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Show Press Comments. SHE SAVED HER SHOE& d !. Kit-huug- x Hut-kings- lilidi- uk.i.n- - issui--i Jeniili-- t villi i- - l:u-si- .i m-- - a-- i i . . I iTi-:isi- ver BAD BLOW AT AN OLD JOKE. 'i 'I, i n.:i--- the e .., Il.e . jmiWi-I- id ' ALEXARDLR NcMASTth, mini was IJis- - II dd Ii-- . lie : i 1 Q fret Hmi tier; 0 l'ns.-ibl-y. butte f.i.r ..- al buirlji .it. Iiiin'i of those who gave Iter nail ion ddiars on bogus i..v. notes aii'l Herald. It Is probable that the immediate counsellors nf Nirhnlas. men sirmigsy of the ill the imiililenuui h ive iiiMSU'i tliat bui'i-stu- i ratio iln fzar wuiilii make a fatal rimr it cntisiti'iiaiiecd this imisiirmer.t of . the autoeratio power which laidnf u.-wended in him from a long line They have probably pointed a Wo. nut. ns we intimated some days that it w.is as a result of a cnnceB-uiu-ofn of lids kind that l.ouis XVI Vranee Inn his head, amt that tin' Ivin Uvoked upon dyiiusiy whieh has ns the center of eons.-- r vat Ive foree in Kurupe cannot afford to vun this risk of extinction. We do not believe that those of the llussiau people who are now freer engaged in this agitation for institution will be content with which anything les Ilian the concession thus far the 4ar ha declined to grant, reand the measure of administrative lief which he has suggested will In- tick-- n y simply as eneouragements to artlyi-lfuiid.t-ineiitpersist lit insisting ufsin this v lapping 1 ajier as collater- Prcbato and Guardianship Notic- THE S. IVi'.r nf l4rrkiL1i,.:RKKS. ' rrr"lHsri ill i n4M!:t cl um ith iiiiii'rKiiu J nt iKm oiIh'p ff Win. H. 8trifr. tali I I'uvii comity. Nt .!, ;i i or Ufi.re Iuo'jMIi iUjt r April. A IV. 1'BMW-- vnw" C- u(iv LAGOONROAO Salt Lake and Tittle TnMr in Leave and 5 Svtil Ifiike b. M. Ogdan Railway. ! . . fflifl tvo l A - !! W. hitiiiMr itniR Siui l'K I'l.to Ilf KM chriiige. 1 111 All. KM i'1.1 ili.'i , f . '.v. ! - .1. nu4 tv aiBirai . Mi4 pftr wiMi iPeTO'yl I .. i(ir I.ji? aiM 9 a. m. 3 v a ki?, . j VK .. . 1. A. 11. J'lU Ihu' Pli.,ri lUwi'i .11,: I!, jIriVk tNM'illfii1 HU ,,'liitlr. Ilf Mii I City I a I.pr PM' in-- "mpt rHi'Wlnif oi (b f m tlm hIUrBiA, iKrtn pi irn.1 Hah nm? br u nlTurUA Nil -- i Liu.t S ' x.KK-iiv- , tTAh1 W. !SJW?55J5W55f5SW5JSWJ544W?,S WHITE'S DRESSED MEAT CO, !. HI BSON, Oeu l las. Agl UilAN, 1. vi. m inn Ay,l. ('Iliee i : Muin S'.icvi . 1 liiciMporatril' -- 8 8 . 8 'i '. I'"d WE ARE F3UYERSOF FAT CATTLE ; S B a a . World. . York New Man AnxiMiaty Ask Police to Find n I The manifesto Is DA I IN OLV Jnliii H. White, Mothr-io-Law- . 1 Telephone .'04, k HI teiins it is almost a recital of sonui bCCtjl i: free in which those tights of mail Hero a dcacrlptlou of my mother-iu-law,- " of . ?b3 North Second Went notions are taken as a matter of M , l sold a lut-t-- louklng mau, a course. That for the present it means 1 AT Till' UTAH I; S; SALT LAKE CITY, he Ituud before Lluut. Kennedy at po- less practically than it seems to say of the emancipation ' since but true: lice headquarter yesterday aftcniuon. lln serfs no one can think that RusA whkt? asked the lieutenant in sian reform from above is impossible. How far and how fast the regenerative aurpriae. , many mother-in-lawA deacrlptlou of my process shall go depends upon of nil most . T W( I mini 1m Swiinrniiig 1onH . and 1 perhaps things, tnan. the said ploaae Iqd her." lln fortunes of the present war. The K hut Lave looked everywhere for Iter, TIT. BATHS ami PRIYATH ! 