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Show I Davis Conn I y Argus. cm to Kiy, vidtng a they heartily kjatem. "Beyond rli.u tit, however, the lie t Ul phase of the ayatciu ia ita value colonizing agent. At no extra cost PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Faimington, Utah Publiahar SON P. FELT Trc.s.f Comments. welcome as pro- feeder to the j,, ih'i ' vi- - l. j aa! ... j, m run thermal clawa tojji,,r ..v. r an to . tilii-v- "I lh and Davis County Rank .illi-Re- ofii-n-li- tr. Unit the e 1 ); ,poa-K- Now KuhkLi Chineat-- . a he r(.:ii(li.illt i'iiU- ait: vluli iiii y in fnvor i.f lie J.iputi..ia Vi!., hiipiio 10 he neat to them today vnijr t'. lircumsiani'ea over which the j.Uwu,'T.s have no routrol. , Kei'iihlii'iin. failli wua ji.luy of laid t'fcciiuae of the Wffckne . (.,;y in.- - t- 1 eliarr 1,111.1., rmns i.e ieo.le and CAPITAL f 25,000 DEPOSITS OCT. tax it nr-- , imr: v.,iu il.v z iven.ii.rut, tbctnsrlvra, it uuta ir t.e i.i-future z.that in tiie is COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving Dnarticulaily a clote touch with civil. .. n ;! t., -' ''ill .H lion a the man intlienly. Where corn.a fi r'hronicle. Ki'.'i'K . EDITOR. D. P. FELT, munication with friend and relat-.veint niptinsi 'hi nn for not L .il'u.i.-- -' II,,. epartment Pays 4 per cent irt.rest, in iV,. r a 11. Manager. freijnent contact with newi VERNON FELT X.J I lie ireiiiutH.-turiiiii.tr with f IVi, ivsei, Omi'KHH AND DIRECTORS: nrcJ Mipiijnit of the Japanese army ;i contnnjioraiieoua litrialureaniland nearnek ,iir a. Ci.ikx, PmsI.ImiI: L H. Uilu, Jit ; A. L. Cbzax, Cwhlar . Jonara will firm with to the big purchasing operate iiplying iMW. IS y,.t ej.j,,,-,.,!t.y rhi'.i'ae SUBSCRIPTION PRICKS: SUw-M. BaerM, JiAa Wxish, J.Mupb E. RobUisnu Thom J. John Wxtbaii, other neutral with of aKiiinat .... any luruiahed eMi.nl f.iire j center are regularity t or citizens have (In Advance ) UTAH -- i.,il..!i wh.se Mil.j.-cthe average rural delivery route, the FARMINGTON, U.ilVi.Hl.iri News. In coi.tnihan.1 of war l , :i irn'Ii.'l.inK the f a5 monotony end loltion previously l.ctt." One Year In it is l.r mvllr If jHivihlr tin'll ll in ! li flisli ui.'l 75 main objection to a country existence 0iporti.ii:i..-Six Monttia eliminated. People are almost it In ml t.imi.ii; women 0111 in ruel wholly n.k 5 Three Month - - - - If there are, are quick beerming familiar with tnie of Dbloni'X ii:i.I mills. beneiicent feature, an.l the congestion o ihoxe wm would mi this they should ' i,,n imer to form the ground- n-J.n':l to proilui-- a mi 4, la4 often of in cur larger cities la at iwisl be r lri,.rn.,iinul Intervention in Enlnd alaUrwwttlv) milw XnwaUir complained w(irit tU.' iiudur hutthaml or Knn.e better employment larminifliiii, Ulafc, t lb pal of the term of peace ,.ni,.nient being relieved to 'lie vast bennii ul tlioae lor Mairh i, IflU uiuiic whom it . ; Art uf iUiOi(iM which oiler so t (,t.prlVed. as yn'il" .b u:..oi'1 j. n h.,n many unused ..I even the one poor I1! 'posed 'u with Chimi, H ;1H n thl. mauv iniltu ciuents to the laborer or I'l j.iii I11J11 v eliv now ('iijo)s. fwi'.iw cf her victories, throueh ARGUS REPRESENTATIVES: mall capitalist. clalm- '.xrl'ii.K the fc.irs of tho power "Pending, and future improvement m Kcoublic.in. Ken s of mlluciitv 111 the empire b K.it-eKaysvilLI-- P. Thomaasen. will undoubtedly accelerate the system fi r nicreiiMi'-akor. a federal , TSie pi Ji.pai.cso iuiluence 'iiijf Layton William J. Cowley. this happy tendency. In and ,;:(.r.. i j ult.iirf th Ir own interest .inior. of li.e Uintah Mica Nellie SchmaU. mmleri. Un to rush In this great adopt Hoorxa E. G. Paice. Baby Carriages, Wall Paper, Curtains, Poles, Trimmings, Coffins, we ily and varyi.'