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Show STORY OF A A PLAIN WOMAN. d Compliment from One of Her Sex on a Ferryboat. "In my thirty odd years ur exisi-- ' nee," amid the woman who can enjoy a vtory at her own exiiense. "1 have learned to accept my own plafa-nes- a of face very phlloaophlcally, and -mHImee I have felt that my ample ard la the pride I take In the cable good looks of my email t'iighter. But It took a atranger to bring the truth home to me with real force. "The other day I was on one of the ferries with my baby girl and was enjoying the favorable attention she evidently was receiving from the other passengers. One woman, after watching the child and myself Intently for several minutes, suddenly leaned toward me and said In the most positive tone: That Isn't your little girl. She certainly is, I replied rather More Tress Clippings Chicago News. In Ohio bunking circles the fact will not escape notice that this Is leap year. Back-Hande- Sun Francisco Bulletin. i Fori dallies. Ueurgla, a lew days ugo, burned a large quantity of baled cotton, in the hope thereby of New York Herald. looks us if. in view of the Chadwick revelatiuns, the courts would be kept It Funner ALEXAkDER i1T0HCt-AT.- out: gtMftl McM ASTER, H-H' -i -H I j IH-- H H N d l 1IH ! L Iihi Uh,,,l4tO SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. j" busy appointing guardians for bank putting up the price or the staple. They presidents. Malhoolluh TboBnu. Philip Maycnck. wished to demonstrate, they said, a m Chattanooga Times. willingness to destroy their proportion From the implicit faith those Ohio of the two million surplus bales of the THOMAS AND I rrop. The auto da fe was made the bankers still have in Mrs. Chadwick, it MAY COCK Bands is real unkind of the lady not to borrow occasion of u popular fete. played, speeches were delivered, and more money of them. the whule countryside flocked to the town and enjoyed what a theatrical Augusta Chronicle. 5 Suite refuse lu believe it on Uncle Andy Deseret News Building pies agent would call the great spectwould have been so much more like tacular production, llilic:il economIn all Htal Irartlc Pedivul Court ists and thrifty Yankee housewives him to have presented the lady with thnnd minm? (ur Arowk'jui must have gruuned aloud when they it few free libraries. Ou. Now of York. tfurttj read in the iwipers of this Immense New York American. waste of a valuable staple. It was, It seems to have been feared that indeed, a wanton and senseless destruction, offensive nut only to the scientific Mrs. Chadwick would hold up the train. "THE comof economist, but to any person GOAD mon aense. liy what curious reasonMUSIC.1, ing the cotton plunters have convinced Prebate and Notices I'sicieo. Xovcaher 'JM, HblG Guardianship themselves that they will make money Lako and Ogden Railway. Salt A Mown. Kant Innly, by setting fire to their uninsured cotor lUvitvy A Kant, nr of ynu that Mng "When Iho Rnoac Blow Acuta. mi ton the press dispatches do not state. Mwrt.tr: I hav hoard ymi Ulna the alwv hnnntlful and afferllng aociu voral time dnrtno th WMk Granted that the supply of cotton ex- Consult County Clerk of Davis county, Time Table in effect The Sept. 6, 1904. llaymarkeL auri have ukun a number f friend, ladle and uutlaoM, rafinad and cniuanl it ceeds the demand, and that prlcea have t J'.ulge of shut It or the for Utah, and all ay yuur iwadortng nf Ihawns sunk to the bottom on that account. inglng Myi, method. phnulng. Respective Signers n.frr-- d I a (I HEATg.l MI'SICuI. TUI. AT. 1 hava mia, Mogra spiritedly. But tlie demand is not augmented by nr, further information. aliia.I nf mlneirel tur. and unite ifowloual, aad hava rarolv booa uCactad an Leave Suit Lake 6:30 and 9 a. m., 3 30 gradoa. pmfawlonul Well, gasped the woman, settling the destruction of the surplus, and so whan tiKirtmr yu Mug, Whan tba l(n Bloom Again. ' Idnamnlly and 5,30 p. m. back In her seat, she's a beautiful long us the supply equuls the demand, g 1 lurk unit pnwparlly, I am y air truly. ndilng will the , JAHVUBLUIIR. remain stationary. price looking child. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Leave Farmington and Ugoou 7:30 and 536 Constitution Building, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. And, of course, I enjoyed taking of Junl Parrlh. derooaed , x. