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Show Local "Briefs, Walter Sued of Syiacuae wii here last ereek. on buainta. Laviasa Stm of Centerville U here visiting, for I few days. Mr. J. Huaselton returned lait week from Park City, where lie haa been employed in the mines. Robert Williama and Eleanor Earl were married Wednesday by Mr. J. F.. Rohinaon. Mr. and Mra. Williama will make theia home in Ogden. Holder of number 19 ia entitled to the lamp given by J. P. Wood. A ticket waa given to each cuatomer apending $1.00 in hia atore; 50 ticketa were iaaued. The drawing took placs yeaterday, and number 19 waa the ticket drawn. A enow elide occured laat week in Farmington canyon, in which Mr. L. P. Derby, the well known mining man, had a narrow eacepe from death. He waa ia the path of the aaow and, by a narrow ahave, took to the mountain aide thue avoiding a moat audden call into eternity. creed that the aaid William O'Connor be j monthly I'rieathood meetings, be changed i of which Davis county alwaya contributes its share. punished by impnaonment in the State from Farmington to Kayaville, waa laid priaou ot the State of Utah for the term before the meeting. On motion of Elder j On Thursday afternoon we shall be Ammara I.. Clark, it waa decided that j treated to a of two yeara dated January 26, 1903. " Shakespearean program, in la the caae of Roan Belle Winegar va the presidency of the Stake should de-- : Oihello" with Charles B. Hanford in the evening he will John A. Winegar. Thia matter coming cide about the changing of the place of leading role. Thursday piewnt "Don Caeaar de Baiun." His on regularly for hearing upon the de- holding the monthly meeting. includes aa leading lady A quarterly conference oi ell the Re- company again murrer to counter claim and upon the Miss Marie Drofnah, and Mr. Frank in held order to ahow cauae why the defendant ligious Class workers, will be Hennine will have the role of lego. kuuld not pay plaintiff temporary ali- Farmington cm Saturday, February 23, "Othello" is one of Mr. Hanibrda fuvpr-it- e roles, and critics say it is hie very mony. Overruled and the order to ahow at 10 a. m. best. A full acenic production ia promcauae waa argued and the following ' ised for beth play. . were aworn: Koaa Belle Winegar, SYRACUSE BRIEFS. The Grand. will he dark on the first Jennie Walker, Maigaret Callao, and while the laat three j half o the week, to the Argu. Sylveeter Walker for plaintiff, and John EpciHi Mr. Frank L. Walker of Garland la a nights will be occupied bp our old friend, A. Winegar for the defendant. It was ' "Yon Yonon,who, like Tennysons dec red that the defendant pay to the visitor in Syracuse thia week. "Brook," seems ins fair way to go on Mr. and Mrs- David Larwn of Garland j forever. Manager Kennedy boa importclerk of this coart lor the nse of the plained a new "Yon" for thia season in David tiff the sum of $30; fij within todays and are here visiting friends and relative- Bnrttttran. "Yon Yonson" ia alwaya $15 within sj days from January 37, the Saturday night a baby boy came to assured of a welcome from the Grand caw act for February 17, 190$. brighten the home of Mr. and Mra. Orson patron, and visitors from thia county will be delighted with the bill presented. In the matter of the estate of Charles Page, All doing well. Duncan, deceased, Charles Duncan waa live will A. D. Mr. and Mra. Miller aworn and testified. Order entered ap- in UMMONN. Syracuw, and will be at home to their IX TUX DISTRICT OOUKT OF THE SECOND pointing an administrator and bond fixed friends, after February 10th. UISTM T OF THE STATE CF UTAH. at fooo. A merry hay rack ride waa enjoyed by COUNTY OF DAVIS. The caw of James F. Frecw, ct. al. va pUlaUff va. Hanjanila Fraaklia about 15 Kayaville friends Saturday Hanh dafanZanl, Bamnna Western Loan & Savings Co. Thia caw UiaA. la UM aald dafandant: ol to Tba Stala invite The here them girl ia one involving the earnings of the de- night. Ton ara haraby aaauMaad In appaar wtthia come again. lh aarv.ta of tkla aomm as apoa twaatj days aftar fendant company. It seems Mr. Freeze you. If aarvad