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Show julep ie More Tress Clippings of ancient oricin. liilnt Hu-- uiht-- r M.tli- - t'i llu- - iiiid is (hut it is 'bf I Is a iimt's j, principle of, "a piiimosi- hy brim. reganied tip Ihit.g as an opera and nothing mure. Now thete is with ctirlain calls mid so on This is healthy an.l a - ;t idionld ! New York seems to Ii.im- route, around wli.n. to the view of Mr. .I.im.-- s Mun.-kerone do not see said r should he cull why the 'Meistersing.-cd Wagner's conii" opi;i. T'lmifal' is ' the only comic npi.i he ecr wrote." teachers." jum how much turn- it. j u; i fur a piwin to heroin . Pill bill Fragrant Contortion Can Bt Traci i; rj is ns a I n "Kvai:i;i-lini-Hl;t!e. liiiiiK, Eug lii ml anil lioiiuiiay are ulmiii Back Man Centuries. lift y old. The beautiful Onublli-sto Miiciuv In tlii-itoi y of Mary mid her lutb lamb Is Julep la of HTj kltuleiil ulijili, IV a l old war, and it is tlds d sire that has icoiiia'li-rnlilami of course there of ui IP. .r. f war the cal froin in Vit thus rlaloaa si HjIuuu kepi nt tUlbg me oilier rliyiliinlc productions that have seen huu may they tium wtu tla use. quailed Kaatbiii. older still ami yd In Ilitu War al a day's Unlive. ;utv I. i.. PwA'i a distillation ut gul-- a. can fmre the ' As long as Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wlpus . or Either Itlissia Japan n:: viiiii'.g u will be minimra-g ruse- - tb, from a liistliunuu of r.lh. r p.iwi-rInto the von. Pat, and the Wliceling Ri.gister. easy to urup tin- - iiM l.'ingfillow If Mrs. Clwdwii'k has the Iiv1 of' waltr which. utter it tiaimiioti iilniW ledge of this fact - inspires the livciy i i Pul if anything happens to Andrew i.'amegie in Iut vcinii, it will tints. tinis which nlaitn with T tbrougfi Lutiu coin, tile, la met agaii iskeil. 'Wb.il does Uttssiu mean by the Mrs. Wilcox we shall be in a bud way. extlaln her penchant Hnd -f.e'illty for Ll&S iiAlt tie- calm. Cm M un Sr. of ties ju France aa jultppe; lieu later, coin lieuChina's el jS surrounding protest against lapses of Its double p and v by Hie tllle.lgo ll'Hiii'd-Hi-r.il. Not ..nly v.iil rc Thomas be of rt ever iilio saury impatient Saxou, i H-ueJ as the founder of the iTiicugo u Kansas Tity Star. '(K.altcstra a .d ns tin- educator of at Probate and Guardianship Noticed. luggage. it becomes plain julep, move It is quite possible that a :,st two geiierali'iiis of inutile lovers. by of braiiJy and water flavored to punish China for its alleged i,ut p,- wiil l,ve in musical history as ts&sssss'Atss&s&ssK&swes&ds&s&Mt with pungent herbs. Although mint Russia a svrar.ione .it th- - wciMs dereiictiuns might precipitate grcal iijiniuctors. CIciL id Pavix county, Consult as . were County a move Such Julep bus become peculiarly an Amer- hie by Eurui-a- n iiiid H.s ath iKiwers. sympathy re.iiiiikahh- as Ins grasp and pro-bl- y ican patronymic. It must have come by Russia, moreover, might conci-iva- Utah, or the Rcsjiectivr Signers for the e of like the for be twenty-fivconductors Rome purpose fnitd'.iy. imucontemplated years from Kngland. information. further 'Incorporated, an intervention to end the war. i.i Seidl, f"r ex untile arc admirable ago an Englishman near a Western forcing as in others the I'm',- - in Wagnerian and oilier essentially Instance In this nostrils the whose In lingered modern tntisii Cil States has shown itself the especial Some are at home only city Some arc. If in tin- - d rni.ipn.