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Show Local 'Briefs SYRACUSE was born to Mr. and Mm. I). Hess last week. Mr. Frank. Wood of Garland waa in town, hbakinp bands with old friends last week. Mr. Henry Mollis baa Ism very Mick of heart trouble. Me la now Ini proving. C. 1 Riggs of rolllstun attended the Mr. funeral of the late Jrttec Hmlth. Riggs Is a relative of the Hmlth family. Mr. and Mn. George Heea are now smiling pleasantly the arrival of girl that look exactly like her The Farmington Home luainatir company are now rehearsing "Lone .Tree Mine." It la not known when thp play will In- - presented. Mr. George Meadows is again wery lek of heart, troable. Mueh anxiety was felt for him last week, but at last accounts he wss Improving. E. J. Robinson visited parents and friends here last week. He left Thursday evening for a tour through Art . oca. California, Texas and Colorado. Mr. Chari hi Turner, who has Just returned from the Bear River county reports the roads as being in a fright fill Condition, it requiring double teams to haul 800 pounds of hay. Me has brought down 174 head of rattle for the market. A boy . ; BRIEF. 1st. Mr. Robert Jlodlly and M1m Raima Knighton arc to be married next week. The infant of Mrs. died Friday of Junes, of bronchitis. Messrs. Fn-- and Joseph I', liodily have reuitracted to load five cars of salt for the Inland Halt company. Mrs. J. W. Caldwell, of Kvatn-ton- , has been spending a few weeks with her sinter, Mrs. M. Gibson of Clear-Held- . three-weeks-ol- The young ladies of this place will Rive 0 danciriR party Hi. Yalentlue's night in the Syracuse hall. All are In tiled to . Wednesday evening the trionds of Miss fimnia Knighton surprised her A very enjoyable with a time was had. Mrs. Allre Griffith is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. James Mrs. Griffith, for some Alexander. time, has been living in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Steed and fain ily attended the wedding reception last week of his father, Mr. Thomas Bteed. A birthday party was given Wndnes-duevening lu honor of Mr. Henry Rtnedley, it being his sixteenth birth day. The evening was spent In play Ing games, and a short program was rendered and later In the evening a luncheon waa served. y An excellent program wss reu- in ifcc ui-meeting house. At IS oeus-iliuio-ass announced and ail went to the amusement hall, where dere-- i j mg taken out a license for permission to '1 ' rebrutry 1st. The Indy of hi ihoire Is Matilda Cecilia Glanque of halt Lake. Although the groom they were seated around the tables. 78 years of age, he is as hale and which were nicely decorated with hearty as a man of 40. Last Wednes-flowerA most tempting and rirf:- - day evening a reception was held at eicMiM dinner was served. the old Steed homestead in honor of ' mm- the vent, at which many relatives and friends attended, to offer congratula Another Kick Regletered. tions Farmington. Jan. SO, lltb.V Kdin.r Argus: People are afraid tu Burglars Steal Clgaro. walk on streets these dark nights for fear of striking a gate, or of falling into some uncovered water ditch crossLast Saturday evening burglars ening. M there were any excuse for this, tered the barber shop of F. O. Lind-- , the people could put up with It good l.e and carried away a box of cigars, naturedly.but there Is notte.as the road as a temporary window hoard used a will ry he have evi sujienisor says obstruction removed, and every ditch j,aw was removed, affording ruom either bridged or filled with gravel at (.n,lllK1 for the entrance of one per- . in ospfn;c of thtf owner inside n Farmington ,,1OTI5 1 two days, if he were to receive orders ' lU tl II to have it done in that time. Why were the burglars in question, and don't our city offlirs give him Un-tvigorous search will be made for them, tv-ordetr. TIIlEl) CITIZEN. found, they should be given a - j lesson. Such may seem FOOT CRUSHED UNDER CAR ihi town boys a big Joke, but It is not a laughing matter with the court. WHEEL. s. REAL, GENUINE, 1 BARGAINS. : ( , m offerthete Tricet until Goodt are ejrhautted. I Last Sunday as the 2 p. m. Lagoon train was leaving the State crossing, going north, as it passed Gustave Bach- man, and Joseph James, both young men aiiemptud to pimp on, but the was greater than they thought. rjx-eGustave fell, and one foot got under the edge of a wheel sufficiently to dls-- j locate some of the bones, so the doctors thought, soon after his arrival st the K D. S. hospital. Salt Lake City, where he was taken by the same train, but the foot had swollen so badly that they said that It