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Show THEMA1LS From tbe North From the houtb From the South - oi u. m. 10:40 a. m. 6:14 p. m. gut South Weber West South Weber Clinton Local "Briefs. School Apportionment. The following in the school apportion a Something 4(0.00 Syracuse, South Hooper. Lavton sufiicient. Edward J. Tree is 111, having been troubled for several daya with la grippe. The West Bountiful Hume Dramatic The Farmington Commercial is giving will play A Nubia Outcast'' company four iucki.gri ol "Power" for 85c. here not Saturday evening. 11. O. Clark of Sail Lake win here The South Bountiful Hume Dramatic tWItiusr relative and frienfla, last Sun company will play Tony, the Convict" day. here neat Wednesday evening. Waller Moow who haa been here for Mr. J. A. Waite Is just finishing a t.l: past month, haa returned to Parker, handsome addition u bis pleasant Idaho. home. When the house warming" Walter Ramp ton haa purrhaaed a cornea off, the Argus hopes to be bid Canr-dOtto drilling machine. It la a come." and will therefore bo the one, roetly Mr. Wm. Griddle la just painting and more durable. his new rooms, a recent adpapering The tnan who llvea in a cave does dition to his already nice home. Mr. not care about perfumery. But the and Mrs. Criddle will soon be "at resident of Farmington certainly do to their friends with all kinds borne" when thiy can act it for nothing. Read uf pride. L. 11. Oviotta ad. Argus hustlers" were comfortably The Social lltur club met last Tuoa-da- housed at the home of the "Apple evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Miller, where, beMr. King," Charlea Miller. The usual good time sides all the apples necessary to satwas enjoyed. The artistic decoration, isfy an abnormal appetite, a genuine both In the dining room and In the time was had and bis intelligent good comparlor, were ptipcclally worthy of daughter, Rhoda, accepted the position ment. of Argus correspondent for her town. "Well, John. I want to spend thia Don't forget to help her in furnishing dvilar with Oviatt. I need a bottle or news notes from expansive Syracuse. lierfume. and f can gel it free at Thia lady read L. H. Ovlatla." 48.00 82.00 98.00 298.00 East Layton looked into before some damage suits are entered against tbe city. If the supervisor or City council wants Special to the Argus. more places pointed out they can any of H. E. Gibson of Clearfield is sick have them, bat at present thia will be bronchitis. SYRACUSE ITEMS. 206.00 182.00 Tout Meter 5690.00 'Bountiful Lumber and Buildirtf Afn, (Incorporated) hava sold a great deal ef Corfu wwy, but our cabinet ia etill wall a locked with Far fume and Toilet Articlee. During the month ef January, wa ahall give from four Perfume Cabinet Wa LiUmBER Tbe best supply and mast complete stock of Building Supplies that can be found in the county. Prices right LAYTON HEAT MARKET Meats of nil descriptions. Groceries, Vegetables. and Summer Drinks. Celery every Tuesday. Also agents for Emmetts Bottling works. Carries Annum Tel. Ellis, hop, Trlcphone 4 Beautiful 16-- 4 A 1foA mAWAAMdAAAMAlYWVWYYS UTAH LAYTON 12-- y A Ovlatts ad. "The Hank Cashier' will be played fcy the Weat Bountiful Home Dramatic company neat Friday evening In the Opera house. The play was well rendered In Bountiful, and therefore ought Wadding Reception. Last Thursday, Miss Eliza Draper ef this plaee and George Walsh of South Weber, were married. A wedding reception was given at tbe borne of the bride's parents. Many relatives and friends from 8alt Lake, Kaysville. and other places, gathered to wish the new couple many happy returns of the day. A very pleasant evening was sprat, dancing, playing game, and especially luncheon, being the prominent features of the evening. was On Friday evening a dance given in honor of Mrs. and Mrs. Walsh. Wa BARTON JOHN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AmiW TH ISSSSB KAYSVILLE, UTAH. railroad, and all to ) done under the direction and to the acccptuner uf the city council. lection L Tlie price of a single fare one way ahall not exceed five rents within the area Umnded by tin: city limlta ua now established. Section 2. That this franchise be anil the hu me is hereby grunted for the term of one hundred i loll years from the date of the passage uf tills ordinunee. Rrrtlon 4. That nothing in this grunt lie so construed as in prevent shall Kaysville city, or its authorised ugvnts. or from putlng. aeweriug, lay lug gn water mains, it pipes, altering, reiutlring or in any manner improving any of the Stroets used In P'lntuuvce of tills franchise. hut nil such Improvements shall be me with hm little Injury ua practicable to said railroad, or the operation I licet'f. and only after reasonable notice, not exceeding thirty days, to sold grantee. ita successors or assigns, and sa opportunity ufforded them by said city tc lay a temporay truck or trucks upon other parts of said street, during the prosecution uf work of said improvements. Section ft That In the