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. in. 10 Mail. York New Creditor Kvening will oreeent claim with voucher to the the backhanded compliment home to Let ua sincerely hoe that the cotton- nudrlgnd et th office of Wm. H. Streeper. Jr., Extra tra-nat it a. m.and 1:30 p.m. my husband.'1 New York Sun. et Ijiw. Centerville. Pavla county, Utah, burning "bluff" of the southern Georg- Attorn? on I on before the A. ih uf D.. IMS, Sundays sad Holidays. ians will be repudiated by the rest of day April. Seat bl J. PeaazeBi the farmers of the South. They can Jnaars Aumzu I'eaates, much better afford to sell all their cut-to- n Erne Peaaies INDIGO'S UPS AND DOWNS. at seven cents a pound than they Vaolxt P. Petal! (Incorporated) Adialnietralore nf the Eelato of Jnl Perrleh, can to destroy what they have raised deraucod, Threatened by a Chemical Counterfeit, in excess of nine or ten million bales li.STuna.Ja. and get 10 cents for the rest. The counAttorn HirEMate. It Now le In New Demand. try hus no cotton to burn. bate of SretpuldlcntkNifXroc, SM, ISM. More than twenty years ago. and New York Evening Post. We admit, of course, that the unexafter an extended series of experipVAW.VAYLViV.,AV,VJ,V.''. pectedly large crop has its awkward ments, it was announced that chem- aide for the cotton trade, and especialists had discovered how to make arti- ly, just at present, for manucotton the Telephone 2047k John H. White, Manager ficial indigo, and it was soon ascer- facturers. Yet it is fairly astoundThe only place in Farmington held up as the And to thus scarcity tained that the new product waa iden- ing 266 North Second Weal great blessing. For that is what this tical in its properties with the old. AT THE $ where the travelling man stops. of high prices really comes to, SALT LAKE UTAH CITY, A very few years elapsed before the worship Apparently intelligent men act as if UTAH. new indigo was made In Germany on the great aim and result of civilisation FARMINGTON a commercial scale; and, as .1 could were not to enable the world to be fed clothed as cheaply and comfortably be Sold at a cheaper rate than that de- and as When drought or flood or a rived from cultivation, the plunters firepossible. cuts off the food supply, or when TWO Immense Swimming Pools were threatened with ruin. war makes the necessaries of life vanTUB BATHS and calamity; Abstracter of Ti'le But a strange thing Las happened. ish, we account It a terrible the same if we can approximate It has been recently found that when but arand Conveyancer. PLUNGES. San Pedro Loo Angeles & Salt Hake R, R state of affairs by vexatious laws or the two kinds of indigo, the natural tificial Interference with the bounty of Licensed Abstractor of Davis County, Natural Hot Sulphur Wster. and the artificial, are blended in equal nature, we pose as benefactor. is is a which obtained TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- dye Passes Through the Famous proportions, NOTARY PUBLIC. New York World. not only more durable but Is brighter Office ALT &M. at Y. C. Cl Bid The Georgia farmers who gathered up stairs, Farmington tj in hue then either by Itself. Fort Gaines and burned 3,000 bales of Separate TurklHh Bath fur Ladle. flair- - ! This discovery has naturally result- cot UTAH FARMINGTON, sacrifices to similar inspire hope ed in an increased demand for the old- -' all (on It is actually through the South. Comprising Eureka, Mammoth and Silvkx City, also Miming Dibales be de fashioned indigo, and fresh impetus proposed that 3.000,000 stricts of Ophir, Fairfield, brcur, Black Rock, Milford proits fair State each burning has been given to an industry which atroyed, The purpose is to reduce the and Frisco IN Utah, and th Piochk, DrLamar and Cal-fint- f. 52-5- 4 was much in need of aupport. Cham- portion. of the SO. W. 3RD ST. staple and so put up the supply Mining Districts in Kkvada. Journal. ber's Some years ago, as the result prfcue. Salt Lake City, Utah" of a "bumper" crop, a movement was Tha enmplatlun of tba eoanoeUiig link batwaao Callenla, Navnda and Uaggort, started to limit the production of cot California will upon on uf tha Mgfot sndavteopod mining dlatrleta In lbs wad. ton