.jr vreetlz, tlisy shall lie ami eonvcuieucica, methods Mia Eva Evan. CRNTRRVILLK i iv means genof w. y to altle i.pvi'Hle Caskets, Undertaker's Trimmings, Stationery, Eto. should like to see the capital of I lavia eril coiin'il, is ais.iit to he issued in! DO R hISO BotJUTimi. Altna Hardy. I'.. ini. will, tl.e idea that the; nt.-ft Ihterden. Elizabeth Mias Wood's Cross county placed within the beneficent The only place in Farmington SysacusF. Mia Rbuda Miller. It artm ri.luit,r1s.n"T'7im!;ri.H'!'.nm zone of rural free delivery. a ywr j .. the presentation f a full h , where the tnvelling man atop. ran nave it ilt If rli ppM. ;in inrtiu s wIm h Iea. 7, 1905 to us while W i'on Cros FARMINGTON, ? ; Wc UTAH. BMAV.vVAV.?ArrAw.v-wwiviJMrf4tfAfssaiwa- w get Sma""' IRMINGIDN . we r" why may not ij .1 vis. were if this and wi'i . TO INCREASE DOUBLE IN SIZE. four mails per day a distributed to its owner once day, ',...1.1. to Hie! Ir ili- I.nur run 11 miKin prove di- The people of Farmington and to t!iv iiis'.ir.oico ii'l v a iit:ip, vi.i Abstracter of Title remove ( Davis county have shown Ibrir apprehtlV, ii ir Ic.imi;csh viassiticd .lllls lip .f the coiiufv; WHOI.EXALK DRAI.EKS IP Ihnse cir an . .Miiiiien c. liecii'i-- .- 1:1. ami Conveyancer. hair our in Iroiu a tlixs seed hav a of ciation mag loine of M spnnsi-an- il county paper, Lll.M,Ui,Ktll.yilM,iji,,h"M in the r.ght to I'l fur :mp:i irn.i ul Licensed Abstractor of Davis County. men hificeut way. The busineaa ctimulatc our property owners co. iiei'esnary iilii1'!: ti.ikl:! n 1. pi P vaenut i lauds; a. oiiipl.'ii' r v, ii' .it of their present have rallied to our support royally ; to improving their NOTARY PUBLIC. rc-i- h fiiistiics ti,. ii.1h. the citizens have ordered the paper clearing their sidewalks ami eulvciN Bid C. &M. Olticv upstair. Farmington ugly obstructions, und oilier freely, many paying down in udvain e FARMINGTON, UTAH When you have anything to aell, ask for the Stock Yards Hie fo ua aa almost entire stranger. agendo that have gone to retail 1 s : at West Bountiful. Hlgheet Prices Paid. With such evidence as this, it is outward progress of our city. are tin. mat ai.il people other lily, m m.oil Boverninent little wonder that we should respond By all uieaiiH let its have rural tree S. West Temple St. . - I pinitre-"'wc full value delivery in Farmington then to auch a spirit, by giving tuny UTAH BALT LAKE CITY it i'.tii...ue fimi. for the money and confidence shown. hone to see our mayor and City EZRA Y. LAYTON, Proprietor. f.V.TVV.VV2aiWMm!aSS!i!S8SSSSS!mViS8SSSWi It is liiciiint'viit 11,'i.n the university We have with this number increased ouueil awake tip to the uccshlty 01 t., haxoiK, with or without the .tiw Tf the eize to eight pages, ami ran now electric light-- , city water works and o TEHMS REA.SOffA.BLE , the umb spirit of t UarruuK of the ate iiiotliTU a of "cily-our synopsis other evideitcoa patrons give va.lencv. State news ; we shall give them a hood. ms i CO-O- P BYRON L. KESLER, choice serial story that will eontrili-nt- e ,,,. u be. notice 011 it used us did a an.l fMsky Mr. John Stable, .iit gay to the anxiety of our reader to SEALERS IN l.hhis .tear old heart! He really niYSICIAN, SURGEON, and lhal vicious alliick made 011 one of thinks the 1 Inina v is in Paris. want Thb A nut. : : : : : OBSTETRICIAN Our county news service w ill be our Bountiful citizens? IVo rauunf lice. over Telephone Exchange Office article in The ftal'ln it. uitsdup, so called, other-wi- n Telephone Numlier 22. improved as we learn to appre- believe that you sa the knoll n as t lio At mw, is a huge Star Estits Steel Ranges, Stores aud Heaters, Upholstery Roods. conUTAH lmvc would ROl'NTIl'TI. or wishes a and with loioKiia-xIiapi'd local steering rail question yon ga hag ciate their Such attached. mutur a and Carpets, Feathers, Certiiis, Bahy Carriages, ud Rifrlgintofs. find reliable eorrespondents for all signed such rubbish 'to the waate apparatus a lontrlvance tuny make headway OFFICER A: Is feeding naninst a moderate breeze hut 1 far W. N. Williams, IN BUY 10 John Henry Smith, lreat., Lewis M. Cannon, parts. I11 our editorials we shall basket. If any person the problem of navitaitliig lii'in solving II. