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Show ir you WISH TO BREACH THE TEOTLE If DAVIS COVflTy, ADVERTISE A THE ATtGVSEVE'RyBODy'S TyiTEI. CIRCULATION for to young Mrd, tb dicaUtl-ici( th. Asset la MrprllBff Ika promoWrs. Th kail IfeouMiid nark vaapaaaad long agn. VOLUME DAVI 1. NUMHEli COUNTY ARGUS PAllMINGTOX, UTAH, TUE8DAY SI fetus From KjaysH)ille . SUDDEN DEATH IN THE CANYON Jededlah Willey Sen. Meet W thout Warning. Fixrlal Last Friday morning, our community wss shocked to learn thst the lifeless form of Jedediah Willey, Sr., of East Bountiful, had been found at 10 o'clock the night before, lying in the roadway a short distance up the canyon, east of the place called Dry Hallow. The deceased had left home Thursday morning with hia team sad wagon to get a load of wood from the canyon. As he did not return towards night, liis family became anxious. Early the next morning neighbors were aroused aud a search instituted. The team was first encountered, standing huddled up against a wire fence. One of the lines had been broken, otherwise there was no appearance of a runaway, as the load oa the wagon was undisturbed nnd everything in order. It ia generally believed the nnfortunste gentleman had slipped from hia seat on the wagon, to the ground and striking his side on the wheel, thus causing death. There are no indications of luuiteaou his head, nor body, but it was understood he had a weak heart, so that such a fall might easily account for his death. Mr. Willey was born st Winter Quarters, lows, February 17, 1847. hence he was nearly 58 years of age. He came to Utah with hia parents, when he wss 7 yesrt of sge, and hts lived in Bountifnl ever since. He leaves s wife snd eight daughters. Funeral services were held here st a p. m., last Sunday. OEATH OF AN ESTIMABLE MAN. near the home of Bishop SccrisL Mr. and Mrs. Worsley and Frank Rigby had CenAfter Long lllneee, prepared to attend the theatre in Samuel Jones, and had terville Saturday evening, Leaves This Mortal Coll. to the buckboard. While a team hitched 8peclsi Correspondence. the tongue, Sammy Jouea, ai we all know hiui, going down the steep grade, ia no more. Hia spirit took its flight in some way, dropped down and the hos- horsea atarted on a dead run. down the Tuesday afternoon at the St. Marks hill. The occupants of the vehicle were Samuel Mr. of death the In pital. and unable to control the team, and dashed the community loses as grand into lived. ever Although Bishop Secrists corral, when Mr. noble a man as Mr. Jones had been sick since November Rigby was thrown out. The team, still in its mad rush, cut over the brush hill Sth last, and has been in snch a critical to with Mr. and Mrs. Worsley in the driver-les- s were - condition, we hardly prepared The rig, aud they were thrown out. All Jiear the and news of his death. were of more or less injured, Mr. Rigby words morning of the day he died, the from came sustaining injuriea to hia legs and otherhospital, encouragement doc- wise bruising bim. Mrs. Worsley esthe that such wss condition that his but the shock tors thought another operation for the re- caped with slight bruises, severe. Mr. was be to her to quite have not system would moval of two ribs fared the worst; he is apparentWorsley rejoiccaused This general performed. life's light ly in a serious condition. Besides dising; but as a thunderclap, his his own locating hia shoulder, he was injured serto went out. Mr. Jones, prior son iously internally. The.rig was completesickness, I11! watched over hia little Mr. ly demolished. who had the typhoid fever, until out. worn Jones, himself, was completely KAYSVILLE BRIEFS. On November , he contracted this same into it typhoid and later developed fever, of his Miss Otterson left for Provo, last pneumonia, which was the cause death. Saturday. The body of Mr. Jones was received Lambert Blamiree was at the capital from Salt iAke over the Oregon Short Saturday. Line at 10:55 a. m., Thursday, and laid Miss Nannie Dumrner is hare from in the vestry