saturday the school houses were thoroughly fumigated as a precautionary alep agninst any further spread of the disease. SYRACUSE BRIEFS. Special Correapondenca, Mr. E. P, Ellison intends to leave for wf have laid 'Jf I Wednesday evening, March 22, the No Relatives to Be Found. Kaysville arid Layton Circle. Women Special Correspondence. of Woodcraft, will give a grand party The stranger. Tom Butjer. who was and supper In the music hall. Thin discovered In Joe Allens hay stack being their first year of existence, a last week In a nude condition, aud grand time will be had. Special Correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. William Deal and Canada Sunday night. of are Willard, Local Seventies Organized. visiting her family, Last week Mrs. W. J. Cowley ' was brother, Mr. H. L. Moon. An organization of the Seventies railed to 8andy, her mother being very Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hlnman of Salt hue been effected, whereby those lit1 111. Lake City are visiting Mrs. Hlnmana Ing in Centervlile will be enabled ;U meet in tbeir own ward Instead of aL Thl mother, Mr- - Aa Hampton. Dayn .an$,Kr.. lie Alains feturned ffom Logan Tue-daThe ladles of the Relief Society met East Bountiful, an time prevailed last Tuesday, fyr the purpose of sew- toforc. There are a number The bfiilding of the C. W. & M. Co. ings rags to make a new carpet for pending in the various pries branch house la at a standstill, pend- the meeting house. ganlxatlons, which will occur beioH full seven names of the new presiing the arrival of the sheet steel that Frank Butcher of Kaysville was the sre nnnnounred. is to be Wd. The biulders look for here last Tuesday, visiting Mr. W. II. dents It every day. Miller, lo gai her a few points on A Hearty Reception Given. sprajrlng. The Bountiful Dramatic company A New Warehouse. Thursday evening the friends of Cuban Spy to a Manager Swan of the Layton Can- Mr. Earl Frew assembled at his home presented "The evening, house Wednesday ning company intends building a large for the purpose of surprising him. but crowded "are room to the Layton factory, work they were not sharp enough, for they and although this piece was presented a abort time before by the Farmto Commence in a very short time. found him prepared for the party: here Dramatic company, the theatre-goer- s ington nevertheless they all had a good time of Kaysville turned out in force 8ludebaker Branch House. playing games, social chat, singing, to welcome the Bountiful company. Mr. Evans, salesman for the Slude-hake- r etc. Those in the cast did their parta recompany, has lately rented the The play, "Uncle Dan'l." which was markably well, as shown hy the enahed belonging to the opera hound. In presented by the Syracuse Comedy thusiastic audience present, which which he will keep buggies and wag- company Saturday night, was well at was A very continually applauding. on. and the building Just south of the tended The company is to be com- pretty feature of this occasion was a ftpera house will be used as his omen. plimented on Its fine production of the iinx party given in honor of the vislt-pierespecially are Thomas Ramp !ors ,y tive young ladies of Kaysville. ton. Thomas Williams and I .aura binding Misses Ncimmlc Taylor, An- Telephone Matter Adjusted. The complaint of some of the 'sub- Wood to be commended for the easy nie McIntyre, Mamie, Lizzie and scribers of I.ayton against the Rocky manner In which they presented their Hazel Barnes. The honored gentleMountain Bell Telephone company parts. All the members were in good men of the party were Messrs. RichTay-1m- l. has reached a satisfactory termina- form and presented their parts well. ard Galley, Nick Bonnemort, Herbert Smith and Frank Ixtr tion. the companies agent agreeing lo It ia hoped that they will present it kina. The box was erected in the adjust the rent with the next quarter's at other places in the couhly. in while southeast corner of the hall, and the Flint Mr. of Kaysville. payment. exan national colors, red. white and blue, had last quite Friday, Syracuse perience. He was riding along in his were a very pretty features. Thrown From a Horse. unLittle Joe Stevenson met wifh a cart when one of the tugs became his which horse, fastened. frightened Celebrate Wedding Anniversary. very serious accident. While riding' his pony at a wild speed the little fel- causing it to kick and run away. One of the most successful social Dashing into a fence, it tore loose low was thrown off and when picked up from the cart and continued a mile or events of the season took place at the wn unconscious. homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hyriirn Ford Upoft examination the read, only flopping a by the doctor it was found there were mote up Saturday