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Show Davis County Argus. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY FarmlDgloo, Utah Publlahar D. P. FELT A SON FELT, EDITOR. FELT Manager. D. P. VERNON SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: (la Advance.) - - - - - Year One Six Months Tbrea Montha - - - - - biwd aa wofi eiM unit rnmabw . s IM MO at FarulugUia, Diah, aadartfea i'augnm nt Marrb S, INTO. at lha poat AM nf fi-- ARGUS REPRESENTATIVES: Xaysvillx P. Thomaaaee. William C. Cowley. Miss Kelllie Scbmalr. Hoorxa E. G. Paice. ClNTxaviiLR Miaa Boa Eoana. Bountiful Alma Hardy. Woods Cross Miaa Elizabeth Ihienlen. Layton Uintah FARMINGTON, - JAK. 17 1905 U- - TORI AND STREET LOAFERS. A pi eminent store keeper burs quested us to writs sn article on the subject of loafers. It rortainlT is a insiter of great moment to a community. Each small town has its little band or bands of loafers who seem to be so oblivious to their ter of a Farmers Institute fur 1 la via county, lie lias written President Kerr for the lecturers and instructors after which local prosperous farmers will lie Invited to prepare talks and make demonstrations of their successes in the various localities and circu instances. We rogret very much that citizens of Farmington did not move out in this matter and sec that it was to be held In this city, but they did not and now they must needs fall into line and make our first Farmers institute a grand success. We hope our young ladies will attend and learu of the Infest methods in scientific rooking. When this important event shall have been consumated, there are many other means looking to the improvement of our rommuuity, that will open up for Farmington citizens to avail themselves of. A county fair should lie held ; a move o organize a definite plan of ojierations to secure an Experiment Farm is really now in order and should be taken up at our Institute meeting when held. (Jet ready to avail ourselves of the governments plan and in the establishment of irrigation projects, and then there are many other schemes that should be crystalizeil into a unified niovemeht for the betterment of our county and the state generally. Tress Comments. it, b.U he Is. And he will tind her when be tii'.'l that cheerful wholesome, honey;, healthy laugh. Davis County Bank CAPITAL fiijooo DEPOSITS OCT. 1ST $73,000 COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving evi-d.-it- iy m-ko- M. . Cljsb, Prvsliieiil; L. K. Hills, Vlnefnisldaiil ; A. I.. l' John Wajruutn, Thoms Siaeil, J. M. KrrM, Jobs Wi;b, JumA K. Roliluoi Josses half-savug- - FARMINGTON, 'll e. KAYSVILLE HOTEL --- ' - - - - - - UTAH ' " EDWARD TROWRS FURNITURE tie. Iucbln Chieftain. It is reported that experiments are now in pox retut along the line nf lh Union I'ncltlc railway with a new kind nf alfalfa that conics from southern Russia and is csiicelnlly adapted to arid lands. Th results so far are said to bo decidedly encouraging. There 1 at leaat good reason for hoping that valuable discoveries may be made along Alfalfa Is a plant that these lines. stands the drouth well when It has onre secured a good start, and the main difficulty In its cultivation lies in getting the seed changed Into a growing and well rooted plant. There la good reason to believe that a variety might lie found that possesses a greater power of germination under the conditions of the western arid lands, than does the variety to which we ure accustomed. And It 1s iiosslble also that similar results might be accomplished by sed through o period of years. lecting -- -- fifth-rat- on-Brs- ly. H-H- PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, OBSTETRICIAN : : : Office Baby Carriages, Wall Paper, Curtalna, Polea, Trimmings, Coffins, Caaketa, Undertakers Trimmings, Stationery, Eto. and ; ; over Telephone Exchange Telephone Number 22. BOUNTIFUL UTAH IN BUYING HOUSE COLLATES I HAND MADE 3 L. I. MUDGE 120 N. 2nd West Fresh and Cured Meats Salt Lake City Through Train Service J When you have anything toaell, ask for the Stock Yards : 1 t at West Bountiful. Hlghaot Prices Paid. 1 TO THE S. West EAST UTAH J AND SOUTH EAST Million bare been .pent by the I xiosr Pacific in thn improvemeut of its liuo, andal! human ingenuity ha haen adopted to protect Ita patron sgainat accident. The line U renowned for ite fnat trains and tba aeneral superiority of its service and equipment. CO-O- P FURNITURE COMPANY DIALERS FURNITURE THE IN of all KINDS Stir Upbolstiry 6osds. Estate Steel Rangei, Stoves aid Heaters, Carpet, Feetbers. Curtails, Baby Carriages, UNION PACIFIC to ths Fast, it Thn Through Train Dally train arriving many hours ahead of all competitor. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application u. ud Refrigerators. officers: RUNS W. N. Williams, Lewis M. Cannon, John Hemy Smith, Picst., H. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Supt. Supt., Sec. and Tress., Vice-Prea- t., directors: Lewis M. Cannon, K. M. Lyman, II. J. Smith, Jr., B. F. Parry, John Henry Smith, N. W. Williams, Clarissa S. Williams, T. H. Cartwright, E. Wright. 31, 33, D. E. BURLEY, 35, end 37 South Mein Street GALT LAKE CITY, G. P. & T. A., O. S. L. R. R. UTAH Galt Lake City. IMPLEME STEWART Stoves aite good-thorou- ghly gcjod. Consult Sons Go. any asei for proof. They are sold on easy terms, and at Iouiest possible prices consistent uuith quality and Stone Granite, Txhflk St. fr SALT LAKE CITY M JWoppis & I UTHH DHCKTNG CO. DEMAND THR UTAH UTAH BOUNTIFUL, ! Marble, enl Pays 4 per cent Ineresf nmcens and inftrcTohs; 1 bummlness" as to really think they are weloome in a store, or an ornaNew York American. ment to a street coruer, or beside The whipping iswit was in a few ease used for negro slaves. Hut the white some blacksmith shop. If they but slave owner had a contempt for the bow thiir presence annoyed knew other white owner who permitted his to be beaten. And the white the proprietor, as well as the ladies, Sava that pure, sparkling water in slaves umn who tout a. slave was one degree who may Ins under the necessity of the canyons for city water systems. lower in the contempt of other white men than the 'overseer and nigger trader." If you favor corporal punishrunning the gauntlet of their leering It is the best in the state. ment of children In the public schools eyes and impudent tongues, roupled you must favor the whipping post. The minority commltte of the Board of with a tobseeo Juice strewn pathway Education reports that corporal punPresident what about our Buys, s would not take ishment ia needed for 4 per cent of the membership boys If the teachers and principals pupils. of annual Press the Utah meeting In the gang. can control 96 per cent of the children New York without heating them, It seems to us It were better td association? It should have been of then it is a confession of Inefficiency if loaf around a saloon where chairs; called for Monday, January lfith, they cannot control the other 6 per cent. There is too much clubbing In pitoous. and other runvcuienccH are this year. this country now. Good policemen seluse a club. The clubbers on the dom course but such of for men ; provhlrd police force are the poor officers. the hsHlual "bum la Just as inucji flan Francisco Call. A drive through Wood's (Voss rea uuisanco in the saloon as he is an; must be evident to the minds of It veals some of the most beautiful even the most ardent supporters of the wborr. However, lie is tolerated arbitration movement International homes and well kept roads of auy that the great powers have not yet admors there than at the above inei humanitarian the same distance covered part of vanced far enough In thefirst Honed places. Oh that these bo peace conIdeas Inculcated by the state. radical the the to interpreference accept candidates for tle whoare beoomlug e nations as their tation of BritGreat of Interests Tha standard. realize what burn corps," and the United States are not ain : of Denmark or Argentina, nor despicable life they arc entering ! Dont think because we havo pub- those can they be set to the rules InauguratIt is in just such soil as-- this t! lished 110 news from tlio mines lately ed by those minor states. Compulsory is an ideal, but an.ideai sMl moat of tbs villlauy of the world that none Is brewing. Just wait un- srbltrstlon fur In the horizon of thlnga practical. Itaelf born. It is In such idle company til spring and see whother something Meanwhile the world may count aatlsflcd that arbitration well very conbnd characters this that our won't be surprising you. treaties such aa those now being engaged in by the leading powers have victs and reform school members-f-aaak- c been made possible by the broadening their drat downward step. )t tolerance of humanity. We are grateful' for the confidence learn their these that in Kansaa City World. they gangs h Women forget to worry when they rst lessons of evil, and unless they shown us on all sides, not only by hear the cheerful girl's laugh. Old shall break sway, their lives will be the citizens, but by the business men men arc wanned at the sound of it. Young men listen and follow It, pay as well. All seem to desire to show court eome tarnikbed, if not mined to it, marry It. For It Is ths the their appreciation for our efforts to laugh that