of the Meeting house, until Idaho. the Oakley, to carried was noon when the casket was house Sir. H. While of Salt Lake, waa a J. The meeting room. main the visitor Thursday. many Kaysville by overflowing to packed friends that had come to pay their last Mr. Isidor Morris of Salt Lake was a one. The serrespects to the departed visitor in Kaysville Wednesday. vices were conducted by the Woodmen Mias Pearl Blood went to Salt Lake of the World, of which Mr. Jones was a devoted member. The Woodmen quar- last Thursday, to be gone 10 days. Dr. Silver of Salt Lake waa in Kaystette, consisting of Messrs. Thomassen, furnished ville Graham, Scofield, and Owen, Saturday evening to attend Mra. the singing, and Miss Hatel Barnes sang, French who is very ill. Oh, My Father, which was beautifully Mrs. Ellen Edmunds waa called to tendered. Prayer was offered by Elder Idaho, Saturday night, her Pocatello, James H. Linford. The first specker was being very sick. grandchild Bishop Layton of Layton, followed by in B. glowMeredith, an aid timer of George Neighbor Hrywood, who spoke now tw Bu-wc- r oar Mr.'Vlauae deceased. of the Kaysville, terms ing had here Thursday. friends who one old as Mr. visiting Jones Barnes spoke of no said He life. him through known Mrs. Grande Raymond was taken to man never the Groves, Latter Day Saint's hospital' purer, nobler, or more honest Sammy Jones; bis life was Salt Lake, Tuesday, to undergo an operlived b- and hia life could ation. n blemmish; without be taken as a model to others. Mr. The Kaysville Amusement Committe Baines related an instance, when, a a dance in the Music hall last Frimischievous boys, they had caught a dog gave The attendance was rather evening. day Mr. Jones and pretendid to bang it. slim. not the with boys appeared nnd pleaded to harm the dog, and took it away in his Sergeant John Roberts of the Salt Lake in Kaysville Such, said the speaker, was police force was a visitor wagon. of Samfuneral the man." of Neighbor the attending Thursday, the character W. Barnes followed with a glowing uel Jones. tribute to the deceased. A fine, bouncing baby girl has made One of the longest funeral processions its appearance at the home of Mr. and that was ever seen in Kaysville, there Mra. J. C. Owens. The mother and the followed little one are doing well.. being about 150 vehicles in line, last place. bis resting to neighbor Jones Mr. Calude; Misses Mattie, Mammie, At the grave, Messrs. Ramsey and Barnes and Hazel Barnes attended the WoodLizsie, of the conducted the last sad rites concert at the Tabernacle last Melba Nearer My men. The quartette sang, God to Thee, and I Need Thee Every Friday evening. Hour." There were many friends and Mr. Arnold Miller and Miss Lillie Barrelatives from Salt Lake, attending the ton were married in the Salt Lake Temfuneral services, and many comforting ple Wednesday. A reception was tendapd consoling remarks were made to the ered the happy couple at the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening. bereft. Mr. Smul L. Jones was born and Their numerous friends wish them many of raised in Kaysrills, nd WM 35 happy and prosperous years cm the children. four and wife a age. He leaves journey of matrimonial blisa . -- r. n Jan. 30. BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. JANUARY 31, rhwi f pend a week or ten (lays, visiting : and i T.id irtd-lii- g in iimucvut fl.J.I in. A YKAK rela- DONT THINK L. Hatch, anil Walter Hagan will leave here Wednesday, February 1st, for their respective missionary fields. Mm Martha Arnold snd her son, Orson of Coalville, after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Bennet, home Sunday. A very pleasant surprise was tendered Irvin Hatch at hia home Saturday evening. A large number of friends was present and all had a good time. A surprise parly was given John L. Hatch at bis home Wednesday evening prior to leaving for a mission to Germany, Febrnsrr 1st. A very nice time was had by all present. Elders Fred Abbot snd W. II. Wilcox of Farmington, William