-ntious- . SUMMONS. memory of mint end julep, sent back protector of the Chinese empire. own life, purely cmn'iun.il, others are distin-tr- - IN Tllfc MSTK10T IHPUT ol Till'. Min.Mi' to the garden of his boy 1m aid for roots China is allowed to live its of clvi'twhitical gun-ln-own lines lrf.r pivctsiin and develop along its distkict w TIIK STAIK i'F I I ah. from bis old mint bed in Essex, and ization. and to distribute its irado f vtinii. Tin) Ion- - Thomas had prefer-1-live-no unnm or haws but aoun had its rival flourishing about without ones, and the derided very unjust ttrti 1l4iiM.tr KitniU Ku-'lipfijiu.lii lpr.i!tli 'Mi known I'ml-ed well lili.lt law IS it to the itions. Willie it where must by cistern family credit bis belong largely KiHiwIwm Menr!iiu, rtimrinmi-Ttith.it Alpha the of John H. White, Manager him was to its of AiSt in Ptali ih tiUta to th and States foresight from water received all tbe refuse Ymi ufA mrl tiiiicgi of symphonic music, he iiuiuiuil to 4 iir nlt:ln -libations for thirsty drinkers. The Secretary of State. nn 1 rm tn.:n iv iHin ii ne'.er allowed this tint lotion inHJ twcmtjr tit- - i itr.t you, if twrvei tuihtn im Ctiin.ty In vlihh tliii lint treatment reminiscences inspired by this exotic ii de-ilouU broiiirlit, oibniwU, j 7 UTAH mtr ih.itydti)4 in Atlanta i.tln-('imsntutiuii. was as ..mers. good He uni j VI I combined with good old Kentucky luid tUfpnJ thtn1ovH niilt!(il Ntnn; ud oAH as A risk! resolution for some of tin i'.i.ilu Tchiiiknwski ..m! Liszt sill of your folium w1u d, jmlfHIIPIll Will bu I K . Cin rr ,.r f buurbou or rye were hardly eclipsed popular novelists would lie that, dn th's I.' v. ... .si liis Uioveu J fjvrfNWv thiMlHmunrl of and Mozart. r l 'urwH tifuliwl you utVotilii l kill their llm eoaidul. tof vUU'hu cojy In livriith Muvvd by the mint Julep of Virginias Sambo. year of grace, w not York Evening Sun. prolong upon yon. earlier in the game, and OtKVOM, Isvisi. A SNOW. Wliil- - l':irif ilitis or Purefooloinanla the agony to six hundred pages. What ' 1 UU1 ' VI ' PUInUff- - AltniuejF. the of their was last year, u recognition of the rights in '.his city TWO 8AMPLE8 OF PRAYER. be. would idrama Hauiliviii"music sacred at readers that an altitude of churclilike nut ml ilm-ALEXANDER McM ASTER, i -- v. reuiv. awe This was very Appeal for Needed Aseistance and a New York Tribune. th on l hn-- i; us to of who, uiniirini; Petition in Person. AirORH-A,-has taken The warfare of the A At a prayer meeting in MUalaBippI a new turn in Knoxville, Tenn. HHm: fuMlfm bin IMPORTER81AND DEALERS IN there- was recently house blaNnHII. during the civil war, a brother of- gambling raided by the jMilive and a numlter of UTAH. SALT LAKIi CITY, arrestfered this prayer: well known young inen were Lumber "O Igtrd. we thank Thee for ell Thy ed. The girls of the city are demandmake public the boundless goodueaa; for this rich and ing that the police Mutbunlhub Thowi. Philip and Building to cut beautiful land of oura; for our brave names of the melt, threatening I offenders' the acquaintance. Incorporated) women and valiant men. We think THOMAS AND Mantels, Grates, And Monumental Work- Thee that we are fully able to take St. James' Gazette. MAY COCK care of ouraelvea on land; hut, 0 Th- - following is from an essay on Iorri, we do most humbly implore Thy the Japanese, wriHen in llie recent LAWYERS I examinations ly a W. South iTampIo assistance when the yankeca send grammar school the Tfntil wliiNil rix'ently lower most and lieal Tlic 5 isy: News building Suite Desctet supply thoae infernal gunboata to destroy us. SALT LAKE CITY, Japsiiiese used to lighi with bows and A prominent southern lawyer who complete stuck of Building Pmetir In all Hint Fwlrsl