4 Abstracter of Title non soundly Russian armies are drub4 1 have been unable to find any trace bed llie more lasting the peace of Rus. PLUNGES. ami C nnveyaticer. Of her. I was directed to come to sia is likely to be. not only wuh Japan ! ? bin with herself. iter. of Davis County. r J, Natural Hot Sulphur Licensed the jtolice." I hsxc Through the For a minute Ueut. Kennedy looked ! TURKISH BATHS OUR MMC- New Ymk I'lmimiTiliil. NOTARY PUBLIC. tit the roan in surprise, then he It is lo be notcl. lsiwM-r- , Hint tnu -S' that Office Bid rj C1AI.TY. reached through the window and took irnr k.'K not exphiuily up stairs, Farmington C. K;M. these : t.n.:l.- -. is-- , uny Ilinr ;f TiiriiMi J m.itter. ( that nil for the deacrlptlon. X efFARMINGTON, UTAH Ilis-tkict-s lr.Ni.i!. dii'l M in tn.r.K ..lliT. j pioimemi rfonns will be put into ; We'll try and find her," he said. Mi kkka, Mammoth anpSilvbb City, also Mini sr. to the mev ly ure t! fect. They Milfokd The man left the station and Ken- mum'll of ministers fur cunsbleriition. oi opiiir, Faikvut.ii, Mkkci.'k, Black Rock, .1 . nedy stood for a moment In deep wliieh nmy nr may not liriiiK in how, l'msco in Utah, and tiir Piociik, DkLamak ani Cal- -' anh The on fact, them. rcisirt 52-Cthought Then he laughed and said: ever. thm W. 3RD SO. ST. 1 tiNTr Minini; DuiTsicfs in Nevada. tin car seems to be lieartiiy Well, sir, the police force la a lit favor of them indicati-- s that he exx Lake Utah Silt City, I'Alirnto, NautUuid IDrt n'lUp.i'iinit ( ihu ci'iiiiftMiinjf link gfeat place for experiences. I've been perts that his wisli-- s in the matter V lu Uw writ uniHYixUirfii nmilng uiib of th Culiftirnm mil here a long, long time myself, but will be respected. This sugars wel. for V.V.V.W.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V, froin inasn-cijuiifTiMii l Intwrlnr rruip1, ! rmivIah, ftlii rfKnnl'.nff Russian Inin ir.rirnntlion Full exthe nf relief the 1 all In one. my sure a new (hi dii'Wfull j R'Yi'ii lif .my iitfpnt of THK sAl.T I. Mi I. H 'I ll or M.ine of the chief burilens under which perience this Is the first lime I have they now labor, and It will In regarded SALT LARK UlTY'K H. W. GlLLIiTT, T. C. lHCK, known a utanc to come in here and ask with satisfaction in every part of tru J.L, MoORF civilized world. the police to find his mother-in-law- . Genl. Pass. Agt. X5hc Pass. Geul. Asst. Agt. Dist. Pass. Agt. There's been a few asked u to go Springfield Republican. DON 1OlTKlt and but ami settle one." Kansas City There are qualifying phrases hereaXM'i SALT LA KF. CITY, UTAH. Times. there that sound ominously, and El that nothing ground for a prediction will come of it all. But. as to that, upon the ton- everything must depend Oratory That Won. 1 f supremacy of tinued H. Jackson Congressman William Svlatopolk-MIrsk- y as statesmen such Maryland, wa engrossed In discussand Witte. If hey remain in power, out ing with a number of colleagues the while the program the ukase has Into definite decadence of oratory. "Sane people lined Is being whipped reason Have made arrangements exif hlch the world has I can furnish and are hot emotional, declared the con- Shape,some whereby reforms, substantial depect Nut and Lump coal s interdeliver RushIs gressman, "and the conversational ameliorate