wltbia tba Oownty la which thli The Saturday given dancing party bruuaht, aiharwlaa, withla thirty days after and wife took stock in the company to well rrtlca, aad dataad Umaaabova aa till ad asttan; and was D. A. Mr. Miller, evening, by lu du, judteamaut will ba the extent of $1 aou, giving a note therela raaa id yaur failure 1 according to tha demand of for on which he received the face amount attended by friends from Syracnw, Lay-to- n arad aalMt ahlcha aopy la harawlth aarvad Hwcoaiplaliaf and Kayaville. A jolly, good time upoa you. of $1300 agreeing to pay 6 per cent per Isvm A Rvov. Oanoa, annum and enough on the principal to waa had by all prenenL During the Platans Attorney. reawaa amount to to $zi 60 per month which the evening the following program cted: Recitations by the Miases Lizzie plaintiff alleges waa paid until the loan MalLAYTON MEAT MARKET was repaid and the sum of $320.30 accum- Barton, Lizzie Hampton, end Mr. Mildred Mrs. colm Rempton; song, ulated or overpaid. He now aks fora Carrita Meats of all descriptions, Groreleaw of hia property the sum of $330.30 Thurgood. ceries, Vegetables, and Summer Drinks. The Mine 1 Sarah and Lizzie Rampton Celery every Tuesday. Alao agents for and $zou attorney's fee. Late Saturday the caw waa atill un- were pleasantly surprised at their home Emmett's Bottling work. Tel. 16-- 4 Arthur Ellis, Prop. finished and the attorney! agreed to sub- Wednesday. The evening waa spent in UTAH LAYTON mit the evidence given, to the court in playing games; and a short program waa rendered. Thow present were: The briefs and the judge wilt take the Miaees Bell Bodily, Laura Stoker, Jean under adviwmcct. Frcn, Mattie Gibson, Amelia Tree. Meaera. Eli Coo(ier, David Kerr, John TO AID PASBA8B OP NEW LAW. Kerr, Oareel Stoker, Archie Gibeon, end Building (Incorporated) Mass Mooting Galled to Dlocuos Welter Baud. Someth ing Netv wit-neaa- have sold a great deal of Perfumery, but our cabinet le eUH well stocked with Perfume and Toilet Articlea. During the menth of January, we ehall give from eur Perfume Cabinet Wo - j J Tho Unlvoraal verdict regarding Mr. Jaaee Smith who died Saturday. Jeaae W. Smith, a well known citizen of Farmington and Davia county, died very anddenly on Saturday morning at the home of Mr. Thoe. Hughca whither Mr. Smith bad gone to reat. The (lettered had left home ratly in the morning, feeling well and in the beat of health, lie had an appointment with Mr. John Muaaclton, the miner, who waa to be taken up to a mining prospect Mr. Smith owned in Steed canyon. The gentlemen left town about 10 o'clock walking, and the deceaced aeemed to he in high apirila, until they reached a point a few hundred yarda above the home of Mr. Hughea, when Mr. Smith complained of a aevere pain in hia left aide near the heart. He pluckily held hia own, however, making aeveral attempt to proceed on hia journey. Fin-all- y he gave up the effort, aaying he would go back to Tom'a home and reat up. He went into the Ilnghea' home, by thiatime suffering intenaely. A chair waa given him, and a.l the home rente-di- e applied, but, after coffering excruciating agony for an hour, finally paaacd away. In the meantime, Mr. Hughea had left home, trying to get help, but before other help than that afforded by Mr. Hughea, could he had, death had come to Mr bmitli. The decesse! waa born in Varean county Ohio, Oct. 13 1836. lte joined the Church when eight yearn olilat Nauvoo moved to Utah in in 1848, locating in Salt Lake City, lor one year, when he moved to Farmington where he remained until hia demiae. Mr. Smith waa a m who waa alwaya known for hia kind new among the aick and unfortunate. He laavea a wife, two aona and a daughter A number of bhi children have died. Funeral aetvicca were tuday a the Argua goea to preaa. -- a COMPANY WELL RECEIVED. Morgan Homo Dramatic Go. Play to Crowded Hcuao. The Morgan Dramatic Company played "The Plunger" laat eveniug in the Opera house. The reserved seats were all sold, and could have been disposed of twice over. Every oue left the hall well pleawd with the rendition of the play, aomc saying that it waa the