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Show rt j IF ya' WISH TO HF.ACH THE PEOPLE Fur n ; oug biria Ifc clrcaUUna al Ik Abaci U urpr'U fnmkrt. Ik ikmud sack wu puMd loaf cb Um half THE TtPEK. AT.GVS--EVE'RyilO- VyS COUNTY ARQUS DA VI VOLUME I. NUMBER Si FARMINGTON, ffetiM From Kjays)itle. Grand Binqu!, Bprclil Corrtipondenee. A beautiful spread was bad at tbe Presbyterian chapel Friday morning in honor of the annual banquet and Congregational meeting of the II. M. There were Presbyterian church. about 75 invited guests, who sat down at the tables which word spread with h delicious supper. After supper a e chat was Indulged In. A good very pretty programme was a feature of the evening, and at the wind up a report was read from the committee, of the receipts and disbursements for the past year. Also the installing of new officers for the coming year. old-tim- InMn 1t OUR AIM: ttWIUtlH A IJi DAVIS COVfiTy. ADVERTISE I (letting Married. Lizzie were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Misses Ethel and Lou Stewart attended the University ball, held in Salt Lake Friday evening. J. H. White shipped a fine lot of white face bulls to Geo. Russell at Battle mountain this week. Wm. Worsley, who was In the runaway last week, is far from doing well. His wife and Mr. Rigby are doing well. A farewell party in honor ot Elders Frank Gailly and Lawrence Layton, who leave on missions to England, will be given in the Music Hall next Friday evening. The Hooper Dramatic company played the Noble Outcast' to a good bouse here on Saturday night and constituted a company of excellent ama- teur talent. An epidemic of mild smallpox Is the result of that escapade of Jos. Payne, who went oil to get married and while in Falrvlew, Sanpete county, (the home of his wife), contracted a case of smallpox which was duly passed around the family, none of whom knew what It was until advised by tbe at. tending physician. In the meantime the family had exercised no care regarding their social relations with neighbors and citizens. The result is, We have no less than four cases. Including Jos. Payne and wife, Wm. R. Payne and son James, dnd no ode knows where it will end. While the Cases are very mild, much worry la prevalent as to what may develop. The old folk annual party will be held in the Kayeavllle Music Hall Friday evening, February 7, and the married folks of Kaysvllle, Layton and of those that hate been residents of rethese places, are respectfully quested to be present. As tisilal, a general good old time! s expected. A sad death occurred in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones Friday afternoon. Their little infant of but three weeks passed away. The little one had been sick but a few days with la grippe. The community extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. The funeral bras held Sunday morning from Mrs. Weaver's residence. A mock trial was had at the Women of Woodcraft hall Wednesday evening, which was a feature of much merriment Mr. Wm. Ramiey was arrested for stealing his wife's house and sellKAYBVILLE BRIEFS. ing it and falling to turn over the proceeds of tbe sale to her. Neighbor Hyrum Stewart was an Ogden visi- Evans was prosecuting attorney, and tor Saturday. Neighbor Will Younk was Mr Ramsey's Neighbor R. W. Barnes was Herbert Butron Whs a vlaltdr to Salt counsel. tbe presiding Judge. A Jury trial was Lake Saturday. demanded and after some deliberalion. H. J. Sheffield was a capital tions returned a verdict of guilty aralnat the defendant Ramsey, and visitor Thursday. assessed him a Cue of two pounds of Mrs. John R. Barnes and daughter candy. LAYTON UTAH, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7 Mag b(ur Dt w,thinl im laaaeMt BRIEFS. Jess Handall lesves Sunday night for Raymond, Canada. Miss Morgan and Joseph H. WiggiU are to be married this week. Mr. J. II. Gibson is building a nice frame cottage on hia farm. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones died Friday afternoon. Mr. Morris H. Ellison and Mm E. P. Ellison were Ogden visitors Friday. The clerks in the Farmers' Union are busy taking stock this week. The child of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Baum died Thursday night. John O'Brien left Friday to accept a position with the Richfield Dairy company, Richfield. Sevier county. Miss Bandall went to Salt Lake Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Bennett, who is a pationt In St. Mark's hospital. Mrs. A. H. Ellis went to Colllftston Monday to attend the fdneral of her grandfather, Mr. Oliver. Sunday night Mr. Olsen delivered an eloquent and instructive address to tbe members in conjoint session of the Y. M. and Y. L. M. I. A. of Layton ward. A good programme wan also rendered. Saturday night the Misses Jean and Alice Ellison gave a social to their young friends. The game of Pit, recitations sml music was the ordor of the evening. A Joint married folk party of the two Layton and Kaysvllle wards Is to be given at Kaysvllle on February 17. It is urged that present and past members of these wards shall attend With their hampers of picnic. All are invited. Mr. Morris H. Ellison baa purchased an adding machine, which will be n great saving of labor and time In the busy beet season, which necessitates the adding of long columns of figures, Mr. Ellison will uke the machine with him to Canada this spring, where he is engaged at the sugar factory at Raymond. A meeting was held In Farmers Union hall Friday to discuss the matter of taking stock in the water system proposed by (he Government, and to learn about the number of shares the farmers would subscribe for. The question Is generally well (bought of and It Is to be hoped the project will be a success, ns It will help those who are unable to buy water at tbe exorbitant prices asked now per share. apsain Pop ThPfftU MBffi Shoppes BIC CASH SALE... The Kjays'Vilte Co-o- p eight pages for our readers hour CLEAlRAffCE SALE CUE fDUST than Room and Must Reduce Before the Assessor Calls. STRIKE OUR SPRIRG STOCK, uihieh is Daily Arriving. Qle Have More Stock HAVE ROOm FOR WHILE THE IROH IS HOT. THIS SALE INCLUDES DRY GOOD8 DEPT. Shoes, uace? QINQHAMS Snribpoidepy? 90.06 .OS OUTING FLANNELS, OB Yard .OS Ribbons GinShatTSs Calico, outfns Hanneis, Clotwnfc Beat Bf CALICO NIBBONB, I Oaaa all at LAOES, EMBNOIDI SHOES, CGSPE an Undear, .BOo UC FAPSR Fries one-ha- lf Half Frloe Half Frloe and 91.00 off .OS Roll FINS .03 Paper HAIG FINS .03 ALL OTHER SiOOOS, Frlooa Out to Soli. Groceries? Drugs, Stc We GIh) only H- - J a fe Trice j. Just to let you see . tShese prices are for Cash only . ale Commences WEDiETDty FB. 8th, and Continues until Goods ate jfone Open from 9 a . m. to 6 p. m. J. SHEFFIELD, Ba 11.25 A YEAR 7, 1905 OUR ANNUAL . 1FBEK. STOCKTAKING Ik pebiir tha waadwfcl wmhwm ot niUfjM racorkth mw The K&ysville CDerehant. |