evening. February 2ii, the octime or so to kick. Finally the horse casion no bones broken .And U is hoped being the twentieth anniver-- I Mr. Flint followed i of their wedding. The rooms fellow will soon be all right waa captured. sary them, picking up wnat fragments of aud tables were again. beautifully decorated the harm s he could find. No furious with cut flowers and ferns, and in all damage was done. a presented pleasing appearance. Mrs. To Establish a High School. Ford was ai tired in her wedding A meeting of the county school sudress, and orange blossoms, which she perintendent and trustees from all wore when she became a bride. Mrs. districts north of the Farmington line Sl"finl t0 t,"! Argue, Ford is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S" hich h'i,li? was held In Farmers' Union hall Fri- - ! Tho n,w ,,,lild,nK Z. of Centerville. Cherrey Co1 nn(l Slll0,lfy ,JJ' ,,ni- - 'an day morning, to discuss the feasibility The elalsirate luncheon was served ,B nar,n,s Of establishing a high school In Davis to fully guests. Among the ninety Mr. Tho daughter of county. All tho districts were repre-- : was Evans company Mayor present v, a Jlr"rJ' senti.-i- l stok,'r except No. 9. and it. was wife Mrs. and Bark Mr. of and City, to take the matter up with the poo-- ; vt r, Mark of pneumonia. II. Margeits. Mr. and Mr. Stanley jA. Hon. John Fisher had a very severe plo of each district to learn as to the Fairish and Miss Alice cannon of feeling In relation to the matter. spell of his old complaint last Satur- Salt Imko. Numerous friends and relday morning. Dr. Van Cott was atives from Centcrtillo aild surroundA Pleasing Function. in attendance, lli was a little ing towns were also present. Miss r when last hoard from, Thu Prlui&iy association of Layton Xctiletou of Salt Lake, an able plan- Was visited by the primary stake presJohn McXiol recently returned tu 1st, furnished the nmsle fur the Two years ago ho run up idency Saturday afternoon, giving Mrj(. Kl)nr(( front rdunacl to that tho little country, his health being folks. afU'r good ,alIlirill. which a large picture of the first, pres- very poorly. During his stay in Bonn- No ,,0Illlt HU llllIllCM, P(Wri will idency of Iho church was presented tlful his health has improved so that lhp far,,H.,, givrn to forlher Alice Ann White-side-s he is able to return. i,fntir 0f Eider Fred A. Sheffield, which If there is anything in spraying ly one of the little girls in beoff nn Friday night. Elder half of the followed with chards. surely our townsman. William Sheffield is railed to latwir in South musical reo: lotions i cake and J. ITiiibriMik. means to put. it in a test. Africa, and will have the fullow ream. Hi beitniifii: , U fu- Ids iiiisiMiii field. nidiuril hits the - t ' - LAYTON Yl.Ali i - proved himself over 21 years of age, while the other admitted he liad deceived Mr. Underwood. More--' it or, this is the first time, he avers, that he has. ever been involved In helling Intoxicants to minors. Upon inquiry among the business men it seems Mr. Underwood is credited with keeping a very quiet resort, It is also said that he is careful to in- quire as to the age of his youthful Patrons, a sign warning minors to keep ett la placed in a conspicuous place, and he does not sell liquor to an over Inebriate- person. The Argus ia always willing lo give credit sphere It is due. and ia pleased fo give Mr. Underwood this moans of expressing bis version of tLe afK. A Jo Are The Liatest Out. r i j td fair fl.'Jj $ofo$is Shirts j ! i ts rouolp;io racordlha owe cuBprabaaaM-I- ; and to avoid Heading no innonaal ton. ' ! Underwood, the bartender of the saloon ui lvdjvl!lc. who is said to he in no- ttly responsible for having sold fcfltior fu a minor recently, is dla- Mebaiil at the report as publiahed in last week's Argus, wherein it alarm lhat he wus arrested and had handej out the same old gag" as an excuse for having dono ao. In the flrat place. Mr. Underwood claims he was not ar-i evfod ; also that one of the men ar-- j 7. l!uf. To bring brfura I ha public tha vondarfui of baii ! 3 Mr. d'Wltor and MARCH GUS flUfl AIM: V?. TH5 KAVSVIUUS CO-OPERAT- IVE mercantile INSTITUTION j y. - OUR CLEARANCE Sate is fitof Off, THE BIG 8ALE CONTINUES UNTIL GOODS ARC DISPOSED OF. SPRING GOODS HAVE ARRIVED j j j ! I d CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. SHOES DON'T HAVE TO BE UGLY TO BE OURABLE. : i i A lie snappy and up lu datr in style aud luxurious in lit and at the some time hr made of this-ra- honeat, plump b ather that Wfara and give faction. A FEW LEFT OF CHILDRENS' AND LADIES' SHOES WHICH WE APE CLOSING OUT AT A REDUCTION OF 8l?-t- suift-tiionc- d satis 50c FROM m the $i.oo REGULAR PRICES. i nrm-Mexle- ; In-sidc- o-- - H. J. Sheffield , Kjuys)ilte. |