could not be thoroughly examined until the next morning. Young James came very near faring worse, as he fell between the platforms of two coaches, but was extricated with only a fright that he says has convinced him of the foolishness train. of trying to board a This will no doubt be a useful lesson to some of the boys who have been almost dally, or almost every evening and morning. Jumping on and off from the cars as they are leaving the crossing. If this lesson Is not enough, then either the railroad or the city officers should arrest some of the reckless youngsters. d HOME MISSIONARIES FON FEBRUARY 12. OF John F. Smith. Elbert Rubbers South Bountiful. Lee W. Child. West Layton. and 10c OBV.J EfiVmT snoesr 25c, BOyj HA TS $1. tuorth from 50c to 75c foinf Isc no tofor E. Randall. We are still selling 4 PACKAGES OP POWER for 25c. John T. Burnett, Throw Nights of Amuaemonto. BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. Tbs Fluhait stock Co. will present an Angus Smcdley Henry Wood. Mark C. Holbrook loaves for aansasUy strong repertoire in a three Kaysville. nights' engagement commencing Monday mission to the eastern states of William H. Wilcox. Fred Abbott Feb. 13th. The company is said to lie l&th of this month. Bountiful. West The report of Alma Hardy as health Among the best on the read. Frank Edmunds Hyrum Stewart. officer for District No. 1 shows but Januof East one Bountiful. month the death during On Saturday night, the Farmington Home Dramatic Co. will play the drams ary, one esse of typhoid fever, and one James 51. Whiteside. case of measles. Marian F. Adams. entitled "The Lone Tree Mine", a piece The team belonging to the late Jed 00 which moeb time and labor has been South Hooper. It. Willey wss raffled last Saturday. spent in preparation. Ssmttei S. Howsfd. One hundred chances were sold st 75c chance. David R. Tolman drew James I. Atkins, Jr. per "City Orumblor" Score One. the lucky number. Centsrville. The City council met last evening with The Female Relief society hnld their Fred. T. Flanders. David J. Palce. 0 full board present, and theCity grummeeting on the 4th Inst, quadrennial bler" was there also to add spice to the and elected the following - (Ulcers Layton. proceedings. Mr. T. B. Clark the holder Nancy J. Willey, president; Pamelia George M. Stark. Edmund Jcnklnson Mary Thompson, first of this eupbnnlus title, war present to Syracuse K. Waddoiipa, second a lady who had tw ee fallen in the Phoebe C. Sessions, secretary, and Samuel Cook. Arnold D. Miller. drain ditch east of town; while (he lady Wllda Hampton, treasurer. IN 80CIALD0M. South Weber. in question hnd not been seriously injurThe entertainment given under the The Social Hour club met last Wed-- : lanthus H Barlow. Hyrum O. Pack. ed physically, but feelings oh my !! auspices of the Bountiful Silver Bund nesday evening at the home of Mr. and j Farmington. In the discussion of detective flumes, last Thursday for the old folks was a Lira. Ezra Richards. The usual good Juhn T. Corbridge. Frank L. Sheffield. bridges etc. it developed there had been grand success. Notwithstanding fie lime was had. Clinton, s misunderstanding as tn the law regard- rainy day. at ten o'clock a. U-- . teams A surprise party was given last week and carriages were running all over In honor ltrefrcsh-ment- s John Mrs. of Steed, ing instructions to the street supervisor. the town gathering up those who were were served, games played, and The recorder use instructed to write a known to Ih sixty years of ago and LOST Between Centerville and tbe a most enjoyable evening spent. few' minutes a after and order over, by official to imspecial that urging an On Friday night, Mrs. V. A. Miller home of J. W. Wilcox, an oiidw silver 12R had been gathered eleven o'clock mediate abatement of the evil. In watch. Finder please return to office st the opera liouse, and entertained gave an Informal entertainment A detailed report of the proceedings is with songH and music until 12 o'clock. honor of Miss Kate Stayner of Salt of the Argus. Lake. the guesta were the foldeterred until week. Twenty minutes liter, the guests were lowing: Among and Mrs. Albert Ford. Mr. FOR SALE CHEAP. all treated to a grand luurheon. Dur- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Streeper, Mr. lu discoursed band the thi.i timo D. O. Willrv , Jr., I. f. ing JosMessrs. William Mrs. xml Willey ,nd excellent James, Two hundred acres grazing land. style a number of selections, B. W. liule have formed a partnership consisting of overtures, national alra. eph Ford and William Croft, and quarter and the northeast Foss