OCR Text |
Show rtr Duvis ('l)UlltV . IL!lK1:,i! it jo jur .ark. I h iml euuliuiie to receive liis rrg. bn made ti any iiiemiicr of ll. ao-- . t old the price of l.'.tf pir uiar dividend s before; ltliifii(li In: "iatioti and oii jm iitonC. of the l.bU iainnT jp rrU4 ft When vve hail but l.:s l .:i back with entrance fee and el.G'i aium.il due ' ugar was Ff.y.i per aack The nil.1 von are a full flcdgid member. intercut an elated heretofore. also declared then 0 were u.videuds the elected were for ThI plan waa aujccaaful ; the bait' follow in; ollicerx had all their khuldcr. tl.e that : waa irrcirtlblc aud our Utah Men year ll'h.i Freddeii!. D. 1. felt. I81IK1) KVHRY TUESDAY ri'BI bail received all hi Farmington , I'teh CON Pwbb.h.r. D. P. F SLT f.-- ii.om-- Davis Bounty Rank , OCT. 1ST i7ifmn fi 5.000 COMMERCIAL end SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving parmenl Pays 4 psr cent Interest CAPITA I. I , P. FELT, EOlTOR. FELT Manager. D. VERNON De- - g out to the Truet. Additional Verily, verillv it 1h were luiilt, farililicit dent. J. M. llojilcn, Mt. l'leasunt ; w lili iut ri- -t. augar I.l mi.lis SMI OlllJCrnlS; A. I.. 'I .sS, l j.L'Sr In: in the Sugar Trust -f- or to J.N.KI it A 1'i.inh. h..l.li ill. I. x. iti.LS, J. T. for profitable nugar making tiotli as Pyramid; V. la.lilns.di SW--- , I. V. - IUI. J..I111 W.li, Iu. ii J, J.,, Wsjiuiii, js to detail aud cajai-itwere iulro- - j Jakciuaii, Murcur Miner ; third vice- - t oiiu: UTAH FARMINGTON, duced. Kxpert fauucri were miiiI j proidunt. Andrew .Iciim'H, Spanish'. around to instruct local beet raisers Fork Press ; secretary, Mam ninth Ieiord ; ie-ciu the best methods of seeding aud 1. K. I . It re and every imKioeineiit given cording secretary, P. P. Jensen, Pii V, KK tt I. AVION, Proprietor. the lwal farmer to sow beets and the lliknbcn. Salt I.ake; treasurer, stock argument "get money for their M. Williniiircii, Murrey Eagle; hisTE'RMS TiEASOJVA. BLE Irovo Demcrops" used, hut how much? No torian, V. It. dividend for the "man with the ocrat. hoc" were ever hinted at ; on the the contrary the original price of j e aro rt.ij,j,ly informed that the '!IYS;iIAN SrRGKON, am. B.iby Cdrriotion, W.vll Puper, Curtains, Polou, Trlmmlruta, CoMlnoj f.) per ton was cut down to fl.S.'i street supervisor is waiting for d : ; or.STl.rr.ICIAN : the price of sugar raised to the ,.tructioiis from soice authority to C.ishota, Unrtort.ikiY'K TriiuminKi, StdUonwy, Et. '!. ci- hut Telephone iivchaiige of ' ft -present ilixxy heights jr. per prMcri-- w ith the lemoving of dan Teh j. bone Number it. hundred. Manager Cutler and o' her and ugly olihtructioiis and r- - I"! Sf!!'l. vr.AH sugar magnates are now in Washing- pairing of detective l! iik-sculvert)., M I FFI J. ton opposing the only relief that may etc. Wc hereby invite Mavm-i.uh-- , . ! IN III VI N.-! he given the "dear public that of iuson to aci'oiiijiany us on a tour of the benefit -them of outside giving in (icctio n ami thus get a groundDHsuxn niK work of iTiisnu for the immediate competition. UTAH HAND MADE A friend rrakiug of (his I'omliiiuH attention to thc.--e mattirs. Whib' said, "Well, what are you going to some limy think Iherc is uo danger i.. 1. mi I1 Mill Lake Citv N J,lj do shout it?" (lur answer is, Noth-.froout hanging gat-- , s, and other i ing except mgr ami not remain quite objcctiomil eomlitiom-- , still it is dcs- even if we get a big "wrlc-lll,- , "f troying the nqiutstii'ii of our town !; the "sugar industry" onto a year to gu,l should be rcim died right away, A When you hnve anything toaoil, aak for the Stock Yards Mr. wc and keep quite on. Of course our kicks Mayor, along. at Weut Bountiful. Highest Prices Paid. will be nothing if wc are left alone, will treat you as the , S. West Temple St. hut some day this Trust business will would like; vi.., "to be shown." TO THE Utah S ;BALT LAKE CITY bring up a serious trouble and may be the fulfillment of the latter part of ft Periloua Walk of Two Women. Joseph Smiths prophecy of IdS'J. A Jin J.irdoim li,it was ",rliiinicfl wherriu lie says "after many days by Mrs. Juliii Alii, wife of u shall the slave rise np against the win. bits in til., ri. c.f lie linint CO-O- P Iloiui river, nu-- a young woinan !'rn:n master," etc. ih.M'S lliM I M' N ;i , Hnstnii. if , :;ipriv HV'lit SEALERS IN g The two were I r iibfo np the iMTi- . 