construction and operation of said railroad, the said grantee, Its auroesson or assigns, aforesaid, shall at all times conform to such reasonable ordinances, rules and regulations aa may be adopted by the city council of eald city in relation to constructing . p s a. - ," J. Purchase, $5. Purchase . daalra to call yeur attention to our ANNOUNCEMENT During the month of January, we are busily engaged in Taking Stock. Oftentimes, we find a broken line of goods, and the remaining few articles in that line sre sold for even less than cost. We shall not be prepared to give a list of our Broken Lines, until February, at which time we shall have something more to ray. However, at this time, anyone who is looking for bargains, un get them from uij. We may be able to lay aside something for yon. Call and see ns aboat it. FarcqiNgtoN commEftciAb Look rall-rnu- d. n Ef-fl- HERE! Now Is th time to bjuy Hats. Mats worth B2AJO, wo aro SELLING THEM THE NEBT OF THIS MONTH FON SI .50 -- In fact. ALL OUN HATS QO 25 PER CENT- - 0I8OOUNT Seoouro before yu buy. Gome and aoo our ODDG and ENDS on Shooo. Wo aro Sofllns 2XtO Shooo at BIJ)0 $3.00 Shooo atBI.BO; $1.50 Shooo at 7Bo., and many other thlngo In proportion. d. D. ttlOOD, Farmington le r Il. i'lite-t'.i'li.- er-.-.- by ! ) j IL. H. OVIAUU, Farmington I be well received in Farmington. Granting to Balt lakr A Ogden RailTomorrow evening. Wednesday, the way a Cnmitany. a corporation, Ita succesRlac-Eyebrow society will give sors and assigns, a franchise for house. In the Ball" Opera "Poverty niul operating a railroad In and I Invited. Finn cordially Everyone iHtvls the t.Tty of Kaysville, through will be charged any one dressed In I'tah. will county. luncheon beat riot hoe: hla or her Section 1. lie It ordained by the t'ity he rerviHl for Jfie that. la. two for 3Rr, louni'll of Kaysville City, that Balt Lake or'lSVre each. No doubt this wllijbe A Ogden Railway Company, a corpora, fli prize winner this aeaaon. lion, Ita aucccMumi and assigns, have the BUSINESS NOTES. Toil often read of "Honest Sala, authority and conarnt of the city counla hereby granted and cil, a but yon seldom get genuine, honest See tbe Kaysville hotel anuunre-men- t them to construct and operate a single sale. J. H. Wood has not marked jbla or double track railroad, together with ia this issue. ham (3.00 and then made the price all the nveeasary switch. Y's. ttimouts The Ixyton Meat Market has a neat and sidetracks. and the erection of a line (1.00, ns some metropolitan stores do. to of poles or two lines of poles when necRead J. D. Wood's ad. It will do four advertisement that is of inteioat telegraph, essary carrying readers. Argus parse good. trolley and transmission wires for the Is out with a transportation of passenger, freight, exThe Kaysville Co-onew advertisement that is of special press and mall matter, and the accomA UNIQUE IDEA. Interest to housewives. The Argus is modation of said railroad as a continu-- 1 oua line through said city upon such Honla sure they sell these bread mixers at elrccta of Character Party Given at and parta ef stn-ctMr. and Mro. A. L. Clark. (2.00. while It is held at (3.25 in Salt may gran-ccbe selected by said or their successors or assigns aforeA Character party was givei on Fit- Uko rity. said within twenty-fou- r months from tlie day evening at the home of Mr and The Bountiful (loop has the best time of the pasaag of thia onllHanre. L. ChaA. Mrs. Clark. The following lighted store In tin county. Thia new which said selection ahall be mads in racters were represented In costume: Edison system only costa 20c per day writing and filed with the city recorder. In rnnaldcrntlnn uf this grant and fran"Priscilla." Mariab Clark; "John for that big store a clear saving to chise the sold grantee, Ita successors or Sadie ('lurk; "Mrs. Wlggs of the the owners of 70c per day. A visit to and operating rajlroada. aShigns. aforesaid, hsreby agree to use "EuroSection ft That Kaysville City shall In Cabbage Patrli," I.ucy Clark; their store is well worth tbe trouble. Tee rails In the construction of said Asla said road Is constructed no way be liable or responsible for any and pean Wlggs. Mary Millard; where Mr. II. J. Sheffield, the Kayavillo or In operated upon paved streets are here- accident or damage that may occur Wlgg," Algle Walker; "Australia his patrons with by required to keep In good repair and the constructing or operation of said merchant, presented Sadie Vosa; "Lucille, Harry tilgge," one of the prettiest designs In ralen-dar- s pave with brick or stone, or other ma- railway by reason of the default, or misVan Fleet; Billie Wlggs," H. Clark; said grantee. Its successors or that haa been published In tbe terial to be mutually agreed upon, the conduct of Eva Van Fleet; "Widow Iledott, of their employee, and aforesaid, assigns, a Inside or and the track tracks has the choice space "IxingfcIInw," James Steed ; Paradise county. The recipient of two feet wide on each aide of the acceptance of this grant