and raise the price on the plan that Full Information regarding train aervlce, atagv connection to Interior ermp, Mo., Not Did Deceive Him. They his reduce acreage should each farmer rhotrfullf gtvoa by any agent of THE SALT LAKE ROUTE, nr addram. LAKE SALT An eminent naturalist who holds The result CITYS a certain percentage. by and fills as well a chair In a univer- was that the prospect of better prices L. MOORE T. C. PECK, B. W. GILLKTT, more than many farmers to plantseen sity announced to the members of his led Vasa. whether be to remains ever. Dist. Asst. Genl. Past. It Genl. Pass. Agt. Agt. Agt. class one morning that he had some- Texas and Mississippi growers will not DON PORTER beaof unusual fires show as to Interest look on Georgia's cotton thing SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. cons of hope, and store their own crops them. t "I have here, gentlemen,' be said, uh the chance of a rising market. some hairs from the skin of a young Kansas City Journal. created seal, and we will proceed to It takes ages to change the commertheir peculiarities. study cial and financial center of the world. it shifts Unfolding the small piece of paper When one is once established and only long after it has ceasthat contained them, he spread the tardily to-bmost convenient place for Have made arrangements ed the hairs out on a sheet of white card- the greatest number of people. There 4- whereby I can furnish and board and turned to get his micro- have been but a comparatively fewe. 4 deliver Nut and Lump coal in the history of 4scope, which was on the desk behind Such centerscenturies promptly. Give me a trial location was their For order. I will endeavor to t!r".. qn the Mediterranean sea or its tribuWhile his back wsb turned a ro taries. Carthage. Rome, Constantinoplease you. Phone i6-- n. gni.-.student quickly swept the hairs ple. Vienna followed one another at E. L. WILLEY, long intervals. With the growth of the 4 d olf the desk Into his band and races and Anglo-Saxo- n Germanic and Ofltru and Yard, Th. SmJ" depot g others very closely rosem-bllr- the development of ocean traffic the them. location shifted to northern Europe. Bountifui, Utah ' AmsterYoung gentlemen. said the pro- Then came Bruges, Antwerp, and flhally London, where it still fessor severely a moment later, as he dam, remains. But the signs of the times The glanced at the sheet of card boar.., now point to another change. of the some there baa been underground United States holds over controls world's stock of gold sud work here. These are mole ualrs." onr-th-ird of the world's bunking powThey never attempted to fool the er. professor again. New York Tribune. A London cabman had brought suit OF not paying the A Newspaper Man. against a woman forconatant remark his and fare, legal He seldom Is handsome or natty. And has none of the charms of the was, "She ain't a lady." "Do you know a lady when you see one?" asked the dude. I do, yer honor. Last week a Is oft more abstracted than chatty,-Anjudge. sometimes unbearably rude. me a sovrin instead of a gave lady He courts us. then Blights us and grieves shillin', and I called: Beg pardon, madus. am, I've got a sovr'n Instead of a shll-liAs much as he possibly can: This work is now being published and she shouts back. Well, you old He klssss us. loves us and leaves ns. fool keep the change and get drunk This perfidious newspaper man. by The Deseret News in a series with It!' That's wot I calls a lady! of magnificent volumes, in comOur mothers won't hare him corns calling. London Truth. plete form, with an Introduction He's no earthly good as a catch; Whereas some women will go into a to each volume and numerous His morals (they av) are appalling; vast establishment Intent on spending a His finances usually match. notes which render it still more certain sum, say, on an article of dress He's rollicking, reekless, uncaring; Lives but fur the hour, the day; and will successively scrutinise half a valuable. Volumes I, II and III He's dangerous, dubious, daring doxen things besides what she origiare now ready. Not fit for a husband, they say. nally wanted and retire without buying any, a man will stray in without PRICES But somehow we girls are forgiving. any fixed plan of purchase and will the more Perhaps he but needs us 1.50 per vol. of Cloth, sometimes In Because ha goes wrong the living purchase large quantities And knows the old world to Its core, he never dreamed of wantthat goods cloth. 