and Misses Algle Walker, Sadie for the general practice erf the law. They and familiar er of the northwest quarter, sechymns. After the repast, Kate Chase. will occupy a suite of rooms in the Scott the tables were removed and the seats tion 17, township f north, range 1 east. A party was given last Wednesdsy 20'i "cree. In Centerville precinct, tiilldlug, No. 16S South Main Street, arranged in front of the stage and the A (wood Brown farm on the ional drama. The Dank Cash evening at the home of Mrs. 8. C. fait I.ahe City, Utah, The firm name ia was given by the Bountiful Silver Brown, In honor of her son Archie, be- eist. Apply to H. S. Tanner, 51S-1ler." Willey ft Willey ft R. W. Dole and their Rand Dramatic association In a very ing his birthday. It is a question Templeton building. Salt Lake City. Telephone number syHy Bell. creditable style, and was greatly ap- whether Archie Is 30 or GO; however, manpreciated by the agd guests. At the he has passed the age act for COMPANY TNCATED NOV ALLY. close of the play, the teams were in hood. A Jolly crowd waa present. UNTOI MEAT MARKET Ixira Sanders entertained a number readiness to rouvey the veterans to their respective homes. The univer- of her friends last Wednesday evening. Cirri ts Meats of all descriptions, Groftffiar Perfontiance Darien and sal expression of the old people was Oysters were served, and a pleasant ceries, Vegetables, and Summer Drink. that they had never enjoyed them- evening enjoyed by all present. Oyster Supper Slven. every Tuesday. Also agents for Celery selves better. In the evening a grand Friends of Mr. Thomas Steo were Leal Tuesday evening, the Morgan ball was given fof the married peo- somewhat surprised to learn that he Emmett's Bottling works, TeL 16-- 4 AnTDvn Ellis, Prop. Romo Dramatic company played "A ple and bachelors exclusively. was to take unto himself a wife, hav- UTAH LAYTON False Friend." to a fairly good house. For a company composed alraiMf enWOODS CROSS BREVITIES. tirely of home talcut, Pip p!ny was well THE IMPROVIDENT MAN rendered. There aim ii or two. how-ler- . Mrs. Ilynini Parkins, who has been who have hnd some experience very speds as be goes "lets each day take strk, is u.iw Improving nicely. on the itsge. K M. Wcliehr and Ed. WeWest Lizzie Mins of Hunter, of itself, aud when sickness or miscare N. Wad worth. Mr. Webber as "Jack In visiting with Mrs. Mary J. Fail-il- l Bt nr.ond was excellent, in parts; but ber. overtakes him some one else has fortune iih. his acting was overdone, now and him. The provident man pots for to care Mrs. Margaret Wood, who has been then. Mr. Wadsworth was also good, hnt a lltrie too "stir for "Daniel Pea- very sick, Is said to he Improving rapenough to fall back on when it is body." The ether members of the utm-pa:.- idly. needed, and puts it where it will be safe, Mr. C. E. Pearson is still about the were very good, taking In con-- : not having as well as working for his interest st four (deration the fact that they have not some, his condition been renl actor changed. per cent in the Utah Commercial & SavAfter the performance, a dance waa Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phlster reRex-burIn honor of the company. AC turned Saturday to their home In given ings Bank. twelve o'clock they adjourned to the Idaho: Send for circular on Banking by Mail. home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace t. Muir, who has been attendGeorge ss-2- 4 Bast First South street, st which place an oyster supper ing school In Halt Lake City, is now uas spread. Salt Lake City. home with an attark of measles. Mr. Jos. Morris, of Rexburg. Idaho, CENTREVILLE BRIEFS. brother of Mrs. Margaret Wood, is down spending a few days visiting. The Get Together Polk" held one of 1 1 II I HI 1 1 H 111 I IN I II 1 1 1'H-H-- M Miss Ids Moss left Sunday morning their functions on Satur- for Rockland. Idaho, where she will day night in the Elkhorti hall. spend a few weeks visiting with her After the very meritoriore play by the brother. John Henry Moss. Bountiful Sliver band will play the Morgan Dramatic Co., the Bachelors ten"Bank Cashier In the South Ward dered them a banquet in appreciation of on Thursday evening, February 9th. the genial company and the delightful home of Mr. B. Moss has boon The rendition of the peice. bis son. for measles; quarantined will at Cupid reign the Albertson St. Mona, Is afflicted with the disease. Valentine's day; Monday evening Pebru-nr- y Wm. Moss, who has been under 13. In addition to Litte Cupid, s real treatment foe a tumor st the L. I). 