shall be space neat picture well LofI," Alhalla Steed; "The Last Leaf,'' of this or a very 'r.clnrtuig all spaces between deemed an agreement on the part of worth where the same are con- said grantee, for Itself'. Its successors dou'dr tracks framing. Icr-thAlbert Robinson; "Porahontua," and assigns, to save said city harmless structed. Robinson: "Mrs. Caitildle." Where said roud Is constructed or oper- from and against any and nil liability, loss, costa, expense or damage from any TOUR OF INSPECTION. Steed; "The Village Blacksmith." ated upon streeta not paved, said grantee. its successors or assign, agree to cause arising out of any such default, or Steed; "Oliver Twist.' A. I Clark or whl:h may accrue by Ills Steps," Mrs. A. L. Clark; "The Argue Man Bhown a Number ef Bad keep said streets and the crossings there- misconduct; In us good condition and repair as reaeon of any accident or Injury which of lady of the Lake, Annie Palmer; "Hi Croaelnge In Farmington. may occur In or by reason of the conwhi-entered upon. e Holler, Nephl Palmer; "Ophelia," The Argun recently accepted an invitaAnd where (lie tracks and poles of said struction or operation of aaid railway Palmer; "Barbara Fritchie," Nellie tion to ride with Mr. T. B. Clark and railroad are placed upon a graded and and to indemnify and repay raid city for expense or damn go of Robinson; "Shyiock, Ezra Robinson; personally confirm the charges of gross grave .ed wagon road, said grantee, Ita any Inra, crate, It may sustain by reason o kind any a successors construct shall and assigns "Evangeline," Annie Tanner. The dec- neglect on tbe part of public officers reroad fifteen tin feet wide on each any such default, misconduct, accident orations were green and red, streamers garding tbe maintenance of out banging wagon aide of said tracks and polea and make or injury, and If any Judgment for damextending from each corner of the tar gates, defective fences, and dangerous suuli roads squally as good and substan- ages for any any such default, misconEach guest re- bridges, etc. The first place visited was tial aa that was occupied by said rail- duct. accident or Injruy, shall be recovhie to the ceiling. ered against eald city the recovery thereon a with toast the character near the borne of Mrs. S packman where road. sponded not be used aa a motive of shall be final as between said city and ahull Spam he or she represented. Mrs. Athalla a bad flume is permited to remain a men success on or power In the operation of said railroad, the raid grantee. Its Steel won the prize fur naming the see to tbe public; also at tbe corner of except in the construction thereof and signs, aforesaid, and conclusive os to of the latter to the former, grestost number of eliararters repre- Main and the rood leading to the Lagoon for the movement of obstructed and dis- the liabilityhowever, that the raid grantee, sented! and some day a horse will break bin leg abled cars thereon, and for the clearance provided, from any obstruction ita successors or assigns, ahull have had railroad of raid andasnit against tbe city will result. whatever whenever electric or other mo- notice in writing of the pendency of such The county attorney uf Davis retro At tbe Hess estate comer and the rise tive shall be Inadequate and un- action in time to appear, answer and defr will be at Farmington each Mon- east to John W. Taylors' corner, ia a ser- equal power to the occasion. And the said fend the same. Section 7. Thul If this gram with tht day mornig until farther notice, to ies of dangerous places, ranging from an grantee. Its successors or assigns, aforeherein contained be utri-m- i to legal business; anil as much uncovered ditch to some very dangerous said. ahall operate cars upon Mid rail- terms and conditions not accepted In writing by raid grantee Imand modem road all with neesaary of oner as the needs or the county crossings besides a large boulder on the of the pasprovement for' the convenience, comfort withinofsixty days after notice shall require. I. E. Willey. this ordinance, or if the prelimisidewalk. and safety of passengers, which said sage The nest place visited was the comer cars shall be ran thereon each and every nary survey of said railroad be not comwithin six months after the pas-rg- e J. 1. Wood has a large lamp to give opposite the Opera House where were day, both ways, and at a echcdulo rate menced of this ordinunee, or if the construcmllee hour twelve not of per exceeding away to his patrons. Every person seen two bridges that may some day inwithin the settled portion of the city. tion of st least one track of said road spending Jti 00 or more at his store will volve tbe property owner or the city into Provided, that the track or tracks shall be not completed through the city within receive a ticket eutitling the purchaser to litigation, A block south of the Opera be constructed in the center of the street two years after the acceptance of this a chance in the Grand Drawing. Each House ia a bridge crossing