2.50 Half per vol. 80 wa pass up the duds and the schemer. ing when he entered the shop. Who lead In society's van. 2.&C Half morocco per vol. And cherish the thinker find dreamer St.' Paul Globe. Enshrined in tlie newspaper man. Full morocco in intervene to 4.00 vol. an about Talk effort per Anonytmais. the Orient between, Russia and Japan underwell is has been resumed. It stood that, although everybody la DESERET NEWS BOOK STORE Business. America is obliged to deny that any. When fi business" thing unusual is going on. the different SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. la apoken of. fifty or 100 years is con- governments would be very glad to put end to the terrible slaughter in the sidered a very respectable continuity an East. Hitherto they have run up In this country. In Strasburg, though, against the flat refusal of Russia either they have just set about repairing a to listen to or to permit any suggestion sort. the of building, "The Sign of the Stag," which has been constantly occupied New York Tribune. as a chemist's shop, though not. of Prince Obolensky, the new governor course, by the same firm, ever since of Finland. Is trying various arts of revere before 1268, In which year a docu- propitiation upon that country, the repressive policy of his predement atlll in existence testifies to the Ing for which cessor, Bobrlkoff, led, him, 1ST. feet that Henri Phllllppl, an apothe- to such tragical results. The prince convoked has the Finnish on bla there. has business and carried diet, cary, to interfere in the elections. The old house. In the course of its declined He seems to want the present restorations, has yielded up a really to represent the representatives people so that treasure of old coins, dating, how- Russia ran ascertain authentically desires. The prince has Just made ever, only so far back as the reign of their a tour of observation through the counPI)oto-rapl- ;r Louie XV. London Answers. try. studying its condition diligently and sympathetically, and has assured the people that the government means Senator Platt as a Singer. well by them, and is anxious to meet An original copy of The Freeman's all their reasonable wishes. Among the desire for restored nationality Glee Book, owned by Senator T. C. these is not Included, but in the scheme of Platt and used by him as member of conciliation pretty nearly everything the Fremont Glee club In 1856, has else is admitted. Two or three news Out of door work a Specialty, lor-trait- a are to be started in the of been loaned by the senator to those papers those whieh were suppressed, place It and made on cloudy days as well of the arrangements charge having in promised that these shall not be of celebration semicentennial the for "edited by the government," whirh will on clear day. Call and ace our the birth of the Republican party at be rather a new departure in Russian Journalistic our samples. I rices low ; good work, policy. Saratoga, and the tinging of the old songs will be made a feature of the Norfolk Landmark. known. The renter of population in this coun- promptness celebration. Senator Platt was quite a linger in his younger days and often try is s little west of Cincinnati, we bebut the enter of credulity apled the singing at Fremont meetings lieve; BOUNTIFUL. UTAH pears to b- - at Oberlln, I. DR. I. THOMAS DENT SI LAWYERS Joi-3-- CHARUES LAGOON TEACHER OF KEiT r - j s WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. ROBINSON HOUSE SHEEP AND HOGS. Get in the Swim SANITARIUM J. E. ROBINSON. TINTIC MINING DISTRICT I NEW HOTEL Che trgus is not an experiment; it is COAL raf com-rfierc- h here to stay. t t t t t one-four- th HISTORY THE CHURCH - n.' Calls to SaltjLiake from Bountiful. Centerville, and Farmington lO CENTS FromiBountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden (IS CENTS Long-Establish- From iaysville to Salt liake d ALtDDfl HARDY Landscape ai?d Portrait IS CENTS From Kaysville to Ogden CENTS IS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER Rocky Mountain Ben Telephone u Company. |