best wen here thia winter, "The Plunger" is a difficult play, requiring much talent to bring forth properly the many trying scenes. Kd N. Wadsworth as "Dexter Digit" waa the favorite with the audience, lie did very well, indeed. E. M. Weber a "Risque Lincoln." waa alao very good. Charles Harding as "Billy Spyk" was good. Oi the lady members, Mias Sophia Turner as Mra. Nora Clover, "j wa excellent Mias Turner displayed much ability. The Miase Kate Littlefield and Eliza Turner, as "Ethel Rcxfonl," and "Mattie Gray," respectively, did well. The Morgan Home Dramatic Co. the patronage of every theatre goer in Da viz county. The company will play in Bountiful and in Centerville this week, end will undoubtedly be well received. de-wr- IN THE DICTRICT COUNT. On January 76, the regular court was convened with Hon. J. A. llowell on the bench. Stenographer F. E. Barker and District Attorney George Halvorwn in attendance. In the estate of Hannah F. Atkinson deceased James 1. Atkinson waa sworn nd testified order made oppointing administrator with bond at $330. In the estate of Jacob Guenach deceased L. K. Burnham sworn and testified decree of confirmation of partition. In the caw of the State of Utah vs. William OConnor. Charged with crime of grand larceny committed on pril 14, 1904. Information filed against OConnor who pleaded not guilty and on the 38th day of December 1904 waa found guilty as charged. The court asked O'Connor if He lint auylbiug to say before sentence t was pronounced and there bciug no cauw shown the court thereupon said: "That whereaa the said defendant William O'Connor having been duly convicted in the court, of graud larcey. n ia therefore ordered adjudged and de-- Ibread mixed in three MINUTES if i Houeewlfe Should have one of theae THE UNIVERSAL BREAD MIXER FOR S2.2B Every Popular BREAD MIXERS. You may take one home for TRIAL and Prove lte Value. L. H. OVIA.UU, .Farmington c Bountiful Lumber and meeting of reprewntativc citizens of Davis county, was held in Farmington Saturday, the purpose being the discussion of Reprewntativc Thompeon'e proposed amendment of Sec. 446 of the Reviwd Statutes of Utah, 1898; an act providing for the liability of railroad companies for stock killed. Jeaw M. Smith of Layton waa made chairman, after which a discussion of the unsatisfactory statute, followed. The speakers contended that it is next to impossible under existing law governing the cases, to recover more than 30 per cent, of the real market value, ia easel when animals are killed on the companies' right of way; nhile In many Instances, it baa been.im-potsibl- e to recover damages at all. As the statute now stands, those having stock killed by passing trains, must certify by witnesses to inch fact. In view oftkew conditions, which have maintained for a succession of years the people have deemed it oportune that a vigorous effort should be made, looking to such legislation aa shall remedy this evil. A committe consisting of the following named persons, waa appointed: E-- B. Clark, Farmington, Walter Steed, Syra-euJames A. Rldridge, West Bouotifnl. Thia committee was instructed to wait upon our legislators and to nw every possible means of wearing the passage of Mr. Thompson's bill, which provides that the fact of killing shall be con it rued to be prima facia evidence of negligence iNvn ric Manager Pyper of the Salt Lake Theathia week, tre haa a treat for theatre-goer- s three matinees end five night performances being the mean. The events open tonight, Wednesday, and Wednesday afternoon with n return visit from "Shore Acres," a play that is replete with home like situations and interesting climaxes. "Shore Acres" always draws big houses During the month of January, we are busily engaged in Taking Stock. Oftentimes, we find a The heat supply snd most complete stock of Building Supplies that can be found in the county. Prices right Telephone broken line of goods, and the remaining few articlea in that line are sold for even leas than coat. We shall not be prepared to give a list of our Broken Lines, until February, at which time we is-- 4 1ah Bountiful