'uriiHH 'ii niiii bail arrlvul at the fur :i j i, 'I a: die foot nf the great wati ,t ri.ny uf i!f ip '.ili- : i.vr;t f t MV r Nfflt, lia-l ennun. ll.i ( uppi-ii.c that a tree fal h n iicross the caiinn e.ln.vo the Star Estate Steel Ranges, Stoves aud Heaters, Upholstery Goods. THE j walerfull, niukiiig a ru-lbrhlgt', aipl Carpets, Feathers, Curtsies, Baby Carriages, and Refrigerators. UNION PACIFIC ation for this year. We fniri the 'leslrtoir to rm-- s (n tli-- mher vtile, ovncKHS: RUNS the fnlls 1o members will now slaml behind the the two climbed ., W. N. Williams, lwis M. Cannon, John Henry Smith, Prest., I'Kilr 'n 'hr IV'. t' . Tlirii,.I-l'he 'op nf the r.iaon sr.il vvalkol ,r !. l H. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Snpt. Sec. and Tress., lnir otlicers elected and make the Utah acr.vss the log. trii- - .irrivifi Supt., i:.rn. it i iurkcToks: lress Association an institution for The lloetou 1 Lewis M. Cannon, V. M. Lyman, H. I. Smith, Ir , K. F. Iarry, John Henry rii,,.ly as they k? Full iuiorin.i: inn cli i,rf..ilv furui-lii'Smith, N.W. Williams, Clarissa S. Williams, T. 11. Cartwright, It. Wright. gno.1 in the state. Elevate the prcs.!'he The dlstnnce fr.im the Inj: j application .o T and you elevate the people. lie to where the foaming v.atr beneath 31, 33, 35, and 37 South Main Stroet D. E. BURLEY UTAH SALT LAKE CITY, G. V. tic T. A., O. S. L. R. R. press is the voice of the people hence fdlclicd over the precipice is bctwieii lion and srsi feet. ':.!! the w union 8alt Lake City. rfix JM. If every state publication passed safely over, aud did not realshall become represented in the ize, until later, that they were the so i aii-- Brrt jiar-iias known. roll a great wi" made the perilous trip, where a lished anil the citixena of tho state slip would mean Instant death. will he the gainer ultimately while Since Mrs. Aid and her companion the Individual newspaper may be the made the trip the ranchers have been immediate benefieiary. We hope no bantering one another to follow suit, but none has t made the attempt. Tacoma News. publirher in Utah will slight the association in ignoring its existence and nominal demands on them only 6hos Have Seen Long Service. 1.00 dues per vear I All publishers Smith of Fulton, Mo., owns James arc iuvitrd to enroll and become ina pair of bools that have been worn terested in (lie success of the I'tah for seventeen years without being lress Association. Application may pate1 d nr mended tn any way void fat-tun- ! SUHSCRIFTION FRICKS: (In Advance.) - One Year Sii Monika I 5 5 11 EDWARD TROMRS .y ARGUN ALayavilLB-- : TLoiiiafaen. P. I.aituk William J. Cuwlry. Uintah Mim Nlbe Sihmalr. G. FARMINGTON', ll M -- IT 1 UTAH BOUNTIFUL, - , 11 HELP THE TRUST! . in this day and age of the world it aeems, in the mad whirl of life fur wealth, that the poor and hard working man if entirely forgotten. This may be a condition that has prevailed since the beginning of time, but in in Tree and equal America it has been the rule rather than the exception that surk lines as the exceedingly '.jororvery wealthy have not -hied. The idea was especially prevailing in Utah where not only the spirit of American liberty held all Mien as being equal, but eqnalify was also an unwritten tenet of our Church. It was a favorite text with the and those who had occasion t6 speak of conditions here ; they were proud to say In Ctah our poor ate lilted up and more npiality exists there than in any part of the mis-fiouar- - j ' IE UTAH TO iu-su- ; Wood's Caotia Mioi Kliaalieth Imcrden. RvaacvsKMba Khoda Miller. FURNITURE ,ihiiukui,W!-- . J Iaice. Centerville Mia Eva Kvatia. gotiNTim. Alma ifanly. llu'ifKM-K.- ; aii-lil- ICblrrtd m ruo4 cl am mtM mt NmMbtr A, IMA I the mI uMtm H pArMlnirb, IMA endfr lb WK Ad mA CoUfin m f lUrrh m . .. 0 Rri'Ri-SI-NTATIVKS- S- 1"T'' .75 - Three Monika Jh - - - - - - - - - w.