tbe town wat- unless otherwise directed by the city ordinance, then thia grant and franchise hull become null and void, provided, dollar is a chance; only 30 issued. er ditch, through which a young lady council, and In such a manner as shall be however, that said grant and franchise track the the council, city by approved recently stepped and severely injured or tracks to be laid, and the rood operhall not be forfeited for the causes her leg; at this place a good bridge with ated ao us to cause no unnecessary Im- above set forth or for any reason what OFFICERS FOR NEW CLUB. railing should be constructed for public pediment to the common and ordinary ever, if the said grantee, its successors streets for all purposes. and or assigns, aforesaid, without their fuult Chaaan Friday at Party Given at safety. A little further south is tbe use of saidcourse have been hindered, or of said streeta shall be water the drain ditch over which but sorry protecHeme of M. O. Udy. Good and delayrd In the pvrformunce of such conleft free and unobstructed. About twenty-fou- r young men and tion is given the pedestrian, the bridge is su lllelent boxes shall be laid and main- ditions ary of them, by the set of find, women gathered at the home of W. C. really a misnomer and should be fined, tained In good condition by said gran- or the operation of law. strikes it oilier rnuc heyi rd their control. ITdy last Thursday evening and spent A little sooth of tbe Hotel ia another tee, Ita successors or assigns, aforesaid, Ill: Iril by tile oily muse I of Iv.lyS-vllthe ditches nil crossed in water the aeries bad at by uncovered flumes, places; the evening In playing games and othCity, t'iah. this 1:1th u.iy i of so as or aid to admit tracks, track ditches, and boulders; particularly are A. P. net. erwise enjoying themselves. Itow of said water; said track free the The Misses Julia Robinson. Nora dangerous stones strewn along the side shall be laid and maintain! d at grade aa Approitii leoember ZJiul. 1SH. t'HAB. nURTOX. JR.. walk near tbe Ira Steed comer. The mtablished by the city, and permanent King. Stella Potter. Irene Udy and Mayor. Kaysville City. was road from visited be made the the ahall maintained nest and crossings place Clara Earl were in charge. Ice cream of I'tuh, County of Davis. ss. State successors its or the by grantee, n comer to where Main the assigns street depot and cake were served, and a very good I. Xirk Donnnjnnrt, City lire order In number of "deadfalls" are observed par- aforesaid, at the intersection of itrei time enjoyed by all. and elsewhere wherever I ha same shall and for the City of Kaysville. Davis st the Lagoon crossing where be neceasury. at tlic discretion Wild un- County. I'tuh. do hereby certify that the During the evening the subject of ticularly an uncovered syphfune is allowed to stand der the direction and to the acceptance above and foregoing is a full, true and new was a club introduced. organizing correct copy of un ordinance entitled children. At of the city ccnncIL The Idei met with favor, and officers ever a menance to playing a franchise to "An ordinance is comer another place at Provide, also, that where said railroad the Salt laike Agranting were promptly elected. Miss Efflc Rose tbe Tamer Ogden Railway comwhich accidents have occured. An elder- shall cross a rock culvert on any street I Have compared It with the was rhimna president; Archer Brown, of said city, raid grantee, its smvessors pany," that now remuirlug un file la my ofly gentleman recently fell into a defee-iv- e and assign. nrlgiuil of shall build an extension sccnr-firy- ; Ethel ; Brown, icopresldent culvert, only wetting bin leet and a said culvert to tbe sidewalk lines of the fice and that it la a coretvt transcript of Maggie Steed, assitsant secreshaken and irrste man wan record- street on esch side of the track of said the whole of aM original. badly In witness whereof have herrunte tary; and Rail Vdy. treasurer. The ed, still it wight have been worse. railroad, the workmanship of said culhand and affixed my olfieial sem Huh Jnrt now has no specific name, verts extend"!, and the materials mrd set my 11. Clark corner are a numU. At the lcemher. b it it the next mc:tog a suitable spfer constructions, to he rq'islly iim good this Srd d.iy "fNic k hixm:miit. ! ber oilier that of should i places cboteu. n "ill bt Jtevord-ra. tli.it in linf c.ild awl iS.iil To $2. Purchase, G Furniture, Picture Frame, Wall Paper, Window Blass, Etc. AN ORDINANCE. ft. Purchase, 1 Rubber Boots and Shoos. tmbalmor in th Count. SS5SSSS5SSSSOSB88SSSSSB$SSSOO Alto Dooforh tacit h exJery tacith et)ery 75c arttcle tacith enfery 7. article tocith enfery A 20c article A 40c article t POULTON. MADSEN, OWEN & CO. XII lUII SHEET. Have the best Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Furnishings, Underwear, from the best markets in the United States. When in town, come in and be convinced. WR ARB OFFERING WINTER GOODS. ; : GREAT INDUCEMENT ON ALL : Where the Clothes Vit. , |