Moss of West Bountiful and O. P. Hatch of Big Horn, addressed the congregation in the South Ward on Sunday last, i Elder Farley Noble who has been laboring ss a missionary in Boston snd in Rhode Island for the past two years, has been released to come home, snd is expected to arrive here this week. The masquerade given the West Bountiful Amusement hall Wednesday evening wss a success both socially and financially. About to couple were masked. The prize for the ladies wss won by Miss Chloe Moss, the Old Lady;" and A. W, Muir, for the gentlemen, the Tramp. Because the holidays ara gens that you can't find bargain at our storo. We soil the POPULAR MIXER $2.00 The 8ame Artlolo Bello In Balt Lake for 33.25 KRVSVlLIlE CO-O- P tI For Your Healths Sake Put a Good Solid Pair of Soles Between Your Feet and Mother Earth. There are no better Solee on Earth than under our Special to the Argus Mr. James Hsbertson is building stone addition to his house. Heber Neville and Zella M. Burning-haRay Donalson, who has been eick of are to be married Wednesday Feb- typhoid fever, is improving rapidly. ruary nt. Mr. Hyrum Ray is busy driving a well. Mr. A. I. Stone of Ogden was in town The pipe is down 65 feet, and ia giving Sunday, negotiating with the Tuttle Bros, a good flow of water. respectiug the sale of some mining propA fine baby girl made its appearance at erty in Ward canyon. the home of Adolph Fernelius. Mother We are now ready to receive your and child doing well. orders for garden seeds. Seeds come Mr. Charles Schmalz returned from direct from the growers this year, there- the deceit last Wednesday morning. He fore their purity cannot be exeelle- dreports that the sheep are doing welL Bountiful Co-o- p. A Socialist rally was held in the town j, , 'Timraoa is reported to hare foall last Monday mgnt. lua soewosu had another serious attack of paralysis of are trying to indnee the people to inthe entire left aide. The unfortunate vestigate Socialism. man is unable to speak, bat indicates D. O. Willey, Jr., I. E. Willey and thst he is in no pain. D'R Edward Thomas has sold his furniture R. W. Dole have formed a partnership nd undertaking business to Frank for the general practice of the law. They a suite of rooms in the Scott Smedley, Ira C. Holbrook, and Mark will occupy Holbrook. The new firm takes charge Building, No. 168 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm nameia X on Februsrv let. & Willey & R. W. Dole and their On Wednesday evening the Silver Willey 4444444 number 2989 Bell. Band Dramatic association, by special Telephone 1 . . request, will repeat The Bank Cashier. On Thursday, they will give s social for the aged people of Bountifnl. The regular annual stockholders meeting of the Bountiful Cooperative Mercantile Institution was held on Jan. 26th snd a six per cent dividend was declared; besides the new $6.ooo building erected. Drs. Van Cott and Smedley will not conduct a drug business in their new building, when completed, aa was first contemplated. The building will be used for offices, reception rooms, snd laboratory. Bountiful City was given judgment in Justice Hardys court, on the 27th, against Henry Lee, Chsnncey Sessions, and Thomas Neath, for failure to pay poll tax The case of Wallace O. Sessions tor the same cause was dismissed owing to the rood supervisors fsiliug to issue a proper notice. Special Correspondence. BREAD FOR NEWS FROM UINTAH. DIAMOffV SPECIAL SHOET ONLY $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mens $2.50 to $4.50 . 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 They're Goodyear welted, mad ilk the old hand shoemaker used to make tham-an- d they're anappy -- t un to the minuta. Diamond foeclal Shoo :won the GRAND PRIZE at th WORLD'8 file. VGSf TERFVMERy etc. J. SHEFFIELD, X Xr If STOCK J Kaysville. X 444444444444444 44444444444 44 444 444444 444 444 44 4 A GREAT REDUCTION 20 PER GENT. 17o50 OFF FOR FOR A SEWING MACHINE GASH FULLY It is to be hoped a lesson may be learned from reading the editorial in The Argus of two weeks ago, Store and Street Bugsy Dashed to Places arid Oc- Loafers. Every Esther should read it WOODS CROSS BREVITIES. to his boys. Your correspondent saw no cupants Injured. A serious runaway occured Saturday less than so of such young men smoking CO. Special Correspondence. evening while the team of Mr. William on the street cornets, after Mutual WedA.U. Eldredge has returned from bit Woraley was going down the steep hillj nesday night. ranch in Idaho. 