to are likely promptly. Give me a trial livery of a speech carries as much nal condition. I will endeavor to as order. audience an with intelligent W.lgtit ' Phone i6-- n. inStar. who yon. please declaim a of Kansas City does the effort PetersSt. the that an not is strange It E.L. WILLEY dulge In brilliant periods with now commenting burg newspapers arc arm swinging sccompanlmetit." X of the terms of tl' vagueness on the ami Y.icJ, "Tt I.BOO. Rc.f' i.f.l (itln."You are right," said a listener, Cxars manifesto and on the lack 01 features a Utah me of These striking Bountiful, "and your statement reminds guarantees. Doth of the document have been evident from suitors. two had who young lady however. first. The Russian press, treatment men had about the same advantages the in its be to guarded Is likely but gossip declared of them. In spite of prison reform. find prospects, that the girl would decide In favor of Jails in Russia are not yet particularly the man who was a lawyer, for he attractive. knew better how to present and win New York Tribune. hJ his case. Gossip erred: the lawyer An operation, the like of which learned wss In J1 v?UI?1; was rejected. Iafer it seldom been performed from a friend in whom the betrothed took place recently nt St. the skin of N. J.. when had confided the reason for her pltal Passaic, was grafted on a wound ten Choice fnches square on the thigh or Cornelius Harty ia ronflnCing. but John if lost fifteen vears oid, who was burned around Just as Convincing and does hot hav two years uo. While playing the lad to remote his arms every time bt anuitch factory inofthat city, phosphorous and up a piece fvants to say something. " In his pocket, and it burned his on the lig Thi work ia now being published and thigh. The wound was made to series healed, and an attempt of the boy on by The Deseret New in a Guard Health ef Mikado, skin from friends comiu uniuc-oessfBounli-fu- b lx volumes, was of of magnificent Japan Although the umperur fS other wound, but thisof the rabbit with an Introduction The grafting th excellent health, he is always attorm, plete on ae a last rort. tended by physicians. There are four skin was decided to each volume and numerous several day secured was rabbit The eminent medical gentlemen attached the Physinote which render it still tm.rc by and watched closely to the Imperial household, one of ago morning cians of the hospital. This neck valuable. Volumes I, II and 111 was whom la within call at all times, night the hair on the rabbit's are now ready. skin. The wound hud day. His majesty's pulse and shaved off close to the was neraped down thigh on the boy's PRICES four taken are tlmej hfterm temperature the tissues, and an incision rabbits - hours In th pres- to 1.50 per vnl. every tweaty-fou- r Cloth, inches long wa made in the ence of two of the doctors when they back after the animal had been aplaced J. 50 ner vnl. rabbit skin Half cloth. relieve each uthef of duty, and the under chloroform. The to the the edge around l Half morocco 3.5C cr Results Are carefully recorded. Just as tras sewed wound on the thigh. Then the anlmal if he were ft patient in a hospital. was bandaged to the lad's leg. and will morocco 4.00 per vol. position until the phyei-efaThe prlftce imperial and his baby sens In aaliilled that tl.e skin is arc medical sur Are subject to similar The rabbit will be ted