8. B 20.00 OUITB FOR BIO.OO, SIB.OO SUITS FOR S7jOO, SI 0.00 post office ia to be installed and all the hospital for some time, has returned cured. htaue practically SUITS FOR IBM Mqukhes to a first dsm ball introduced Mr. and Mrs. J. L Atkinson, buried Last Friday Elder John Wayman of baby on Tuesday. this city, pasted to his well earned rest, their 31st. having died of heart January When you go to tha Bank Do You Oaf 920 for $10 ChockaT after 80 years of faithful devotion to h:a trouble on theSuth. Wa'eould hie Just a wall give you a fat oalf with every ault church and his friends, fucbnntry, A sweet little girl has made her adneral services were being held in the vent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John or overooat If wo charged enough forth olathaa. She arrived last Monday. Meeting house as the Argus goes to press U Egan. e All concerned are getting on nicely. SOUTH. WEBER .AND. UINTAH There will be a Character Ball given In the West Ward Amusement hall NEWS. Wednesday ere, February 8th, under Almost every man has read the "Fairy Tales" of tha Clothiers, in the Mr. Hyrnm Ray's bay is very sick the auspices of the Y. L. M. I. A. newspaper. Almost every man has been disappointed and with pneumonia. Bishop Egan Is thinking very serion looking at clothes they pretend to describe. We invite Mr. Watts is bulTdlng a new frame of leaving for Big Horn In the ously men these to call at our store aad be moat agTeeably surprised. Its audition onto his bouse-- . near future. He will visit there, look Mrs. P. (J. Feruellus liin returned at the country and see hour he likes It easy to drew a picture of Men'a Clothes as they should be, but its not Itijiii the capital, where- she lias been an a new home. so ess, to make the clothes that look like the picture. We publish rpendtng a few weeks. Funeral services over the remains no misleading illustrations, hot wt do know how to provide our patMr. George Htark of South Weber of Burt," the son of Mr. rons with the right kind of clothes. If you have had clothes troubles. and Lizzie Miller of Willard were mar and Mrs. Robert Argyle, were held Sir, we invite you to come to this store for relief. We'll surprise you rled In Silt Lake Temple- - last Wednes- Thursday, February 2nd. 1905, at the with the excellence of our Clothing and please you with our reasonWest Ward meeting house. day. able prices. Come. Miss Ella Stark is preparing for a Mrs. Samuel Roberts, whose present trip to California. She will accompany home is Cisco, but who has been livso. to 10.73 Mr. Scow croft and family of Ocden. ing here for some time, has been treatThey wilt start about the fifth of the taken to the L. P. 8. Hospital for ment. month. WHIN in TOWN CALL ONThe wedding reception of George Alonzo Winegwr of this place and Stark and Liule Miller we held at Mias Sylvia Stoddard of Farmington the home of the bridegroom Thursday are to be married this week. A recep!: afternoon. They gave a dance In the tion will be given at each of their kail at night; and all had a good time, homes for the Immediate relatives. Main St.( Salt Lake City, AIT those present although they had considerable dilll enjoyed themIn roily "want TBS CLOTH KS FIT." getting there through the rain selves st the Old Folk party at West U1 mud. Bountiful on VYil;iei2ay. February FARflQlNGTON COaUDERCIHIi Youll Have to Hurry fast-movin- g rep-oese- nt it no nee ettity of going to nearby metropol-ita- n Storit to get Bargamt. In fact the only place to get Centime 9argaint it at home. We Acre If you want to gst any of til BARNEB-HAND- offered by Bargain CO. of Sait Lake City. A GENUINE Y MOVAL BALE IB ON. Dry Oaoda waak loft. Qoode must ba sold PRICES RE- and Shoeago. Only on by Fob. IB. SLAUGHTERED. Spoeial Attention Qlvon OAVIS COUNTRY fcUYINS. GOODS MUBT BE BOLD. Brins this ad. and got Spoolal Nafoa. J BARNES HARDY COMPANY ffeto Store. 147 ji. Firtl W.. lake ciry sa-l- t ru-rt- ad-,',n:- xssessMSSSses6ae6eB6O&0066aBeaesaeM)u:wisie&vnxQionMt&tty?9999 M-n- C j STA HTI J4C FEBUAY mOflDAY, MONDAY NICHT Mark Swans Sensational Melo-Drem- s, "A MAJV of FfySGEHy." TUE8DAY NICHT Gilbert Fauote Comedy-Dram- a, Che LIV&LE Van-fioe- 2)0 yOV 80ME PLAIN, HON E8T TALK Melo-Dnm- a, PRICES: BE- LIEVE SVCH S&O'MES? CyVSf." WEDNESDAY NICHT The Touching l'Hj le "EAStT EyjdfiE." 23c, 35c SEATS ON BALE AT R GEflT and 50c J. O. WOOD'S. REDUCTION 20 PER CENT, OFF FOR dla-gust- mets sxirr fis.so fid. POULTON, MADSEN, 111-1- 13 for? MEN & 13: n fuuhwt stock co. y g, J NIGHTS Thla Bale will Continue For ana Waak. Any HEATER In Stook at 20 par cant. off. RANGES are not Ineludad In thla reduction. CO. 15he Bountiful Co-o- p. : |