-I- ief UTAH PACING CO. HOUSE COLLATES I j j JF m ; Through Train resh and Cured Meatsi Service cie B W I 1 FURNITURE COMPANY . -- 1 viy'lit-'fciti- lb-m- i 11 1. Ill-ini- FURNITURE ;i-- t .Si-- of all KINDS - World. an-iiu- The ipicsliou is dues this condition ehlsiu fuifcty or, are we of I'tah Church members, aud others, not already degenerating into broad divisions of rich and poor with all the demoralising effects that create anything hut the "great lirutherlumd of man" i t.' oil's conception of the ... , 1 Last week we Incidentally touched On the invasion of one of the great fentacloe of the Huger trust showing Mat tlm very condition that lias been so much decried by i'tah citfocus is Wing insidhiiwly worked here, and among some of the earliest diclples who taught equality among all men. Late in the 89s a great wave of enthusiasm swept over Pish in the projKiKCil Manufacture of sugar from Aeels. It warn urged that flic soils af tills stats' were welt adapted to the culture of sugar beefs and farmers ha the various parh were inriled to plant portions of their lands in heets fur which 5.00 per tun would he paid to begiu with and as the profess of malting sugar should Weenie perfected and Abilities fur getting the Heat results obtained that more would be paid. Nugar Waa fhm held at ft to Si pep hundred and the entire product of the first output sold with little or uo expense being about r,9UU,0ti0 pounds, though the Trust" foughf the ucw enterprise h various ways,- MH! the citiscns of tah were always ready to support eur "home imiusSTy."- Those who rallied to the estabiikhment of the new industry were agreeably surprised to leorn that their first yeara investment brought lit handsome dividends and kept up until ail they Aad invested was returned to- them. The market was so good ami the demand so big for tTah sugar that ether auxiliary plants and factories were built and every pound of sugar sold right at home. No regards were paid to tile efforts of the Trust lb hill the iddiMtry. The patriotic eiliaena stood right beBlid the and stockholders.. As before stated, dividends were paid regatariy besides- Interest and As Trust saw IF could not reach the pbbBe so it set assidbooaly to work with the charter and other stock holders in the ITtah instltotion. It waa urged that if the Trust could get stork in the local roneern that a much hrger sphere of usefuibesa could he effected and an offer was made to give each stockholder the toll fare amount of Kh entire investment ami the capital stork doubled ; that Is, sa'h Investor rwll atUl hold bis ' ; i 1 'l mem-bersh- r! Vicc-IVcst- i 'l'? d in . ns fr VEHICLES, STOVET, IMTLEME STEWART Stoves i Elias JVIoms & IMPORTERSIANO Sons Co. s W. South: Tempio SALTJLAKE CITY, hly any user for proof. They are sold on easy terms, and at Iotuest possible prices consistent ujith quality- - DEALERS IN Mantels, Grates, And Mnnumenial Work. A good-thoroug- good. Consult Granite, ! are UTAHvI n - t pro-mbfe- Dont overlook the fast that for 1905 our stock of VEHICLES, and IMPLEMENTS will bo largor, amt more varied than ever before. And our prices are go ing to please you. j THE1 SCENIC LINE TO Corormlo Springs. Aspen, Leadvillc, Uueblo, Glcnwood Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. lau!s, Chicago, ' rs Only ! Spring, aud all point east. Connrrting at Ogden Union Depot with all Soi rm kn Fac- me and Ohecon Siiokt Line Trains. Transcontinental Lina passing directly through Salt Lake J ij City. gSnlemlidly equiped Fast Trains Pailybelwccn 3 . $ 3 Ogden and Denver .Via Three Seperate and Distinct Scenic Koutrs. 5WVV AVAYLVVMmmVlmmYMVV.V.V..V. through tullman and ordinary sLrRrtxc cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago without change Free rccliuing chair ears. Personally conducted excursions. Dining Cars, Service a la Carte on all through trains For r.iw, m.rr--1 I. A. (eld-- r, (rrw llluMr.tat ijrnl, I.MikM., rtr., liupilra nf j.,ur lh Rio Orindv ro.iu, -- r .dAriua BENTON, G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City g if.V.V,.V.VVVJAV.V,.V,VV.VVVV.V.V,r?.YAV. Consolidated S)agon Si Machine Co . GEO. T. ODELL. Gon'l Mgr. H6ue at Saif Lake, Ogdon, Logan, Idaho Falls, and Montpelier |