23 W. First South UTAH Joseph Argyle recently returned from BALT LAKE CITY his ranch on the promontory. for the Lagoon Road. RAID ON O. S. L. STATION. Mrs. E. E. Peebles of Draper spent lost The Ladies Independent club will put week visiting with Mrs. Philander Hatch. WinEnter Bay Through a play on the boards in the near future, Burglar Mr. Otto Nygrcn of Salt Lake, was dow and Take Railroad Tlckata. Mrs. Charles Bennett was taken to St s Woods Cross visitor on Wednesday Arcus. to the Special Mark's where hospital Friday morning, last LAYTON, Jan. 31, Saturday nights Mr. Frank Atterton, recently from raid waa made on the O. S. L. station, by she will undergo an operation. burglars, gaining entrance through the The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. England, ia visiting with William Moss aud family. north bay window. They ransacked the John Hodgson, died Thursday morning and took a number of railroad Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moss have gone of pneumonia. tickets, and a ticket punch. Suspicious to Ogden to visit with Mra. Ferrin, sister CAPITAL 325,000 SURPLUS Adame & Sons Co. are having a new to Mm Moss. characters were seen walking up and ARD UNDIVIDED PROFITS, down the track the forepart of the even- floor laid, and making other A daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. improveing, and there were two strangers in ments in their store, that will please the Frank Mann, on 340,000. Wednesday, January 25. I A. H. Ellis store, who bought a sack of All doing nicely. public. I tobacco. It is thought they might be John R. Baxnxs, President Mm Jacob Gieriacb at lost reports was Mr. Davidson wss taken to SL Mark's the parties, but up to the present, no Lewis S. Hills, and for last is week it treatment. He baa improving, thought she will clue has been found that will lead to the hospital R. W. Bax was, Cashier oon be out been with malaria fever for again. suffering discovery of the perpetrators. John R. Gaxlsy, Asst Cashier. Q owe time. Mr. and Mm John N. Hatchs baby DIRECTORS The Consolidated Wagon and Machine bos been very sick, Jbut when lost heard LAYTON ITEMS. Co. have bought the vacant lot south of from wss much better. John G. M. Barnes, Peter Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Horten Eldredge snent the A. H. Ellis Meat market, and will John W. Gsiley, las. H. Larkins, Ipecial to the Argus. build a commodious implement house in two or three days la Logan last week William Blood Mr. E. P- - Ellison left Sunday night for the spring. Layton is rspidly coming to visiting friends and relatives. Lsymood, Canada. the front, and bids fair to be one of the Miss Lizzie Hatch left Satnrriay morn KAYSVILLE, UTAH A gang of surveyors was here last week big towns of the county. ieg for Oxford, Idaho, where she will AN EXCITINQ RUNAWAY. To hrlnff tiffoi th iraldie tliN rntir-iir ImvJb Miiibijr.io iHrurd lb 1jOft tives and friends. Death John I. Hatch, John (Vrrrvpiir.di-nce- . BOUNTIFUL, T AIM: OUR WARRANTED YOUNfl BROS. BARfiES banking This Salo Will Continue For one Week. Any HEATER In Stock at 20 per cont. off. RANGE8 are net Inoluded In this reduction. IShe 'Bountiful Co-o- p, COCQPANY Do You Intend to Build? A STORE FRONT HOME BARN OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW 4 4 4 4 4 CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE BUILDINC LINE? Vice-Preside- j Salt Lake Building & 4 4 Manufactur-- I ing Gomnanv, and Yards, 20 to 40 N, 2nd Went St. 444444 4 44 4444 444 4 44 44 444444444 444 44444444 ! 4 4 Office 4 44 |