JHEBE'S shall have something more to aay. However, at thiatime, anyone who is looking for bargains, can get them from ua. We may be able to lay aside NO FLOUR something for you. good all ways. bother expert Why LOOK HERE! menting when White Fawn fills the bill SALT LAKE & every which JOHN Mill & way? Now la tho time to buy Hate. Hate worth $2.00, we are SELLINB THEM THE REST OF THIS MONTH FOR SI.SO -- In fact, ALL OUR HATS 60 COMPANY. ELEVATOR 25 R. L. FOLK, PaasiDRVT. R. Li. 0 POhK & CO. DOOLEY BUILDING J. BOISE, FUSBLO, AND COLORADO D. IttOOD, Farmington JOHN BARTON FUNERAL SALT LALE CITY BRAHCBM AT OGDEN, ODDS and ENDS en Shoae. We are Selling $2.00 Shoea at $1.00; $3.00 Shoes at SI.SO; $1.50 Shoes at 76c., and many ether things In proportion. CITY DIRECTORIES, STATE BAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIRECTORIES 617-63- PER CENT. DISCOUNT eeoure before you buy. Come and sea our W. R. COOPER, SacTV & Mca. DIREOTORY PUBLISHERS Laat Wednesday Call and see ua about it. FAf?mi4GT0fl COmmERCIAU equaling in every respect the Famous White Fawn brand. Some just as good one way or anoteer, but none jnst aa octal Hour Club Blva. Boat In Many Years. DIRECTOR SPRINCS The only licensed ombalmor in thn Count v. BRING YOUR FEET TO Alto Doolerin Furniture, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window Blass, Etc. HYRIIM STEWART KAYSVILLE, UTAH. FORSHOES THAT FIT AMD WEAR. DISTRIBUTOR FOR WAT80N - PLUM BARGAINS SPECIAL MER SHOE COS STYLISH, SERVICEABLE SHOES Tho Prtoathood Mooting. There waa present at the monthly meeting of the Priesthood, Saturday, a full representation of members of the Hipb Council, of thia stake; alao of bishop and counselors, presidents of the seventies, two of the elder's quorum. President J. H. Great gave some excellent coanael ia regard to the collecting of Fast offerings. He alao apoke of the desire of the seven presidents of Seventies to lake about au of the Nigh test elders of the stake. Into the Seventies quorum. President Jesse M. Smith spoke on the development of the water scheme, urging the people to take bold of the government' plan of irrigation. He alao spoke of erenring an Experimental Farm for Davia enunty. A petition, signed by the bimopa of the north wards of the stake, asking that the place of holding the liUmBER BALT LAKE ATTRACTIONS. UN evening, one of the most important social event of the here on, and, some say, the best in aeveral yeara took piece. The Social Hoar club gave an invitation ball in the Opera house. Salt Lake music waa secured, the hall tastily decorated, and every other detail tending to make the dance the beet possible, was attended to by the varum committees. About 70 numbers were sold which shows that the hall waa taxed to its utmost. Refreshments were served, thus making the ball attractive not ooly to the dancer, but alao to the lady or gentlemen with e vital temperament. Special invitations were printed for this ball a departure, by the way, from former method and e number of ladies members of the club, banded them to the fortunate ones whose names were on the envelope. The response was whet might have been expected. The elite of Farmington were out en mease. Everyone enjoyed himself. May Farmington again thus entertained! 3 ANNOUNCE WENT A'n. Thompeon'e Amendment f tjlfl. n, A mass v 20c article tvith exlery fil, Purchase, A 40c article tvith ex)ery $2 . Vurchase.X A 75c article tvith ex)ery 3. Turchase, article tvith ex)ery 5. Turchase.X act-lua-ia HB WAS KIND TO EVKRYONE. PIONEER 20'X Off UTAH KAYSYHIE, JOSEPH E. TAYLOR UNDERTAKEN AND MANUFACTURER OF COFFIN KETS AND UNDERTAKINB SUPPLIES. Men' Suit Funehl Parlors etc. of all Furnished. grades kept in etock. .1.: 1 5 Beat to 19 years. Boye and Children w Suite and OVercoate Winter fndertoear . See our FLEECE LINED SUIT for 90c, worth $1.25. W IKX IN TOWN CALL ON n;gM. LATEST APPLIANCES FOR SUCCESSFUL EMBALMING. Factory and Waribovsb 14 Tice open ,'ay 331-35- OVercoate, young Men's Suite CAS- Coffins, Cask eta Pint So, Salt Larr Cit j W a i S P0IH10N, MADSEN, OWEN & CO. 111113 Main SI., Salt Lake City. "whkrr rna clothes fit. |