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Supt. Sec. and Treas., lie should the r.ir. Tlietv is more promise in the to Supt., our of chickens, wishes animal dead the rover to general try liable an directors: which Ilardv aeroplaneto prtnciple, with Lewis M. Cannon, F. M. Lyman, II. J. Smith, Jr., E. F. Parry, John Henry a Kxlioon and DEMAND THE constituency and the special require- be exposed. Evidently Mr. dispense airship moS. Williams, T. II. Cartwright, E. Wright. forward own Clarissa In the to ke.p aloft hy Its Smith, N. W. Williams, ments of the county in its upbuild- has struck one guilty party tion. MADE HAND UTAH of that "stuff. 31, 33, 35, and 37 South Main Street ing; the exploitation of our natural person of the writer Kecofd-lleralUTAH BALT LAKE CITY, Chicago MUDCS L. I. but and developed resources and last From the time of the International 120 X. 2nd West Lake Salt City invasion of t'liiuu in the Hummer of not least District Court, County Chinese Papera at Pekin. IMO until the beginning of the resent held The Japanese for a long limo have war the Ruaalane Commissioner proceedings and ail the a newspaper In Chinese at Mancliurlii by fraud and forre. Their news pertaining to the County seat published M i'ekln. A little while ngn the goveminent violated ita pledgee out-- 1 ugeously. coerced China Into negotiaof one of the best counties of the en Bank, disapproving of Its tone, tion which would have led to the abtire state. Out readers may depend got out a rival hcct, and more re- solute loss of the prortnce.lf otheppow. cently a third appeared the Inspira- er had not intervened, and also to the npon full and definite news from tho tion of which come from the Ger- exclusion of the allies. Ita conduct was such that it evoked a sharp note county in all its business, social, and man legation. Thl of protest from Washington. commercial arteries. One of the liuest tributes to the BRING YOUR FEET TO country newspaper, that has buen Man id an animal, and buhtn twe conlanltdthat u. modllyi conhnltd or Senator was rendered, given by ail a recent Chauneey M. Depew, in olhtrtoije, a man thou Id be thoughtful and considerate of tvemen and lighten their dfiss. He said : burdens tuhtntiltr possible. FOR SHOES THAT "I pay my respects to and express my admiration for the country newspaper and the country editor. Hi line arc FIT AND WEAR. not exit in place of the gieat and profitable organs of the metropolis, whose profits are reckoned often by the hnu FOR DISTRIBUTOR sreds of thousand of dollar every year, But the country editor live in and i WATSON-PLUM- -! i not fart of hi community. Hia virtue in what be so much in what he prints refuses to print. He could easily destroy the peace of the community by ad STYLISH, SERVICEABLE SHOES mitting to his paper the scandals and goaaip of the neighbors. But be stands a censor and a guardian of public m ora's, RANGES and COOK STOVES do away with much of tho UTAH and I know of no conditions under which KAYSVILLE. the public is appealed to in a certain measure where the utterance ia so free kitchon troubles and help to prdduoo well cooked food. from criliciNiu a the general tone of tlte country press." D. 1 i.