on DESERET NEWS BOON STORE grafted. have and two has He they finance. f prepared food. If tin operaf wo physicians always In attendance specially SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. tion ia not successful the leg will have And a log book lx kepi of their physito be amputated. cal condition like that of the :nlkdo. Science. the r.Tiina Id'O How large is an atom? "Perhaps not the most exact, though simplest, Office. for Qualifications of arriving at a rough estimate of the Some amusing replies were given way the size of atoms, is by measuringwhere by candidates for a vacant relieving thickness of a soap bubble film, possible. Just before Itif iSfflcershlp at Chofley. Asked If he It is as thin as writer. Such a film, a says bursts," if was married.- one replied, "No, but must be something of atoms, composed ftter-tomfhat Is (he Ofil't Objection I will pebble wall like a pebble wall. Now. Another as- would not stand If it were not several It id fwtf months. and If we had reason to pirant, fttfcstiofifed ad to his physical pebbles thick, suppose that it was about n doxenanpebashed dould he put it ftdtt esstrength, ble thick we could easily make any of the member of the board of timate of the else of the pebble by meathe wall. That guardians out of the room without as- suring the thickness of with the thinnCHt region of sistance. refilled, diplomatically: "f is the ease film. It is found to have a wouldn't nice (0 throw out a Challenge a soap and uniform thickness. It is Af that sort." "But," he wAs asked, the thinnest thing known, and by refined optical means its thickness can he could yod manage a rough lUnatic? contain 'Woli." he replied. aOlid laughter, I accurately measured. It must less than something like a dozen have been a footballer for fifteen' not utoins in its thickness, and yet it is News. only about the twentieth millionth of year.'' M ' an inch in thickness by direct measureIU No that the diameter of an atom ment. Memory. comes between one Out of door work n Specialty. Porcom when Menrory llnm-r- s ths dor Witt tier and one iweeti-idream. gadly o'er lionth of an inch. In other words, from trait! made on cloudy dnyx M well Unco re. Weaving for ay, atth fairy Semblance jf Joy rhal once hava been: about 209.000.000 to 300.000.000 of atoms as on clear day. Call and see our can 110 edge to edge in a linear inch. And In owe art w fain would aa la that vain dream, reality. our sample. Price low; good work, New Tnrk World. While wairin for that aohr Hina; It was Disraeli who Imucht "nvi-r-With ptoaawrff tempting pmn bbfore ua, night" the control ling interest in th promptin'! known. oh. nor fnM Ihe tile which has given hnvpt to Oayly P Sue KaSt fleet Ihx Tim may aeatii-- A'Sr us; ftreat Britain and made her mistress store But lay up M joyous It wa I"r.nii BOUNTIFUL, UTAH' of the Mediterranean. a lad In hsrl when vcuriK no more. HOUSE g- . 1 .oil Be Idiug, VSAVtVSt ;s3, I?'