arrows, but now they are equipped .r f alturney uf a had Just repented of hla wild ways with the complete arms 1 H 1 Supplies that can be found Surety On. of New York. and Joined the church was called upon in the county. Trices right in a religious meeting to pray. He New York Bun. started off very well, but did not know TopekahisDispatch in the Telephone 4 In inauguiul address yesterday how to stop. After asking the Divine Governor Hoeli went on reroril against JicJi 'Bountiful blissing on everything he could think the fallacious idea that Kansas is a 1 He gave this commonof, he finally, with a determined effort, western State. Lake and Salt ivWVWAAAAAAAAMA Ogdon Railway. sayYours wealth a geographical definition, ended with these words: X "Kansas is not a western State. A STORE FRONT HOME BARN truly, P. Q. Mason. Harper's Week- ing: minds of own this l,et us disabuse our in Time Table effect a south line 6, OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW 1904. ly. Draw Sept. prevalent fallacy. the and north and east and west acrossconCA8E OR ANYTHING IN THE I'nited States and the lines will Kansas and Salt a. Lake Leave Kansas. 6:30 of 9 m., in Natures Dafense. heart 3 30 the verge BUILDINC LINE? It Is rich, juicy is the central State. and 5,30 p. m. How are children so often aide meat in the national sandwich." without injury to swallow such sharp Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and things as pins, needlea, tacks and bits xo a. m 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Chronicle. Iindon of glass? The secret, as disclosed by The wedding ring was placed on tic. Extra trains at it a. m. and 1:30 p.m. Dr. Albert Exner of Vienna, lies In left hand, as nearest the heart, and on on Sundays and Holidayi. that finger the fact that, when a pointed or sharp-edge- the fourth finger becauseown "private supposed to have its body cornea In contact with the was wire (in the shape of a delicate nerve) was A. D. PIERSON, Genl Pass. Agt. too. lining of the stomach or intestines, to the heart. That finger, Office and Yards, 20 to 40 N. 2nd West Bt. (he part touched contracts and puck- called the medicine finger, and the beJ. B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. little the of was virtue in that by that lief ers ao aa to thicken itself Office 161 Main Street poicould detect a nerve place. At the same time it withdraws son if itsimply inserted dangerous in the liquid. Itself In such a manner as to form a From that belief the Idea that wedlittle pocket and gradually twists the ding rings the rings worn on that object around so aa to turn the edge finger hud special curative qualities, To this day wedding rise. or point away, pushing the thing had Its rings are rubbed over an obstinate sty along. on an eyelid. ciiiiiinu . to iri-ri"iiii- - ii-i- mm-i- s s r 1)R. I. 1 mx-asn- ! Ik-f- i DENT1S1 ki-e- s THOMAS ; t In-s- iiu.-sti.- d Tlu-ml- , Hlllllll J con-mallu- H- - I WHITES DRESSED MEAT OO. ili.-it- -- j . WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. j 1 A ve : 111 llu-yl- N-- ' ttStttS. jtut mTimli tmwlili i Elias Mowis & Sons Co. j - long-sufferi- Bountiful Granite, Marble, Ajn. DUmBEt and i Stone i 201-3-- llK 12-- LAGOONROftO Do You Intend to Build? J ONLY $ 1 7 . 50' d Salt Lake Buildine & Manufacturing Gomnanv. 