keeps the heart young,What in ugh that keeps the face bright. Can ws not awake a realization of please, and give us the glad hand of man wants a wife that cannot laugh? And the boy following the laugh la the danger that confronts our young welcome. locking for a wife. He may not know man In the usociation and practices' I F I M HI 111 HM-MM I of these common street and store: ! HI MI loafers? Would that the young ladies might : ;i exercise a prohibitive influence among their gentlemen friends who make a IN IMPORTERS AND DEALERS e J practice of associating with, or being occasionally seen indulging in this evil. If they would show their of such company, and esMantels, Grates, And Monumental Work- chew such who persist in it, the evil would be very much repressed. There is no excuse in the world for W. South Temple. a young man to be seen lotting SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH around like this. There are meetings in which study for ail our spare time may be taken up. Our Mutual meetings, quorum, and other ward work occupies all the time of those who will do their part in church work. There is plenty to do for all whether In a church or secular capac. kies. No successful business man, merchant, professional man, farmer, or citizen, has found time to loaf around the store, saloon, or street. He has always had plenty to fill every minute of his time in learning the de. Colorado Springs, Asen, Leadville, Pueblo, Glenwood Springs, tails of his success in life. Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, It were better, far better, to ait R and all points east. around home and read novels than to at S Connecting Ogden Union Depot with all Souther Pao-- g do as soma of our boys and men do ipio and Orkoom Shout Lihr Train, in this regard; but this isnt neTranieontinantal Lint patting dirtctlf through Salt Lakt City. Good reading matter p Only cessary. can be had at the poorest homes Splendidly equiped Fast Trains Daily between The most needy of our people Ogden and Denver can get all the reading matter they can assimilate in pursuance of their Via Three 8eperate and Distinct Scenic Routes. own choice of study ; whether it be on the subject of farm, science, literthrough tollman and ordinary sleeping cars to ature, professional, or whatever Dtnvtr, Omaha, Kantat City, St. Ltuit, and Chieagt without changa Free reclining clisir cars. Personally conducted excursions. fi Dining Cart , Service a la Carte on all through trains OUR SUGGESTION SEARS FRUIT. Elias 8 whole-soule- Cleveland Plain Dealer. Puul Globe. The Impudence required ib form a Thor is Mill a tremendous physical trust dealing In the nw material that unJ spiritual power behind Mohammemust be used by all newspapers, sup- danism. a France well knows from Ii r Aigcnaii experiences. posed 10 be the organa of public opinIt has ion, was Just Hied by the patience with nvircnme the sultan of Morocco, which, for many years, the imposition kill France may soon be called uton to was borne. with it. There ia much difTer-er.e- e bet s een securing the recognition nf a riM from Kuropeun diplomats am! Kali Kruucim o 'lirruiitle. It is probable that it will be found enfui'iing that right ugainst a remote, e In the caw fcii.itieiil and rosslbb1 to take inni action people with of on their side. nine the law points Steel of the United Rate corporation. Some of its plant h ive terminals and branch roads with which common carriers pro-ratThe Interstate Commerce cninniiskion holds this to be unlawful, as helm; virtually a rebate. I cannot, however, enforce its decision. The lailroads, however, are perfectly willing to accept It. ::;id nil but one did EZRA W. LAYTON, Proprietor. so, wliereuisin tile Steel corporation warns them that If they do obey the drsicbui they will Ret no freight. This TEHMS RCAJONABLE la moral Justification for very drastic procedure, if legal authority can be found for It, and if none exists, such authority should be created, and if the BYfiBI L. KESLER,11- I'resideut has his way it doubtless will Bjep- Ht. II 4 Dont overlook the fact that for 1905 our stock of VEHICLES, and IMPLEMENTS will be larger, and more varied than ever before. And our prices are going to pleas you. iitsititit i 3 g ran g The gratifying Information now be made public that a gentleman of Layton is moving In the met- - ftor ralaw Mdsn, Its Ulurtratsd bonkMs, tic;, iaqsiie of ysor bnsiwS llckst sMt, waetfytng ths Rio Uniads routs, or sMraa I. A. BENTON, 0. A. P. D. Salt Lake City jj Consolidated i?agon fSl Machine Co. GEO. T. ODELL, Gen'l Mgr. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan, Idaho Falls, and Montpelier |