. So ri"om Apiii i- r U Ifv. Noil iiuml hjcHkiI. phrrtMiw, ft , nurf I l I III 41 . inmiy .i..IvrnI.i.:.I aritl unpr. fivOHitil, ak-I- h "Vm id ih y..s, ;cigf. linvithm Mi-- ' 1 J. . Ml Hl Leave l;iriii:.ng!i..l uu.i Lagoon 7 31. and J p, koiel. n and v- p to s. in., trams nf 11 a. in. and i:io p. in. .4.5. ; J on Smnl.ijs mil I Solid ivs. AtONO PaUMMR I'AKRItB IBIH.IET Purnell, of i.f I Ue P d.K'ITilK OF MUSIC t'VifB AC i - .Sai.T La'kk keHT chides IE HER KL.1. I'.hB i ' M til h!1 S.!h IV l.TRl t r A:uir:in Rtiiinipy r,'- NOTICE TO CREDITORS V .IN ST. M - Consult County Clei'a of Davis county, flab, or the Respective Signer for further information. T DENTIS1 ed im-thu- I r Deseret News Bail. ling Jot-.v- 5 It.uMu wlmt alsiut the i'-u-t DU. I. THOMAS tk LAWYERS l'ilt. New nrk Anierie.i:!. - laik of Mrs. Chadwick b. ing 1 'i; MAY COCK iam-iir:- iimvi-im-u- I'b'i'i THOMAS AND r s ? MutLotiiL iu Thaiu4 -- I.lil - Tl luHti .SALT LAKE CITY, L'TAIl. -- I1. i - i- lTORE)-iT-l- . i.isv.ial riel laidSnii--lrt iv:. .! llic prewiil Afnia. li '. ie Inwncli who luri.ot llassl.. b.i.k ir.i:. ii::slai!lii,a'l,ie, an-I Hereby diovr net tlnS'igli Alaueliui ia to I'm I Aiil. ur it V.lis Disr.ieli i cm ii e.1 tin- lieriin itiugve.s. m win. I. in be f.ia.ai .me nf lln- - Influence tliai liiui!: b.. i.;'l!l ab. .ul flie present war ihe i J i.ig.-in i in results. tlie Kailn taii.rml i.f ma'.i-rin- l .ih.-liwas the grcutesl of I.ea. :n. I'.rilisn M.ilcsiului of Ids geii-r'.- l! ... ! of by the tile demands of the i the bun liy ,i iij I'f tin- xili.sivus IS li.leiesl 11.(4 h'S lor j whiii will Liully grow out nf it than for its illustiation i.f the ilr.ing-- ' of in itself to It is a it!: find tin ro'u-- r of Kimsi.i f.ir in- jiioieMS and .iitJ th.peuidi-liberty from and rollers- - . 'l. ilnisilig tin 111 ref. mil . Mous ill.. hi; ihe liens of liberal ginerii-- i Tins imsniosii liaisons. llient ill (itln-c.iiinol be ri canted. The ilsrul.e PavTlii ing tier ii ronnnilird lo ithese reborns, may iin..in' lain ever thinly the is sure. iis yrorS'i-s- Tie n kids..--Den- Si. tuul -. ' i . ' : . Barefoot Through the City Strtata to Do H. A pretty bluudo atutiugraiihrr created a sdnsatlau ou Fifteenth yesterday atterauuu during the iturin. She had gun out to Ihitch and when h left the restaurant she saw that it wuuld be iiuitoasUiie to return to an ufllce In the Miblnc build log, where she was employed, without damaging her new white low elu)-. So sne end a pair of fancy deliberately removed the shoea and ttorklngs hod atarted down tLo street barefoot Id. rolii-emaMichael Horkati stood at the corner Of Fifteenth and Durti streets when he saw the young woman coming down the street. She was followed by a big cruwd and she was running to escape. In her hand she harried her shoes and stockings, lltirkaus attempted to find out what all the trouble was about, but the young woman disappeared in the Miu-inExchange building. "What did you du It for?1 asked the policeman. "I had no Idea It would attract any aUenlUiii," replied the young lady. ' I had to get bark here In a hurry had 1 didn't want to ruin my shoes." On the desk In front of her were the kboM, a pair of white Republican WaB.-- Afg:i.i:..'.i in aiei i Get in SHEER AND HOGS. the Swim k m SANITARIUM I I v. E nAnurCOr i !' J TJNTIC MINING DISTRICT i C'iimi-hisim- fnv-orsh- le mum 1 NEW MOTEL irgtis ts not an experiment; it is here to stay. COAL - - HISTORY Sit b-- g Colls to Salt Lake from Centerville, and parmington lO CENTS vol-Ful- FromBountiful, Centerville, and Farmington to Ogden na From 11 flltCDR HARDY - e 11 very-definit- e Landscape ai)d Portraib Pl)ofc- rapl;rr prom tf.FFi:cr;vi: September Socky B&i l-, I -- f ":' Mr U Norms 11. iA'IiiR akig.i'Vftfl Dm IS CENTS Raysville to Salt Lake IS CENTS Raysville to Ogden 15 CENTS ist. Tetephn Company' 4 |