41 FOR A SEWING MACHINE Effective Rat Trap. "There were a lot of rata in the storage room of my stable, wrltea a citizen of Johannesberg. South Africa, "and we had great difficulty in getting at them. They were shy of all traps, and did a tremendous lot of damage At at night, lying quiet all day. length 1 put in the room a square box, about two feet deep, and In The it placed sdme burned cheese. rats Immediately got Interested In the cheese, climbed up the outside of the bos, and, having got inside, could not ascend the slippery tin lining. In this way we killed a great many." tin-llne- d Chronicle. Iondon Worlds Statistics. At a rough calculation the populan tion of the world is more than one 3.064 some souls. These apeak languages, and are worshipers of more than 1,100 religions. The averh years. age length of life la 33 of mankind die before the sevbefore the sevenenth and one-halive beyond teenth year, only million the age of sixty. Thirty-thre- e die annually. 91.000 dally, 3.730 every hour. 60 every minute. While are capable of bearing arms. Only one In a thousand Is naturally Inclined to tbe profession. WARRANTED k. YOUNG BROS. One-fourt- South BARTON JOHN FUNERAL DIRECTOR The only licensed embalmer in the Counts. Also Dealer in 1 Calls to Salt hake from Bounli-fu- l. Centerville, and patina015 Furniture. Picture Frumes, Well Puper. Window B ass, Etc, KAYSVILLE, UTAH. lf one-alxt- CO. "anti-Uritls- bll-Uo- 3 FULLY Fashion takea odd twists, iind you of may have noticed the decadence It was in the fashthe walking-sticion about four and twenty centuries ago, when the man who appeared in the streets of Athens without u stick was liable to be run In as a disorderly person. Roswell Field. In the Chicago Tost. Two reasons are given for excluding 23 W. First "Evangeline" from Canadian hschools. SALT LAKE CITY One is that it has an h IO one-fourt- h Good Thing in Harness. I wouldn't give much for a man that hasn't temper, says D. L. Moody. "Steel Isn't good for anything if It hasn't got temper. But when temper gets the mastery over me, I am Its slave and It la a source of weakness. It may be made a great power for good all through my life and help me; or It may become my greatest enemy from within and rob me of power. The current lu some rivers la so strong as to make them useless for navigation." Tamper le The Camera Fiend. He took the holme, he took the barn. The children at their iilur; He took the dog. he took the cat. And Dobbin, Nell, and Gray. parlor maid lle took the pretty on the gate. And posed me with a rake and vowed The picture simply great. He took Prtocllla fifty ways Indoors and out of doom ever since (I've loved Priscilla She romped In plnafuree 1. He took hfmaelf away ly stealth One night without adieu. But oil the hardened too.miscreantl He took Priscilla, Minna Irving In Llpplncott's Maanxlne International Playgrounds. equaling In every respect the Famous While Fawn brand. Some just as good one way or anoleer, but none jnst as good all ways. FrormBountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden From experi- menting when White Fawn fills the From bill every which way"? SUIT LAKE & JORDAN R. L. POLK, MILL & ELEVATOR Lt. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS Ben CITY DIRECTORIES. STATE GAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE BRANCHES AT ogdik, Boise, ri'EitLo, and coi.orado springs CITY- 1ST. ocKy MntaVn polk; & CO. SALT LALE IS CENTS IaysVille to Salt Iiake IS CENTS laysville to Ogden 15 CENTS SEPTEMBER EFFECTIVE COMPART, W. R. COOTER, Skcty & Mgr. PJtXSiDKHT. The model playground at the world's fair la attracting a great deal of at tentlcn. Every day une may see Span- ish. Polish. Japanese. Chinese. Turkish, Eskimos and American children playing side by side In the sand plies and other attractions offered the young folk. Why bother CENTS - Telephone Corppanfc- - |