-- ; ; 1 , 1 1 a-- Vlc-Pr- t, - - - . "tr 1 EDWARD THOMAS j i!i-ii- ict 1 ! FURNITURE l . ve'-iou- ' N HOUSE x- UTAH BOUNTIFUL, - , a. fio ;,-nV.,!:.TlouJr,- J. E. ROBINSON. - voi'i-huil.li- I ; r I l i 1 ...... : UTAH PACKING CO. F and Cured Meat-- - KAYSVILLE HOTEL , i I MS , W - FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE of all KINDS Vice-Prea- L, HOUSE COLLARS 1 d. ItnsHO-Japane- Kusso-Chlnea- se 55 A 31 e Lighten Womens "Burdens ftd u HIMIM STEWART -- Three 'Burden Lifters are here Pictured . MER SHOE RURAL JOSEPH FREE DELIVERY A BLESSING. PIONEER smwmm The rural free delivery a govern mental experiment ia now a perman rnt intltutiou ami of such vital itn portance to the country it large flint, according to a fiscal report for lest J Motor, 11IU4. free delivery routes j were being established at a rate of BOO per month while, as far as wc van jndge, when a route is once established, it has never, so far, been abandoned, thus proving conclusively the efficacy of the system. Ily the energy of Postmaster John and of A. Hatch of Wood's fro David Low of North Davis rounty the petqdc of those localities are ; isV. Fa 1 Tory and Waskhoi'Sk In any of utg.ii. our Family Conveyanoea la conductlva to longevity, and cheaper than doctor'a bills. 25T-25- Eart First So, 5 Salt Laki Ci l Our aiatera waate muoh energy In pump- out-of-to- ing water when a m WE TBEHI CURE TAMTSOf mrahU f'hronir rtiMNDMM of Hit Kr Kam Ntw. 1 h ut. Idiiigx, Htomirh. KUIihtm. Llvr, M!ullor HIVt lllNirl I Kill, IHIU'A, HiHMitiiiiriNiii, fill's. Hiiptun. Igl lro- la lit Trmihlr. aiMl all rhnmit. Ntn.ti an I li i.i! UiNtaaeN of men. Women uh t CATARRH imI WiyVMILL 11 a could Juat aa well do that laborloua work at a coat of net over S 10.00 per year. rru.tieii. Mall liouia Tmitiiiriit ('area. Wrliv for frra ayiikftom IInI If oii mn-Mrail. I'onaultailoa rrre. orders handled with care and dispatch. ot saya: . 1 TLEJlSyiFIS RIVE A LATEST APPLIANCES FOR SUCCESSFUL EMBALMING. placed within daily mail .xtmmuiil-rado- n with the world at large ; and at the wry door. right One of our big southern papers "One of the most fortunate features of rural free delivery is ita tendency toward automatic growth, once it has been fairly inaugurated. It comes, of crane, aa a novelty to the inhabitants of the taral districts, bnt aa they grow accustomed to ita manifold advantage, their patronage is inc reived, at first slowly, and then with a rapidity which frequently necessitates either the making ol a new ronte or the adoption of more comprehensive methods for covering the old one. Clone observation of government official ha this pec nl unity, which, it i need- - CAS- Funeral Tailors Fnruishrd. fi 'e o'.ie ! a Vi Tit if STEWART SUEEL E. TAYLOR UNDERTAKER AND MANUFACTURER OF COFFIN KETS AND UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES. Coffin. CaVel rtc. i'f 11 -- COS a. a i. nuohik. Weak Men mtimw i j or If ro .utter fnna it nf Ik kr ixmiraiKV. i"M "r run-lulldlwua. maw WK Yin- ARK Tltlt 1KKY WANT TO TALK IV. W haw .mi.mi.irkill In curlna CIlHUXtt Hhiiiiiii nianf v.'luuiarr dleMW I., luiutuiiiiiJli. fi..ni Ih.iiiu i"ii.!r. aivliix nuiw, pluiurrtt aud WK .VN-- r I'l HI.ISII III It Ct'KKS IN I'ltltAIK 1IINKA1K.II Beranaa ll nou'd lieirnr ronltitenv. 1 lenr.m uoa-Mnnt nVtll I tRt ela ! la awitlarr wr. TMUuuriui f rlairn iUiri. I'K. ti. W. MflCItr. When Cured Pay lik ftirr Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co, a NRASOX-Alfl.timi Hr? Hnd Myn KKK wImmi )ou nrv I'urrd. Ym mn rtB fhtHtMlMli (if tiRlirnlR ClXl liHhNMrt ur Wf'1.1, ii. MW WK WANT TlHTKK Yi(! v.iHHni atiNi'Ari iMierAtniimi; tUta will mw ittfiti'iMi n KKK until nrw yon. Tin upk'tn t Ijwi M'IhIhh-mMMitiiml Went-nrw- t, W Hrlltafrrlulra Vrlrocr. nniural uro. U'.. I'nniniftHiw HUkid I'uibum. nntf nil WrAKNKMK . f moo Hiil'ltfi Vn.tM io)Mi.;KTBniui 1 tul;KuwlnantMl rHilirtatk, lirrini DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Expert Specialists, GEORGE T. ODELL. General Mantiger. tamuirrHiNNi. vt ho I'nwuio h InihI I n i(iiiiM'tiit I'Aatnlnrs. Kirlc- - ui.n. lolt 249 tJtttdksCiD. Utak. STATE STREET, cm '. "U1 Houses at Balt Lake, Ogden, Logan, Idaho Falla, and Montpelier, " 1 "".vam a " 11 |